The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 107

Chapter 107: Princess Nai Nai

Zi Cheng wanted to avoid Ai Lin if possible. At the same time she didn’t want to offend her either. Therefore she opted for a neutral approach: polite but reserved. As long as Ai Lin didn’t antagonize her, she didn’t mind maintaining a façade of cordiality.

“They were antsy to return to Zhongyong so they’re already gone. We only teamed up to do the mission so it wasn’t like I could make them come to the vein with me,” was Ai Lin’s near instant reply.

Speaking of the mission made Jier and his team feel guilty. Not only had they completed it in record time, there was also a huge prize for the capture of one of their members. Who knew what would happen if anyone found out.

Thankfully Ai Lin changed the topic.

“Are you seniors from school?” Although Ai Lin already knew who they were, she pretended not to know. This was technically their first meeting.

“Oh? Do you know us?” Luis raised his hand to his chin in thought. Interesting, just met Juniors Jier and Feng Wu, now this new arrival is also a junior.

“Oh you seniors are very popular. Many of the freshmen girls are secretly in love with you.” Ai Lin responded playfully.

“Are we really that popular?” Luis excitedly sat up, even going so far as to pat his hair down to fix it.

“I can believe those girls having a secret crush on Ming Xi, but you guys…?” Elena bluntly broke in.

“Hey! Ming Xi isn’t the only male in the group that’s hot. I’m sure there are girls who like the rest of us!” Luis didn’t think it was only Ming Xi.. .

Ai Lin was cheerful and easy to get along with so she befriended the seniors in no time at all.

The trio didn’t just idly sit and listen to Ai Lin chatting with Ming Xi and his group. They took the opportunity to eat everything they could on the table, stuffing their mouths and swallowing as fast as they were able.

Feng Wu was behaving strangely. Jier watched on and off. Instead of stuffing herself silly like she always did, she kept glancing at the door and the window. Ming Xi also noticed. She wasn’t staring at him as intently as normal.

“Xiao Wu, what are you looking at? Is there something at the door?” Elena was sitting next to her, and she too noticed how Feng Wu kept glancing at the door.

Feng Wu bit her lip and spoke. “It’s so red outside.” She frowned.

“Red?” Pei Qing repeated.

“Xiao Wu, you mean to say it’s dark outside right?” Rain thought Feng Wu had misspoken.

“It’s not black, it’s definitely red." Of this, Feng Wu was positive.

The world Feng Wu saw had changed. The rain became blood and the sky turned red.

“Red?” Everyone repeated in confusion. They swiveled their heads to the door, then the window. It was pitch black. What red? Was there something wrong with Feng Wu’s eyes?

Suddenly an entourage of bodyguards entered. They accompanied a princess and several maids. One maid carried an umbrella shielding the princess from the rain. She herself was soaked, but the princess remained dry.

Though the princess was dry, the hem of her dress was filthy with mud and rain. She had a netted hat covering her face, so they couldn’t clearly see what she looked like. josei

The sudden arrival of the large group filled the inn to capacity.

“Princess Nai Nai has arrived. Those not working for the inn should leave immediately.” The maid dressed in red was soaked and sorry looking but she spoke snobbishly to Feng Wu and the group.

“Leave? Leave and go where? Do you see the rain outside?” Luis smirked at the maid trying to intimidate them just because of her connection to the princess.

“How audacious! The princess must shelter here temporarily because of the rain. She can’t share the space with unknown commoners, so you need to leave. The guards will escort you out if you won’t leave on your own.”

“First come, first serve. We were here first. Why should we leave?” What a bullshit princess, Gerasi thought.

“You -!” The maid wanted to say more but she was interrupted by a large man in armor.

“Enough! It’s storming so much outside and you want to drive these people out? The rulers of the country wouldn’t treat the common people so callously.” The commander reprimanded the maid.

“Stop arguing. This princess is exhausted. Prepare a room immediately.” Princess Nai Nai impatiently spoke from behind her hat.

The commander immediately obeyed and asked the clerk to get things ready.

The owner of the inn didn’t dare be slow. He immediately led the princess and her maid to the best room in the inn.

“That commander is a good man.”

“Yes.” Jasmine agreed with Rain. “But that princess is not so good.”

Jasmine was incredibly arrogant. She only liked those of the same social rank as her. She disdained any below and hated those above.

Ming Xi called a waiter over and in a low voice requested food, drinks and dry towels for the men that just came in.

The commander didn’t look their way again after nodding to Ming Xi. He sat down and commenced eating at his own table a distance away from them.

As for the princess, how could she dine with so many men. Her meal was brought and served to her in her room.

“Jier, there’s a problem with the princess.” Feng Wu abruptly spoke out.

“A problem with the princess? Do you mean to say she’s a fake?” Elena asked.

“She’s surrounded by female blood and spirits. All of them bear such powerful grudges against her. People will die.” Feng Wu said this more to herself than as an answer to Elena’s question.

Feng Wu could see things other people couldn’t. As soon as the princess came in, she had noticed the strange aura around the princess.

There were so many grudges around her. Every single one of them wanted her dead. They wailed incessantly and flew at her, trying to attack her. Their attacks were deflected, and in some cases the grudges themselves were even shattered and destroyed. There was something on the princess’s body protecting her.

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