The Omnistore System

Chapter 79 Like Mother, Like Son (R-18)

Chapter 79 Like Mother, Like Son (R-18)

'Hello, my soon-to-be personal cushions,' Kevin mused in his mind as he observed his mother's large, soft buttocks emerging from their confinement. It wasn't as if he hadn't seen them before; he'd witnessed them grind against his penis at night when she did so naked.

However, now, in the daylight and with her permission, he had the opportunity to see them fully, which excited him. They were still covered by her black panties, nothing too fancy, just her usual undergarments, as Kevin had seen too, before.

As he started to pull them down, she stopped him, saying, "Hey, why do you have to take them down? Can't you apply the cream with them on?"

"Mom, don't be like this. The redness had spread all around your ass, and it's increasing. Let me take them down," Kevin insisted, gently pushing her hand away. Before she could protest again, he quickly stripped the panties halfway down. They got stuck between her plump buttocks, creating an alluring sight as the fabric clung to her curves. It was exactly where Kevin wanted to stick his penis.

Not wanting to reveal his own lustful desires, he swiftly removed her panties and commented, "You really do have a big ass, mom." He grabbed her naked buttocks with both hands and squeezed them, creating a mound of soft flesh.

"Kevin, stop that," Maria protested with a stern voice. She continued, "Apply the healing cream, and it's embarrassing. Stop playing with my butt."

"But it's so squishy and soft. I enjoy touching it. Besides, why be embarrassed? At night, you grind it against my crotch, so what's wrong with me touching it?" Kevin remarked, squeezing it a bit more. He added, "And don't forget, I haven't forgiven you for that yet."

She looked back at him with a flushed face and said, "Don't mention that."

"Then let me play with your butt for a while so we can be even," Kevin suggested and pressed his fingers into her soft flesh.

She nodded hesitantly, realizing that he had a point about making things even. She added, "But you can't spread them, okay? Just squeeze and don't spread them."

Kevin nodded and kept his focus on her butt as she glanced downward. She was enjoying the massage he was giving her buttocks, but she also wanted him to stop soon. With each passing moment, she was getting increasingly aroused. She didn't want to admit it, but she couldn't help it. Her arousal had started when he began slapping her butt. The moment he shouted, something inside her had snapped, triggering memories she didn't want to remember. Those memories brought tears to her eyes.

Otherwise, she might have let him continue slapping her butt to his heart's content. But what they were doing now was also good. Her butt was being fondled, and it was driving her lust to new heights—all by her son. This filled her with joy and excitement. josei

'I wish he didn't stop slapping my butt; it was quite fun,' she thought to herself. However, the current situation was also enjoyable. She even secretly hoped he would take things further and explore even more intimate areas. Maria wasn't widely known for this, but she was an incredibly horny woman. Recently, her horniness had reached a peak, and she wouldn't hesitate if her own child suggested they have sex. However, not in the traditional sense; she liked to engage in roleplay and games. It aroused her and gave her a sense of control over the situation.

So she would act like she was forced to do it, like right now.

As Kevin played with her butt, she kept a watchful eye on him, afraid he might do something mischievous. Deep down, though, she secretly desired it.

Kevin picked up the cream and warned, "It might sting a bit, Mom," while grabbing the tube containing the healing cream. After unsealing it, he used one hand to spread her butt cheeks, exposing her anus. Before she could react or try to slap his hand away, Kevin squeezed the tube directly above her exposed anus, wearing an evil grin.

She saw the cream falling towards her anus, and her panicked expression intensified as she tried to close her spread butt cheeks. As if having her anus exposed to her friend's gaze wasn't embarrassing enough, something else was entering it, making the situation even more humiliating.

"Don't, Kevin..." Maria began to protest in a panicked tone. However, in slow motion, her expression changed abruptly, shifting from panic to a sudden orgasmic look. Her lips formed an 'O' as the unusually watery cream made contact with her anus. "Ohhhhhhh..."

She felt a tingling sensation in her anus, but it wasn't painful. It was more like a cooling, prickling sensation that spread throughout her body, causing her muscles to tense involuntarily. With this sensation, her spread anus automatically clenched, as if trying to keep the stimulating cream inside.

As the transformative moment drew to a close, Kevin's gaze fixated intently on Maria's anus. Despite the firm clench, the visual contrast was clear – the surrounding skin possessed a slightly darker and smoother complexion, gradually transitioning to a deeper, dark pinkish hue as it extended inward.

A sly, knowing grin danced upon Kevin's lips as he decided to further explore this fascinating territory. With deliberate care, he increased the pressure, coaxing her tightly clenched anus to yield to his unspoken curiosity. There was a certain fascination in this, as if he were uncovering a hidden treasure, a secret realm of pleasure concealed beneath the surface.

With a mischievous smirk, he applied more force to spread her tightly squeezed anus and casually remarked, "Sorry, mom, it went into your asshole. Let me get it out." As he said this, his finger suddenly poked her tight anus. His words held a blend of feigned innocence and undeniable desire.

With a subtle yet precise motion, his finger made contact with her exquisitely tight anus. It was a moment of exquisite tension and surrender. Her clenched reaction was immediate, voiced through gritted teeth, "Ohhh shit... you're... too direct."

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