The Oracle Paths

Chapter 960 Jake Has Passed The Test

Chapter 960 Jake Has Passed The Test

960 Jake Has Passed The Test

Cekt did not immediately respond, his eyes weighing heavily on each of them in turn. After maintaining the silence until it became uncomfortably palpable, he declared calmly,

"Oros, the Oracle Overseer of B842, has solicited my services. I mentioned earlier the three means of action we have to face the impending scarcity of Aether and energy. The role of me and the other recruited Aetherists will be to reinforce the Aether Network of B842 by all means at our disposal. This will involve finding or creating new energy sources, accelerating the production of those we already have, and increasing the number of Aether Network channels to counter a potential future sabotage. Other Evolvers accredited by the Overseer will develop B842 1 s planetary defense system. As long as we don't know who sabotaged the Aether Network and how, we must consider all scenarios. I fear that Lure's assassination and the Systems' isolation are the first step in their plan. Logically, their next target should be each System's Aether

Network, isolating the planet-ships from one another, and finally the Aether Network of the planets themselves.

"All the contingencies we will put in place are in view of this worst-case scenario. Let's just hope it never comes to that."

Jake and Hade frowned pensively after listening to the gremlin known for his legendary indifference. It wasn't really the Wendok's style to interrupt his research for the common good.

"Is the pay good?" Lyra couldn't help but ask bluntly, voicing what everyone else was silently wondering. It was the only plausible reason to explain why Cekt had accepted this thankless high-stakes task.

But this time, the small alien caught them off guard with a response completely out of character,

"It isn't. To be perfectly honest, I accepted this mission for free." Cekt grinned, amused by their flabbergasted expressions.

"Why?" Epsilom uttered just one word, but it was enough to betray his skepticism.

The Wendok shrugged indifferently, then said, "Because I have no choice. It's in my own interest to preserve my haven of peace. The reason why Aetherists like me venture to new planets like these is to enjoy their low Aether density. You understand how your Aether stats work, right? An Aether Intelligence of a million in a world where the Aether density is a million simply makes you an ordinary being, roughly speaking. 1 1m simplifying, but that's the idea. When a highlevel Evolver with high Aether stats arrives on a new planet like this one, my cognitive faculties and reaction times are multiplied compared to if I stayed in my home System."

"In that case, why not just migrate to a younger planet if things go south?" Jake objected. He cared little for the world beyond B842, but he knew at least that it had not been the youngest planet for quite some time.

"Have you already forgotten that the Aether Network was damaged?" Cekt chuckled. "What you said would be true if all were well. New planets indeed have a lower Aether density that facilitates my research, but they are not as developed as B842. The latest planet, B847, had barely finished its amalgamation when it found itself isolated. I doubt that any Rank 3 Aetherists like me from an old System had time to get there. Considering the situation, I'd better stay here and help this planet develop as quickly as possible. Call it my Aetherist instinct if you want, but it rarely leads me astray."

Jake and the other disciples exchanged thoughtful glances, reading the same perplexity in each other's eyes. Cekt the Altruist? It sounded strange just thinking about it.

"I know what's troubling you, but worry not, I haven't been replaced by a Digestor." Their master chuckled proudly. "I may have taken on this mission voluntarily, but no one has ever swindled me for as long as I've been alive. The mission itself will be our reward!"

"What do you mean?" Rigel growled in his gravelly voice, echoing throughout the laboratory.

"Tsk, you'll understand soon enough," Cekt dismissed the Gorgonite. "I've gathered you here because this mission is the perfect opportunity to test you, but also to familiarize you with the methods Aetherists use to rapidly increase their fortunes. Those who pass my test will become official disciples and can learn by my side like Epsilom."

"When do we leave?" Drakon asked without enthusiasm. He had several plasma weapons in development on the burner.


"Shit. Fuck me..." The Draconian grumbled darkly, his long tail lashing furiously behind him, forcing Syr and Siri to distance themselves to avoid being whipped unconscious.

"How long will this mission last?" Jake asked immediately afterward. In truth, he had nothing planned, but from another perspective, he had a mountain of things to do.

"Possibly from a few months to a few years. You'll have leave from time to time when I decide it's appropriate," Cekt answered matter-of-factly. "You're free to leave anytime, but I won't pay for those trips. Keep in mind that with the damaged Aether Network and the new measures, using the Yellow Cube to return to your Floating Islands will likely cost you anywhere from one billion to one quintillion AP, depending on where we are. Maybe even more."

"P-pardon?" Syrbarun stammered, his face pale. He had only 350 million AP left after spending it all on the development of his latest mech suit.

By the frantic blinking of Siri l s pupils, she too had just realized that she wouldn't be able to use the Yellow Cube as before. Many of her plans were now compromised.

Drakon and Rigel weren't thrilled by the news, but their admirable calm suggested either they had no intention of leaving or they had a bank account solid enough to bear the cost of each trip. Still, their clenched jaws betrayed their true feelings.

Unsurprisingly, it was the two ethereal beings,

Lyra and Epsilom, who remained utterly unfazed.

Epsilom was already studying under the Aetherist and had never intended to go anywhere. As for Lyra, her situation was similar. A loner with no faction, she was determined to take this mission seriously.

In the end, it was Jake's unshakable composure that caught Cekt's attention. Throughout, the mood of his newest disciple and his three companions remained as placid as a tranquil river.

"I understand Lyra and Epsilom l s reactions, and I know Drakon and Rigel's backgrounds," Cekt decided to get to the heart of the matter. "But what are your reasons for being so serene in the face of such grim news? I know Oros just briefed you, but your mood should still be somewhat gloomy, don't you think?"

Contrary to his expectation, it wasn't Jake who enlightened him, but Lucia. With a proud smile as if she possessed all that Aether herself, she lifted her chin high and boasted,

"My Jake isn't daunted by these paltry numbers. We could make round trips costing a quintillion AP from dawn till dusk if we fancied."

Hade and Ulfar had no inclination to join Lucia in singing her boyfriend's praises, but they found themselves with no choice but to confirm her words with apathetic nods.

"She's telling the truth," they sighed in unison.

eαglesnᴏνel "Hmm?" Cekt finally sensed an anomaly in their demeanor and

suddenly decided to consult the Oracle System Archives regarding his seventh disciple.

He was taken aback when he was abruptly blocked by a notification demanding a payment of more than 100 sextillion AP. Such an exorbitant sum for a post-Fourth Ordeal Player was simply outrageous!

But once the initial shock passed, Cekt calmed himself and realized the implication. Somehow, his disciple had become fucking wealthy!

Although he was capable, he had no intention of spending 100 sextillion AP when he could simply ask his disciple to share the information with him.

This would be necessary anyway if he intended to tailor the training of his disciples and teach them to work as a team. After making his request to Jake orally, Jake didn't flinch, aware that refusing would risk losing the favor of a Rank 3 Aetherist who had never done him any harm.

The Wendok had even saved their lives in the Dungeon Digestor. If he couldn't take this small risk and trust his master, he would be better off dissolving his faction and going solo.

A morbid silence enveloped the laboratory following Cektl s review of Jake's status. A few agonizing seconds later, even before the mission and test had commenced, Cekt abruptly declared, making the jaws of all the other disciples drop...

"Cough... Jake has passed the test. From now on, he joins Epsilom as my second official disciple of this generation."


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