The Only Fuel Is Using The D.

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

Lucky 77

Calix reached the mansion in the afternoon, he was surprised that Kimberly called him within just a few hours. Still, he decided to go because he did not have anything to do in his dorm except for some push-ups and watching videos on the internet. 

On top of that, the food was better here in the mansion so he did not have a reason to say no. 

Furthermore, he wanted to see Kimberly. Despite having their time in the morning, Calix realized that he wanted to see her again. As if he wanted to take his daily dose of vitamins. If you know what I mean.

He pushed the doorbell while carrying a box of radishes. On the way to the mansion, he helped a grandma to cross a street and assisted her to her home, the grandma was happy to give him a box of radishes. Calix did not reject her goodwill and decided to take the radishes into the mansion. He did not want the grandma to be sad so he accepted the radishes with a happy face.

"She even gave me two hundred dollars… It was too much but the grandma did not budge. In the end, I left her house with radishes and two hundred dollars... I can't believe that someone can give a stranger two hundred dollars."

The gate opened automatically, Calix was quite intrigued by how this gate works. Perhaps he would ask Kimberly later on. 

"Good afternoon Mister Calix."

He reached the mansion and he was surprised that almost all of the maids were in line and greeted him at the same time. They bowed elegantly and Calix was not used to this formality. His mouth twitched, he did not know what to say. He bowed and greeted them too. He further fastened his steps as the gazes of the maids were too much to endure. 

'Now that I realized it, this mansion didn't have any male workers.'

It was all because of Young Master Chen's stupidity. He did not hire a man, the reason was already obvious. He was thirsty for some Vs.

Calix kept walking and he did not stare at the maids, he felt like he was in the forest where predators were eyeing him. 

Thankfully, Kimberly was there when he walked into the hallway. She was fidgeting and holding herself back, she wanted to hug him but her mind was telling her to be reasonable. She was wearing her glasses which kept her in the right state of mind. 

Kimberly smiled and greeted him and Calix unconsciously smiled seeing her. Perhaps he was starting to fall for her. 

Calix and Scarlett had an understanding. No matter what happened, they would be honest with each other. Calix promised that he won't hide anything, he spoke about what happened between Kimberly and him, Scarlett listened seriously. In the end, they made a conclusion that Calix could be with Kimberly but Scarlett had to be noted. 

Calix already messaged Scarlett that he would visit Kimberly and Scarlett gave him the go signal. Scarlett was actually anxious but she decided to hide her emotions. This was the first step, Scarlett would act depending on the situation. If she found that Calix was going to be hurt, Scarlett would be the one to stop this relationship. 

She wanted to know if Kimberly was dangerous or not. As a matter of fact she contacted Athena to gather information about Kimberly. She was acting like a sweet girlfriend but she was working behind the scenes. 

Furthermore, she asked Calix that she wanted to spend some time with Kimberly, talking and 'getting to know each other' so that they could have a good relationship. Perhaps they could be 'friends.'josei

Kimberly fixed her glasses and kept glancing at Calix with a blushing face. 

"Um, do you want to help me with that radishes?"

She glanced at the box that Calix was carrying. She was confused why Calix carrying a box of radishes in the first place. 

"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot that I'm actually carrying this."

He scratched his head and slightly laughed. Because of the pressure from the maids, he forgot the box. 

"It's okay, you can put them in the kitchen. Follow me, I will take you there."

She said sweetly and Calix nodded, being enthralled by her beauty. If Scarlett had the majestic divine-like presence, then Kimberly has this calming sweet atmosphere around her.

Calix could not help but smile while looking at her. Kimberly was clumsy but that made her cute. Especially when her purple eyes kept stealing glances at Calix. 

They brought the box to the kitchen and Kimberly took Calix to a strange room with types of machinery.

"We're here."

Calix wanted to ask about the room but Kimberly was too excited and Calix did not want to disturb her. Kimberly was like a child who was eager to show her parents that she made something amazing. 

"Look at this!"

Kimberly strongly said and jumped towards him, Calix grabbed her so that she won't fall but Kimberly was too absorbed. She was in the state of being a scientist who was close to completing her research. 

Kimberly was holding a paper with a strange symbol and showed it to Calix. 

"This is…?"

Calix tilted his head. He had no idea what it means, Kimberly realized that she had to explain it. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm too excited."

She laughed, her cheeks turned red because of embarrassment. She could not believe that she acted like a child in front of Calix. She wanted to pinch her cheeks but she settled with a fix of her glasses instead. Sometimes when she was into too much work, her mind would be absorbed and she won't care about the outside world. 

"I'll start with this."

Kimberly gave the paper to Calix. 

"This is a Runic Symbol. It's a magical technology that Dwarves had in the past." Kimberly started explaining and Calix listened, he was curious. He slightly knew something about runic symbols because he read them in the library.

"No one can replicate this magic except for the Dwarves, however…"

Kimberly stared at Calix, this time she was serious. Calix started to realize something as his eyes face slowly became firm.

"After I had sex with you, I learned that I can create Runic Symbols."

Her eyes shone with deeper meaning.

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