The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 118

Chapter 118:

“What is that?!” Wind cried out.

“Aye Yo! Don’t frighten me like that! I scare easily!” Pei Qing hid behind Jier. For such a tiny thing it, had a truly intimidating and terrifying aura. Its eyes were blood-shot and full of resentment. It looked like it wanted to kill everything in sight!

Yifu collapsed to the ground clutching Zi Cheng’s skirt in tight fists. If it weren’t for the fact her vocal pressure points were still locked she would have been shrieking in fright.

Luis’s face blanched and he yelled at Gerasi, “Get them out of here!”

Gerasi tore his gaze away from the baby and grabbed the parents, intending to flee the room with them, but the baby was not having it. It flew to the entrance and blocked their path. From the murderous look in its eyes, it was clear it wasn’t going to let anyone escape.

The mother screamed out, “Monster! It really is a monster!” before passing out.

“Damn!” Gerasi cursed. It looked like it would be impossible to escape with two ordinary people. He handed the unconscious woman to her husband and had him step aside. This gave Gerasi enough space to pull out his wand. He quickly assumed a battle posture.

The father had kept his wits. He held his wife against him and hid behind the group, not daring to expose even an inch of their bodies.

Feng Wu realized the couple misunderstood. They saw the newly born grudge as some kind of monster. Now wasn’t the time to explain though. They had to take care of the grudge first.

Everyone but Feng Wu and the couple took out weapons in preparation for a battle.

“Come at me!” Tian Ya yelled as he pulled out a sword. Once unsheathed the sword shone a brilliant white.

Sword intent? Of those present only Feng Wu recognized the light for what it was. The blade cut a white arc through the air creating a cold chill in the room. It really was an icy sword intent.

Manifesting sword intent was a natural part of a sword user's growth. Once one reached a certain level in swordsmanship, the sword intent would manifest on its own. However to get there the wielder needed to have a certain level of focus and cognition in order to make that breakthrough.

That Tian Ya overcame that hurdle and manifested his sword intent at such a young age, he truly was a genius among geniuses!

The others,[notes] present could not have comprehended the magnitude of this achievement. The only ones who could recognize it were Feng Wu and Tian Ya, and to a certain extent possibly Wind. Everyone else were either ordinary people or magicians. They didn’t understand the way of the sword.

In Wind’s case, with his level of mastery, it was impossible for him to call forth his sword intent, so even if he had heard of the concept, which he hadn’t, there was no way for him to recognize it even if the real thing was standing in front of him.

Feng Wu easily recognized it because she was a sword master in her previous life and had already achieved her own sword intent, thus had a strong understanding of it already.

Although the others in the group didn’t know what sword intent was, they could feel the chill from the blade and the sense of oppressive aura emanating from it. They knew his sword was not ordinary in that moment.

Under everyone’s gaze Tian Ya swung out with his sword. The blade made a white arc and snow and ice filled the room. It was extremely beautiful, but deadly as each crystalline snowflake was infused with killing intent.[notes]

To everyone’s surprise, when Tian Ya attacked with the sword the little baby did not dodge. Instead it screamed twice and took the assault head on.

Just as everyone thought it was over for the little baby spirit something unexpected happened. Instead of making impact, Tian Ya’s sword passed through the little baby’s body! It stuck it out its tiny palm and slapped Tian Ya.

Coming from something like that, there was no way the slap wouldn’t be dangerous. Even if it wasn’t lethal it would surely result in serious injury.

“What’s going on?! Why isn’t the attack working?!” Ai Lin yelled out. She didn’t expect such a powerful sword would do no damage to such a tiny monster.

Ai Lin had no idea what was going on. What was happening now wasn’t in the story. The town itself was mentioned but the author had left out the details.

Now here was this ghost thing in front of them. Her first thoughts were to get a Daoist priest and use their talisman papers. But this wasn’t that kind of world so that wasn’t going to happen.

In this world only necromancers could handle the dead. It wasn’t the same as on Earth but it worked just as well. She would have studied more about necromancers if she had known they would play such a big role!

She wasn’t the only one who regretted not learning more about the dead. Zi Cheng was also super regretful! Had she known, she would have exchanged some of her points for a spell book on the dead.

“Of course it’d be useless. It’s a ghost. Ordinary attacks won’t work on it. You need weapons or spells that hurt the soul directly. The spells and weapons we have now deal with living entities. They’re fine for people and other races, but they won’t work on spirits. Obviously.” Lydia said as she flew to Feng Wu’s side. Her tone was dripping with disappointment. She couldn’t believe they were so stupid. Why would there be a need for necromancers if ordinary weapons and spells worked on the dead? Seriously, it was like they thought necromancers were just there for decoration. josei

After that talk down from Lydia, everyone was quiet.

The idea had honestly not crossed their minds. If Lydia hadn’t said anything, they would have kept attacking futilely.

“So, we have to stand here and take its attacks?” Zi Cheng asked wrinkling her delicate brows.

The baby didn’t just stand there and wait quietly while they talked. It rushed at them.

Since their attacks were ineffective the only thing they could do was hide, but hiding was useless. It attacked the weakest of the group: Zi Cheng, Ai Lin, Yifu and Wind.

The slap it gave them was tremendous. All four were knocked unconscious and black marks appeared on their skin. The couple hiding behind them was also hit with the reverberations. It looked like they were poisoned.

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