The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 236

Chapter 236: The First Virtual World Lesson

Of course both Zi Cheng and Ai Lin were also praised for passing their exams. In his eyes, the three became model students and representatives for the freshman class.

The teacher explained how the virtual world version of Xingguang Holy academy worked. Both schools had the same size footprint, however there was a forest outside the perimeter of the virtual one. The forest was filled with magical monsters of various levels, with higher levels closer to the center and lower levels along the periphery.

Most students gained combat experience by practicing in the forest. The beasts inside had the same combat powers as their real world equivalent, so the average freshman didn’t dare approach normally.

The teacher took the students and gave them a tour of the school, pointing out all the dangerous places they weren’t allowed to go. Inadvertently entering any of these places would mean putting their lives on the line.

After the tour, he took everyone to report to the teachers in charge of the virtual world branch. The twenty students from the current batch were divided into classes based on their specialty.

Students didn’t have to attend classes in the virtual world, but they had to complete all assigned homework. That, combined with the constant tests, meant life would be hard.

Those students with masters had it even harder. Not only would they have to do regular class assignments, they also had to do assignments from their individual masters.

It would be tiring for sure, but they would learn a lot as well.

The agenda for the first day in the virtual world was to register and get class assignments. Classes only started once fifty students made it into the virtual world.

The class for the students who received their sensing stones early was different from the classes for some senior students. Essentially these guys were considered the cream of the crop and would receive a more elite education.[notes]

Classes finally started on the third day after all the students with sensing stones made it into the virtual world.

Classes for the Magic division were mostly theoretical and focused on casting spells. Classes for the Sword division were the opposite and instead focused on practical combat. There were only about twenty students from the Sword division so all of them would have the same lessons.

None of the students in Xingguang were weak, but because enrollment in the Sword division was much higher than in the Magic division, their rate of expulsion was a lot higher. A few sword users were eliminated every year.

It was the first day of class so everyone was excited. All the students who had the ability to enter the virtual world in the second semester of their freshman year was, without a doubt, strong performers in the first semester.

Being able to earn enough to rank in the top fifty, none of them were simple people.

Twenty or so sword users stood on the field in front of Teacher James. He was the assigned practical combat teacher for their class.

“Many of you should already know me. I am James, and I will be your teacher for combat class. I will be supervising all of you in the days ahead. I hope all of you will be able to complete your assignments and grow stronger,” said James with a stern expressionless face. “I will give you your first task; think of it as homework. Follow me.”

After saying so, James promptly took the Sword division students to large a room. Inside the room were twenty doors.

“Behind these doors lay various mini worlds filled with beasts. Your first assignment is behind these doors. You are to enter, hunt and obtain at least two beast cores. You will be deducted three points if you fail to complete the assignment. Anyone with less than sixty points will be expelled. There will be no make-up tests, so take every assignment I assign seriously.”

The doors were divided into unique areas: oceans, deserts, forests . . . each were complete worlds.

The students who thought it was just an ordinary assignment quickly changed their mindset and took the assignment more seriously.

“Teacher, if points can be deducted, then does that mean we can add points too?” Ink eagerly raised his hand to ask.

James nodded approvingly. “Yes, there is a bonus point system. For example, in this assignment, you only need to hunt and obtain two beast cores. Doing so will mean you’ve satisfactorily completed the assignment. However hunting an additional beast and getting one more core will mean getting one more point. You can do this for up to a maximum of three points. After that, no matter how high your score is, you won’t get any more extra points.

I will give each of you a score after you complete the assignment. The scores are divided into six tiers: “A” through “F”. An “A” is the best and “F” is the worse. Obviously “F” is a fail while “E” is only barely passing . . .”

It was easy enough to understand: every assignment was scored and a maximum of three additional points was possible per assignment. To get more points the students would have to wait for the next assignment.

What they didn’t know was the standard used to score. How many points could they earn from killing two beasts and getting their cores? They were still a little confused about that aspect of the grading, but James didn’t give them time to think it over.

Because this assignment would be individually graded, the students could not work as a team, but had to go solo.

James opened the door they would use for the assignment. A dense wooded forest lay beyond it.

“Roar!” josei



Were the sounds that came through the open door.

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