The Oracle Paths

Chapter 954 Alliance Proposal

Chapter 954 Alliance Proposal

954 Alliance Proposal

"What do you reckon about him, chief? Did you manage to slip in a word about, well, our little situation?" Garos probed his superior, catching him in a rare moment of wakefulness in the aftermath of the ceremony.

Oros was an unusual specimen among the Overseers. Contrary to tradition, he eschewed the splendor of an Oracle Palace, instead opting for the cold metal confines of his toroidal mothership. This vessel, a symbol of personal safety and familiarity, had been meticulously modified and upgraded over the span of his lengthy existence, the majority of his amassed wealth poured into its intricate workings.

He was determined not to share the fate of those unfortunates on B847, ambushed in the very heart of an Oracle Palace.

Simply put, Oros only graced the public with his physical presence under direct orders from the highest authority, or when his own interests hung precariously in the balance.

Otherwise, he ruled from a distance, through holographic transmissions or the dispatch of a clone. The previous days emergency conference on planet AO, for instance, had seen only a doppelgänger in his place.

This ability, one of his most closely guarded secrets, eluded even Xantheo, the tentative Oracle Governor presiding over System ZZ831. And even if he did possess such knowledge, he would hardly hold it against Oros.

Avatars, clones, and astral projections were not unheard of, nor were they particularly scarce. In civilizations where biotechnology had reached its zenith, such practices were the norm, serving as life-preserving measures or even principal modes of reproduction for certain alien races.

In his rare good humor, Oros didn't chide Garos for his informal address. He responded nonchalantly, "I merely cast a gaze upon him, but he does show promise. The other Oracle Knights at the ceremony appeared like fledglings in his presence. None but me noticed his ludicrous Aether and spiritual signature, a testament to his impeccable self-restraint."

"Did you manage to puzzle out why Saros and the three TX138s were tailing him?" Garos posed the question that had truly been gnawing at him.

Oros didnt respond right away this time, his mind far away in contemplation. He couldn't deny a certain disquiet over the matter.

"Well, several theories come to mind, each less comforting than the last," he finally conceded with a sigh. "However, as long as Saros merely keeps tabs on him, it indicates that the Oracle still believes him to be an ally. Let's refrain from hasty judgments. After all, he remains Cektl s disciple. Let that curmudgeonly imp wrangle with this ticking time bomb. His Grade 10 Energy Body is the real deal, and he'll know how to handle it."

At the mention of the Rank 3 Aetherist, Garos's expression soured, the memory of their failed recruitment attempt still fresh. Even their personal visit hadn't swayed the stubborn old alien, who left them standing at his laboratory's threshold, treating his superior like a mere nuisance.josei

The audacity to scorn an Overseer in such a manner! The Oracle Guardian Captain still simmered with indignant rage and embarrassment, yet it was his infamously obstinate boss who maintained an uncharacteristic calm. In fact, he had returned from the encounter in an inexplicably buoyant mood. Successful negotiation or not, something had clearly gone right.

Indeed, it had. Cekt had swallowed the bait, and Jake would be the first to reap the consequences.


Jake, freshly emerged from the Oracle Chamber along with his fellow Oracle Knights, came to an abrupt halt, his attention hijacked by an unanticipated alert from the Oracle System. An incoming communication request.

On recognising the caller as his master, Cekt, his relaxed demeanor instantly crystallized into a steely resolve. He acknowledged the video call.

The holographic projection of a diminutive, wrinkled, verdant alien with enormous yellow eyes and elongated, pointed ears materialized before him. Jake offered the figure a respectful nod in salutation.


Cekt was a creature of brevity, dismissing formalities with an impatient grunt, "Report to my lab."

With those words, the hologram fizzled out, leaving Jake and his comrades in a state of mild shock.

"Um... Was that...?" Hade shattered the lingering silence, his coughing serving as a clumsy precursor to his unfinished question.

"It appears so..." Jake responded, his tone somber, his expression unreadable.

"Is that the one who transferred my bloodline?" Lucia queried, her eyes ablaze with recognition, recollecting that there existed only one being on B842 who could command such deference from Jake.

"None other," Jake conceded with a weary sigh.

"What's our next move?" Ulfar inquired, his arms folded, his lanky form slouched lazily against the cold metal of the corridor.

Hade scoffed at the apparent lack of insight. "It's rather self-evident, isn't it? We don't really have an alternative, do we? Besides, I've always relished the opportunity to engage with a genuine Aetherist."

Such was the curiosity of a wise Fluid Grandmaster who had dedicated over a century and a half to the study of Fluid, recently delving into Aether, and had birthed countless artifact's, including Jake's renowned Purgatory.

Observing Lucia's eager anticipation at the prospect of encountering the elderly alien, Jake conceded to his fate. "We should leave posthaste... His lab should be within reach, assuming he hasn't relocated it."

Jake recollected his previous visit; the clandestine entrance to the lab was concealed between two metallic residential units, the most affordable accommodations available near the Oracle Capital. They lacked the comfort of an individual cabin from the Oracle Bunker, but safety was virtually guaranteed unless one opted for a dwelling within the capital - an entirely different financial venture.

Just as Jake and his team were about to embark on their journey, their path was obstructed by Cho Min Ho's bodyguard, Kang Jun.

Unfazed, Jake studied the imposing figure before him, querying, "Got something to tell me?"

The hulking Kang Jun, reminiscent of a demigod, locked gazes with Jake, his tone as icy as his stare. "Cho Min Ho suggests we align for our Fifth Ordeal. We have other potential allies, but out of respect for Amy, we're willing to make an exception."

Upon hearing these words, Lucia's cheerfulness evaporated, supplanted by a stormy grimace and trembling lips. For a Myrmidian princess of her stature, such patronizing overtures from a selfdeclared superior group was an affront to her pride.

Ulfar met the human's audacity with a sneer. Was he oblivious to the fact that, if not for the shackles of the Oracle System, he would have already paid the ultimate price for his insolence?

Hade maintained an even loftier air of disdain, his gaze passing through the warrior as if he were naught but a wisp of smoke. Jake did not share his indifference, but Lucia and Ulfar, who braced for an explosive rebuttal, were left somewhat disappointed as he responded in an unruffled tone.

"Fine. Choose a date."

A wave of self-satisfaction surged within Kang Jun,fed by the sight of Jake's apparent spinelessness. He found himself questioning if Amyl s portrayal of him had been misplaced. After all, her memory of Jake was a hazy recollection from their nascent days on B842.

Nevertheless, with Jake's acceptance of their proposal, Kang Jun found no room for excessive hostility. He forged ahead, adhering to the directives imparted by Cho Min Ho.

"Very well. You will be updated," Kang Jun grumbled with a foreboding undertone. "The diplomatic immunity of B842 remains intact for just under four years, hence my leader suggests we schedule the Ordeal just prior to its expiration. This way, we avoid squandering the reward of an additional five years of immunity. Any objections?"

"Not at all," Jake replied with a nonchalant smile. It was the exact course of action he had planned to pursue, regardless of their involvement.

As the presumptuous earthling strode away, Lucia could no longer contain her indignation. She promptly closed the distance between Jake and her, her finger jabbing accusatorily at his chest as she voiced her displeasure, "Why on earth did you consent? I've no inclination to ally with these cretins!"

Jake gently pushed her forehead to create a buffer between them, but when he attempted to retract his hand, she seized it in a vice-like grip. Finding himself ensnared, he cradled her skull, his fingers curling around it, and hoisted her aside to clear his path.

Anticipating her impending attempt to latch onto his arm in a koala-esque embrace, her expression a poignant blend of puppy-like pleading and unwavering resolve, he swiftly capitulated and put the brewing tension to rest.

"I'm not concerned with the identity of the Oracle Knights we team up with. What I am certain of is that I surpass them in strength and they're human too. I can't predict the number of Oracle Knights on the opposing side, but if I am the most formidable amongst us, then our Mirror Universe stands a better chance of victory."

"This dude was not entirely wrong, either. Amy and I are little more than strangers, but I know Will and Kyle wouldn't have wanted to leave her to face her Fifth Ordeal alone if it could be avoided. There's something off about this Cho Min Ho, and I trust my gut instincts. What better way to discern the truth than to unite with him during the upcoming Ordeal? by then, I'll know what's going on.

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