The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 291-292

Chapter 291-292

291: Demon Aura Increasing

The orb was a treasure that protected the wielder by dissolving the power from every kind of magical attack.

Zi Cheng had used her system to exchange a reward from a previous mission for it. She hadn’t expected it to come in handy so soon – she only survived because she had the orb.

She had spent her points too quickly earlier, so now she was feeling insecure about the amount left in her bank. She had to use the Demon Suppression sword to refill her points.

That’s correct – points. Zi Cheng had been unsure whether or not to keep the sword or exchange it for points. After seeing how low her bank was, she no longer hesitated. Besides she was a magician, not a sword user. Carrying the sword around would have been useless. It was better to exchange it for points, which she could then use to buy items she could actually use.

She was completely confident of the system’s inventory.

She moved toward where she thought the sword was and reached up to grab the blade before yanking it partially out of its anchor.

Zi Cheng didn’t care about the unimaginable consequences of the sword coming free. It was survival of the fittest with the strongest ruling, so it was impossible to climb to the top without stepping on a pile of bones. She would just avenge those who died after she got stronger in the future. Her actions were correct.

The entire island shook and a roaring demonic miasma erupted from the pond when she loosened the sword. This little bit of loosening caused so much demonic miasma to swirl, truly worthy of an ancient demon commander that even Longze had trouble containing.

“This! That woman didn’t die!” Demon Wind immediately understood what had happened the moment he saw the water rolling in the pond.

“Zi Cheng!” Ming Xi’s eyes sank. That woman. . . 

The sword Ming Xi normally used appeared in his hand. It was an extraordinary sword that gleamed as he held it. Though it was only a legendary magic sword, which ranked lower than a holy level item, it was good enough to be wielded by the prince of the Silver Moon kingdom.

Ming Xi waved the sword slightly and a powerful force hit the pond, forcing a figure out of the water.

“Ah!” Zi Cheng screamed out. Her injuries. Which hadn’t fully healed, became even more serious. She vomited several mouthfuls of blood, her facing turning as pale as a ghost.

“Ming... Senior Ming Xi.” Zi Cheng never thought Ming Xi would be the one who had hurt her. He had always been friendly, respectful and polite to everyone -- always gentle and courteous, even to those he didn’t like. He maintained a faint smile and never talked poorly about anyone. But this kind gentle man was now staring at her as if he was looking at a dead person.

Ming Xi ignored her. Even if the perpetrator was brought up, the sword had still been partially drawn up and the seal loosened. The demonic miasma that soared into the sky increased and surrounded the entire island.

Demon Wind was protected from the demonic aura because the water crystal created a transparent barrier around his body.

Ming Xi’s blood was strong so he was not afraid of the miasma in the air. Little Seven didn’t have a reaction at all. As a beast that represented the auspiciousness of both heaven and earth, it was impossible for her to be contaminated.

Zi Cheng had the elimination orb, so she was unaffected as well. josei

The four of them were fine, but the same couldn’t be said of everyone else on the island.

The underground temple was completely saturated with demonic miasma. Jier, Yanran and Oleen had agreed to leave together, but because they didn’t know how to get out, they had been waiting for Ming Xi.

When the demonic miasma spread through the underground area, Jier had to unlock his summer seal and call his staff, Blue Flame, in order to access some of his powers. He used his fire to burn away the demonic miasma and purify the area around them.

Blue Flame kept the demonic miasma away, but what Jier really wanted to do was use Karmic Fire to burn all the demonic miasma away. However, this wasn’t feasible as it indiscriminately attacked anyone surrounded by demonic miasma, which meant it wouldn’t just attack the pirates, but all the fishermen and maids as well. Everyone would probably die if he released his spell.

So, out of desperation Jier had resorted to using Blue Flame to keep the three of them safe for the time being. He couldn’t think of any other alternatives. His power was mainly destruction and more destruction. If Xiao Wu was with him, he was sure she would have been able to take care of things. Her powers focused on purification.

Meanwhile, Feng Wu was frowning at the chaos around her. Xiao Chun[notes] had left her dantian and was eager to swallow all the demonic miasma rolling in the sky, but he had to stay put because his master hadn’t said he could run free yet.

Loud screams could be heard everywhere as demonic miasma infected the people on the island. Anyone contaminated by too much miasma turned into an inhuman monster and lost their sense of reasoning. The only thing left behind was an overpowering urge to kill.

Monsters on the island fled away as fast as they could. Even the water monster that had helped carry Feng Wu and her friends ran away. What bad luck. They had just returned after sensing that Little Seven’s self-destruction had passed but now they had to flee again because of all the demonic energy.

Was it so easy for them to swim like crazy?

“Bring me to Senior Ming Xi!” Feng Wu ordered Xiao Chun. She had a hunch he and the others were at the source of the demonic energy.

Xiao Chun happily took the lead, purifying the miasma in his way. Because of this, the path he cleared was a rare space free of demonic energy. As though they sensed a glimmer of hope, people began to gather around Feng Wu and Xiao Chun.


Unfortunately, demonic miasma was difficult to deal with. People desperately wailed in agony as miasma seeped back in quickly after Feng Wu and Xiao Chun left the space.

The hole dug by Zi Cheng’s treasure hunter wasn’t the only path to the underground temple. There was another secret passage only the Demon Wind of each generation knew. The path created by the treasure hunter had been blocked by Ming Xi, but the secret path was still available.

It would have been hard to get the information from Demon Wind, but Xiao Chun didn’t need Demon Wind to find it. He just had to follow the trail where demonic miasma was leaking from.

Feng Wu and Xiao Chun reached the first floor of the underground easily enough, but it was difficult to see because the place was filled with so much magical energy.

Pirates in the passageway were groaning in pain because of the damage done by the miasma seeping into their bodies. There was no way for them to escape the torture because of the restrictive nature of the passageway. Of those on the island, they were suffering the most.

Feng Wu followed Xiao Chun into a hidden room. The room was empty save for a few empty sarcophagi. Each sarcophagus had the same name engraved on it, the only difference was the prefix: The First-Generation Demon Wind, The Second-Generation Demon Wind, and so on all the way to the fifth. All the previous generations of Demon Wind were buried here.

The sarcophagus of the first generation had been moved, exposing a long ladder under where it had lain. The only one who could have moved it was Demon Wind.

The room itself was in a forbidden area that even the deputy commanders weren’t allowed, but the guard had been disabled by the miasma so it was easy for Feng Wu to enter.

The miasma seeping up from below made Feng Wu pause for only a very short moment. She and Xiao Chun proceeded down the ladder without further hesitation.

While Feng Wu was moving farther toward Ming Xi, Ming Xi was busy trying his best to repair the seal. His bloodline was best at sealing and enchantment so it was well suited to the current situation.

Ming Xi stepped on the water and approached the half-drawn sword. He created a double seal and forcibly pressed it into the sword. The sword shook visibly before slowly sinking back down. The action decreased the miasma in the air.

Ming Xi’s hand was in constant motion repairing the seal, but just as the seal was nearly complete, the sword trembled violently and began inching upwards again.

Ming Xi’s expression changed and he increased his magic output. There was only one thought in his mind: he had to prevent the demon commander from rising, otherwise the world would suffer catastrophically.

Hs hands shook as cold sweat dripped from his forehead, but try as he might, he couldn’t prevent the sword’s upward rise. He was only able to slow it down.

Demon Wind hated Zi Cheng. The woman was so troublesome!

Little Seven didn’t have time to care about her enemy; she was too worried about her master.

Zi Cheng’s complexion had finally returned to normal after continuous use of several healing potions. Her body stopped hurting as well. She didn’t expect to feel so much pain, in fact she expected the Demon Suppression sword was supposed to belong to her, so how did things turn out this way?

The battle between Ming Xi and the demon commander was coming to an end. No matter how hard Ming Xi tried, it was only a matter of time before the demon commander broke free.

The suppression sword soared straight upwards out of the black pond and a beautiful man, all in black, rose up.

Ming Xi, Little Seven, and Demon Wind immediately retreated several steps. This man was dangerous – very dangerous. He was an ancient demon, one of the first born in the demon realm, so he was perfectly formed – a stunningly beautiful man. His hair was black and his eyes were red. Looking at them made you feel like you were gazing into an infernal hell, a sea of endless blood.

A darling of the Heavenly Way, entities like him could destroy the heavens. They were as strong as innate gods.

“Humans! Die!” With a slight wave of one hand, he sent a powerful wave of magic toward Ming xi and Little Seven.

It was just a minor movement but the effect was tremendous. Ming Xi tried to block with his sword but he was still knocked out of the room along with Little Seven and Demon Wind.

“Ah!” was all Demon Wind could scream out before blood gushed from his mouth His face was turned ashen.

Ming Xi had used a lot of energy in trying to restore the seal and just now he used everything he had to block the commander’s blow. He sustained even more damage than Demon Wind.

“Chirp! Chirp!” Little Seven yelled as she spread her wings to encompassing Ming Xi in a ball of light. Ming Xi slowly recovered, his body healing and his magic restoring.

It was one of the benefits of a symbiotic contract, master and beast could heal each other, even if not fully, then at least fifty percent.

Zi Cheng laid on the ground in a daze. She had no idea whatever was sealed away was this crazy. Perhaps it was because of her heroine halo, but the commander allowed her to watch peacefully and didn’t attack her at all.

Ming Xi and the others were not so fortunate. The commander looked at them as they were lowly ants.

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