The Only Fuel Is Using The D.

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Lucky 34

"We already told you everything we know please have mercy!!"

One of them cried as his legs cooked by the flame, the flesh didn't spurt blood but it was gruesome. They wailed like pigs being slaughtered. They honestly told everything they know but Scarlett didn't have any ounce of sympathy. They hurt Calix, her everything, they touched the person that they shouldn't have touched. 

Now they have to die. 

"P-Please stooopppp!!!"

"Lady Scarlett, stop. You must not dirty your hands anymore. Leave this to us."

Athena showed up, and her metal bat was in her hand. She looked at the damage that Scarlett made and acknowledged that she had indeed become stronger. 

"I see, Athena. So you decided to show yourself."

Scarlett glanced at her loyal maid, the woman whom she treated as a sister. Scarlett's eyes were fierce and it was obvious that she was angry. 

"Tell me, why did you only show yourself now, when the battle is already finished?"

She asked but the tone of her voice was heavy, she was angry that no one helped her. Scarlett almost died earlier, if she didn't use her full power, she would never win the battle. In fact, she received damages too. Her left shoulder was bleeding and so was her head. She glared but Athena remained silent. 

"Tell me why."

"Lady Scarlett. I know that you feel betrayed because we didn't help you. But I promise to you that you will never die, if we think that you can't win the battle, we will show up and protect you."josei

Athena replied with no hesitation and no changes in her expression. Her priority is always Scarlett. 

"So you decided not to help me because you know that I can win?"

"Yes, my lady."

Scarlett's brows furrowed as she didn't like that answer. She felt hurt. Should she be happy that Athena trusted her ability? Is this part of those tough love?

"Lady Scarlett… Before your mother died, she asked me that I must help you become stronger so that you can survive this world. I believe that this battle is an absolute must for you to become stronger. 

Her eyes trembled in that, Scarlett didn't know any of that. She closed her eyes and the only sound that came out of her mouth was a frustrated groan. 

" So you didn't help me because you want me to overcome this alone. Are you saying that you did this for me?"

She asked sarcastically. She couldn't believe that explanation. However, Athena remained emotionless and didn't show any of her inside thoughts. Athena remained strong, this was for the best. As time passed, Scarlett had to face a lot of dangerous battles just like this. Athena justified that she had to become stronger. 

"Lady Scarlett, this is all for you."

She said with conviction. Yet, Scarlett only shook her head and erupted. 

"Bullshit! This is bullshit! Tell me? Does my father know this?"


Athena didn't answer but Scarlett easily understood everything. She rubbed her eyes before the tears fell, she was disappointed. 

"I see… So he knew, and he commanded you to stand by…"

She swallowed the frustration and took a deep breath. This was not the time to get angry.

"My battlesuit, do you have it?"

She decided to ask calmly instead. Scarlett lost her reasons to argue, if her father wanted her to become stronger then she didn't care anymore. She thought their connection between each other strengthened, but perhaps not. 

'My father still wants me to become stronger, I know that but it still hurts.'

"Yes, my lady we have your battle suit."

Athena signaled the shadow hiding close to them and a suitcase appeared out from the shadow. Scarlett didn't ask anymore and just grabbed the suitcase. She glanced at Athena although her gaze was cold. She was calm and collected now, she has to so that she could easily save Calix. 

"… I expect that you will not appear right? Because you want me to face this problem alone and grow."

She said sarcastically and Athena kept her mouth shut. 

"Well, at least clean the garbage around, it stinks because of the cooked meat."

Scarlett didn't look behind anymore and just casually walked. She clicked a button on her suitcase handle and the suitcase warped and turned into a red crystalline liquid. The liquid slowly covered her body and transformed into a tightly fitted armor protecting her body. This battlesuit could protect her from physical damage despite looking slim and it could increase her strength too. The red crystalline could absorb a high certain amount of physical damage, her suit was custom made solely for her.

The suit even had a high heat resistance in case Scarlett go full power. Scarlett had strong resistance against heat but this doesn't mean that she could withstand flame with the same heat as a star. However, this battle suit was designed to withstand even the sun so Scarlett was not afraid to unleash her power anymore. 

She started running. Because of her suit, she could run faster with a speed of 450 mph. She disappeared from the place in just a second. 




Scarlett's suffering and Calix's determination. Everything is working well by the will of Fate. Perhaps, this suffering and decision are Luck disguised as misfortunes.



"You shouldn't have said that. Now, Lady Scarlett hates you."

The shadow trembled and started cleaning the mess. The dead bodies around the place were absorbed and vanished from the ground. 

"No, it's better that way. I must show to our Lady that even the person she trusts can betray. This is a lesson that she must know. The Blood Moon…"

Athena shook her head, she tightly clenched the metal bat. She was sad but she kept thinking that this was all for Scarlett.

"Still, you didn't have to be that person."

"I have to. The late Mistress said that I have to teach Scarlett about everything. The Clan will do everything to hurt her and it's my job to make her stronger, physically and mentally, so that she can fight them head-on."

The shadow sighed and let her be. 

"Then what are we going to do about these two people?"

Athena looked at the men who were crying. They didn't have any right to live. Hurting Lady Scarlett is a sin and they have to be punished. Athena didn't hesitate and said, "Kill them."


The shadow moved towards them and the two men kept screaming and asking for help but their voices gradually disappeared as the shadow ate them.

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