The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 315-316

Chapter 315-316

315: Margaret’s Question

“Miss Zhēn needs rest because of all the blood she lost. I’m afraid we can’t wake her up tonight.”

Everyone was disappointed but they couldn’t forcibly wake an injured person. They returned to the castle to rest.

Margaret[notes] opened her eyes to bright sunlight. She was inside a cabin in a large and unfamiliar ship. Her body felt limp and tired so she got up slowly and carefully. She saw Feng Wu lying next to her.

“Xiao Wu! Xiao Wu! Wake up!” Margaret patted Feng Wu’s face, but it was no use. Feng Wu refused to wake up.

“You’re awake! You’re lucky to have woken up!” A tall man in his twenties with blue hair walked in. His eyes were full curiosity. josei

“Did you save us?” Margaret wasn’t a fool. Considering the current situation, they had to have been rescued.

The last thing she remembered before losing consciousness was being whipped around by the tornado. It was amazing she was still alive.

“Yes, you guys were really lucky! You happened to float by near our ship. I had the crew pull all of you up.” The guy didn’t mind explaining at all.

“Other than me and Feng Wu here, did you see my older brother, Matheson?” Margaret asked nervously.

“Your older brother is also here. He woke up this morning but fell asleep after checking in on you.”

Margaret breathed a sigh of relief.

“We rescued four other males as well. They were youngish men. Don’t know if you know them or not.”

“Can I go and see them?” Margaret wasn’t sure if it was Ming Xi and the others. There had been so many people on the Hart’s ship.

“Of course, as long as you are up to it.” The young man didn’t intend to stop her. It was her body; if she wanted to go check instead of resting, then it was her business.

“I’m fine. Can I see them now?”

“Of course. I’ll lead the way. My name’s Basil by the way. My grandfather is the ship’s owner.”

“My name’s Margaret.”

Basil brought Margaret to the other people he had rescued. It turned out Margaret did know them. There were Ink and Leo and the deceased Moffei’s companion, Myron and Tang. Ming Xi and Jier weren’t there. She didn’t know if they had been rescued by other ships.

“I know them. All of us took the same ship to Biluo. We never expected to encounter a black tornado, ha a rare once-in-a-century event.” Margaret smiled bitterly. Were they lucky or unlucky? Good thing they managed to live through it.

“I know, your brother told us about the tornado when he woke up.” He pointed to the sleeping Matheson, who was lying next to the other four guys.

“Thank you. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have survived.” Margaret was genuinely grateful.

“There’s no need to thank me. It was due to your own fortunate luck that you awoke at all. These guys are not so lucky.” His voice held a trace of regret as he glanced at the others sleeping.

“What do you mean? Are Xiao Wu and the others seriously injured?”

Basil looked at the sleeping people as he spoke, “If it was just a normal injury, it wouldn’t be a problem. But these aren’t simple injuries.”

“What do you mean?! Did they suffer some kind of internal injury that’s difficult to heal?” Most injuries could be healed with magic and medicine. Only the most grievous injuries and incurable diseases couldn’t be handled.

“If it was just that, it wouldn’t be a problem. I can’t explain it properly. Go and see my grandfather. He is a great necromancer. He can explain the situation with your friends more clearly.”

Necromancer? What was he talking about? Margaret’s comprehension abilities were limited because she didn’t study. Shouldn’t a wood or light magician treat them if they were injured? Why was there a need for a necromancer?

Did he mean Xiao Wu and the others were dying? Why did Margaret have such a bad premonition about this? She felt like crying.

Feng Wu slept all night after being attacked by an unknown assailant. The butler had the kitchen make some healing tonics for Feng Wu and sent Jier to take care of her. Jier’s acting had been really good.

As a result, Jier was the first person Feng Wu saw when she woke up.

“You’re awake!”

“En, it hurts though.” Feng Wu timidly touched her neck. Her throat felt uncomfortable when she talked. Swallowing hurt too. Her neck had been salved with medicine but a deep mark was still visible.

“Idiot! You know you almost died!” Jier lightly knocked her on the head. She had suffered such a serious injury. It was the first time he had ever seen her so injured. She nearly died!

“It hurts.” The pain in her wrist was the second most pained part of her body. She wanted to be spoiled for a bit.

“If the pain is too much, don’t talk. Just write instead.” Jier knew her throat hurt her. Seeing the healthy and hale her so weak made him uncomfortable.

“But first listen to me. All you have to do is nod or shake your head. First, did you see who attacked you?” This was something everyone wanted to know.

Feng Wu shook her head in the negative.

“Did you smell anything usual?”

Feng Wu remembered. She nodded her head.

“OK, write it down.” Jier gave her a pen and a stack of paper.

316: Can’t Understand It

Feng Wu obediently wrote down what she smelled and how she felt. Sha sha sha, the sound of the pen sounded across the paper. She handed the sheet to Jier after finishing.

“You smelled a floral scent, then you felt sleepy? Then someone strangled you. You tried to struggle but didn’t have any strength. You fainted after that. Correct?”

Feng Wu nodded. It made her uncomfortable that she couldn’t use her abilities to hear the plants and animals.

So in other words, Feng Wu hadn’t seen the person who attacked her. She didn’t even get a glimpse of what they were wearing. Jier left her to rest after getting her answers.

He asked the people who surrounded him the moment he closed the door to meet in the hall. Ming Xi hid in the dark, guarding Feng Wu’s door in case the perpetrator wanted to try anything, in case the culprit tried to kill Feng Wu again.

“How did it go? What did Zhēn say? Did she see the murderer? She must have right?” Yanaimo immediately asked. She was going to go mad; there had been so many recent deaths. They had to get useful information from Zhēn and capture the murderer.

Jier shook his head. “Miss Zhēn didn’t see anything. Because of the wound on her throat, I asked her to write down her replies instead.” Jier was acting as a maid, so he handed Yanaimo the sheet Feng Wu had written her answers on.

Yanaimo’s face looked horrible after reading the sheet.

The paper was passed around to everyone. Their expressions also fell after reading it. They had so hoped there would be some useful clues. They never expected there not to be a single one.

No one asked about Feng Wu’s injuries. The only ones who cared were the two teachers and Yanaimo. The others were focused on staying alive. What did someone else’s life or death matter to them?

Ink was cast as one of Feng Wu’s classmates. He didn’t dare act too concerned because he didn’t want anyone to get suspicious about his disguise. The relationship between the characters they were playing was actually a bad one. It would have been out of character if he suddenly changed his behavior.

The shroud of death hanging over their heads made them keenly aware how quickly the scythe could sever their necks.

The sky was clear, the air was calm and the sun sparkled brilliantly off the water. It was very peaceful.

Margaret followed Basil to his grandfather. The old man was a decent and kind-hearted, well-known necromancer named Sheldon. His eyes were kind. Margaret was positively inclined towards him the moment she saw him.

“Sit down child.” Sheldon wasn’t surprised to see Margaret. He welcomed her warmly.

“Hello. Thank you for saving me and my friends.” Margaret was reserved when she spoke.

“You are welcome my child. It was simply fate that we met.”

“Grandfather, can you tell me what happened to my friends? Young Master Basil said they won’t wake up. What did he mean by that? Are my friends seriously ill?” Margaret was really worried about Feng Wu’s injuries.

Although she had only met Feng Wu recently, she had developed a good impression of the cute and simple girl. They had become good friends. She didn’t want anything bad to happen to Feng Wu.

Sheldon sighed upon hearing Margaret’s question. “No child. Come with me.” Sheldon stood up and motioned for Margaret to follow him.

He led her to the bow of the boat. “Do you see that island?” He pointed to a green, lush looking island up ahead.

“I do. It’s beautiful.” Margaret didn’t understand why he asked, but she answered honestly.

“One hundred years ago it was called Songwei island, now it’s called Death island.”

“Death island. . .  That grandpa. . .  I just want to know what’s wrong with my friends. Does this island have anything to do with them?” Margaret didn’t understand.

“Of course. If I’m not mistaken, they should be on that island.”

“Wait?! What? Xiao Wu and the others are right here on the boat. How can you say they’re on that island? That doesn’t make any sense.” What she really wanted to question was the grandpa’s brain. Was he getting silly in old age?

Or course, no matter how stupid she was, Margaret would never say such a thing out loud. She would definitely get kicked off the boat and become food for the sea creatures.

“Their bodies are here, but their souls are on that island.” Sheldon could tell at a glance if a person’s soul was still attached to their bodies.

“Soul?! You mean they can’t wake up because their souls are trapped on that island?” Margaret was shocked. She had finally caught on to what the grandpa was saying. “How can this be? What can we do? We have to go to the island and get them back!”

If it had just been physical injuries, it would have been fine. They could be healed with medicine and magic and a good plan of action. But this. . .  their souls were gone. What could she do?

Sheldon shook his head before sighing. “It is impossible. That island is no longer accessible to any living creature. Entering Death island will only result in death.”

“Then I’m really confused! How are the souls of Xiao Wu and the other guys on the island then?! What does it matter? I don’t understand!” She thought she understood, but now she wasn’t sure.

“The island is related to the tragedy that happened one hundred years ago. Since then, Songwei island has become known to all as Death island. None has been able to enter. None have left alive.” He sighed thinking about it.

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