The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 530

Chapter 530

Chapter 530: I’m Not the Dragon Slayer. I’m the...

“Alright, Victoria! What should we do!?”

Just as we both prepared to face the dragon, I asked Victoria if she has some sort of plan.

“Wait, you called me here but you don’t have any plan at all!?” Victoria shouted.

“The plan is to defeat the dragon as soon as possible. But the how to is something I haven’t prepared yet. I’ll just probably end up with beating the dragon over and over again until it finally dies,” I said. josei

“That’s the only thing we can do anyway. Let’s do it!” Victoria said.

“How will you two do it anyway? Even if Victoria is here, it’s not like you can give damage to the dragon easily. Roy, you have experienced it firsthand how tough the dragon is. Can you do it?” Sonia who is still here asked. I suppose she’s not in a hurry.

“Is that so? Roy, what have you tried with the dragon?” Victoria asked.


“Just things to do with Reizpear. Slashing it and stabbing it. But I can only give light scratches on the dragon’s scales. If I can do it continuously, I might be able to penetrate its scales, but the dragon is strong in melee combat as well. It’s also very fast. When I was thinking of using portals in the battle, Sonia returns and told me I can summon you,” I explained.

“Hmm... slashing and piercing attack won’t be effective unless we destroyed its scales. We will use portals as our secret move later if we find the battle to be harder then we thought. I guess it’s obvious why you asked me to come,” Victoria said.

“Right. Using drill will be effective, but the dragon won’t give me the chance to drill through its body. So, it’s obvious what weapon I need,” I said.

Because we have been partners for a long time, it seems like we already able to read each other’s mind as we spoke at the same time.

“”Giant Hammer it is.””

Both of us agree to use Giant Hammer.

With Victoria who will be transformed into a hammer, I can give powerful blunt attack to the dragon.

My main weapon of choice from the start is not the spear that has self-repair magic, Reizpear. But it has always been Victoria.

The only reason I got Reizpear was because I need something other than my summoned monster to help me get my special ability as an Aura user. And since Reizpear proven to be compatible with me, I started using it more often.

But still, my main weapon is Victoria. Not Blobby, but Victoria.

She can change to any kind of weapon I want. And I even learned about using spear the first time when I wield Victoria, not Reizpear.

Sword, spear, shield, katana, broadsword, hammer, axe, gun, knife, and even grappling hook back when I couldn’t fly. Victoria is a very convenient monster. Though if I told her that she’s convenient, she will be mad, so let’s keep it deep in my heart.

With her, I can use guns without caring about the bullets. After all, she can make clones of herself again and again, and make her clones disappear when she reach the limit of how much clones she created so she can make some more. So, I won’t be run out of bullets.

To be as sharp as possible, or have a wide area to hit the enemies, or to be unpredictable. Victoria is any Aura user’s greatest partner. Though I’m the only Aura user in this world and her only partner. It’s just Victoria and Sonia’s opinion as former Aura users.

“Hmm? Seems like Albert needs me. Well, I’ll leave you to fight the dragon. Good luck!” Sonia disappear when she feels that Albert is contacting her.

She said that she needed to go all over the continent for more or less a hundred times in a day. She is the most hardworking ally that we have. If she’s not with us, we won’t get to fight the cult like this.

Not just her. It’s thanks to everyone I met.

Now that I think I have matured a bit, I feel like an idiot to just told everything to Kayla and Angela back then. Any smart person won’t put their trust on anyone they just know for a while.

But I think that was the greatest decision I’ve ever made even though that was stupid. Thanks to that decision, I can move forward with the help of everyone around me.

Well, if I didn’t tell Angela and Kayla about myself back then, I will still go get other people’s help. But I don’t think we can reach this far in destroying the cult if I do that.

But it all will result with nothing if we can’t defeat this dragon.

Seems like the summoner has been shot to death by Sara. But this mean the only way to stop the dragon is to kill it.

I’d like to mention that this dragon is a summoned monster from Monsters World. Which mean, this dragon is stronger than most monsters in this world. Also, even without any modification, this one is the strongest monster in this place. Even stronger than the tortoise.

The tortoise is slow, but it has good defense. But this dragon has good defense, strong attack, and very fast as well. But I won’t give up.

I transformed Victoria into a hammer. The handle is two meters, and the size of the hammer head is a bit over one meter with the diameter of the area of impact is fifty centimeters. The other size of the head is a sharp pick. It’s a warhammer.

“It’s been so long since I’m in this form. Let’s beat the crap out of the dragon!” Victoria said.

With me covered in Blobbyarmor and Victorihammer in my hands, I fly toward the fire dragon.

The dragon was still calm. Probably it judged that because it’s faster than me, I won’t be able to reach it.

That was correct if I don’t have Vitoria with me. But now, she’s here with me.

I raised the hammer as high as possible, and when the dragon saw that, it flew back a bit just so my hammer will be out of reach.

But this is Victoria. Not Blobby.

The hammer that I raised turned not only bigger, but the handle is also longer as well. It was light when I raised the hammer since Victoria made it so, but when I started to swing it down, Victoria adjusted the weight to be at its heaviest as the hammer struck the dragon.

I can’t hit the dragon’s head, but I hit its shoulder because the dragon moved before I hit it.

With my strength and Aura imbued to the hammer, combined with the weight of the hammer and gravity, the dragon is in pain and fall down a bit before staying in the air with the help of its wings.

Although I almost pierced its chest before, it got healed too quickly. But now I hit it with a hammer, it has a harder time to heal itself. This is a good sign.

I got Victoria to make the hammer as light as possible as I raised it to the sky again as fast as possible, and swung it down as powerful as I can with Victoria adjusting the weight again to be the heaviest.

This is the greatest form that Victoria can do combined with my strength. A hammer.

Changing its shape and weight, I can move Victorihammer however I want.

With my strength, I can do combos of raising the hammer and swing it down as fast as I can without letting the dragon escape no matter how fast it is.

Maybe I won’t need to use portal anymore.

Well, this strategy is good only against big target. If it’s human with defensive magic, using spear or another weapon is the right answer. Of course if I can use hammer like this every time, that would be ideal. But humans are smarter and have magic. As for monsters, it’s rare for them to have defensive magic.

I keep hitting down the dragon over and over again, until finally the dragon hits the ground. There’s no more escape. And now that it’s on the ground, I can move the hammer even faster.

The dragon’s scales are very strong. Even after I hit it over and over again, there are only a few damages on its scales. But that mean my attacks are effective. And with the dragon being on the ground, the damage is doubled since he can’t be pushed down anymore.

Finally, I see cracks all over its body. The dragon’s defense is being destroyed. And again, I raised the hammer and swing it down.

This time it’s different. Instead of the flat area of the hammer, I got Victoria to transform it into the pick side of the hammer. With its sharp point, I can pierce through the dragon’s body and killed it.

I got Victoria adjust the size of the hammer, so the pick will pierce through the dragon’s heart from the back. With my strongest swing, I will kill the dragon.

“Die, you oversized lizard!” I shouted.

I pierced its heart as blood soaked the ground. I did it! I killed a dragon!

“AHAHAHA! I’m the Dragon Squasher!” I shouted joyfully.

“Isn’t it supposed to be the Dragon Slayer?” Victoria asked.

“But I didn’t slay the dragon! I squashed it!” I replied.

“Well, you are technically correct. Other than the finishing attack, you did squash the dragon. Let’s move to the next battle. It’s not over yet, right?” Victoria suggested to keep moving.

“Let me enjoy the satisfaction of being the Dragon Squasher first! Oh, don’t tell Andro that I squashed a dragon. I don’t know what he will do,” I said.

I killed a dragon with the help of Victoria. With this, unless there are other summoners who summoned powerful monsters, the only trouble we have left for today is the tortoise.

Now that I’m free, I can help Spot kill the tortoise. Unless Spot doesn’t want my help and want to kill the tortoise on his own.

Well, the sooner we kill the tortoise, the sooner we can rest. Even Spot can get tired after fighting for so long. Let’s help him right away.

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