The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 132

Chapter 132: RIP Gerasi

“Let us go! Do you know who we are?! We’re from the Yiduo clan! The Yiduo won’t let you guys off if you hurt us!” This came from the woman in green. She stood next to the woman in blue.

Ming Xi had no interest in them at all. He and his group gave their farewells to Cohen and turned to leave.

“Students, wait! There’s something big about to happen. If your only reason for being here is to gain experience, then I recommend leaving soon.”

Ming Xi and his group weren’t the only ones who felt uneasy, other experienced people exploring the area also felt it.

Cohen had good intentions when he told Ming Xi and his group to leave. They had a bright future ahead of them and he didn’t want their lives to be cut short by misfortune in the battlegrounds.

“Thank you for your concern. We will be careful.” Ming Xi thanked the man sincerely. He and his group were already aware of the situation but he appreciated the warning.

Cohen could see Ming Xi’s group weren’t going to leave. They were strangers who met in passing so he wasn’t going to go out of his way to convince them. He warned them. What they chose to do with that warning was their business.

Neither groups thought about the other after parting ways.

The kids found a good place to set up camp for the night.

Feng Wu and her team[notes] had the habit of carrying dried foods with them. Ming Xi’s team[notes] went out on expeditions to train often, so they were accustomed to carrying various ingredients and spices on their bodies at all times. This way they would be able to cook something when they didn’t want to eat the prepared rations they brought along with them.

“We’ll help.” Zi Cheng volunteered as she took the pot from Elena and positioned it over the fire. Meanwhile Yifu helped wash the vegetables with water supplied by Zi Cheng’s water magic.

Potatoes in this world were much larger than the ones back on Earth but they were just as popular. Ai Lin used a small knife to peel and dice them.

Elena saw Feng Wu standing nearby looking awkward so she called out, “Feng Wu, come and help cut the vegetables." She held the knife out to Feng Wu wanting to include her.

Light positively beamed out of Feng Wu’s eyes - she was so excited. It was the first time anyone voluntarily let her help in the kitchen.

Jier was helping the other boys pitch the tents, so wasn’t aware of what was happening. When he turned around and saw Feng Wu holding a knife and cutting some vegetables his stomach did a somersault.

Vegetables? Cutting? As long as she didn’t cook anything, it would be fine right? Uncertainty ate at Jier, but one thing he was certain about was the quality of Feng Wu’s cooking. It was lethal and to be avoided at all costs! He remembered the first time he tasted something she made. It knocked him out for a solid twenty minutes. Then when he woke up he couldn’t eat anything – for three days! He lost over five pounds. Anyone else would have surely died!

It was a sad past. Just thinking about it made him lose his appetite, better to stop, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to eat dinner.

It would be over for anyone who passed out in the battlegrounds. Just give up, turn into a zombie, or be food for the reptiles.

No, it was too dangerous to let Feng Wu cook. Jier had to check. “Xiao Wu,” he asked his voice laced with care, “are you cooking?”

“Xiao Cheng is cooking. She’s an amazing cook. In fact many of the recent popular dishes were her creations.” Yifu immediately piped up, not wanting Feng Wu to get any credit.

“Oh, well then carry on. I’ll stay out of the way.” Xiao Wu wasn’t cooking! Jier’s entire body relaxed now that the danger had passed. He waved to Feng Wu before running into the woods to collect more sticks and twigs.

Feng Wu wondered why Jier had come over at all.

The smell of cooked stew floated around camp as everyone ate. Both Luis and Gerasi complimented Zi Cheng on her cooking; it was a savory and filling meal.

Gerasi sighed in contentment. “Junior Zi Cheng is so skilled. If Elena was half as good we wouldn’t have to worry about eating crappy food on expeditions.”

Luis edged away from Gerasi as he thought: stuuuupid!

“Oh, is Little Brother Gerasi dissatisfied with my cooking?”

The tone made Gerasi’s back crawl. He thought: ah my god what a stupid mistake! Do I not want to live anymore? Why the hell did I say that?

“Ahm.. . Ahm.. . Big Sister Elena, I was confused. Confused! I misspoke – I used the wrong words! Oh honorable, wonderful, forgiving, Big Sister Elena, can we just pretend I didn’t say anything?” Gerasi looked up at Elena with large moist eyes filled with unshed tears. Sitting there with his bowl of stew and that pitiful expression on his face, he looked like a battered and abused housewife. It was too beautiful! The others were sitting back to enjoy the show.

“No. .. can. .. do.” Elena laid her bowl down gently before stepping toward Gerasi in a very ladylike manner. She reached for his bowl and pulled it out of his hands. Once it was safely out of the way. .. *whack!* she clobbered him. Then she hauled him away into the grass to be properly educated.

“No! Wait! Please, I won’t dare talk nonsense anymore! Help!” Gerasi pleaded. It was useless, Elena was merciless and his companions were enjoying the show too much to help.

Don’t know where he got it from, but Luis found a white handkerchief to wave for Gerasi.

“Will Senior Gerasi be all right?” Zi Cheng’s voice was full of worry.

“Don’t worry about him. He’ll be fine.” Luis assured her.

Zi Cheng felt better. It turned out she was being overly worried.

The potato stew was devoured quickly by the group and another night passed by peacefully. Somehow or other, news of the god’s tomb spread, and before long everyone in the battlegrounds knew of it.

¡Gracias por el capítulo!

-(Wed) December 18, 2019 @ 1:03pm

Thanks for the chapter otwentyfirst~ Hey, its foot in mouth disease.

-(Mon) January 13, 2020 @ 1:05am

By the time the kids reached the tomb, there was already a massive crowd of people milling about.

Zi Cheng didn’t understand why so many people were there.

Ai Lin didn’t know either – there were too many plot changes! The only ones who should have been at the tomb were the members of the Yiduo clan. Zi Cheng would arrive later and the two would fight to gain entrance. Ultimately, as the female MC, Zi Cheng would win, enter the tomb, and get the divine artifact. The fact that the structure was a tomb wasn’t something anyone else should have known. Ai Lin was really confused.

No one else in the group knew the tomb was supposed to be a big secret or just how important it was.

The battlegrounds were a huge, expansive region. Many people entered to get hands on training and gain experience. They were all confident in their abilities, but they knew not to underestimate anyone they met.

News about the tomb spread fast. There were so many factions gathered around that no one would have been able to sneak inside the tomb unnoticed. Ming Xi’s group joined the growing number of people milling about without attracting any attention. They could tell there was something wrong so they looked for an inconspicuous place to wait. But some people shine brightly no matter where they are. People will inexorably turn to them even if they’re just standing still minding their own business.

Unfortunately Ming Xi’s party was full of people like that: there was the gentle, charming and charismatic Zi Cheng, there was the incredibly sexy Elena with her curvaceous body, there was the beautiful and sassy looking Ai Lin with her bright smile, there was the exotic, dark, mysterious beauty of Feng Wu, and then there was Yifu and Jasmine, who were pretty in their own right. That was the ladies, the boys were amazing too.

Jier was like a fire in the night with his flaming red hair and heated atmosphere. Tian Ya exuded a chilly beauty with his cold eyes and murderous aura. Ming Xi stood like a serene beauty, charm glowing from every pore. He was like the moon god incarnate. Men, women, it didn’t matter the gender, eyes gravitated towards him. The ladies were staring quite lasciviously as a matter of fact. The other males in the group may as well just blend into the background.

Those undistinguishable men.[notes]:. ..

“Hey, are you guys also looking for treasure in the god’s tomb?” The question came from a sloppily dressed young man in a nearby group composed of both men and women. It was obvious they were interested in Ming Xi’s team.

“You guys too?” Luis took on the role of ambassador.

What god’s tomb? Wasn’t this just an ordinary tomb? Both Jier and Gerasi discretely glanced at Zi Cheng. Had she known all along it wasn’t just an ordinary tomb but actually a god’s tomb?

Suspicion bloomed in Jier’s heart. He decided Zi Cheng wasn’t as honest as she appeared. If he did go into the tomb he needed to watch out for her.

Gerasi had some doubts but he wasn’t certain. The others in the group felt the same way. It was possible she didn’t know. But even if she did, she was the one who discovered it, so her keeping it a secret was fair. After all it was a god’s tomb. It was appropriate to be on guard and be cautious.

Their opinion of Zi Cheng was unchanged.

Feng Wu was confused. “It’s not just an old tomb?” There was no hidden motive in her question; she only asked because she wanted clarification.

Other’s hearing the question took it the wrong way.

Zi Cheng bit her lip, an aggrieved look in her eyes. “Sorry Xiao Wu, I didn’t know this was a god’s tomb. I really thought it was just some ancient tomb.” Zi Cheng pulled the innocent, misunderstood card.

Ai Lin wanted to applaud. It was damn good acting.

Yifu immediately jumped in, her tone filled with anger. “What are you saying?! Are you blaming Xiao Cheng?!”

“Ladies, ladies. This is a god’s tomb. News of it spread like wildfire yesterday. Not only that, even the exact location was disclosed. No one knows who started it, but the entire battleground knows about it. So we all came to check it out,” broke in the young man from earlier, totally missing the nasty undertone floating between the girls.

“Oh,” Luis smoothly added, “so that’s how it is. We also heard about the tomb; that’s why we’re here. We just didn’t expect it was a god’s tomb.”

“The people who told you about it must have not known either. Anyways, it’s a god’s tomb, so it’s a huge affair. Who knows how many bigshots are going to show up? There are a bunch of large groups camping out in front of the entrance already. But it’ll only open with a key, so no one’s getting in until the one with the key shows up.”

“What?! A key? The tomb needs key?” Luis was surprised. The group had no idea there was a key.

“Of course there’s a key.” The young man answered. “It’s a god’s tomb my man. Otherwise don’t you think everyone would have gone in already?”

Pei Qing had to ask. “Who has the key then?”

The young man turned to look at Pei Qing in the eyes. “The Inferno company. They’re legendary.”

“The Inferno company?” Wasn’t that the group they met earlier in the woods? Luis thought the name was familiar. The news about the tomb was spread yesterday, and yesterday was when they encountered the company and the seven people. Was there a connection? It was only a hypothesis but the entire thing made Luis wonder.

¡Gracias por el capítulo!

-(Wed) December 18, 2019 @ 1:07pm

Thanks otwentyfirst! Hmmm. The group they were chasing must have spread the info in revenge after their loot got stolen.

-(Mon) January 13, 2020 @ 1:11am

Yesterday a member of the Inferno company had stumbled upon a corpse that had been decaying for several years. On the body was a sheet of iron. The Yiduo clan saw it as well, but didn’t know what it was at the time.

Operating under the principle of never letting go of something once they saw it, in order to keep the prize and split it evenly amongst themselves, the group of seven didn’t hesitate to stab the Inferno member in the back. The mercenary company was huge with well over three hundred members, so they weren’t to be trifled with. Killing the guy was the best way to cover their tracks.

But just as they were in the process of killing him -seven on one- Cohen’s squad appeared. There were many veterans in his squad so, in the end they were the ones outnumbered. While they were fleeing, some of the Inferno member’s blood dripped onto the sheet and revealed the map. The Yidou clan saw the tomb’s location and realized what the iron sheet was for.

The Inferno company didn’t know what the iron sheet was for; had they known they would not have let the seven people from the Yiduo clan off with just a beating.

This veered from the original plot. Originally the group of seven were not captured by the mercenary company and had instead met up with their own Yiduo clan. The clan would find the god’s tomb and eventually lose the key to Zi Cheng.

Unfortunately for them the script changed with Feng Wu’s appearance. The Inferno company were able to take back the iron sheet, thus changing everything that happened afterwards.

As a matter of fact, if the seven people had successfully killed the guy from the Inferno company, the tomb would never have been made public. But since the plot changed and the Yiduo clan lost the iron sheet, the clan purposefully circulated the rumors about the tomb.

They were angry at having to eat the loss from the Inferno company. If they couldn’t get it, then they would try their best to make it difficult for their rival.

By the time the Inferno company finished preparations to raid the tomb, news of it had spread throughout the battlegrounds.

Feng Wu’s group didn’t know any of this insider information. Luis was gathering information from the youth that had approached them.

“Both the matter of the keys being in the Inferno company’s possession and the tomb’s location were spread at the same time?” Ai Lin thought the whole thing was suspicious.

“We wondered if the rumors were circulating because the Inferno group offended someone. It’s exactly the kind of rumor that would band adventurers together to oppose them. But after further observations, we surmised that the key may truly be held by the Inferno group after all.

The person who spread the rumor initially may have been telling the truth. After we verified it, many large mercenary groups began making, or tried to make connections with the Inferno company. Currently, there are a few around the general area and a few more around the entrance of the tomb.

It’s definitely because they worked out an agreement of some type.”

Luis smiled and thanked the brother for the information. “If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t know the situation.”

“You don’t have to be so polite. It’s common knowledge and not a secret at all.” The young man waved his hand dismissively.

Feng Wu tugged at Jier’s shirt. Uncertain and a bit distressed she asked, “Jier, should we go in?”

Jier turned down to look at her. “Do you want to go?”

“It’s just that the tomb is very dangerous.” Feng Wu read a lot of books so she knew what a god’s tomb was. It was something gods built as their final resting place. There would be treasure, but there would also be danger.

Feng Wu puckered her lips thoughtfully as she looked over at Ming Xi.

Feeling her gaze, Ming Xi turned to her and gave her a slight, gentle nod.

“Don’t go in if you’re so afraid of dying. No one asked you to go.” Yifu hated Feng Wu the most. The two had clashed early on and the divide between them only deepened with time. It was at a point where it was impossible for them to get along.

Feng Wu’s suspicion of Zi Cheng earlier only added fuel to the fire. Yifu's anger was off the charts.

“Shut up or die.” Jier glanced at her disdainfully as he spoke. He didn’t bother trying to hide the maliciousness in his eyes.

“You’re a successor to one of the four season gods! How can you threaten a girl like that?!” Yifu didn’t believe him.

It was a good thing Jier was fast. He activated a silence spell the moment she opened her mouth. Otherwise she would have spilled his identity to everyone.

“Yifu! How irresponsible of you. How could you reveal Jier’s identity like that?” Ai Lin wanted to get into Jier’s good graces so she jumped right in.

“I didn’t say anything wrong! Why should his identity by a secret?! Why can’t I say it?” Yifu countered. She didn’t appreciate Ai Lin’s nosiness.

“Ah! Could it be Jier is afraid if his identity is exposed, people will know he used his powers to embarrass a classmate?” Jasmine joined in. She still had a grudge against Jier for using illusion magic to humiliate her so she naturally sided with Yifu.

¡Gracias por el capítulo!

-(Wed) December 18, 2019 @ 1:11pm

otwentyfirst.... those two are really idiots...

-(Mon) January 13, 2020 @ 1:16am

Zi Cheng immediately realized they were teaming up to embarrass Jier. It made her anxious. Every single god successor was a powerhouse in his own right. She really didn’t want to offend one of them. She was about to speak to alleviate the tension, unfortunately Jier wasn't the type to be patient.

“Haven’t had enough? Want try again?” Jier’s voice was full of provocation and malice.

“You-!” Jasmine was practically hyperventilating; her chest heaved up and down, but unfortunately the men were not in the mood to appreciate the show. She never expected Jier would have the audacity to threaten her in front of so many people. However, after the humiliation she suffered under his hands before,[notes] she knew how crazy he could get.

She wouldn’t put it past him to make her perform in front of so many people.

“Stop, Jasmine, Yifu. The situation is already confusing enough as it is. We shouldn’t fight amongst ourselves.” Zi Cheng grabbed a girl in each hand. She made up her mind to keep an eye on them so they’d stay out of trouble.

The girls were pulled away before either Elena or Gerasi could intercede.

After talking some more to the outgoing guy from the other group, Luis understood what was happening with the tomb.

“Oh look. The Yiduo clan are here. They even brought one of their elders. Our odds of getting an artifact just got slimmer.”

“Ha. You were shooting for an artifact? I would have been happy with just a spell or a fruit.”

“There are so many people here already but it looks like more are still showing up.”

“I wonder what the Inferno guys are thinking. They still haven't opened the tomb. The longer they wait the more people are going to show up. It’s going to be a madhouse then.”

“Yeah, why haven’t they opened the tomb yet?”

Other people were also gossiping. In their hearts, they were worried. Big shots kept arriving. The longer they waited the smaller the pot was going to be.

As everyone was talking, a high ranking elder from the Yiduo clan walked forward. He was a middle aged man clad entirely in a black magic robe. The air around him was filled with powerful magic.

There were several people around him. Some were obviously magicians with staves and wands in hand, while others were sword users with their long swords. All of them exuded a powerful air.

The group of about thirty walked into the crowd. They were an influential clan in Souya, so although there weren’t many of them, none of the adventurers dared underestimate them.The clan was protected by a magical swordsman and not many in Souya dared oppose them.

“Big brother, look over there! Aren’t those the guys who blocked us so we couldn’t escape from the Inferno company?” This came from a dainty looking girl in blue with a staff one hand.

“It is them! Brother Yabo, we can’t let them get away! If we don’t kill them, I’ll never resolve this suffocation in my chest!” Another girl glared at Feng Wu. Her big eyes were full of resentment. Indeed if looks could kill, Feng Wu and the others would have died half a dozen times already.

“Anji, Banji, don’t worry. We’ll definitely kill those guys.” Yabo glanced with a sinister eye towards Ming Xi’s group. Then he walked to their group elder.

Their elder was the seventh of twelve elders in the Yiduo family. He had been leading a small group in training when they ran into several juniors in the clan. He never expected to encounter a god’s tomb on the trip. He was incredibly resentful of the Inferno company for stealing the key from them. Regarding the small adventurer group that made it happen, there was no way he was going to let them get away.

Dealing with the Inferno group required discussion with the other elders in the clan, but dealing with a group of young adventurers did not. He wasn’t pressured in the least, so when Yabo pointed out they were nearby, he decided he would settle the matter himself. The people of the Yiduo clan were not nobodies anyone could just bully!

The kids were sensitive and felt the venomous stares. They turned around and found the Yiduo clan staring at them.

“Aren’t those the guys who tried to drag us down with them yesterday?” Ai Lin asked.

Luis agreed. “Yeah, they are. I heard someone mention they’re people from the Yiduo clan.”

“Well apparently they want to kill us.” Tian Ya said.

“Everyone be careful once we enter the tomb. I suspect they will try something once we’re all inside.” Ming Xi frowned. He didn’t expect the earlier encounter to cause so much trouble.

“Definitely.” Wind and Rain both agreed.

Yabo wanted the Seventh Elder to kill the group then and there, but the elder refrained. He didn’t want any witnesses around when he killed them. They were students from Xingguang Holy Academy, and though it was only a school, it had a lot of influence. Everyone knew how good the relationship between the school and Star Marshall Hall was. Not to mention the special identities of the school’s principal and the lord of the hall. They were akin to gods. The Seventh Elder did not want to provoke the school.

But just because he didn’t want to provoke the school didn’t mean he was willing to let the group go. The clan needed to get revenge for the stolen key. The best course was to hide their actions and set a trap inside the tomb. This way, when the time came, the school wouldn’t know it was the Yiduo clan.

It was a good idea, but would it really go so smoothly?

“Why do they want to kill us?” Feng Wu didn’t know them so she didn’t understand why the group was emitting such a strong killing intent.

OMG!! Thank your again for the mass release :D

-(Tue) December 10, 2019 @ 8:37pm

Thank you so much again for the mass release! ?? Haha awww Feng Wu is too innocent to understand what's going on and how her question sounded. ??

-(Wed) December 11, 2019 @ 5:24am

Zi Cheng is gross. I can’t stand fake people

-(Wed) December 11, 2019 @ 8:27am

+1 (Agree with Gross)

-(Fri) December 13, 2019 @ 10:40pm

Thanks for the mass release❤ i love this novel so much

-(Sat) December 14, 2019 @ 9:17am

¡Gracias por el capítulo!

-(Wed) December 18, 2019 @ 1:15pm

thanks otwentyfirst. those folk are going to die... backfire trap?

-(Mon) January 13, 2020 @ 1:33am


Jier quickly educated Feng Wu. “Some people are just unreasonable. They don’t need a reason to kill. In the future, if you encounter people with this kind of mental illness, don’t be polite towards them.”

Feng Wu nodded. She understood now. Those who wanted to kill without reason were mentally unwell.

Ming Xi secretly agreed with Jier’s education. He’d only been with Feng Wu a few days, but he could see how incredibly simple and pure she was. If someone didn’t properly and carefully educate her, who knew what unscrupulous person would try to take advantage of her?

“Oh, Elder Falay, is this your team?” The question came from a middle aged man wearing a sword master’s outfit and a mercenary group’s badge on one arm. He was smiling as he walked over.

A cold light flashed in Seventh Elder’s eyes at the voice. “Captain Anduo, you’re also here. Indeed, you arrived here pretty fast!”

“The news of the god’s tomb spread so quickly. I heard about it and came right away. Speaking of which, I must thank Elder Falay for spreading the news.” The smile on Captain Anduo’s face was sincere.

“There is no need. I simply didn’t want the Inferno company to monopolize the god’s tomb. The tomb should be shared with everyone. How can one company be allowed to keep it to themselves?” Seventh Elder Falay laughed. His real thoughts were quite different. He thought if it weren’t for the Yiduo clan, how could any of you even know about the tomb? Without us, you mercenaries wouldn’t even know what you were missing.

Anduo sneered in his heart as he thought how obvious it was that Falay was using the crowd to pressure the Inferno company to open the tomb. To cause harm with such nice words, then laugh so naturally afterwards, Falay really wasn’t easy to deal with.

The two old foxes mentally scolded each other but nothing showed on their faces.

Another voice floated over. “Falay, you’re on your own? None of the other twelve elders are with you? Are you going to be able to handle all those kids on your own?” The owner of the voice, a sinister man with deep undereye circles, walked up. He held a long staff in one hand and was emitting a powerful aura, clearly not someone to be trifled with.

“You just worry about your own family clan Shaya.” Falay snorted and began to lead his group somewhere else to wait.

“Well unlike your Yiduo clan that haven’t had any distinguishing talent lately, my Lianye clan is full of talented recruits.” Shaya sneered.

This made the group of juniors behind Falay glare; their disbelief obvious. Shaya barely even registered their presence. The magic around him hummed and suddenly struck out at the juniors.

They were just juniors so how could they detect the attack? Why would a master even attack a group of juniors?

“Attacking juniors. Shaya, you’re shameless.” Falay struck his staff to the ground and instantly neutralized the attack.

“Humph!” Shaya walked away without even bothering to give the group a second glance.

None of the other groups in the area intervened. It was important to conserve their strength, so why meddle in someone else’s business? The people who came weren’t stupid. They came to find treasure inside the tomb. They wouldn’t expend precious energy to battle in front of the gates.

Fortunately Falay’s group found a spot to wait without saying much in retaliation. Many more people showed up but the hour passed by without incident. The Inferno company finally appeared after an endless amount of calls from the crowd.

They were of course welcomed by everyone the moment they appeared. The crowd was excited and wanted to get inside the tomb as fast as possible.

“Captain Cohen, it’s been awhile. We’ll have to ask your help in exploring the tomb.”

“Yes, yes. It must have been incredible luck that Captain Cohen found the key. We’re all so envious!”

“Brother Cohen, don’t forget to take care of the Mad Lion group. We don’t know the terrain inside the tomb.”

The captains of the different mercenary groups along with the elders of various clans surrounded him in an instant. Their words were short, but their meaning was clear: It’s high time to open the tomb. You have a map, so share it with the rest of us.

He knew the crowd wouldn’t hesitate to kill for the key if he didn’t open the tomb voluntarily.

The more Cohen listened to them, the more he wanted to kick them. His company was ecstatic at the opportunity to enter the god’ tomb, but the group he was with weren’t that strong. He had only been taking them around to train a bit in the battlegrounds when the whole thing with the map happened. They needed more than the few powerful experts that gathered in front of the tomb to make the expedition work. How much exploring could they possibly do with the mishmash of talents they had now? Would they be able to exit alive if the entered?

He had sent his fastest guy to headquarters to notify the leaders of the company about the tomb. But it would take time for them to reorder everything and rendezvous with him and his squad. He hoped they were making haste and not wasting time fantasizing about the treasure.

Others, like Cohen, had also sent message back to their respective organizations. The real masters and big shot leaders hadn’t arrived yet. To access the tomb and get as much treasure as possible would require additional rear support. Just the congregation gathered wasn’t enough.

“Let’s go to the other side,” Zi Cheng said as soon as she saw Cohen appear.

“Huh? Why?” Luis asked suspiciously. The others shot her suspicious glances as well.

No one gathered around the entrance of the tomb noticed the small group of school children shift away from the crowd. Zi Cheng led Ming Xi and the others to a side location surrounded by poisonous shrubs. The mutant plants were no match for the kids.

“A side entrance?” Ai Lin asked pointing to a smooth stone wall in the tomb.


“Yes. There were two maps on the iron sheet I found. It showed two different entrances: a safe one and a random one. The random entrance will teleport you to a random location inside the tomb. There’s a chance you could land in a dangerous location.

I didn’t want to use it, but there are too many people in front of the main entrance; Plus it’s obvious the people from the Yiduo clan don’t like us. It would be dangerous to go the same way as them, so I thought we could try this route instead.”

Zi Cheng wasn’t lying. She had wanted to take the safer path initially, but walking the safe path with so many people would turn dangerous quickly. There was so much treasure, people would definitely fight. They were at a disadvantage since they were such a small group. So why not take a chance and gamble on the random entrance?

“Junior Zi Cheng has a point. Even a safe road will become dangerous when you squeeze so many people together. Let’s try this one.” Elena was a risk-taker at heart so she wasn’t concerned about the random transport.

“Yes, let’s take this entrance. Just be careful after you enter. Remember, it is a god’s tomb.” As the class senior in the group, Ming Xi felt it was his duty to warn everyone. While he didn’t have the same relationship with Pei Qing, Wind and Rain, they had travelled together, so technically they could be considered friends.

The trio obediently nodded their heads. Feng Wu gazed at him with big, bright eyes. Ming Xi ignored her. At this point he was used to her blatant, molesting stares.

The ground suddenly shook. Ming Xi and the others guessed Cohen had opened the entrance.

Zi Cheng took out the small piece of iron and aimed it at the smooth section of wall. When she did so a white light appeared above the area. An energy filled black hole quickly replaced the light.

The kids exchanged glances then proceeded to walk into the hole one by one.

After much endless spinning, Feng Wu appeared above what looked like beast territory. Yes it was a large expanse of land inhabited by beasts.[notes] She recognized the beasts, having read about them in one of the books in the library. They were called Four-Winged Sheep; high level fire type beasts. They spewed fire from their mouths and bodies all year round. Even their feathers were made of flames. The feathers were especially useful in attacking their enemies.

It was rare to see such high level beasts unless one went to their natural habitat. This was difficult given the great danger involved.

Feng Wu looked around. She couldn’t see anyone else. Was she lost? She blinked, feeling a little uncomfortable. Fortunately she grew up on Yuehua mountain, so quickly adapted to being alone.

The beasts were aware of the recent human incursion into their territory. They were quick to finish off any humans they found, but Feng Wu smelled different. These originally vicious beasts changed their minds.

“She had a wonderful scent!" They wanted to be friends with her!

“Me! Me! I want to be friends with her! The air around her feels so good…”

“Who is this human? Why don’t I want to bash her in?”

Dozens of Four-Winged Sheep, young and old, big and small, gathered around her and gazed curiously at her. The older ones had more resistance to Feng Wu; they didn’t immediately rush over to sniff her. The younger ones had no such ability. They rushed forward with wagging tails as they ran around her legs begging to be hugged and petted. Some nipped at her skirt trying to get her attention.

Feng Wu squinted and smiled. She was great with animals, and she loved getting along with them. Although the animals in this world were strange with awesomely destructive powers, it didn’t stop her from liking them.

She wasn’t afraid of the flames from the little ones. She bent down to pat them on the backs and play with their wings. It made the little ones shriek with joy.

The adult beasts were nervous she would hurt the little ones, but they relaxed upon seeing the Feng Wu’s lack of fear toward their flames.

Their flames weren’t physical, but spiritual ones. If they weren’t actively attacking you, then as long as you had good intentions in your heart, the flames wouldn’t hurt. Conversely, if you had evil intentions, then you would suffer painfully engulfed in the flames.

Feng Wu wasn’t afraid of their flames. It proved she didn’t have wicked thoughts toward them and that her heart was pure. It would have been impossible for her to be uninjured if she did.

Even if the baby beasts were weak, their flames were still effective against humans.

Feng Wu’s friendliness and her complete lack of fear toward their flames soon won the adult beasts over. The fact that she understood what they were saying made them even happier. They brought her to their cave and gave her some spiritual fruit as a welcoming present. It was the kind that increased bone strength.

She took a teeny tiny small mouthful of the fruit, completely unaware how precious it was. For her it was just a nice present from her new friends.

While Feng Wu was leisurely eating fruit, her travel companions were suffering.

Jier fell headfirst into a swamp and nearly drowned.

Wind and Rain were luckier, having landed in a forest, however it was a huge forest and they didn’t know where they were.

Pei Qing fell into a beast lair. Fortunately the beast wasn’t home and Pei Qing was able to run away before it returned.

Elena and Yifu teleported to the same location and nearly fell into a pool. If not for Elena’s quick reaction they, would have turned into dinner for a magical water beast.

Tian Ya may have just had a strong affinity for ice because he fell into a cold region surrounded by ice and snow. He was a master who understood the ice sword intent so it was an easy location for him.


Zi Cheng fell into an abandoned ruin surrounded by fallen buildings, so she was relatively safe.

Ai Lin fell into a field filled with rare medicinal plants. Of everyone, she was the luckiest. She harvested as much as she could and stored them in her dimensional bag.

Jasmine landed in a snake pit. Luckily she landed with Gerasi and they were able to escape after a hard battle.

Luis had somewhat worse luck. He landed in a desert where scorpions occasionally burrowed out of the ground and chased after him.

As for Ming Xi, his luck was incredible. He landed near a crater, nearly falling into a volcano and burning to a crisp.

Because of the random teleportation, except for a few people who ended up together, most of them were scattered around the tomb. Each of them began moving in search of treasure.

Feng Wu was enjoying a banquet of spiritual fruits while being entertained enthusiastically by the sheep. The sheep were native to the tomb so they knew where all the fruits grew.

Feng Wu ate with one hand and petted with the other; she was having a great time.

“Xiao Wu, you have to be careful. This is a dangerous tomb. It’s a deadly legacy left by a god. Us Four-Winged Sheep have lived here for generations, but even for us, there are places we haven’t explored or dared go. It’s dangerous, so you can’t walk around willy nilly.” A mother sheep looked at Feng Wu lovingly as she delivered her warning.

“Yes, yes, please be careful. We feel that many humans entered recently. Humans are very baaaad. Of course Xiao Wu is not bad. Xiao Wu is good. Xiao Wu must be skeptical and not believe those other humans too easily,” warned another sheep.

They liked Feng Wu and were worried she would die in the tomb, so they told her about all the safe places they knew. But the tomb was made by a god and it was really too big. Despite living there for generations, their knowledge only extended as far as the grasslands. They didn’t know anything beyond those boundaries.

The sheep sent her off with lots of fruits. Feng Wu waved goodbye to the cute herd of sheep and continued on her journey alone.

Jier told her not to worry if she got separated from everyone. She should first explore the area around her. Be careful of the people she met while exploring. She needed to remember to protect herself and only trust the senior sister and brothers of Ming Xi’s team. As for anyone else, she needed to be careful and not trust them too quickly, or believe their words too easily, this included Zi Cheng and Ai Lin.

Feng Wu didn’t understand why she shouldn’t believe Zi Cheng, but she wasn’t a curious person so she didn’t ask. She was good at being obedient and following directions.

She walked forward in the grasslands. The sky was filled with fluffy clouds that moved with the wind and the sun shone warmly on her head. From time to time a beast would walk by.

Feng Wu’s approachable aura was powerful. Even a fierce beast, as long as it was an intelligent creature, wouldn’t be malicious toward her. At worse, if it was in a particularly foul mood, it would just ignore her.

In another direction, hundreds of people entering the tomb faced a difficult decision.

“Cohen, which way should we go?” A squad captain from another mercenary group came over trying to get some information.

Everyone had entered the tomb once the entrance was opened. They walked into an enormous hall with several doors. Each door was engraved with mysterious images and text. They knew the doors represented a choice. Choosing the wrong one meant failing or even dying.

So which door should they take? No one dared make the first move. Everyone was curious what the Inferno company would do since they had the key. They wondered if the company had intelligence on the tomb.

How could Cohen not know what they were thinking? He smiled bitterly. “You guys, you don’t have to wait. We don’t know which door to choose either. The only thing that appeared on the iron was the map to the tomb and the key. We don’t know anything else.”

Members of the Inferno company squad had, on more than one occasion, wanted to curse out loud. The key was theirs to begin with, but someone snatched it, and it was only with great difficulty that they managed to get it back. Once they got it back, the fact that they had it was leaked to the public. They were a small squad and everyone was watching them to see what they were hiding. They had to be careful what came out of their mouths.

But what could they possibly hide? If they really knew the pathways inside the tomb, would they really hang around so unprepared?

The crowd believed most of what Cohen said. It was obvious when they thought about it. It was a god’s tomb. Finding a key and an external map was already pretty good. To also find an internal map? Wasn’t that just too good to be true?

Generally speaking, exploring a tomb should involve adventure and work. There would be many levels, trials, and tests of fortune. How you fared depended on your ability and luck. If there was an internal map, wouldn’t that be too easy? By then, could it even be called it test?

The more logical members in the crowd were inclined to believe Cohen.

Of course there were those who didn’t believe him as well. What if he was lying? Then they would be losing out on a really good lead. They decided to follow him and pick up whatever advantages they could get.

Those who believed Cohen didn’t have a map stood by the door they wanted to go through. Those who didn’t believe continued to stare at him and his team, intent on following whichever door the team chose. It took a long time before someone finally mustered the courage to walk through one of the doors.

“What?! How is this possible? How’d I end up in a desert?!” A person exclaimed after walking through a door. He had been teleported to a desert.

c139: Inheritance

“Grasslands? To have a dimensional space, truly deserving to be called a god’s tomb!” A boundless field of grass spread in front.

“Whoa! What is this place? So cold! It’s freezing!” It was a white world with snow above and ice below.

“Damn it! There’s too much water! Are we at sea?!” It was like an endless ocean.

“Hot! Hot! A freaking volcano? Really?!” A volcanic crater lay nearby.

A different world lay behind each door. Which one it led to all depended on luck.

A majestic voice resounded from the sky after everyone entered. It sounded like it came from the heavens, powerful and imposing.

It said, “Congratulations adventurers. Congratulations on finding this place. It is my tomb, the god Calven. I don’t know how many millennia has passed, but you are the first humans to enter this place.

I was an ordinary, weak human ten millennia ago. After working hard and training diligently, I broke through the barrier and ascended to the heavens, becoming a self-made god.[notes]

I thought I would have eternal life after becoming a god. I never expected the battle between the gods and demons would erupt. So many of us gods fell here.

During my lifetime, I, Calven was devoted to practicing the magical arts. I never accepted a disciple and did not leave a legacy behind. Before I died, I used my final strength to create this tomb. Whoever can pass my test will become my successor and inherit my legacy.”

“A legacy! A real bonafide legacy!”

“I never expected this. I have to try my luck!”

“This is useless to a sword user. I wouldn’t have come if I knew.”

“Stupid. Even if you can’t get the legacy as a sword user, you can still loot for treasure! Just a little here and you’ll be set for a few decades at least!”

“True! True! I wasn’t thinking.”

Magicians were boiling with passion at God Calven’s words. Sword users did not retreat either. Even if they couldn’t get the inheritance, they could still get some amazing treasures.

“It seems everyone is ready. The first part of the test will begin. Everyone made their choices from the doors in the hall. Every door represents a miniature world. You will encounter various dangers in these worlds.

Face these dangers with your weapons and remove the obstacles in your way. Escape the world with your intelligence and wit. The first one hundred to do so will earn a spot on the second floor. So come adventurers! I await your arrival on the second floor!”

And just like that, ambitious individuals tried to take the lead to pass the first test.

In the bowels of the tomb, where no one could see, a black figure widened his blood, red eyes in anticipation. “Come! Come! Come to me! I waited so long for this day! Now it’s finally here! Hahaha!”

None of the adventurers knew there was a monster underground waiting for them. They were blinded by the possible legacy and countless treasure in the tomb. No one thought about what lay in wait for them.

Feng Wu stared blankly at the sky. She blinked when her eyes began to sting. “Find the exit?” Feng Wu mumbled to herself. She took a step and moved forward.

Feng Wu was a courteous and well-behaved child. She made many friends on the grasslands. Whenever she met a beast, she would take the initiative to greet it and offer it a spiritual fruit. The beasts didn’t take advantage of her, quickly returning the favor and giving her an even better fruit back in exchange.

Her path was easy without danger.

Other adventurers who entered the grassland weren’t so fortunate. It was a wide expansive region, home to thousands of beasts, most of which lived in herds and packs, so provoking one meant provoking the entire group.

The adventurers suffered greatly. In a short period of time the once peaceful grasslands became chaotic, thick with the smell of blood. It was a slaughterhouse.

Drew was only eighteen. He had tried to test into Xingguang Holy Academy earlier, but had failed. He had been practicing the sword at this father’s house since then. His father was an average adventurer – not particularly weak or particularly strong. Drew had followed his father and practiced daily for many years.

Recently his father had to rely on medicinal potions to stay alive. He had been poisoned by a beast while out on a mission to collect some rare herbs.

Legend had it, a spiritual fruit that could cure all types of poison grew in the Realm Battlegrounds. The market value was exorbitant though. There was no way Drew could buy it even if he saved for a hundred years.

This was why he was in the battlegrounds: in order to find the fruit for his father.

He met several other adventurers when he entered the battlegrounds. They were all about the same age so they hit it off really well, and before long ended up as a team.

They were only in the battlegrounds for two days when news of the god’s tomb reached them. Drew had no interest in the tomb; he knew he wouldn’t be able to enter a dangerous place like that with his strength, but his newfound companions wanted to go. They persuaded him that the god’s tomb would be the best place to find the spiritual fruit he was seeking, thus he agreed to enter the tomb with them.

The door they chose led them to the grasslands. It was so big, they couldn’t see the end of it.

The arrival of a god named Calven made his companions even more crazy. They wholeheartedly wanted to take the test and get the inheritance. The magicians in the team were especially determined.

Currently he and his companions were in a hard fight.

“Damn! Why are there so many wolves?!” a handsome, young fire magician gritted his teeth as he shot fireballs at the attacking wolves.


“Lee, what should we do?” Asia asked as he severed the head of a wolf. He was covered in sweat and blood. His face was full of anxiety as he looked to the strongest one in their group hoping there was a plan.

“Lee! Think of something!” Katerina yelled. She had lost her usual poise and grace sometime ago, and was now looking worn and bedraggled in her white magic robe.

The group of six was split evenly with three magicians and three sword masters. They hadn’t suffered any casualties yet, but they were exhausted from the continuous fighting.

“Drew! Block! I have a scroll my teacher gave me for just this kind of situation, but we need time to activate it!” Lee ordered. He didn’t let them down and immediately came up with a plan.

“Okay.” Drew nodded his head determinedly. He was a beefy guy, honest and straightforward. He fought even more fiercely, trying to gain as much time as he could for them to get the scroll ready.

He was fighting so hard for the people he thought were his companions that he didn’t notice the pitying looks they shot him. All of them thought he was a fool.

Lee’s last resort wasn’t an attack scroll but a random teleportation scroll. It was a high caliber scroll, capable of transporting up to ten people at a time, however it required some time to activate, which was why it was important to have someone act as a decoy to attract the wolves.

Drew was the last to join the team, so he was the natural choice to leave behind. They had let him join because he seemed honest and had good swordsmanship. He would be able to buy them time if things ever got dangerous. They would not have added an unknown person to their team otherwise.

It was fortunate Lee had the scroll. It was fortunate Drew joined the team. Who else would have agreed to stay behind as a sacrifice?

A white light enveloped Lee’s original team of five. Drew, who had been fiercely fighting, thought the scroll was finally ready when he heard the movement. He turned around only to find Lee’s team smirking gleefully at him before disappearing with the light.

Drew was naïve, but even he realized they had deceived him. The wolves surrounded him and he knew he wouldn’t survive.

His arms and legs were trembling from fatigue but he stood his ground and continued fighting for another ten minutes. He was covered in bloody bite marks and the loss of blood was taking its toll. He inevitably collapsed.

As his consciousness faded he thought he saw a shadow heading his way.

Feng Wu had walked aimlessly for several hours before coming upon the sounds of fighting in wolf territory. She wanted to ask if anyone had seen Jier so she had jogged over. Unexpectedly a man collapsed just as she reached them. The wolves decided not to kill him after talking to Feng Wu.

Drew woke up on a rock, his wounds fully bandaged. He struggled into a seated position and saw a beautiful, dark haired girl sitting not too far away. She was staring blankly at the sky, but turned to look at him at the sound of movement. The two of them stared at each other in silence.

Drew caved first. Unable to handle her disturbingly, expressionless stare he finally asked, “Did you save me?”

“Have you seen Jier or Ming Xi?” she asked.

Her friends? he wondered. Drew shook his head. “No I haven’t seen them.”

“Oh.” Feng Wu responded quietly. She took out a spiritual fruit from her space ring[notes] and handed it to Drew.

“Thank you.” Drew bit into the fruit. “By the way, my name is Drew. Thank you for saving me.” He smiled. His body still hurt, but the pain was tolerable. It reminded him everything he’d just experienced was real. If not for the pain he would have thought everything, being abandoned by his companions and nearly eaten by wolves, was a nightmare.

“My name is Feng Wu. You don’t have to thank me.” Her face was still a frozen, unreadable mask as she spoke.

Drew was curious. How did she manage to save him from the claws of so many wolves? He wanted to ask but one look at her frozen face made him decide he should build some good will with his benefactor first.

Drew bit into the fruit some more as he thought about it. The flesh was sweet and melted like butter in his mouth. He felt the wounds on his body tingling soon after swallowing the first bite. Curious, he opened his bandage. Pale, tender, pink flesh greeted him. New skin had actually grown over the wound!

This… this was too amazing! Was she a divine benefactor?! To share such a precious, spiritual fruit so freely!

While Drew was surprised, he was also touched. Her kindness was all the more meaningful after having experienced his companions’ betrayal. He vowed he would repay her somehow.

Drew’s injury healed rapidly after eating the fruit. He was fit to travel not too long after.

On the journey, Feng Wu stopped many times to ask the beasts she encountered how to leave the grasslands.

Drew’s former teammates had good luck and managed to teleport to a relatively quiet location. There were a few random beasts, but there were no large herds. They had no doubts Drew died battling the wolves. His death didn’t leave in impression on them; he had always been an expendable recruit.

None of them ever thought he would be so lucky as to meet Feng Wu, a girl with amazing abilities.

Drew had followed Feng Wu ever since she had rescued him. He didn’t seem like a bad person, and she didn’t dislike him, so she hadn’t chased him away.

I wonder who gets the inheritance... Hopefully not Zi Cheng again.

-(Tue) December 17, 2019 @ 4:17am

NO!!!! No update until February!????? Why??? Don’t do this to us please :(

-(Tue) December 17, 2019 @ 4:20am

Thank u for the chapters❤❤❤

-(Tue) December 17, 2019 @ 5:29am

Omg i just saw the note why won't you post till february????

-(Tue) December 17, 2019 @ 5:29am

thank you webmistress ! have a good break and fun time. badri

-(Tue) December 17, 2019 @ 11:19am

¡Gracias por el capítulo! Supongo que tendré que esperar hasta febrero, es lamentable pero no puedo hacer nada al respecto, que tengas un descanso agradable durante el tiempo que no estés.

-(Wed) December 18, 2019 @ 1:35pm

Hoping for February to come quickly! Thanks for the chapters desu~

-(Wed) December 25, 2019 @ 6:16pm

February come quickly!! Thanks for the translation as always~

-(Fri) January 3, 2020 @ 7:23pm

i'll wait for the update ☺️

-(Sat) January 25, 2020 @ 9:28pm

hope you could back quickly, the other website that has it just put it in a translation websites and uploaded it, so the names of things are mess up.

-(Thu) January 30, 2020 @ 12:16pm

It's february already?

-(Sat) February 1, 2020 @ 1:34pm

Drew[notes] felt there had to be something magical about Feng Wu. With her by his side, the menacing savannah[notes] became a lovely, peaceful place.

Why is this? Well let’s start from the beginning shall we?

Within the first hour of their trip together, they managed to run into Flame Hawks, middle tier beasts with fire magic. They were fast breeders who lived in the sky and tended to fight in groups. And as a group, they were an ornery bunch – stingy and vengeful. If you offended one, then the whole group would go after you. What they lacked in strength, they made up in numbers.

Drew’s legs turned to jelly as soon as they entered Flame Hawk territory. If dealing with dozens of wolves was a life-threatening situation, then wouldn’t hundreds of Flame Hawks mean they’d be torn to pieces?! Even with trembling legs, Drew still managed to pull himself up in front of Feng Wu. This girl was his savior. He would have already died if it weren’t for her. The least he could do now was to fight and stall so she’d have time to escape.

Drew gritted his teeth and tightened his sword grip. The hawks already had them surrounded. They looked at him and Feng Wu with eyes that gleamed with hunger. Drew readied himself to make the final sacrifice.

Feng Wu reached forward and pulled him back. She sensed his fear so she tried to comfort him. “Don’t be afraid. The little birdies are friends. They won’t hurt you.” She didn’t understand why he was so afraid of the cute birds.

“Little… little birdies?” Drew stuttered. He was aware he wasn’t smart. In fact, his dad often lectured him on how he shouldn’t trust people too easily, that he could end up dead if he did. What happened with Lee’s group only served to prove his old man’s words.

The attack hadn’t begun, and yet Feng Wu was telling him to withdraw. Her words didn’t make sense. What little birdies were she talking about? Why were his savior’s words so difficult to understand? Was it him?

Feng Wu continued to awkwardly comfort Drew, whose limbs were still shaking and not being cooperative. She didn’t want him to misunderstand and think her cute friends were bad beasts. “Don’t be afraid. They’re my friends. They won’t hurt you.”

But was it truly a misunderstanding though? Or was it just Feng Wu? Unfortunately Feng Wu didn’t understand the normal reaction between humans and beasts. She followed the Flame Hawks back to their lair.

Drew stared blankly at Feng Wu as he trailed behind her. At the lair, they ate magical fruit and drank magically infused spring water. They also received rare magical fruits and plants shared in the name of friendship.

What could Drew say regarding this kind of treatment? Nothing. He had no words. None. Unfortunately for him, it was just the beginning.

The next day Drew witnessed Feng Wu’s illogical ability to make friends. No matter how fierce the beasts, she always had them eating out of the palm of her hand. Rare fruits and plants were gifted as though they mere common cabbages.

In fact beasts used their bodies to fight, so magical material was of no use to them. But they knew humans loved these magical things so they eagerly gifted them to Feng Wu.

Feng Wu knew what they were, having read about in the library, so she happily accepted the gifts from her new friends. In exchange she shared her own favorite foods with them. Since she loved to eat, her dimensional ring was crammed full of food of various types, but even her supply ran out when faced with so many mouths.

Feng Wu and Drew eventually found their way to the second level after following the directions from the various beasts they encountered.

There was a crowd of about fifty adventurers gathered. The exit point was actually underwater in a pond guarded by a powerful water beast. It was not a beast just a few people could defeat, so people were waiting around to increase their numbers in order to better their odds of success.

Originally there were many more people who entered, however most fell victim to the dangerous savannah and died on the way.

“Xiao Wu!”

A familiar voice called out to Feng Wu almost immediately. A sexy girl ran over to her. The girl was no stranger – it was Elena[notes]. Behind her, cutting a rather sorry figure, was Yifu. She didn’t look pleased to see Feng Wu. It was obvious she didn’t want to go over.

“Senior Sister Elena.” Feng Wu replied in a cute voice. She liked Elena, even if the older girl tended to grope her a lot. Jier had told her to be careful countless times of Elena taking advantage of her. But how was Elena taking advantage of Feng Wu? Feng Wu couldn’t see it.

“Xiao Wu, finally! Someone I know. I fell in the pool with Yifu after walking through the door and nearly got eaten by a monster. I’m so pitiful!” Elena rushed toward Feng Wu, hugging the other girl tightly as she cried about how unhappy she was.

Finally!welcome back? thank you for the update

-(Mon) February 3, 2020 @ 1:34pm

Thanks for the update! As one of my favorite novels, I'm really happy to see you posting again!

-(Mon) February 3, 2020 @ 11:05pm

Thank you so much for the update! I honestly love this story and Feng Wu as female lead

-(Tue) February 4, 2020 @ 11:29am

¡Muchas gracias por la actualización! Es genial poder leer de nuevo las aventuras de la adorable Feng Wu, estoy realmente intrigada por las reacciones que tendrán sus compañeros de equipo con respecto al efecto de la habilidad de poder comunicarse con los animales.

-(Tue) February 4, 2020 @ 11:57am

Thank you so much for the update.

-(Tue) February 4, 2020 @ 2:46pm

Might be a bit late but welcome back! And thanks!josei

-(Tue) February 18, 2020 @ 11:30pm

“Senior Brother Luis said Senior Sister Elena is a tomboy with super strength, so I believe in senior sister,” said Feng Wu. He had also said all the boys at school had to give way to Elena or risk being crushed. So naturally in Feng Wu’s eyes, Elena was a powerful tomboy with indomitable strength under the heavens – even if she didn’t know what tomboy meant.

Elena had no idea her image had been so utterly destroyed by her pig teammate. She cursed Luis out in her head after hearing Feng Wu’s words. She would beat that scoundrel to bits later.

In another world Luis sneezed as he wondered why it felt so cold all of a sudden.

“Xiao Wu, don’t listen to that guy’s nonsense. This older senior sister is a very respectable young lady. How can I possibly be a tomboy?” There was no way she was going to admit that she was a tomboy in front of Feng Wu.

Feng Wu looked up confused, unsure who to believe.

“Who is this kid? Why are you with Xiao Wu?” Elena asked looking at the oafish boy standing next to Feng Wu.

Drew gave a big, silly smile, completely unaware he’d been viewed as an oaf. He didn’t know who the woman was, but it was obvious she had a good relationship with Feng Wu, so he tried to put his best foot forward. He went with a straightforward account. “Hello ladies, my name is Drew. Feng Wu is my savior.” He commenced to tell them about how Feng Wu ended up saving him.

Elena listened with a smile but Yifu didn’t seem to care. She was a young miss from nobility who had no interest in a poor sword user from the lower class, never mind any actual sympathy.

“So that’s what happened? Next time you see those guys that deserted you, you show them what’s what!” Elena said fiercely. She hated those who abandoned their comrades. Worse yet they even deceived him to do it. She really hated these kinds of people!

“How stupid to be tricked so easily.” Yifu was rather disdainful.

Drew rubbed his head in embarrassment. He knew he wasn’t clever or smart, in fact his father had called him stupid before. He was used to people talking to him this way.

Elena frowned. “We haven’t done introductions. I’m Xiao Wu’s senior sister and this is Yifu. The two of them are from the same freshman class, and we’re all students from Xingguang Holy Academy.” She was a properly educated young lady, so she wasn’t used to Yifu’s arrogant manner of speech. She was a carefre

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