The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 156

Chapter 156: Elemental Fairies

But Feng Wu wasn’t your average girl. No, this girl didn’t know the definition of shyness. When she saw Ming Xi staring at her, she stared right back with her pair of large unblinking eyes. Ming Xi was the one to turn away embarrassed.

He spoke a little uneasily. “Xiao Wu, in the future, don’t use your cultivation method in front of other people.”

It was obvious she didn’t understand why he wanted her not to do so but she didn’t ask. Instead she nodded her cute head obediently and said, “Mm.”

This simple, yet lovely, appearance sent a twitch through Ming Xi’s heart. To be honest, he’d met lots of women in his life: there were the sexy and vivacious types, the lovely and tender types, the gentle and kind types and of course the lustful types as well. The last type had poisonous stingers so Ming Xi made sure to keep a respectful distance from them.

So Ming Xi had a lot of experience dealing with girls, but he’d never met a girl as simple as Feng Wu before. Something had been subtly changing since their first meeting at the hot spring.

It wasn’t like he loved her or anything, but he did feel inclined towards her. Would he grow to love her in the future? Time will tell.

Even though she proposed to him multiple times, he was sure she didn’t love him. He couldn’t detect any love in those big eyes of hers when she looked at him. Did this simple girl know what love was? He had serious doubts.

Ming Xi sighed and rubbed her head one last time. He took out a handkerchief, and after biting hard enough to draw blood from his finger, wrote out two sentences. The gist of it was: He and Feng Wu left, so Pei Qing and Drew didn’t need to wait for them.

He left the cloth in a conspicuous spot and led Feng Wu farther into the cave where the hole was.

Feng Wu had watched as he wrote the note and obediently followed him to the hole without saying a word. They walked through the hole side by side.

The hole led into another cave. Inside was a strange little tree bearing a brilliant, rainbow fruit. The entire tree only bore this one fruit. How unusual.

There was a pool beside the tree. The water from it was full of so much vitality that it shocked the senses just by proximity.

Those were the only things in the cave. There was no way out, a dead end!

Ming Xi frowned. He looked around thinking there had to be a way out, but he didn’t know where. After carefully looking at every nook and cranny the most suspicious thing to him was still the tree and the pool, so he looked closer at it.

The more he studied it the more it resembled the trees depicted in the ancient texts.

The “fruit” wasn’t actually a fruit but an elemental fairy that took on the shape of a fruit. A fairy need places with dense magical energy to be born.

If this thing was a fairy, he wouldn't be able to use it, but Feng Wu would. But if they wanted it, they’d have to fight for it, and the battle for it would be terribly fierce. What to do?

Ming Xi grabbed Feng Wu’s hand to step back together. His thoughts were simple: First get Feng Wu out of danger, then fight it solo. The only way to get the legendary fairy was to defeat it and erase its consciousness.

But Feng Wu refused to be pulled back. Since entering the cave, her attention remained entirely focused on the tree.

The fruit was a strange thing. It was as if it was trying to hide behind the branches and leaves of the tree. In fact it had shied away the moment they entered the cave. Unfortunately, it was too big and the tree didn't give it much coverage.

Because the tree didn’t give it much cover, Feng Wu could tell the fruit was secretly looking at them from behind the leaves.

“Xiao Wu?” Ming Xi turned to her confused.

Feng Wu pulled her hand out of his. She wanted to go to the fruit, but the little guy was so shy.

“Xiao Wu! Stop! It’s dangerous!” Ming Xi’s heart leapt to his throat and he hurried to pull Feng Wu back. Did she know what it was? That thing was a terrible evil known in ancient times. The only reason he dared to challenge it before coming to his full powers was because of his unique lineage. josei

Feng Wu looked at Ming Xi. “Not dangerous.”

“But that thing is.. .” While Ming Xi was trying to explain what it was to her something strange happened.

An ancient sword emerged from Feng Wu’s dantian. He watched as it flew to the fruit and floated before it. It sparked, radiating an incredibly domineering aura. Then a hole opened in the sword and the fruit obediently went inside its belly.

The sword was bloated, drunk, and fully satiated. It flew back to Feng Wu and went into her dantian.

Ming Xi was dumbstruck. This was the vicious, blood sucking full-elemental fairy! It should have been a bloody and hard fight.

Fairies were exceptionally fierce with powerful attacks. They killed anything that entered their territory. Afterwards they absorbed the energy from their kill and used it as nourishment.

Despite being terrible things, fairies were a boon for humans. Anyone with a matching elemental fairy could rely on that fairy’s power and become exponentially stronger, even if their own personal abilities were rubbish. So even if they couldn’t become a god, they could be peerless.

Most fairies only had a single elemental attribute, but by absorbing the blood of god beasts they could potentially evolve into full-elemental fairies. The evolution process was long and slow. If the process was disturbed, or if the fairy was unlucky, the evolution could fail completely.

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