The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Feng Wu

Jier was speechless. He nearly bowed down to her. It couldn’t be easy being so stupid. “At the very least you should know the other person’s name.” Jier felt he should teach her a little so she wouldn’t be deceived in the future.

“What’s your name?” Feng Wu was an adaptable and quick learner.

“My name is Jier.”

“My name is Feng Wu. Hmph. Now we’re not strangers.” As she said this she pulled a milk fruit out and held it out to him.

Jier immediately recognized it. Magical cubs love the stuff! He was surprised Feng Wu had such a valuable item. Because it was slightly magical, it was easily absorbed by newborns, so feeding it to them was very beneficial. The taste was also very sweet and delicious. However because the fruit was so hard to get, its market price was very high. It was hard to find and even harder to pick. Most grew in magical beast territory making it incredibly hard for normal mercenaries to enter and leave alive.

Jier took the fruit and together with Feng Wu managed to feed Little Bun. Little Bun was bigger now so his appetite had grown. At this point he could finish half a medium fruit on his own. Before he was only able to eat most of a small one.

After that they moved the middle aged man’s bed out and pulled Jier’s bed over next to Tian Ke’s. The three men from before had originally put their beds around the kids to keep them safe, but it seemed they had made friends with the red-head. The men initially had a bad impression of him, but after watching the three interact they saw that he didn’t have malicious intentions towards Feng Wu. Their minds were at ease so they moved aside without raising a fuss. josei

The common rooms normally slept ten. Because most people were strangers, it was important to be on alert and be vigilant about their surroundings. Feng Wu had no such concern. She fell asleep immediately with Little Bun in between her and Tian Ke. Changing diapers was Tian Ke’s responsibility. Fortunately, Little Bun was a very well behaved baby and slept through most of the night. Even when he peed and needed a diaper change he didn’t wail. Instead he would make small mewling noises like a cat and smack his chubby hands against Tian Ke’s face until the boy woke up.

Ha… even the baby knew his mother was unreliable.

That first night passed peacefully, there was only the occasional baby gurgles and quiet chatter.

The next morning everyone got up early as they were all too lazy to stay in bed. Feng Wu stretched out her arms and legs then packed her quilt up. This particular quilt was actually provided by the transport company. After every use it would be laundered before being returned to the passengers.

A light breakfast of black bread was also provided free of charge. Of course better fare was also available for purchase. Many people made their way down to the dining room to eat. The three men from before invited Feng Wu and her group to join them but were refused. Feng Wu still had a lot of food in her storage ring and Jier wasn’t interested in the food there. He took out several pieces of sausages from his own dimensional space item, spreading a roasted aroma throughout the room. He shared them with Feng Wu and Tian Ke. Feng Wu also took out her meat buns and the three had a lovely breakfast of sausages and meat buns together in the common room.

Little Bun had been fed earlier by Tian Ke so he was not hungry. Instead he was looking around him with big wide eyes having a great time from the sounds of his giggling.

“I have to use the bathroom.” Tian Ke said with a red face.

“Do you know where it is?” Feng Wu asked Jier.

This was their first time on a flying transport and they didn’t know where the bathrooms were located.

“We can all go together.” Jier picked up Little Bun and went to the bathroom with Feng Wu and Tian Ke.

The bathrooms were in fact not that far from their room. Following the corridor led them directly there. Tian Ke saw the sign for the bathroom and immediately rushed in with a look of resolute restraint on his face.

Feng Wu told Jier, “You, go with my baby.”


Feng Wu nodded at Little Bun silently telling him to behave before going into the ladies’ bathroom herself.

After watching Feng Wu walk in Jier said, “OK it’s you and me little guy,” and together went into the men’s bathroom with Little Bun.

Four girls entered the ladies’ shortly after. They went to the sink and stood in front of the mirror washing their hair. “Alan Duo,[notes] for the entrance exams for Xingguang Holy Academy, how confident are you?” one of the girls name Mi Li asked.

One girl jumped in with, “That’s a stupid question. It’s Alan Duo we’re talking about here. Her genius ranks at the seventh level. If you want to worry about someone, you should worry about yourself.”

“That’s not what I meant.” Mi Li said in her own defense. “I’m not worried about her passing. It’s just that I heard Lan Mo from Loulan Academy will be taking the entrance exams this year too. Aren’t you worried?”

It was natural to compare the two girls. Both had the same type of family background, were considered beauties, had numerous pursuers at their respective schools, excelled academically, and shared the same stubborn temperament and competitive streak. This inevitably led to many battles between the two. Add to that the fact that the two schools, Loulan Academy and Baixing Academy were rivals, and the two almost always sparked when they met. Since both were taking the exams at the same time, naturally it would be a competition between the two.

Ai Lu immediately took the opportunity to speak out. “Sister Mi Li, why are you worried about Alan Duo losing? Do you have so little confidence in her?”

Although the three girls hung out with Alan Duo, they couldn’t be classified as friends. Her social level was far superior. Instead they were more like subordinates or cronies, with all three on about the same level. They were fiercely competitive with one another, constantly trying to vie for the top position and win Alan Duo’s favor. Thus they tried to snipe at each other whenever possible, which explained why the girls were so quick to deride Mi Li when she expressed doubts about the exam.

Mi Li knew it was too late when she heard Ai Lu speak. They all knew Alan Duo only presented an image of sophisticated aristocracy. In reality she was a ruthless and narrow minded person.

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