The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 169

Chapter 169: Overconfidence

Falay had the same idea as Shaya. Even if the odds were slim he’d try to use the kids to lure Ai Lin out. It was their own fault for being affiliated with the girl. Since she wasn’t around, he’d air his anger out on them.

There were still people lingering around the tomb. They whispered and pointed to Feng Wu and the kids, some with glee in their eyes, some with pity. No matter what any of them felt, none of them were willing to interfere and risk earning the wrath of either families.

Of course Inferno’s squad captain Cohen also saw this. His team had gone in hoping to get the inheritance. Instead all they got were some spiritual fruit and medicinal herbs. It was an abysmal haul considering the number of people they lost.

The people in his squad were generally good people. They didn’t intend to harass the kids just because they couldn’t get the inheritance. Never expected elders from the Yiduo and Linye clan would be so shameless. How’d such narrowminded people become elders of such big families?

“How shameless. Going after innocent kids like that. Linye and Yuduo clan should show some face!” Cohen’s disdain was clear.

Shaya and Falay immediately looked around, trying to find who dared speak out. Their hearts fell at the sight. It was the Inferno company. They never expected Cohen would help the kids. josei

“What? Surprised I hit the nail on the head?” Cohen laughed as their faces paled. He and his vice-captain stepped forward closer to the two elders.

“Cohen, mind your own business! We have no interest in making Inferno company an enemy of our clan. Stop idling about and leave with your people already. ” Falay looked at the two Inferno men as they moved closer.

“I want to stick around and see what happens.” Cohen wasn’t going to put up with that attitude. Others might be afraid, but Inferno company was different. The three of them were powerful forces on the same level. It wouldn’t benefit any of the major powers to sustain fighting between the groups. Hostility between the three of them was complicated, so at most this would end up being a minor clash. Once it was over everyone would go their own way and that would be that.

Both Falay and Shaya’s faces turned ugly at Cohen’s defiant words. It seemed he’d made up his mind to interfere.

“Do you really want to put yourself out there for these nobodies?” Shaya’s voice came out a little strange.

“Yeah I do. How can I stand here and watch you bully a bunch of kids. You couldn’t get the inheritance because you didn’t have the skills. Now you’re harassing them just because they go to the same school. I’m not standing for it.”

Shaya gathered dark magic around him as he spoke. “Cohen, you think I won’t attack you?”

Not to be outdone, Cohen released his own aura.

The aura released from both was tremendous and truly worthy of being from leaders of major powers.

Ming Xi spoke up and broke the tense atmosphere. “Captain Cohen, thank you for your willingness to assist, however we can handle this ourselves.” It was a clear sweet voice that gentled the heart.

“You can handle it?” Cohen was dubious. He was worried the little guys were trying too hard to be brave. Although Shaya and Falay were scumbags, their powers were the real deal. The odds of Ming Xi and the other kids returning to school alive weren’t good if they fought the two old coots alone.

“It shouldn’t be a problem.” Ming Xi smiled that smile again, making everyone feel at ease.

“If that’s so then be careful.” Cohen had wanted to help, but it was clear the kids didn’t want his assistence. Since they said they could handle it themselves, he wasn't going to meddle. He wasn’t the type to offer unwanted help.

Falay and Shaya looked at the kids like they were fools. They could have escaped if Cohen stepped in, but since they rebuffed his assistance, they might as well just commit suicide.

“How foolish. They didn’t let Captain Cohen help. Who do they think they are? They’re just a bunch of students who haven’t even graduated yet. Such big heads, to think they can take on an elder.”

“I’ve never seen such stupidity in my life.”

“You said it. They think they’re so strong they can take on two elders without Captain Cohen’s help.”

“Too young to know any better. After only a few years of learning and they think they can take on two elders.”

“Maybe they’re strong?”

“Tch, strong? What strong? They’re just a bunch of kids. I don’t think any of them are even breaking 20. How strong can they be?”

In short the crowd wasn’t optimistic. Most thought Ming Xi was too arrogant, too confident in his label as a talented genius.

Everyone who went to the academy were incredibly gifted, but when you pooled all that talent together, egos tended to inflate.

Was Ming Xi really as useless as the crowd thought? Of course not.

“We’ve still other business to attend to, so can you hurry it up?” Tian Ya’s voice was normal enough, but his icy expression showed how impatient he was.

Feng Wu turned to Jier and asked, “Do the two uncles want to fight?”

Feng Wu’s evaluation of the two elders were: Annoying. Too talkative.

If they had just got on with it and fought, they’d have been done with it already.

The two clan elders had no idea Feng Wu had dismissed them.

They were busy laughing at the kids’ ignorance. These kids really didn’t understand how big the world was.

“Yeah it’s time for us to go eat.” Jier looked disdainfully at the two elders. Talking as if the inheritance belonged to them. Shameless.

This kid just ridiculed them. “Boy, you looking for death?” They were elders of two powerful clans, no kid was going to shoot his mouth off at them. Each lobbed a ball of energy towards Jier and Feng Wu.

It was clear they meant to do serious harm considering how much force was imbued in each ball.

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