The Omnipotent Dragon General

Chapter 944

Chapter 944

Chapter 944

Chapter 944

The person in the lead was one of the Five Commanders, the Centurion of the North, Mr.Walker.

In the North, his status was akin to a god’s.

While his name might be unknown to those outside the region, everyone in the North knew who he was.

The receptionist’s jaw practically hit the floor when she saw him enter the hotel.

‘What’s going on today?

‘First, I saw the Black Dragon, and now the Centurion himself has shown up.‘

After subduing her astonishment, she quickly approached The Centurion and greeted him respectfully. “Good evening, Commander. How may I help you today?”

The Centurion asked, “Which room is James staying in?”

“H–He’s in 308.”

The Centurion did not speak any further and simply headed upstairs.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

James‘ deep contemplation was interrupted by a sudden knock at the door. Collecting himself, he stood up and headed for the door.

Thea promptly stopped him. Putting her hand on his chest, she said, “Honey, you can sit down. I’ll answer it.”

She quickly stepped towards the door and opened it. When she saw that the visitor was an unfamiliar man, she asked cautiously, “Who’re you looking for?”

The Centurion was surprised to see a woman answering the door. A smile spread across his face as he looked at the beautiful woman. “So, this is James‘ type of woman huh?”

Thea blushed and quickly explained, “I–I’m his wife, Thea. Please, come inside.” (2

While the Centurion walked inside, the soldiers that accompanied him stationed themselves outside.

“Haha! James…”

He entered the room grinning as he said, “I’ve wanted to drink with you for a long time now, but never got the chance to” You should’ve told me sooner that you’d be coming to the North.”

James stood up and flashed the man a warm smile as he went to shake his hands. ” Centurion, it’s been a while.”

Prior to this, they had sparred with each other and as such, were already familiar with one another.

“Sit, sit.” James pointed to the sofa..

The Centurion settled into a seat.

James also sat down after him.

Thea walked over and sat beside James.

The Centurion said, “My daughter, Whitney ran off to Cansington some time ago. Thank you for taking care of her. She didn’t cause you any trouble, did she?”

“No, not at all. However, she’s been getting close to the Black Shadow General of the Southern Plains. I’m quite sure they’re probably seeing each other,” James said with an amused smile.

“Ah, yes. I’m aware of the fact.” The Centurion chuckled.

“Since you’re here, you should experience our Northern booze. Let’s head out and talk about the details over some drinks.”


James did not refuse the Centurion’s jovial invitation.

After leaving the hotel together, they randomly sat at a street stall and ordered a whole table of food, along with several bottles of alcohol.

While they dined, James expressed his intention to borrow some equipment to find someone in an underground cavern at Mont Arclens.

The Centurion agreed without hesitation and promised to send him there the following morning by helicopter.

They drank for about two to three hours.

Afterwards, James checked out of the hotel and headed to the military area with the Centurion. To save himself the effort of running around, he planned to take the helicopter directly to Mount Arclens early the following day.

Maxine and Thea also followed alongside him.

The very next morning came quickly.

In the morning, several helicopters took off from the military region and headed to Mount Arclens.

On the helicopter…

James closed his eyes and rested.

Thea sat beside him and held tightly on his hand.

Meanwhile, Maxine stared out the windows, deep in thought.

There was a twinge of paranoia in her head that Thomas was plotting something. Despite Maxine’s best efforts, she could not figure out what he was potentially scheming.

Maxine wanted to discuss it with James. However, it was hard for her to find an opportunity to talk with James alone as Thea was always glued to him.

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