The Only Fuel Is Using The D.

Chapter 123

Chapter 123

Lucky 123

"Calix, listen."

Andreas turned around and glanced at his son who was beaten black and blue. 

Calix sat up as his face had bruises and bloodied. He understood that he had to practice more to stand equal to his father. 

"One of the best ways to reach 2nd Advanced is by frequently using your Term Attribute."

Calix's ears perked up when he heard him. He realized that his father was teaching him a lesson, perhaps Andreas had a secret to level up faster. He understood that his father won't talk about this unless he was quite serious. 

"You know how my first Term Attribute works, right?"

"Metal Term Attribute, it had the ability to transform portions of your body into a metal."


Andreas activated his first Term Attribute and his arms started turning into greyish-like metal. This was his first ability, it had the defense and offense against the Aberrants. 

"What about my second Term Attribute?"

He asked again as his arms turned to normal.

Calix touched his chin. To be honest, he didn't know much about it because Andreas recently awakened his second ability when Calix was 13. 

"Let's see… I remembered that your body becomes tough like a metal."

"Correct, but that's not the only thing about it."

Andreas activated his second Term Attribute, it didn't have many changes in appearance but Calix felt like Andreas became much bigger.

"Dad, you gained 5 inches?"

He tilted his head and Andreas nodded. 

"Iron is a mineral that the body needs for growth and development. I learned it two years ago when I was fighting a Tiger-Class. I instinctively got bigger to eliminate it. Because of my Steel Physique Term Attribute, I can control every iron in my body. Because of that, my body becomes tough like a bulk of metal, and my strength increases too."

Andreas further explained. 

"However, do you know what I learned more?"

Calix shook his head, of course he didn't know. He was away from home and he didn't see his father for three years. He stayed in his simple castle called broken life. 

"Dad just tell me already."

Andreas chuckled because he could see the fascination in Calix's eyes as if he returned to being a child. Andreas recalled when Calix was still a child, he was an active child, and even her mother, Clara, was having a hard time disciplining him. It was the best moment of his life, seeing their family together. 

"I learned that I can do this!"

Andreas roared as his arm enlarged like it was an arm of a giant.

"F- father!!"

Calix stand up, he was so shocked and he tried to check if his father was alright.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Andreas gave him a smirk and controlled his arm. The giant arm gradually returned to its normal size.

"D- dad, what's happening?"

Calix was greatly confused. That should be impossible, Calix studied the concept of the Term Attribute. He knew that what Andreas did was impossible. 

"So what do you think?"

Andreas crossed his arms and stared at him. 

"Dad, Term Attribute is a restricted supernatural ability, it's impossible to enlarge your arm to that extent like a giant. It's impossible." He repeated that word.

Even if Andreas could control the iron in his body, it should have limitations. After all, the name of his Term Attribute was Steel Physique, so it should be stuck in that concept of having a metal body. 

Unless his Term Attribute was called Giant Physique, then that should explain it. Yet, it was not the name. 

"… Unless."

Calix's eyes widened in surprise and Andreas nodded, he didn't hide it. Not from his son who honestly told his secret. If Calix could say his secret, then, as his father, Andreas would show one of his secrets.

"Dad, did you break through?"


"Wow! W- Woah! I can't believe that you are a Third Advanced!"

Calix almost jumped because of shock.

"Yeah, one more and I will be released from the shackles of Fuel and Backlash."

Third Advanced was the last step to divinity because the next stage was DemiGod. Once Andreas became a DemiGod, he would not be affected by Fuel and Backlash anymore. It means that his power would be limitless without the fear of having a Backlash. On top of that, his three abilities would merge into one ability, which was the Rank of DemiGod.

Only a few people could reach that state. Usually, they were Clan Leaders and prominent people, because they have the resources to spend on cultivation. 

"Calix, you know that to become 2nd Advanced, you have to keep using your Term Attribute… which is by having intimate time with a woman."

Andreas started his lecture and Calix was listening seriously, he returned from being a child who idolized his father so much. Andreas liked what he was seeing. He was a proud father.

"By that alone, maybe you will reach 2nd Advanced after ten years, that is not bad. Although you have to have sex for at least twice a day."

"… that sounds tiring."

Calix scratched his head. 

"I'm surprised that you're not happy at all."

"Well, it's a different story…"

He said and it seemed that he didn't hate the idea. 

"Anyway, the other way to advance faster is to further decipher your Term Attribute. Just like how I used the mineral(iron) inside me to enlarge my body, you can find a way to use your Luck too."

This means that having sex for ten years was the least of things he must do.

"Deciphering, huh."

Calix grimaced, he knew that he only accidentally deciphered his Term Attribute when he had sex with Scarlett. It took him three years to do that, yet he had to decipher his power again.

Andreas tapped his shoulder to assure him. 

"Don't worry, based on what I can see. Your Luck will help you with that problem."

He said confidently and Calix nodded his head. 

Calix needed to become stronger because Andreas was anxious about him. 

'General Bronal and CEO Mark, those two are brutal. That's why Calix needs the power to stan equal to them. On top of that, my father died because of being a lover boy, I'm afraid that Calix will follow his steps. So he has to become strong.'

As his parent, he wanted to see Calix happy and healthy. 

[Yeah, I just want to expand the power system of this series. But don't worry, the next chapter will be smut, I think.]

[Hello, I just want to say thank you for all your support. I sincerely thank you for everything guys. ]josei

[Now, perhaps you are asking why I'm doing this. The answer is very simple. You see, it's my birthday... Yeah, I'm wondering why am I even living. ]

[About the Gcash and sms, I decided to use GoogleDrive link instead. I will explain it tomorrow.]

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