The Only Fuel Is Using The D.

Chapter 115

Chapter 115

Lucky 115

A buff guy came out of the taxi and paid two hundred dollars to the driver. He didn't even blink as he paid the money as if it was the most natural thing to do. 

"H- hey, this is too big, I don't have change."

"That's what she said... Ehem. Anyway, no, just keep the change."

"Really! Thanks!"

The driver was shocked but he didn't meddle anymore. He was so happy to receive a great tip. The driver grinned and drove away. 


The guy nonchalantly replied and walked away.

Andreas Romoel, he is Calix's father. He's 42 years old, 6'4 feet, and has a buff body. He was still wearing his uniform.

He is a widower, he didn't have any intention of getting married after his wife died. He had a stubble beard, army cut, and serious expression, which made him look mature and hard to talk with. Although he had soft spot for his loved ones, and sometimes he would make corny dad jokes. 

Andreas walked into the house but he turned around when he sensed something strange. He narrowed his eyes as he glared at the person hiding in the garden. Their house had enough space to build a garden and Nanny Lola and Lou loved taking care of plants. 

Andreas approached the garden to look around. But when he got closer, he found that there was nothing there. 

"… Strange, I feel like I saw a woman."

The woman was still young, probably around the same age as Calix. She had pink hair and she was smelling something.

"It looks like a boxer brief..."

Andreas ignored it and decided to go to the house. He knocked on the door and Nanny Lola open it. 

"Andreas, you're here!!"

Nanny smiled and hugged him. Andreas nodded and hugged her back. Then, he raised his head and found that Calix was waiting for him. 

" Dad…"

Calix awkwardly smiled, he didn't know what to say. He missed his father, it was three years since the last time they met. They talked on the phone every two weeks but now that they met face to face, Calix didn't know what to do. 

"… Welcome home."

Andreas slightly smiled, he approached him and hugged his son. He was happy to see his son again. 

"Yeah, I'm home."

"Now that you are here. I guess we have a lot of things to talk about."

Andreas said and stared at him. Calix fidgeted because he knew what his father was talking about. It was probably about Scarlett. 

"Yeah, I have something to say too."

Calix nodded, he wanted to clarify his relationship with Scarlett and the others. Now that Calix deciphered his Term Attribute, he understood that having a relationship with numerous women would be a strong possibility. He was not stupid enough to believe that he would have a peaceful life. Not when he got three girls to satisfy. 

'My Luck is pushing me to have a relationship with a lot of women. Perhaps that is my Luck.'

As a man, Calix admitted that fucking multiple girls was indeed Lucky. If that's not Lucky, then what is?

"Now that we're all here. How about we eat!"

Nanny Lola started preparing the dishes, Lou and Calix helped her. To be honest, Calix was awkward around Lou. He was not used to having a girl in the house. Nanny Lola was part of the family but Lou was different. Calix saw her as part of the opposite gender. This means that he sees her as a woman. 

As for Andreas, he just sat there and waited for the food. He was not the type who shows his expression. 

"I'm going to stay here for two weeks, after that, I will return to the border."

He said and Calix listened, at least he had some time to talk to his father. He wanted to receive some advice about his problems. Calix believed in his father. After all, Andreas taught him a lot of stuff. Such as Martial Arts and shooting using guns, Calix learned all of them from Andreas. 

……… josei


After the dinner, Andreas invited Calix to his office. He didn't use this room much because he wasn't in the house most of the time. But Andreas was contented when he found that the office was clean. It seemed like Nanny Lola and Lou took great care of the house. 

Andreas turned to Calix who was filled with different thoughts.

"So where do you want to start?"

Andreas asked as he sat down. He wanted to know what will Calix say. He had a conversation with Scarlett when she was at the border. At that time, Scarlett was blushing whenever she talked about Calix. Andreas immediately understood the gist of the story. 

He was worried about Calix's future but at the same time, he was happy that he man up. Since they were children, Andreas could see that Scarlett had feelings for Calix, albeit adoration. He was happy that Calix found his resolve for her. 

"I can talk to Bronal, he may be crazy sometimes but he always does what's the best for Scarlett. I can smack his head to teach him some lessons."

Just a reminder, Bronal was a DemiGod and Andreas was just a 2nd Advanced, yet he was not scared to face him. As if he was hiding a great secret. 

"Bronal will understand it. Especially when you and Scarlett are serious about this relationship. But it will not work if you are not brave enough to protect her."

"Don't worry dad, I'm serious about her."


Andreas nodded, he could see that Calix was determined to protect Scarlett. This is his son that he nurtured to be a proper man. He was proud. 

"Scarlett is famous right now, I bet the greedy elders of the Red Tempest Clan will use this situation to their advantage. It's good that Bronal is there to prevent their plan… but it's not enough. Calix, what's your plan?"

Andreas was clueless about the fact that Calix deciphered his Term Attribute. So he was trying to help Calix to find a way to protect Scarlett. 

'Now that he graduated, I can recommend him to the Army. Calix has enough experience to get at least a well position in the Army if he tried hard.'

He nodded, it was not a bad idea. Andreas noticed Calix, he could see that something was bugging his mind. Andreas' brows furrowed.  

"Calix, are you hiding something from me?"

Calix flinched, but in the end, he took a deep breath and told his problem. 

"Dad, actually I fucked two girls aside from Scarlett."

"… What did you just say?"

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