The Omnistore System

Chapter 124 Messed-up family (R-18)

Chapter 124 Messed-up family (R-18)

Chapter 124 Messed-up family (R-18)

"Was it really my fault she did that? But...I want her to be mine...." Chloe whispered to herself, her gaze fixed on the door from which Kevin had emerged earlier. It led to her mother's room, the one she had fallen head over heels for.

She was head over heels in love with her, like, crazy in love. She even arranged for her father to fool around with other women, did everything to keep her all to herself, even distanced herself from other friends, including her own sister. But things took a turn when Kevin entered the scene.

If you can believe it, he entered her life just last month, and she even had him over to her place where Chloe first laid eyes on him. At that time, Chloe didn't think much of it, but boy, was she feeling jealous and furious with Venice.

With these thoughts swirling in her mind, Chloe cautiously pushed open the door to her room. What she saw inside hit her like a ton of bricks, making her feel more betrayed than ever. Her mother was lying there, stark naked on the bed, a satisfied expression on her face as she slept. Her ample breasts were flushed around the nipples, which were still standing at attention. Her curvy stomach glistened with sweat, much like her whole body. Chloe's gaze then wandered to her ample thighs and the unruly tangle of hair between them.

"They actually did it," she pondered, another wave of sadness washing over her. But she pushed those feelings away and continued to survey the aftermath of what had gone down behind that closed door.

The room reeked of an odor she couldn't quite put her finger on, but it was unmistakably the scent of sex, because, well, that's exactly what they had been up to.

"Mom," Chloe said, her voice trembling a bit, but Venice was out cold, didn't hear a thing. Chloe took a hesitant step closer to her, and as she got nearer, she noticed more evidence of their steamy session. Venice's inner thighs were soaked, and the space between them looked like someone had spilled a bucket of water there. Chloe couldn't get a clear view of her lady bits, though, as they were hidden under a thick thicket of pubic hair.

But as Chloe pondered what had led to this situation, she tore her gaze away from Venice's nether regions. Frustration welled up inside her, and with eyes full of anger, she attempted to rouse her mother.

"Mom, wake up... mom!" she said, giving her a firm shake, but Venice just let out an irritated grunt and didn't open her eyes.

Chloe's anger surged even more, but she held herself back and let the tears flow. She couldn't help but cry as she watched her beloved in this state, all because of some other men and not because of her. She had wanted to be the one to make Venice lose control with pleasure, to see that blissful expression on her face because of her, not because of some men. Unfortunately, that ship had sailed, and it was already done by some other men.

But the more she thought about it, the less her sadness seemed to fade. She shook her head, wiping away her tears and declared, "No... I can't keep going like this... I need to take control... I'll confess my love to her... I'll do it, and I'll make her feel the way she did with them... Yes, I will."

Saying this, she slowly climbed onto the bed and hovered over Venice's head, whispering, "mom, can you hear me? You know how much I love you... I'll do anything to win back your love, anything... And..." She paused, her gaze shifting between her thighs. With a determined grin, she extended her hand toward her own intimate area and continued, "And I'll satisfy you like he did... No, even better than him..." She trailed off as she touched her vaginal folds with her finger.

"Ahhhh," she cried out, and in response, Venice's hips jolted off the bed, her body arching in pleasure as a stream of liquid gushed from her nether regions. Chloe was left stunned, not quite sure what she had done to elicit such a reaction from her.

As Venice squirmed and panted with her eyes shut tight, she turned away and grumbled, "Kevin, quit it, let me sleep..."

She thought it was Kevin causing the disturbance, but little did she know who was really behind it. If she had known, she'd probably be mortified and feeling guilty as hell.

The person responsible for all of this stood outside her building, peering into her room through a drone he had left there. With a smirk, he muttered to himself, "Why is she blaming others for what she did? What a messed-up family." Chuckling, he strolled away, wearing an incredibly amused smile on his face. josei

A small drone emerged from a window in the building and latched onto his wrist as he made his way to his next rendezvous.

"But she's probably still asleep," he mused, considering the early hour, which was just around 4 in the morning. With this thought in mind, he paused at a nearby park and decided to cultivate the energy he had absorbed from Venice.

He didn't achieve much, just managed to open about two meridians and connect them. Making his whole count to reach 125.

"Well, she should be able to open six or five more," he pondered, considering the potent and powerful yang qi he had infused into her body, even stronger than immortal-grade qi potions. It was a decent feat for a cultivator who had recently unlocked her two extraordinary vessels.

While opening his meridians took about half an hour, and there wasn't much else to do, he decided to head over to Sia's place for a morning rendezvous. Afterward, he planned to swing by the store to check on the sales and offload some items from his ring. The previous night, before visiting Venice, he had already stashed half of the items in there, so now he just needed to complete the process.

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