The Omnistore System

Chapter 128 Lunch with a Mother

Chapter 128 Lunch with a Mother

Chapter 128 Lunch with a Mother

Kevin gazed at Maria, adorned in a stunning dress he had purchased for her before their meeting. He had made a reservation at a top-notch restaurant for a late lunch, choosing a private cabin to ensure her privacy since she preferred not to reveal her face to anyone. They sat in the cozy seclusion of the cabin, and Kevin couldn't help but notice how Maria's face was flushed as she delicately cut into her steak.

The dark blue dress he bought for her exuded an elegant simplicity. It wasn't overly luxurious, but its refined design caught the eye. The dress was a deep, tranquil shade of blue that complemented her complexion beautifully. It lacked excessive embellishments but featured subtle, shimmering floral patterns scattered here and there, adding a touch of understated charm to the outfit. The overall effect was one of timeless elegance, making Maria look both sophisticated and alluring in her choice of attire.

Maria's mature and beautiful face captivated Kevin as he gazed at her. There was a charming mole on her chin that added an extra allure to her already stunning appearance. Her face was a true spectacle to behold, combining mature beauty with an irresistible appeal.

However, Kevin couldn't help but notice Maria's unusual silence and her bashful demeanor. She kept her eyes lowered, which allowed him to catch a glimpse of her long eyelashes. It triggered vivid imaginations of how her eyes might look when she was in a more intimate situation, causing his mind to wander. He quickly shook off those thoughts, though, and realized that Maria's uncharacteristic silence was a cause for concern.

This behavior was quite different from what Kevin remembered of her personality and their previous interactions. Maria used to be humorous and talkative around him, but now, ever since they left her home together, she had remained mostly silent or blushing, adding a layer of mystery to their lunch date.

"Mom, just go back to being you, no big deal if we're fucking, you're still my mother," Kevin mumbled while munching on his food.

Maria, her eyes on her plate, blushed and looked up at Kevin, her expression a mix of surprise and uncertainty. "But you did say I was, you know, one of your... bitches?" Her voice lowered on the last words, and her face flushed even more.

"Oh, that? It was just some naughty chat. Don't sweat it. I throw that in to spice things up," Kevin said with a chuckle.

Maria, still a bit embarrassed, couldn't help but laugh, "well then you're the chat chef I never knew I needed. Do you take reservations for your mood-boosting menu?"

Kevin smirked and replied, "Yep, and I'll take yours right after we finish this meal."

She nodded and began to eat her food with a bit more composure. Kevin smiled at her and asked, "So, how did you spend your days while I was away?"

Maria blushed slightly at his question and replied, "Didn't I send you videos every hour showing what I was doing?"

Kevin nodded as he took a bite of his fish and said, "Yes, you did, but I just want to hear it from you."

Maria, feeling a bit embarrassed and foreign to this conversation, couldn't help but express her feelings. She blushed and said, "You know, Kevin, you've become such an asshole. First, you ask me to masturbate every hour and send you a video, and what's more, you didn't even allow me to climax. Now you're asking me to tell you how I did it... How can you make me say these embarrassing things?"

Kevin chuckled softly and replied, "I guess I've developed some unusual preferences. But come on, it's just between us. You don't have to feel embarrassed."

Maria sighed and shook her head with a small smile. "You're impossible, Kevin, but I guess I should have expected this from you."

"Don't just blame me by lying, I just told you to masturbate three times a day. It was you who was eager to show your friend how vulgar you are and how slutty you can be... like you said. I still have your video where you're moaning and saying these things..." Kevin retorted, playfully teasing her and making her blush even more.

Maria chuckled softly, realizing that Kevin had a point. "Okay, okay, maybe I got a bit carried away," she admitted, her embarrassment turning into a lighthearted laugh. Their conversation continued with a more playful tone, as they enjoyed each other's company during their lunch date. josei

"Kevin?" Maria said with a slightly hesitant tone.

"Yeah?" Kevin replied, turning his attention to Maria with a curious expression as they finished their hearty meal.

Maria, still looking down with her cheeks reddening, asked, "When are we going to do it?"

Kevin, puzzled, replied, "Do what?"

Maria blushed even more and fidgeted with her clothes. She sounded more embarrassed as she said, "You know... sex... when are we going to have it?"

Kevin smiled, finding it quite amusing to see a mature woman acting like a horny teen boy in her twenties, especially because she was his mother. With a mischievous grin, he replied, "Wanna do it here?"

Maria's reaction amused Kevin even more. He watched as her blushed face turned slightly angry, and she began to question the idea of having sex in the restaurant.

"Are you mad? Why would we do it here in a restaurant?" she exclaimed, her gaze darting around the private cabin. "What if someone saw us? How embarrassing would that be, you know?"

Kevin remained silent, observing her continued tirade. She continued, "And I've never done anything outdoors. I'm not ready for that."

He couldn't help but chuckle at her mixed emotions and concerns. "Don't worry, Mom. I was just teasing you," he said, trying to ease her anxiety. "We won't be doing anything here, especially not in a restaurant. I was just playing around with you."

With a sly grin, Kevin got up from his seat and walked over to Maria. He leaned in closer, saying, "But it's not like we can't do something else." From his space ring, he pulled out a shiny object, holding it in front of her.

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