The Omnistore System

Chapter 117 Parting Words

Chapter 117 Parting Words

Knock, knock! Kevin snapped back to reality at the sound of the knocking. He glanced around, realizing he was still on the bus. Letting out a sigh, he replied, "Yeah?"

A voice, presumably one of the bus staff, sounded outside the cabin, "Hey there, sir. We're almost at Lucima City. Make sure you're ready to hop off when we arrive." With that, the voice faded as the staff member moved on.

Kevin, still half-awake, glanced down at Keith snuggled against him, her mouth slightly open, a hint of drool escaping onto his shirt, a clear sign that she was in deep slumber. Despite her unorthodox sleeping style, he couldn't help but find her cute. Her extremely short hair had grown out a bit, making her look slightly more feminine compared to when she was completely bald.

'I really don't want to wake her up,' Kevin thought to himself as he savored the moment of her carelessly resting against him, snuggled in without a care in the world.

Kevin grinned, giving Keith's cheek a gentle stroke. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead. We're almost there."

Keith, still half-asleep and cozy, mumbled, "Don't wanna... it's too comfy." She snuggled in closer to Kevin.

Kevin couldn't help but find Keith's sleepy stubbornness adorable, but he knew they had to get moving. With a playful tone, he said, "Come on, little sleepyhead, we're almost home. You can catch more sleep once we're there."

Keith pouted and clung tighter to Kevin's clothes. "Naaa, I don't wanna... just a little more sleep," she protested, her determination clear.

Kevin couldn't resist Keith's adorable stubbornness, and with a mischievous grin, he leaned in closer and playfully threatened, "You know, if you don't wake up, I might just have to give you a morning kiss."

Keith, still clinging to her sleep, didn't respond and curled up even more, making Kevin chuckle. "Alright, you asked for it. Get ready for the world's most cringe-worthy morning kiss!" he exclaimed, matching her childish playfulness.

As Kevin went in for the morning kiss, Keith, who was still half-awake and lost in her dream world, didn't react at first. But as soon as his lips touched hers, she jolted awake in shock. Without thinking, her hand swiftly moved to his cheek, delivering a sharp and unexpected slap.

"Ouch!" Kevin recoiled, clutching his stinging cheek and rubbing it. He blinked in surprise, his playful morning plan backfiring in an unexpected way.

"What do you think you're doing?" Keith's face turned even redder, her voice filled with embarrassment as she wiped her mouth.

"You weren't waking up, so..." Kevin trailed off, sounding a bit hurt by her reaction.

"And you thought molesting was the best way to wake me up?" Keith said, getting up from his lap, her face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and anger.

"It's not molesting," Kevin retorted, his voice tinged with anger as he defended his actions. Keith tried to respond, but their exchange was cut short when the bus suddenly stopped. A bus employee returned and announced, "Sir, we are here."

Keith halted at the announcement, casting a disgusted look at Kevin before storming out of the cabin with a fuming expression. Kevin followed her with a slightly pained smile, nodding to the employee with a friendly gesture before exiting the bus.

Kevin, still rubbing his stinging cheek, stepped out of the bus and glanced at the fuming Keith. He tried to defuse the situation, saying, "Why are you making a scene over just a kiss? It's just a kiss," as Keith continued to look visibly irritated.

"A kiss? It was more like an ambush! You took advantage of me while I was sleeping, you pervert," Keith said, sounding frustrated as she walked away with her bag.

"Seriously? Calling me a molestor over just a kiss? And what about the other things we did? You could just label me a certified sex offender with that attitude," Kevin retorted, feeling angry at Keith's repeated accusations.

"Yeah, yeah, don't talk to me and keep your lecherous face away from me, or I'll report you for real," Keith said, her face still flushed as she continued walking away.

"Why would I even want to talk to a pervert who enjoys watching people pee? If it weren't for your part of the deal, I'd have decided to withdraw from that journey to the den, you bald bitch," Kevin retorted, walking off in the opposite direction.

As they walked away from each other, both had red cheeks for different reasons. Kevin's cheek still stung from the slap, while Keith felt embarrassed about her impulsive action. She couldn't help but wonder, "Why did I slap him?" She didn't intend to, but the shock had made her react.

Kevin, on the other hand, compartmentalized the situation and put it aside. He was about to meet another girl, and he had a personal code to focus his attention on the woman he was with at the moment. While he didn't always succeed, he made an effort to give his full attention to the woman he was currently with.

At present, Kevin had recently convinced Venice to prepare for his visit to her home. Initially, she had refused, but Kevin had used some persuasive tactics, hinting that he might not meet her again if she declined. Reluctantly, she had agreed.

Now, after a quick stop at the store to pick up a few things, Kevin was on his way to Venice's house, where she awaited his arrival.

It was quite embarrassing and had become a bit problematic for her, since her daughters were at home. Fortunately, her husband happened to be away, which somewhat eased Venice's concerns. josei

But Kevin didn't mind the circumstances; he wanted this, and the pleasure she would experience would be mixed with tension and guilt due to her duaghter's presence. He intended to use this to bring her to multiple orgasms until she shattered her inhibitions and surrendered herself to the pleasure, becoming completely his.

With this plan in mind, he gave Venice a quick call, as she had requested not to knock, the only request Kevin agreed to honor.

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