The Omnistore System

Chapter 101 Extra meridian (R-18)

Chapter 101 Extra meridian (R-18)

Chapter 101 Extra meridian (R-18)

"Whoa, this is on a whole new level," Kevin muttered, looking both surprised and impressed as he settled cross-legged next to Keith. She lay there, knocked out and trembling occasionally, with the occasional moan escaping her lips.

The immediate area was a wet mess from the multiple orgasms Kevin had coaxed from Keith. He'd driven her to climax nearly six times, and he'd had his own release four times during their sex scene.

Kevin contemplated the situation as he sat there, his mind buzzing with thoughts. He couldn't help but be amazed by the sheer power and energy Keith possessed. She wasn't at the Qi Condensation stage, but her strength far exceeded what he would have expected at her current level. As the quality and quantity of her yin is much better than any meridian linking cultivator he had seen till now..

"Whatever, let's make the most of this gift," Kevin muttered with an excited grin, feeling the surge of newfound energy within him. It had been a while since he last cultivated, and he was eager to see progress.

He opened his extraordinary meridians, and after them he had been dormant for some time. Initially, he could only open another six of the merdian out of 360, but with the Yin Qi he had absorbed from Keith's powerful orgasms, he believed he could open up at least twenty more. If also one connects and open, then only 8 more can be opened and connected with this much yin qi which was already a really big jump in just one time.

With his eyes closed, Kevin began to guide the qi towards his meridians. Every cultivation technique had a different path to open one's meridians. In Kevin's case, he first needed to open the meridians related to yang energy, with the initial one directly connected to his source of yang energy.

In this world, the human body naturally had 360 meridians, including all the extraordinary vessels and so on. However, for cultivators, they had the potential to open a total of 361 meridians. The 361st meridian was a unique one created within the body through the use of cultivation techniques. Each cultivation technique produced a distinct type of meridian, which was later utilized to form a spirit body.

It was worth noting that even if two cultivators used the same cultivation technique, differences could arise in their meridians based on their individual circumstances and the resources they utilized. This uniqueness added complexity to the cultivation process.

But Kevin had little concern about the possibility of creating an unusual meridian. His path was clear, a luxury most cultivators didn't enjoy. He possessed all the notes and secrets related to his cultivation technique, and they would reveal themselves gradually over time. With this knowledge, he already knew the type of additional meridian he would eventually develop. All he needed to do was acquire it by using the yin qi generated by other cultivators, avoiding any alchemical products or anything unrelated to female bodies.

"It might make things a bit more challenging," he muttered, realizing that this approach would prolong the process. However, he wasn't in a hurry. He had all the time in the world, at least as long as he didn't seek a tension-free existence.

To create an extra meridian, every cultivator had to open at least 20 meridians beforehand. If they succeeded, it could lead to a breakthrough to the next stage of cultivation. In case of failure, they could attempt it again after opening and linking more meridians or simply open and link all 360 meridians, allowing the extra meridian to form naturally.

This was precisely what Kevin aimed to achieve, as natural things are mostly better. josei

With these thoughts in mind, he got down to business, opening and linking his meridians one by one. This allowed him to harness qi in his body, though it was limited to the areas connected by the opened meridians.

After about five hours, in the early hours of the morning, Keith's eyes twitched, and she started to stir. She groaned with a touch of irritation, "Why does my body feel like a ton of bricks?" She blinked sleepily and spotted Kevin sitting cross-legged beside her.

Kevin glanced over with a grin, "Hey there, Sleeping Beauty. You've been out for a while."

With a mix of shock and embarrassment, she blurted out, "bastard, why are you naked?"

Kevin, who had been lost in his cultivation, rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Hey, no need to yell in my ear. I'm just doing some cultivation here, chill."

"But seriously, why are you naked?" she asked, her voice betraying her confusion. She glanced down at her own bare body and gasped. "Wait, why am I naked too?"

As the memories of the previous night flooded back into her mind, her face turned beet red. She suddenly became acutely aware of her own uninhibited moans and squirting antics.

She shot him an annoyed look, a mixture of irritation and embarrassment coloring her expression. "Seriously, what were you thinking?" she asked, her tone carrying both frustration and self-consciousness. But her annoyance escalated as she replayed the events from the previous night, realizing how he had manipulated her to achieve his goals.

Kevin, appearing genuinely perplexed, responded, "Huh? What do you mean?"

"You lied! You didn't even let Venice finish," she accused, her anger intensifying as she recalled the racy chat she had engaged in with the cute MILF the night before.

Kevin, trying to lighten the mood and move past the awkwardness, grinned playfully. "Come on, let's put all that behind us and focus on the new day. How about a good morning kiss?" He leaned in closer.

Keith shot him a stern look, her anger not yet dissipated. "Do you seriously want to push your luck this early in the morning?"

Kevin sighed, his annoyance showing. "Well, I was actually thinking about letting you taste the real deal, but if you're not even willing to give me a kiss in exchange, I guess we can forget about it," he said, feigning hurt.

Keith raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Real deal? What are you talking about?"

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