The Only Fuel Is Using The D.

Chapter 250

Chapter 250

Lucky 250

[This novel has 65 chapters, 2 PDFS, and 10 character gifs on Pat reon.]

Calix was surprised, he looked at his father.

'Dad, you are not joking right?'

He asked through gaze and Andreas nodded. 

"Calix, you are not hallucinating. In front of you is the current President of Dellia. President Donald Biden."

Hearing his father's confirmation, Calix pushed himself and raised his hand. He saluted in front of the President. 

"Mister President!!"

He said. He did not expect that he would meet the President. He was just a simple soldier. He was excited and shocked at the same time.  

President Donald Biden laughed. He liked Calix's enthusiasm. 

"You don't have to push yourself, you can lie down."

"No, sir."

His hand was still on his forehead, doing a salutation. josei

"At ease."

"Sir yes sir!!"

He dropped his hand and Donald chuckled. He looked at Andreas.

"It seems that you have a great son. He looks disciplined."

Andreas just nodded. He could not say that Calix was an asshole sometimes. 

'He gives me headaches a lot. He didn't even contact me for three years when he was in high school.'

Calix was timid in front of them. It was different this time unlike earlier. This was the first time that he met the President. 

'I'm already used to General Bronal's piercing gaze...'

Unlike General Bronal, President Donald Biden looked carefree and he was smiling. Although sometimes he would forget what to say. 

'It says that President Donald Biden was struck by a curse that turned him into a Dementia patient. Oh, and he likes McDonaldo's and Coke.'

Of course it was hearsay and it was not confirmed. The president's information was a top secret as it might endanger the state. 

"Anyway, what am I saying again?"

"Mister President, you're going to ask Calix about the situation in the Port of Aoneon."

"Oh, that's right."

Andreas reminded him and the President began speaking. It was good that there was someone to remind him. 

He turned to Calix who was currently confused about why the President visited him. 

"Calix, we received information that someone killed the Bakunawa."


Calix immediately realized what was happening, but he decided to keep quiet.

"At first we thought that General Bronal and Vice-president Esmeralda are the ones who killed the Demon-God. However, while we were asking the people who survived, they said that they witnessed the monster being bit by something..."

Calix glanced at Andreas. His father looked serious and unmoving. He was doing his job right now as the protector of their country.

Just like Calix, Andreas fought the Aberrants, and even now, he was still working. He did not take any rest. 


"Calix you don't have to say something. I'm not here to endanger your position. Only a few people know about this and I command them to keep quiet."

President's smiled and lowered his head. 

"I just want to say thank you. If not for you, perhaps more people will die."

"S- sir--!!"

Calix tried to stop him but his body was aching and moving was torturous for him. Then, he found that his father did not move. 

Andreas did not stop the President. Perhaps he knew that President Donald Biden would not be stopped. 

"Thank you."

"O- okay!! Mister President, you can stop bowing your head now!!"

Calix was not used to this. His identity was not that special to be thanked by the leader of this country. 

"Haha, you should be proud of your son, Andreas!!"

Donald laughed and slapped Andreas back. 

"I am proud of him, Mister President."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

President Donald Biden tilted his head, he forgot what happened again. 

"Nothing sir. Your schedule stated that you have to meet the Senators."

"Oh, that's right. I completely forgot, haha!! Then, I guess I have to leave. Let's meet again..."

"Calix Romoel, my name is Calix Romoel sir.".

He reminded him. 

"Calix, okay. Bye!! Phew, I don't know why I'm here, haha."

He said his farewell and began walking out of the room.

"How's your body?"

Andreas asked him. 

"I'm okay, dad. You should take a rest too."

"I will talk to you later."

Andreas nodded and left him. He still had some things to do. He did not have time for rest. 


Again, Calix was left alone. 

"I witnessed a lot of things in just one day."

This whole day could be described as tiring. 

Fighting the Aberrants from watching Bronal's arrest and meeting the President.

"Not only that, the President even thank me."

He pinched his cheek just to be sure. He confirmed that everything was real.


He grinned. At least he found that everything was worth it. His body might be broken but he saved Scarlett and millions of people. 

"Oh, that's right. I actually stopped the island from sinking."

It was a good thing that his identity was kept hidden as he did not like standing out. It would be a disaster if he became famous. 

"I mean, a lot of people already hate me because I'm Scarlett's boyfriend so..."

He chuckled. 

Calix closed his eyes and fell asleep. Indeed, this day was tiring.




March 6, 3729

Three months passed and things gradually turned normal again. 

A lot of stuff happened within that time, such as General Bronal Robinson's secret impeachment. Only the higher-ups knew about it and they were keeping it a secret from the public because the topic was sensitive. 

On top of that, Cudgel Tech acquired the Demon-God's crystal heart and their stocks rise up just because of this news. Mark Cudgel was probably smiling from ear to ear right now. 

As for Calix and his harem, they were taking their time to relax and calm the situation. Especially now that Scarlett was facing trouble. 

The Elders and her Uncle were vying for the position of Patriarch, and Scarlett was fighting them. She wanted to use the First Order to control the Clan from falling.

"I guess I have to take my time too."

Calix came out of the hospital. His body was fine now. 

"But first... Let's play some games."

#Arc 4#

#Boneless Chicken Wings are Chicken Nuggets Arc#

[You guessed it right, I combined their name. Biden being you know, being Dementors(Dementia), and Donald's affection towards McDonald's. Anyway, their names just popped into my head when I was writing this character. So forgive me guys if it sounds offensive.]

[The next Arc is already finished actually, but I will not spoil it.]

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