The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 167

Chapter 167: Taking the Inheritance

The nine were relieved when he left. Now they wouldn’t have to guard against him and could shift their focus on each other.

Normally Zi Cheng and Ai Lin wouldn’t be able to fight against a master, but with the help of flying scrolls, they stood a chance. This luxury item allowed them to temporarily fly, and both girls had one, thus were they able to compete.

Ming Xi looked at Ai Lin and Zi Cheng for a short moment before turning away. “We can’t stay here long; we have to leave and report news of the demon to Star Marshall hall. The masters there will deal with the demon.”

Unlike Zi Cheng and Ai Lin, who were focused on the inheritance, Ming Xi was more concerned about the demon.

Had he escaped? If so where did he go? Demon soldiers were fierce and bloodthirsty by nature. More would die if they didn’t find him soon.

“Ming Xi’s right. But how do we even get out of here?” Gerasi looked around the palace. He could see the floor gate through the open palace doors, but beyond the gate was nothing but grey skies. The air reeked of blood and there was no exit in sight.

The other adventurers finally came to their senses. This was no time to chat. There was an inheritance to steal! Magicians, then sword masters quickly joined in the fray for the crystal. Only a fool wouldn’t try for it after getting so far.

They were seduced by the god’s inheritance again. What started as a nine-way fight turned into chaos as dozens more tried to get the crystal. It didn’t matter if they could actually use it or not.

Even Jasmine and Yifu joined in. Yifu joined to help Zi Cheng, but Jasmine’s favorability ranking had not reached 100%, so naturally she thought of herself more. So unlike Yifu, she joined out of self interest.

It was chaos in the palace hall. The people that barely survived only thought of how they could benefit, completely forgetting their close brush with death earlier. Instead of escaping they were fighting for the prize.

A few uninterested in the fight had already exited the palace hall. The group included Ming Xi and his team and several other adventurers. These guys were smart, after all they didn’t know if the demon would return or not. A pity, not everyone realized such an obvious fact.

Feng Wu and the others wandered around looking for a way out. Feng Wu couldn’t find one. She was frustrated because the floor had no plants, so she couldn’t ask her friends for help. The demon was gone but they were still trapped. If only she was stronger then she could use Xiao Chun’s full powers.

The others saw how powerful Xiao Chun was. The demon fled like mad when he saw the sword. As his master, Feng Wu knew how strong Xiao Chun was. There wasn’t anything between heaven and earth he couldn’t purify. He could cut down demon soldiers like they were grass. If anything malevolent got close to him, it would just get purified.

But it was impossible for her to use Xiao Chun to fight[notes] He was too much for her to handle; a single move would deplete all her energy.

Had she tried to attack the demon with Xiao Chun, she would have had to defeat him in one move. If she failed, she would have been a sitting duck and defenseless against a counterattack.

Xiao Chun was a sentient sword, but his movements were limited by Feng Wu’s abilities. The demon wouldn’t have been able to escape if it hadn’t been for her low energy limiting Xiao Chun.

If she was stronger the demon wouldn’t have escaped and they wouldn’t be trapped in the tomb. The experience opened her eyes and she recognized her own shortcomings. She wasn’t the same girl who used to live on Yuehua mountain anymore. Strength was important. It was like her master said, “No matter where you go, strength talks.” josei

Sure enough Master was right. She vowed to work harder and become a peerless master like him. He was so strong no one dared go up the mountain to challenge him.

While her thoughts continued to float away, everyone else was thinking of escape. Ming Xi was calm but frowned every now and again. No on disturbed him; it was obvious he was deep in thought.

Meanwhile the battle inside the palace concluded. The masters originally gave no thought to the two girls, but throughout the battle they became unexpected dark horses managing to be a strong irritant with their flying scrolls and magic items. Ai Lin even had a contract with a baby holy beast.

The little guy looked like an adorable puppy. No one would have believed he was a holy beast if it weren’t for his power. He was a force to be reckoned with despite being just a baby and still weak.

According to the original plot, the little guy should not have hatched yet. Zi Cheng should have found him and only hatched him with her blood a year later. Ai Lin’s appearance changed the sequence of events. She used her reader knowledge and got to the egg before Zi Cheng. It wasn’t in a dangerous location, just hard to find. This moved the timeline up and the baby beast was born a year ahead of schedule.

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