The Only Fuel Is Using The D.

Chapter 337

Chapter 337

[Shout out to Mili Benitez, purified peek, and Endless_life!]

Lucky 337

Pope Slavko approached him with an eerie smile and held out his hand. Principal Lycan looked at his hand, but finally shook it. 

They had known each other for a long time. However, because of the faction they represented, it was impossible for them to have a friendly relationship. Besides, they had different beliefs. 

Principal Lycan was a member of the Wolf Tribe, while Pope Slavko was a member of the Church of Love. 

The Principal's tribe usually believed that absolute power was the answer to everything. 

As for the Church of Love, they would love anyone, anything, anywhere. Their love could break through any barrier. Love could heal the broken, and their church had billions of followers around the world. 

'I will not be fooled.'

Principal Lycan knew that behind the loving smile. The Church of Love was nothing but an organization that extorted money from its followers. The Church built countless temples in different countries because of these donations... 

But it was only a small part of the total amount of money the Church made each year. They are rich as hell, maybe they were on par with Cudgel Tech.

Unlike Cudgel Tech, the Church didn't have to disclose the donations. 

'They claim that the donations go to the poor countries and feed the needy...'

Principal Lycan would not believe it, especially when he scanned the Pope's fashion. The Pope was wearing a neat black suit with gold lining. It cost millions of dollars and the Pope only wore this suit once. The Pope would never wear the same suit. He had a new one every day. 

In addition, his necklace and rings were adorned with precious jewels. Principal Lycan would never know the exact amount. But he knew that the Pope would throw them away if he used them once. 

"The king should be pleased to see us."

Hearing what the Pope said, Principal Lycan could not help but scoff in disgust. 

"You know the king is an arrogant bastard, he never respects us. Especially a Beastkin like me."


Pope just smiled. He didn't answer because he was in the royal family's castle. Maybe there were spy devices that could record their conversation. It was better to keep his mouth shut. 

"Huh? As always, you are a coward. What if they can hear me? What are they going to do? Besides, I'm not lying. The king is a racist. He believes that a pure-blooded human is better than a Beastkin descendant."

"Come on, you don't have to be like that."

Pope Slavko furrowed his brow. This was one of the reasons why he didn't want to go to this place with Principal Lycan. 

Unfortunately, this meeting was important, and as the leader of the largest Congregation. Pope Slavko had to show his face. 

"What is it with you? I heard that you have a problem these days."

"About that..."

"I won't force you to talk."

"No, it's okay," The Pope sat in the chair and sighed. The modern world was poisoning the minds of young people. 

"I'm just depressed about the double standards these days."josei


Principal Lycan tilted his head in confusion. 

"When two girls kiss, people say it's hot and sexy."


He agreed, watching two girls make out was arousing. 

"But when I kiss my homie good night, people say I'm gay! Where does this double standard come from?"

The Pope roared, venting his frustration. This issue had been bothering him all along. 


"It is unfair that girls can kiss each other without being frowned upon by society. But when two men kiss each other... sigh."

A long sigh escaped his mouth. As Pope of the Church of Love, it was his duty to promote the goodness and love of the Goddess Amore. 

"Our revelation is simple: You can love anyone, no matter what gender, no matter what object, no matter what hocus-pocus. Examples include pans, aliens, animals, and little children, everyone can be loved! Praise the Goddess Amore!"

This guy will never change, his faith makes him blind.

Love the animals? No problem.

But to love the animals? That's the fucking problem. 

Let's not talk about children, aliens, or anything questionable. The Church of Love will respect everything as long as it's categorized as 'love'.

The muscular man shook his head. As a man, it would be disturbing if he kissed his homies...

'Well, maybe a good night kiss is not so bad. Anyway, the Church of Love has some questionable beliefs. Some of them are downright criminals.'

The two leaders had a few conversations, but they never touched on anything sensitive. Like the ongoing friction between the two countries. They already had an idea.

This meeting was important and only the Principal and the Pope would attend. 

A few minutes later, the door opened and the two leaders stood up and greeted the king.

"May the glory of Junian fall before the King!"

The two said it at the same time, although the Pope was the only one who was enthusiastic about it. Lycan just said it normally. 

"Hm, it is nice to know that you, lowly insects, understand your position."


Principal Lycan didn't change his expression. However, he looked at Pope Slavko with his eyes and declared: "Don't you see what I'm saying?"

Pope Slavko just smiled. He already knew that the King had been brought up with the doctrine that royalty was the highest authority. Anyone below him was a servant to be used. 

"I don't want to stay here too long, because we have a stupid dog here." 

The King spoke as he stared at Principal Lycan with disgust. 

Veins appeared on Lycan's face, but he did his best to keep his expression. He was currently inside the castle and this place was heavily protected. He would only die if he did something. 

"I have already made a decision, I want you to prepare for the upcoming war! How dare these stupid primates act like they can defy me! If it weren't for the treaty my father signed, I would have burned their homeland to the ground by now. But now that they have given me a reason, I will see to it that Dellia will never live again!"

The King was obviously mad. 

As for the two leaders, they just bowed their heads. They already knew that this arrogant king would never be satisfied with peace. 

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- 83 Chapters of TOFD

- 89 chapters of MNPOTS(COMPLETED)

- 51 chapters of RDD

- 20 chapters of HWI

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