The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 115

Chapter 115:

Feng Wu was only so verbose because she was repeating Lydia’s words. On her own she wouldn’t have been so wordy.

The boss agreed before quickly turning around and steering the carriage home. He soon disappeared out of sight.[notes]

After the boss left Lydia said, somewhat rudely, “Spray them with the potion. They won’t be of help to anybody if they can’t see.” The event was clearly a supernatural spiritual event. It was right up her alley so if the guys wanted to help, they had no choice but to listen to her. The whole thing was just music to her ears.

It was a pity; it was unlikely she would get away with being this bossy again in the future.

Lydia thought it was silly that the freshmen girls were trying to keep up with the seniors. Zi Cheng and Ai Lin, maybe. They had a good foundation, but Yifu? Tch. That girl was just a brainless idiot.

As the only senior girl, it fell on Elena to tell the girls the bad news, that they would need to use the potion. Ai Lin and Zi Cheng were good sports and agreed to do so without preamble. Yifu on the other hand had an ugly expression, and it was clear to everyone she was unwilling. Their opinion of her dropped even more. It really was hard to like her! It took a full minute of Zi Cheng’s persuasion to get her to do it, but ultimately she did.

The potion barely dried in their eyes before their world changed. The sun was shining in a wonderful blue sky just a second ago, but now it was a depressing red. Aside from the red, there was also a sinister dark miasma flowing from the road into town.

Though all three girls turned pale, Ai Lin and Zi Cheng seemed to handle it better than Yifu. Both Ai Lin and Zi Cheng were determined, Zi Cheng because she was fated to be the MC, and Ai Lin because she wanted to reverse her villainess fate. It would have been a joke if they fainted at something like this.

Yifu didn’t have their determination. The longer she looked around the more frightened she became. She couldn’t take it anymore! Her legs crumbled under her and she fell to the ground screaming. This quickly attracted a large crowd.

“What’s going on? Is that girl sick?”

“You shouldn’t delay if your illness is bad.”

“What in the world is going on over there in front of the shops?” josei

“I don’t know. I came over to ask the same thing.”

A girl screaming in the middle of the road, of course it would attract attention. The passersby stopped to stare, wondering what was going on. They gathered in a circle around Feng Wu and the group.

Yifu kept screaming, mindless of the growing crowd around her.

Zi Cheng looked around in embarrassment. She was a clever girl and she could see the seniors were upset and getting annoyed at the situation. They would surely become angry if it continued. Feng Wu’s group were smirking like it was a huge joke. Ai Lin was as unreadable as ever, but it was clear she didn’t intend to interfere.

Zi Cheng knew it was up to her to calm Yifu. She hurriedly knelt down beside Yifu to soothe her, but instead of being comforted, Yifu shrieked like a madwoman and gave Zi Cheng a vicious, hard shove.

Zi Cheng was completely unguarded; she didn’t think Yifu would ever shove her like that. The shove was so fierce she lost her footing and tumbled to the ground, making a complete roll before stopping. Dirty smudges smeared all over her once clean, pretty clothes.

The fair-skinned beauty became a bedraggled mess.

“Yifu!” Zi Cheng was unhappy and felt at a loss. She’d never suffered any kind of humiliation since coming to the world. How vexing that Yifu, her good friend, would be the first one to make her lose face!

But Zi Cheng was an MC, a godly MC at that, how could she let others read her thoughts so easily? Please. She was angry at Yifu, but all she let show in her eyes was appropriate confusion and worry for her friend.

The display was a success.

So kind-hearted! What a good girl! Only that purple-haired lass was willing to help her friend. Unlike those others just watching. How inhumane! Just heartless! were the thoughts of the passersby who didn’t know the truth of the situation.

Everyone in the Ming Xi’s group had something to say with their body language.

Ming Xi’s eyes said: Now what?

Elena’s facial reply was: How should I know?

Tian Ya had his arms crossed in front of his chest. He didn’t know these people.

Luis and Gerasi had checked out and were whistling as they looked everywhere but at Yifu.

Wind, Pei Qing, and Jier’s faces all said the same thing: You’re the seniors; you take care of it.

Feng Wu: So noisy.

After a round of everyone eyeing each other, it was clear no one knew how to handle the situation. Finally it got too noisy. Feng Wu stepped up to the screaming Yifu and tapped her. The screaming immediately stopped. That is to say the horrible heaven rending screeching stopped, but it was clear from Yifu’s open mouth she was still trying to scream, only no sound came out. She opened her eyes and glared with mindless hatred at Feng Wu.

“You should take your medicine!” Feng Wu remembered her masters words: If you’re sick, you should take your medicine. This girl was clearly sick and in a lot of pain. Why else would she scream so much? Feng Wu nodded earnestly as she spoke.

Everyone shared the same thought: Ah… finally peace and quiet.

The crowd was quick to disperse once the drama died out. In just two short minutes everyone had gone back to minding their own business, but every few minutes someone would turn to stare at the group.

But compared to earlier this was quite good! This was tolerable, much better than the stink eyes they were getting earlier.

They quickly pulled Yifu into an alleyway, relieved they were no longer the center of attention. They really regretted bringing her along!

“Feng Wu, what did you do to Yifu? How come she can’t talk now?”

After losing her voice, Yifu lost her steam and regained her senses. She had turned into a mute! Her eyes were full of poison as she glared at Feng Wu. A desire to kill her hated adversary flitted through her heart and showed in her eyes.

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