The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 230

Chapter 230: Re-Entering the Void

So basically, even if you didn’t become a god and ascend to the Heavenly realm, odds were good you could at least become a Holy level master.

It wasn’t just the students who were attracted to the possibility of finding an inheritance, many powerful families and members of royalty were also interested. They all wanted to be the next lucky person to get a strong inheritance.

But how many would get an inheritance? There were so many that entere every day. An inheritance was important. It wasn't like any random schmuck could get it just by showing up. This wasn’t like some online fiction, where anyone who casually showed up at a village could get clues to an amazing artifact or be recruited into a mysterious sect.

The teacher said the school was located in West Flower. They just had to go and report in.

Feng Wu asked a kind lady for directions to get to the school. After walking for a quarter of a mile, she finally saw Xingguang Academy – it was an exact duplicate of the one in the real world.

About twenty students from the class earlier were standing in front of the gate. A teacher stood by the gate greeting them.

The first step after arriving at the virtual academy was to take the placement test.

“Teacher! This is too much. It’s our first day and we haven’t learned anything yet. Isn’t having us take a placement test a little too much?!” yelled a man from the Sword division.

“Yeah. Teacher, can you let us go in and read a few books first?”

“Teacher! Please excuse us this time!” Had he known, he would have stayed at home and read more books instead of going out to play during the holiday break!

The teacher looked doubtfully at the group of students begging for mercy. “It’s fine. We’re testing combat knowledge, not theoretical knowledge.”

“Huh? Oh, that’s good. That’s good.” The boys patted their chests. As long as it wasn’t a test on theory, they would take it!

“No! That’s unfair to us girls!” The cuties in the Magic division were unhappy. The girls in the Magic division didn’t get combat experience in the introductory classes. How could they fight if the opponent was a bunch of gorilla boys in the Sword division?

“Tch! Girls from the Magic division are so useless. If you’re all too scared, then just go home already! What did you come here to learn huh?!” The girls from the Sword division looked down on the weak lily girls of the Magic division, so of course they wouldn’t be polite towards them.

“You! You guys! What qualifications do you have to say that to us?!” The mage cuties were unhappy! The two sides nearly broke out in a fight.

“Enough. Is this teacher invisible to you? You should all learn from that student over there.” The teacher looked to Feng Wu with praise in his eyes. “Look at her, standing obediently and not causing anyone trouble. Unlike you rabble lot, the teacher’s standing right here and you still dare make trouble!”

The teacher was appreciative of Feng Wu. After seeing how noisy all the other students were, he felt the taciturn Feng Wu was quite cute. josei

The female magicians wondered who she was. She looked like a sword user but she hadn’t spoken at all. She must be trying to suck up to the teacher! Schemer!

The sword users also wondered who she was. She looked like she was from the Sword division, but she hadn’t spoken up while they were arguing with the magicians. She wasn’t united with them against the magicians! Too unfriendly!

Feng Wu only wondered when they would take the test. She was hungry . . .

“Stop being so noisy and follow me.” The teacher walked ahead, leading the freshman class to the test site.

The students followed the teacher into the building. They stopped in front of a room on the first floor.

“Everyone inside!” said the teacher.

The students opened the door with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. They walked through one by one, with the teacher taking the rear.

They found four identical doors inside. Each door had a little snippet introduction in common language.

“As you see, there are four doors. Behind each is a different exam room. The first two doors are for magic users and the last two doors are for sword users.

The doors represent different teachers. Let me introduce you. The first is the legendary holy magician Sage Nige. Sage Nige was a dual fire/wood magician and is best at combat magic, so if you want to be a combat magician, then I recommend going with Sage Nige in the first door.

The second master is also a powerful holy magician; however her specialty is not combat magic but support magic. I believe you’ve all heard of her. She’s popular in the legends. Sage Mei Laji, the legendary holy magician.

There were lots of stories about Sage Mei Laji even while she was alive. Her elements were light and wood. The two elements can be used to support a team or fight in single combat.

In fact, Xingguang Holy Academy owns a book on support magic that she wrote. If you want to pursue support magic, then I recommend Sage Mei Laji’s second door.”

Low-pitched discussions immediately ensued among those in the Magic division. Most of the boys chose the first door while most of the girls chose the second.

“Behind the third door is a holy sword master. His name should also be familiar to everyone here, the magic/martial arts user, Sage Heaven Destruction.

“The Sage Heaven Destruction? My god! I’m not dreaming right? He’s a legend from a thousand years ago! Turned out he fell in that battle!”

“My grandfather told me about him; if he hadn’t fallen in battle, he would have definitely ascended to the Heavenly realm.”

“Sage Heaven Destruction . . . I have to choose the third door! Nobody better get in my way!”

“Tch! Who has the time to stop you?! You’re the one standing in the way! Later I have to rush in before everyone else!”

Many of the Sword division students went crazy upon hearing the name “Heaven Destruction”, after all Sage Heaven Destruction was a true peerless holy sword master. Legend had it, he was the closest to becoming a sword god.

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