The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 204

Chapter 204: Daughter's Day

Madam Lan was moved to tears. “You have a good heart. Auntie is touched you care so much for Xiao Wu.” Madam Lan was easily moved by small things, but Yi Lin’s concern for Feng Wu moved her a lot.

“Don’t cry anymore Auntie. It’s my fault for making you sad.”

“It’s not your fault Yi Lin. Auntie is just so touched by you girls.”

The two hugged and cried in each other’s arms, totally forgetting about Feng Wu.

When her tears finally dried and there was nothing left to cry, Madam Lan pulled back from Yi Lin and asked, “Yi Lin, why were you looking for Xiao Wu?

“Oh right. Daughter's day is in three days. I wanted to see the river lanterns with Xiao Wu. Is it OK?” Yi Lin finally got to say what she came to say. Didn’t expect the delay to be so long.

Yi Lin would have tossed her sleeve and left ages ago were it not for the fact that Madam Lan was her aunt and the patriarch’s wife. Why else would she have bothered to spend so much time carrying on and crying with the woman. Yi Lin didn’t understand why her uncle married such a human waterfall. The woman cried more than she talked!

If it was Yi Lin inviting Feng Wu then it was OK. They were cousins. Madam Lan had nearly forgotten about Daughter's day. She gave her permission for the two go together.

Speaking of Daughter's day, it is a unique festival in the ancient east. Everyday on that day, unmarried daughters from all over (it didn’t matter if they were royalty, aristocrats, or commoners) would go to the river to watch the lights. Legend had it that their wishes would come true if they wrote their birthday and wish on a piece of paper and tied it to a lantern to float down the river.

Whether it was true or not, countless unmarried girls went to the river to light a lantern.

Papa Feng told his two daughters, Feng Wu and Feng Ting, to go an enjoy themselves at the river. Of course he wouldn’t let them go unchaperoned. He assigned Tian to watch over them and had Madam Lan stay behind to take care of Little Bun.

Little Bun wasn’t born under a fantastic star but he was small and adorable. In less than an hour, he’d gained Madam Lan’s acceptance and won her over.

The Feng children went to the spot reserved for nobles. Everyone was allowed to light a lantern on the river, but there were specific places for every class. The nobility were prideful, so of course they wouldn’t cram in with the common folk.

The royal family built a garden just for noble children. In the garden was a bamboo building for young noble ladies to sit and chat in. They could admire the beautiful flowers while setting their lanterns onto the river.

It was a large three-story building. The first floor was for daughters of minor noble families. The second floor was for those from major noble families. These included some ranked aristocrats like the daughters of minor princes and dukes. The third floor was reserved for imperial princesses of the royal family or their invited guests.

No one would dare enter the building without permission.

Feng Wu and Feng Ting went to the second floor. It was awkward for a guy to follow them in so Tian stayed in the garden.

There were already a few ladies in the second floor. They began whispering as soon as they saw Feng Wu. A few bold ones even pointed; they had no scruples doing so since Tian wasn’t there.

The ladies knew Feng Wu was an impulsive, brainless twit. She got in trouble every time she made a ruckus. If she dared make trouble in the building, then the queen would punish her for sure. It wouldn’t matter if she was a Feng member or not. josei

All the ladies there were from distinguished families. It wasn’t that they hated Feng Wu, it was just that her behavior was unfit for a girl in her position. She was simply too unsightly. But despite her behavior and her inability to cultivate, her family still looked kindly upon her.

She had no self-control and went berserk whenever anyone mentioned the word “broken cultivation”[notes] in front of her. You couldn’t even count how many times her recklessness got her in trouble. She never learned and kept falling for the same traps over and over again.

How did Feng house produce someone like her? She was unfit for public occasions.

When some of the young ladies thought about it like that, their mouths soured. It felt like the standards for nobility had dropped.

The gossip about Feng Wu had spread to the entire aristocracy. Considering Feng Wu’s personality, none of the ladies felt any sympathy for her.

Trash would always be trash. It would have been better if she knew her place. Being noble did not fit her at all, the hat was simply too big for her to wear. She was better suited to be amongst the common folk.

No one expected her to return from exile. This Daughter's day suddenly felt dreary.

Some were jealous of her even if they didn’t want to admit it. That was part of the reason they hated her. Jealous she could make her family love her so much without putting in any effort. Her family didn’t give up on her even though she had no cultivation abilities.

They thought about their own situations, of how much time and effort they spent learning things they had no interest in just so their parents would be proud of them.

So as you can see, there were various reasons why some girls didn’t like Original Feng Wu. Of course there were also girls who didn’t bother with Feng Wu, never mind put in the effort to hate her, but these girls were in the minority.

So when Feng Wu went up to the second floor she was immediately hit by a wave of strong disgust. It shot at her like a knife. The girls didn’t disguise how they felt at all.

Shui and her sister, Bing, sat in a corner. They sneered when they saw Feng Wu come up. Time to make trouble for the loser. The bigger the trouble the better.

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