The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 162

Chapter 162: Not a Demon God?

Anger flashed in his eyes upon hearing the old grandpa speak. “Used to be holy? Youngster, you think this great one no longer has holy[notes] power? That you can defeat me?! This great one is still a demon god. Don’t forget! Even injured, you puny humans are no match for me!”

He had been treating them like they were food, so he hadn’t paid attention to their abilities, but now he took a closer look. Hm, turned out this old grandpa was a holy master mixing with a group of ordinary sword masters and magicians.

However, the holy master was human, and humans were no match for gods, even if they were categorized at the same holy level.

Anxiety filled everyone’s hearts. Even Falay, who was reluctant to retreat because of the lure of the inheritance, stepped back when he heard the word, “god.” Inheritance was great, but living was better. Now his foremost thought was to survive.

None of them wanted to die, so though they were unwilling, they knew they had to join forces against the demon god.

Ming Xi and Jier exchanged worried glances. They prepared to assist Grandpa in fighting the demon god, Ai Lin prepared to jump into her dimensional space, and Zi Cheng connected with her system to find something useful to redeem with her points to escape. Everyone was trying to find a way to safety.

Feng Wu, staring ahead with her deadpan expression, was the calmest. She was unworried about the battle. In her mind there were two options: fight if you can, run if you can’t. That was what her master taught her.

She spoke up from behind Ming Xi. “Grandpa’s wrong. He’s not a demon god, just a demon.”

Her words were like a magnet that pulled everyone’s eyes to her. She was unfazed by the attention, only nodding her head as if to emphasize her point.

There was a dramatic change in the proclaimed demon god. His originally smug expression turned into disbelief. Upon realizing he was revealing too much, he quickly calmed himself down, but the damage was already done.

His reaction didn’t go unnoticed.

“Little girl, you say he’s not a demon god?” Grandpa looked at Feng Wu. His face didn’t give anything away but his eyes glimmered faintly with appreciation. To be able to see through a demon was admirable indeed.

“He can’t be a demon god because he doesn’t have the aura of both god and demon. A demon god should have both.” Feng Wu didn’t clam up just because a holy master was staring at her. She maintained her deadpan expression as she calmly spoke.

“God and demon aura existing at the same time?” The holy master was doubtful and puzzled by her explanation.

He wasn’t the only one. Jier, Ming Xi and the others were also confused.

Everyone knew a god had to abandon his divinity to gain a demon body and become a demon. So then how could a demon still have divine aura? Anyone from the future would have declared it illogical!

“Yes.” Feng Wu nodded her head. “A god doesn’t completely abandon his divinity when he becomes a demon; only half of him is changed. A demon god can freely switch between being a god or a demon.”

So a demon god was one who had both auras?! Everyone believed a demon god was simply a god who turned into a demon. But now, they finally understood the true meaning behind the name. Ah enlightenment!

The now exposed false demon god glared at Feng Wu like he was trying to drill a hole through her head.

Grandpa had an odd light in his eyes as he studied Feng Wu. “How do you know this?” he asked.

He was a holy master, yet even he didn’t know this. She shared what was tantamount to secret knowledge. It made him question her identity. Was she really just an ordinary girl?

“I saw it in the book about demon gods in the library.” Feng Wu thought the gramps must not like to read. She gave him a pitying look. Sure enough Jier was right; the more you read, the more you would know.

Grandpa finally recognized her look for what it was. A crack appeared in this placid expression and he suddenly felt a little awkward. Was he being looked down upon by a little girl?

Jier and Ming Xi knew that look. Both were secretly pleased they hadn’t asked first. Otherwise that look would have been directed at them.

“You rugrat, how do you know a demon god has both auras? And how do you know this great one isn’t just showing you one aura on purpose?” The false demon god was unwilling to let it slide without a fight.

“That’s not possible. If you were a demon god you should have already healed your injuries by absorbing the energy from the weaker demons and the divine aura in the tomb. You wouldn’t be as injured as you are now.”

“You read this in a book?” That was one hell of a shortcut to knowledge. Jier wondered what kind of books she was reading day and night to know so much.

This wouldn’t do. Simply would not do. He always thought he was smarter than Feng Wu, but apparently he needed to put in more effort, otherwise she would leave him in the dust! josei

Feng Wu nodded her head in answer to his question. She always answered when questioned, but she wouldn’t reveal those things that she wasn’t supposed to share. That is to say, this young lady was naïve but she wasn’t stupid.

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