The Oracle Paths

Chapter 949 Meet An Acquaintance

Chapter 949 Meet An Acquaintance

949 Meet An Acquaintance

Seizing the opportunity before the Oracle Overseer had made their appearance, Jake shifted his focus to the other groups of Oracle Knights present. His eyes narrowed suddenly as he recognized one of them.

These Oracle Knights and their companions were humanoid aliens of unknown races. However, only three of them had appearances that might appeal to human aesthetic sensibilities. It was one of these three that had caught his attention.

Cho Min Ho. Another human from Earth and once a very famous Korean idol, but also known for his fragile health.

Just before his first Ordeal, as Jake waited in front of the Red Cube, Cho Min Ho and his group had emerged from the latter after completing their own First Ordeal. Jake might not have given it a second thought if the man hadn't brazenly attempted to recruit them, resulting in Amy's departure.

At that time, in their group of six, Jake, Tim, and Will were practically strangers, but Kyle, Amy, and Sarah had known each other before. Jake never held a grudge against Amy for choosing to trust her idol over strangers who had faced death alongside her, but now he had to admit that she might not have lost out in the end.

What were the odds that two Earthlings, who had barely crossed paths, would both become Oracle Knights on nearly the same day? Close to zero. Yet, the result was right before his eyes.

Cho Min Ho's appearance hadn't changed much, save that he was even more handsome and eyecatching than before. About as tall as Jake, the man had a charismatic figure with a lean, athletic build. His angular face was framed by jet-black hair that fell to his shoulders in soft waves. His piercing, almond-shaped eyes were the color of deep, dark chocolate, captivating and enchanting those who met his gaze. His skin was flawlessly smooth, radiating a youthful glow, and he had a charming, dimpled smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts.

At first glance, Cho Min Ho seemed harmless and radiant, the kind of person who put others at ease and could easily gain their trust.

Despite this, Jake felt the same inexplicable aversion and mistrust towards the young man that he had during their first encounter. It was this dissonance between the Korean idol's outward appearance and his own intuition that had convinced him to refuse joining Cho Min Hol s faction, in addition to his solitary and antisocial nature.

"That's weird," Jake thought, stroking his chin.

His current instinct was extremely reliable, bordering on clairvoyance. He trusted it more than his bracelet's Shadowguide.

Back then, Jake could have chalked up his aversion to a subconscious refusal to entrust his life to a stranger based on reputation alone, but now? He had his own faction and had no reason to still feel that aversion.

If Will had been there, he could have asked him if he felt the same way about Cho Min Ho. It also made him realize that it had been a long time since he had heard from Amy. He didn't even know if she was still alive.

"Maybe I should check up on her after this ceremony," Jake made a mental note, losing interest in the Korean.

As Jake turned his gaze away from Cho Min Ho, the man also looked at him, his pupils narrowing slightly.

"Where have I seen that guy before? He looks familiar..."

Unlike Jake, who hadn't met many notable people since arriving on B842, Cho Min Ho, as a celebrity, had been mingling with crowds for a long time. His memory wasn't eidetic just after his first Ordeal, far from it. His memories from that time were hazy, especially those of a face drowned among millions of others.

"Whatever, I can simply ask Wilum."josei

Wilum was his Oracle Al. Information on Jake quickly appeared before his eyes, but Cho Min Hol s doubt only burgeoned as he discovered the price to access the whole file exceeded the Aether Points amassed by all the factions under his command.

"What in the world..."

At the very least, Cho Min Ho now knew that Jake was an Earthling just like him, and recalling Amyl s past tales, he finally connected the dots.

"So it's this guy... I must admit, Amy always had a knack for surrounding herself with the right people."

As Cho Min Ho tried to recollect everything he remembered about Jake, who was a nobody back then, Jake had already shifted his attention to the three Evolvers accompanying him.

Unlike Hade, Lucia, and Ulfar who were dressed as his equals, Cho Min Ho's three comrades wore near-identical combat suits, identifying them as his bodyguards - another way to emphasize his faction's strength.

After recognizing the Korean, Jake was less surprised to also recognize two of his bodyguards: Kang Jun and Lee Yoon. The arrogant man and icy woman had accompanied him even back then.

Kang Jun, compared to his boss, had changed significantly. His face was recognizable, but his frame had broadened, making his figure less lithe and slender than before. Built like the Hulk, his once long, slicked-back black hair was now sandy beige, just like his eyes. Conversely, his previously pale skin was now considerably darker, verging on a brown-ocher hue. His aura was oppressive, emanating immense power, as if ready to brawl at the slightest provocation.

Lee Yoon remained as slender and graceful as ever, but her modest chest had been replaced by two full, ripe peaches. It should have added to her sex appeal, but her skin was marred by blackish lines, demarcating thin plates of natural armor that followed her body's contours. Dark spines reminiscent of a praying mantis's legs also adorned the backs of her limbs and shoulders, rendering her utterly unapproachable. Likewise, her white, iris-less eyes and tiny black pupils made enduring her gaze horribly disconcerting. Only her long black ponytail and minimalist makeup remained unchanged.

On the other hand, Jake had never seen the third bodyguard. Cho Min Ho must have recruited him later on, or Jake had caught a fleeting glimpse, and his appearance had changed significantly since then.

As Jake was about to ask Xi to check the information on the Korean and his companions, a sudden silence filled the room, chillingly bringing him back to reality.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to a certain spot in the room, where the silhouette of a strange egg floated a meter above the ground, suspended beneath a long rod. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a tiny shuttle occupied by a small alien.

A body not even two feet long, a long neck, a small head, glistening gray amphibian-like skin, no face... Yep. This guy hardly matched their image of a mighty Oracle Overseer.

Nevertheless, despite this botched first impression, none of the Oracle Knights and their companions dared to disrespect him. After four Ordeals, if there was one thing they knew, it was that appearances could be deceptive.

"Greetings, Your Highness." Saros immediately knelt, bending his right arm against his heart as an example.

"No need." Oros halted him with a wave of his hand, noticing other Oracle Knights appeared poised to mimic the Oracle Guard. Sweeping his audience with his mental sense, he telepathically declared, "You are all destined for a radiant future. None can know who among you will survive, but perhaps one day I shall be the one kneeling before you. When that time comes, I hope you will remember this moment."

Aside from his rather high-pitched and odd voice, Jake and the other Oracle Knights relaxed, realizing this Oracle Overseer seemed more affable than the rumors had suggested.

What they didn't know was that this cordiality was reserved only for them. The other batch of Oracle Knights who had completed five to six Ordeals, whom he had visited just before, were not afforded the same honors. To Oros, it was evident he did not believe any of them could ever surpass his position.

Seeing he had put his audience at ease, the small alien calmly resumed, "First and foremost, congratulations on your promotion to Oracle Knight after a mere four Ordeals. You may not yet be aware, but this accomplishment makes you an invaluable asset to the Mirror Universe.

"For this reason, you shall now be eligible for numerous privileges. Some, you may have already realized. However, to enjoy these privileges, you will also have new responsibilities and duties—duties you cannot shirk. At times, there will be rules to follow, rules you must adhere to without fail."

Upon seeing his audience furrow their brows in discontent, Oros's neck swayed playfully, and then his voice resonated telepathically within their minds once more, diving straight to the heart of the matter, "Without further ado, let me delineate these duties, rules, and responsibilities for you. Let's start with the first rule, which is, in fact, to your advantage: You can no longer participate in an Ordeal at any time and with just anyone."

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