The Omnistore System

Chapter 103 Building Trusty Partnership

Chapter 103 Building Trusty Partnership


Name :- Kevin Morison

Post: Store Owner

Store Level: Street Shop

Realm: None

STG : 26

AGI : 23

DEX : 29

STA : 25

CHM : 13

INT : 16

Attribute points : 0

Cultivation technique : Essence Harmonization Lv 1 (0.196%)(Divine)

Skills : Active skills:- Soldier blade Lv 3 (9%), Yin Rising Hands Lv 1 (0.23%) josei

Passive skills :- Lust Aura Lv 1 (17%)

Omnitokens :- 16700]


'I should try to amp up all my attributes to over 30, except maybe for charm and intelligence. Those might require a miracle potion or something,' Kevin mused as he jogged, carrying Keith piggyback.

But before he could dwell on his thoughts, Keith complained, "Hey, can you pick up the pace a bit?"

Kevin shot her an annoyed glance and replied, "I'm giving it all I've got. Aren't your legs better now?"

Keith flashed a mischievous grin and quipped, "Seriously, how can my legs be okay after last night's marathon ride? How long did you make me go on? They haven't fully recovered!"

Kevin, decided not to play along, simply rolled his eyes and changed the subject. "yeah yeah. So, how's your cultivation progress coming along?"

A sparkle of excitement lit up Keith's eyes as she responded, "I've managed to link and open four more meridians!"

Saying this she looked at Kevin as he was walking Piece of treasure.

Kevin glanced at her with a hint of surprise. "Just four?" he questioned.

Rolling her eyes playfully, Keith retorted, "What do you mean, 'just four'? Opening four meridians is a significant achievement. Even with the potion you provided, I was only able to open six with one. How many have you opened?"

Kevin chuckled confidently. "Heheheh, I managed to open nine and link them all, including the two I had previously opened."

Keith's eyes widened in amazement. "Nine? how?"

"It's because you're more powerful than me, Kevin. How many meridians have you opened and linked?" Kevin asked.

To this, Keith answered with some hesitation, "Around 200 or so," without revealing the exact number.

'That's why she seemed more powerful,' Kevin thought to himself in surprise. He then said, "I've only opened 15, so I got the better end of the deal. But you also benefited from a low-level cultivator like me, given that my yang qi is stronger than many cultivators."

Keith's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she inquired, "So, you're saying the more we do it, the more qi I'll get?"

Kevin replied casually, "Sounds about right. So, want to become one of my regulars?"

Kevin asked nonchalantly, half expecting Keith to brush it off, but she surprised him by taking it seriously. She replied, "I'm open to the idea, but I'm not going to be one of your mindless followers. I value my freedom. However, considering we both have something to gain here, how about this: I know quite a few powerful cultivators, some even stronger than me, which will send you a good feedback of yin qi, I can help you seduce them, and in return, you'll let me enjoy my time with them while you do your own thing. Does that sound fair?"

Kevin thoughted for a while, a sly grin spreading across his face as he considered Keith's proposal. He never expected her to take the idea of a mutually beneficial arrangement so seriously. "Well, well, well," he began, his tone playful. "You're certainly full of surprises, goldy."

Keith shrugged, her expression resolute. "I don't mess around. If we're going to do this, let's make sure it benefits both of us."

Kevin nodded in agreement. "I respect that, Keith. And I'm all for a fair deal. I'm not looking for mindless slave either. I've had my share of those, and the role of slave, doesn't suit you right, you are more off a romantic thing."

Keith smirked. "really? then did you fall in love with me."

Kevin chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "haa dream on, but You've got that right. Freedom is precious, and I'd never want to take that from anyone, especially someone like you."

Keith raised an eyebrow. "So, does that mean you're in?"

"Sure, But first make me trust use, as it is essential for me," Kevin replied, maintaining a steady pace.

Keith raised an eyebrow, puzzled. "How can I prove my trustworthiness? We've already been pretty intimate."

Kevin chuckled. "Well, there's one thing you can do for me."

Keith looked intrigued. "Oh? What is it?"

Kevin continued running as he explained, "Help me fuck you're sister."

Keith's eyes flashed with irritation as she responded, "No way, not her. Find someone else, and don't even consider Kari; she's out of the question."

Kevin flashed a playful grin and said, "You're really making this hard, aren't you? Alright, what about someone close to you? You know, someone you've known for ages and trust completely. It's not something you'd do with just anyone, and I want that kind of commitment from my pimp, you know what I mean?"

She didn't like calling her a pimp but thinking she just gonna do what pimp do she contemplated his's proposal. While it went against her principles, she couldn't deny that power was a tempting offer. Besides, if Kevin could help her increase her power, he might provide the same opportunity for other women as well. As she weighed her options, she considered, 'Keyana and Kari are out of the question; they're mine, and I can't let him touch them before me. As for who else is close to me... yeah, her. She seems lonely, and this bastard might be good company for her.'

After her internal deliberation, she finally spoke up, "Alright, I'll introduce you to someone and help you get close to her. But what about building my trust in you? How can I be sure you'll keep your end of the bargain?"

"Hey, you know we were talking about letting you experience some real lesbian sex before, and I said I would, but I was lying then... but now..." but before he could continue, Keith smacked him on the head, clearly annoyed. "I know you were lying," she snapped.

"You bald bitch, don't hit me in the head." Kevin winced and rubbed his head, then continued with a more controlled tone "What was I saying? Oh yeah, about making you trust me. How about I let you have a good lesbian sex experience... of course, with me in between you and some hot women."

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