The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 276

Chapter 276: The Princess’s Maid

Feng Wu didn’t care what the princess thought. After she finished dinner, that was meant for the princess, she dusted off her butt, gathered the tray and left.

The princess’s room needed a key to both enter and exit. The guards had told Feng Wu to knock three times on the door when she was ready and they would unlock it from the other side.

The door slowly opened after she knocked. Feng Wu squeezed out through the half opened door before closing it behind her, effectively shutting the princess’s crazy screams inside.

“Done eating?” asked the two brawny guards. They thought it had to be hard to serve the princess. It normally took seven or eight tray deliveries before she ate anything. She liked to abuse the maids who made the deliveries too.

If it weren’t for her being useful, no one would have put up with her attitude. She was a prisoner but she acted like she was still in Bohai.

“Yes.” Feng Wu nodded. She had just finished and was full.

This girl . . . they weren’t asking about her, but about the princess.

The two guards breathed a sigh of relief. “That was really fast this time. She didn’t get all crazy like usual.” How could the guys not know the princess? She normally wouldn’t let the maids delivering the food out until she had abused them for at least an hour – if the they were lucky enough to be alive.

“She fell and sprained her ankle.” Feng Wu said after a moment. Before leaving, she had looked at the princess and saw that the princess’s foot was red and swollen.

Feng Wu had been wondering how the princess failed to notice her own foot was injured, why she was so focused on scolding others. Was she not in pain?

The two guards understood after hearing Feng Wu’s explanation. So that’s how it was. Wanted to abuse people, but somehow ended up twisting her own ankle. Ha. This princess had some talent.

“You’re pretty lucky. The maids before you always came out with swollen faces and bruised noses. A couple had cuts from embedded broken vase shards in their faces. Some even killed themselves just to escape her torture.”

The guards told Feng Wu how Princess Hailin had abused all the other maids. They thought Feng Wu was really lucky. Like all the other girls, she had gone in to deliver food, but unlike them, she managed to come out without any injuries. Soon though time was up, so they had someone escort Feng Wu back to Na in the kitchen.

Na had just returned from dinner with the captains when she heard a maid had been sent to deliver the princess her meal. She fully expected to see an injured maid being carried back, well if the maid managed to stay alive that was.

Unexpectedly no one was carried back. In fact, the maid even returned on her own two feet. Na waited for the pirate who escorted Feng Wu to leave before asking for details.

Feng Wu wasn’t stupid. She only said the princess had wanted to beat her, but ended up falling down instead. josei

People with imagination were everywhere. After listening to Feng Wu’s explanation, Na misunderstood and reached the same conclusion as the two guards.

“Not bad. You did good. From now on it’ll be your job to deliver the princess her meals. Do it well and you’ll surely be rewarded.” Na looked at Feng Wu fondly.

Other girls got beaten to death when they went to deliver food, but this girl ended up making the princess hurt her own foot. How did this girl give other people such bad luck?

But how it happened didn’t matter because losing another maid wasn’t a big deal for Na.

Feng Wu didn’t know she was labelled a person who brought bad luck and that Na was sending her over on purpose to torture the princess, but even if she did, she wouldn’t have cared.

While Feng Wu had successfully joined the maids, Ming Xi and Jier were heading to the room where the princess’s maids were held. Because Ibak and the captain had already set things up, Ming Xi and Jier easily switched shifts with the guards on door duty. They were the only pirates there after the shift switched.

Ming Xi opened the door and stepped inside. It was a simple room without any ornamentation except for a stone bed and table. It was completely different from the one the princess stayed in, but of course Ming Xi and Jier didn’t know this yet.

There were four maids in the room. One maid was dressed in a higher standard than the others. Her clothes were more delicate with vibrant colors.

“You . . . what do you want!” The fours maids jumped back huddling in a corner upon seeing Ming Xi enter.

Princess Hailin’s personal maid was a smart girl. She knew what awaited in a pirates’ den. The girls huddled together every night in fright, fearing what the men planned for them.

“You . . ,” Ming Xi said pointing towards the maid that had spoken, “come here.”

She was startled. A touch of despair crept onto her face. No! She refused to be violated by these pirates! She shook her head violently left and right.

“Come here. I either take one of you or I take all of you. Choose,” said Ming Xi as he played the role of a cold-blooded pirate.

The other three girls looked at each other with clear despair in their eyes. And although it wasn’t obvious, the spark of hesitation was there as well. Human nature was what it was. When things weren’t so bad, they could huddle and comfort each other, but once forced to chose between themselves or someone else, they would inevitably think of themselves first.

Ayla didn’t want to go with the pirate, but if she refused, then all the girls would suffer the same fate as her. Since it had come down to this, why not just suffer alone, and save the other girls?

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