The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 323-324

Chapter 323-324: Ink’s Trick; Chamai, A Murderer?

323: Ink’s Trick

“Do you guys think the person who’s trying to kill us is an enemy of Yanaimo’s family?” Ink was currently Pui, a boy who had no presence. He was in the middle to lower range of class and wasn’t tall, handsome, or even strong. josei

Chamai was surprised at Ink’s words.

The thought had crossed their minds, it was just that no one dared speak it out loud. He looked to the timid and useless Pui.

Cassie hadn’t thought much on the matter and hadn’t connected it to Yanaimo’s family. She only knew someone was killing them, so she was stunned upon hearing Pui’s words. She immediately started with questions.

After looking about to make sure there weren’t any servants around, she whispered, “Pui, why do you say this? Did you find out something?”

Ink shook his head. “No, it was just a guess. Think about it. We were fine until we came to this island, but after we arrived, things started happening, one after another. This island belongs to Yanaimo’s family. No matter how you look at it, it’s impossible for there to be no connection.”

“No, that’s not possible. Think about it. If this was because of Yanaimo’s family, why didn’t the murderer kill Yanaimo directly, but instead killed so many unrelated people instead?” Annai wasn’t buying it.

Feng Wu listened quietly without interrupting.

“Don’t talk nonsense if you don’t now. Like Annai said, if the murderer was after Yanaimo’s family, why wouldn’t she be murdered already? Instead so many of us are involved?” Chamai nodded his head.

Yanaimo was so beautiful; her beauty alone attracted a lot of suitors who vied for her attention. Chamai was one of Yanaimo’s admirers and he only said good things about her in public. It stood to reason he would stand up for her if anyone spoke poorly about her.

Although he had his own suspicions, he wouldn’t risk offending his goddess by speaking them out loud in front of other people.

“Think about it. Weren’t the people who were first killed, weren’t they the ones who had the best relationship with her? After that the victims were ordinary classmates and servants.” Ink spoke in a low voice.

His words reminded everyone about the people who were first killed. It was true. The ones who admired her most ardently were the ones who died first. Her close friends had also died. Following their deaths, other people began dying as well.

They hadn’t thought of it this way, but with Ink’s reminder, they realized it was true.

Annai was still on the fence. “Maybe it was a coincidence? You can’t assume the killer is associated with Yanaimo just because of this.”

“I think the person is toying with us. Whoever it is, wants Yanaimo experience the fear of being next, to watch as the people she cares about die one after another in front of her.

Sometimes it’s not about killing a person directly, but more about forcing them to feel as though they are living under death’s shadow. In fact, I think Airon is the most likely victim to be targeted next.” Ink wasn’t being an alarmist. This was a genuine hypothesis Ming Xi and Jier had come up with during their discussion.

They all felt the same way – that the murderer was there for Yanaimo. Ming Xi had already gone to protect Airon, while Ink’s job was to provoke everyone. Airon wasn’t dead yet, but if he did die, then people would start asking Yanaimo questions. This would make it easier for them to ask questions as well.

Even if Yanaimo was a beauty with money and power, it was meaningless in the face of death.

What Ink said was reasonable and was hard to argue against. But what made him think the next victim would be Airon? Who could really know what the murder’s thoughts were? Who knew? Maybe Airon would be the last to die?

Looking at the order of deaths, it was clear the murderer alternated victims, first killing those closest to Yanaimo and making her suffer the loss, before switching to ordinary classmates or servants who had nothing to do with her. The murderer repeated this pattern over and over again, leaving a few days space between each murder.

At this point, most of Yanaimo’s friends were dead. Of course she was sad to see her friends die, but the constant repetition had blunted her pain. A new type ain needed to be injected into her, such as the pain of losing a love. Losing a love would be a new unbearable pain for her.

Ink smoothly planted the seed in their hearts. It would slowly sprout and grow, and once ripe, would be quite a show to watch.

Setting people up like this wasn’t good, but it was beyond his control. If he wanted to leave alive, he had to fight with everything he had.

Dawn the next day brought good news. Feng Wu’s group had made contact with Liana’s group. Things would be easier with seven more people to share the work load. They wouldn’t be so afraid to go out now.

Liana had wondered about Feng Wu’s identity for a while, but she hadn’t had the chance to test her suspicions until dinner that night when she called Feng Wu out by her real name.

There were only ten people on each side. Once you subtracted outsiders like them, there were less than twenty.

324: Chamai, A Murderer?

The two groups exchanged information and designed a plan to catch the murderer. They were still planning when the rumor about the murderer being connected to Yanaimo’s family began spreading. Rumor was Yanaimo’s friends were all on the murderer’s hit list.

The rumor had some validity so it spread like wildfire. There were already people who thought along the same lines, but had been too afraid to offend her and her supporters, but things were different now.

Now Yanaimo wasn’t on her pedestal anymore.

Even if she was a goddess who could give them benefits, those benefits didn’t mean a thing in the face of life and death. They knew what was more important.

“This is all your fault! If you hadn’t brought us to this island, we wouldn’t have lost so many classmates.”

“We wouldn’t be in this situation if you weren’t so pretentious!”

“It’s just a birthday celebration. What was the big deal?! You called all of us out here to show off your island! What was so great about it huh?! Now so many people are dead because of you!”

“Who did she offend?! Why are we suffering because of her! I’ve never done anything excessively bad!”

Some of the female students were already crying as they talked. It wouldn’t have been so bad if it was just a crazed murderer. But if the murderer was targeting Yanaimo, if they were just tools to punish her, then that was different. The feeling of being used was unbearable. It was only natural they would feel resentful and thoroughly wronged.

“How can you say that! My lady was so kind! Weren’t you all happy to be invited?!” Yanaimo’s personal maid defended her.

“If I had known she offended a crazy murderer, I wouldn’t have come even if she gave me more favors!”

“That’s right! I would regret dying more! Those classmates who already died, they’d regret it too!”

The hall was full of students arguing. Yanaimo came from a noble lineage; she was above arguing with those below her status. Though she didn’t want to quarrel with them, she hated the person responsible for the rumors. She would make their life a living hell if she ever caught them.

Even if the murderer didn’t get the person responsible for the rumors, Yanaimo would get rid of them. How dare they malign her reputation!

It didn’t matter what Yanaimo thought or felt, her classmates hated her. They didn’t look like they were interested in fawning over her anymore, instead they looked like they wanted to kill her.

Luckily the teachers came and shooed everyone back to their respective rooms. The teachers had originally wanted to speak to Yanaimo in private. If the whole thing was related to Yanaimo’s family, then it would be easier to figure out who the murderer was if they knew more about her family’s enemies.

Unfortunately, the young miss refused to cooperate. She immediately said this after everyone left, “I know what Teachers want to ask. I only have this to say. My family is upstanding and decent with no enemies. So it’s impossible for the murderer to be an enemy of my family.”

She didn’t wait for them to reply, but immediately turned around and left in a huff. Her maid called out to her, but Yanaimo refused to turn around.

Teachers Del Leo and Ballard smiled bitterly. What was this? She was throwing a temper tantrum? They wanted to find the murderer, but they couldn’t force or compel her to answer. All they could do was stare after her.

Yanaimo wasn’t the only having a hard time, Airon was also having a hard time. He was afraid of being the next victim and had holed up in his room ever since. He kept himself locked inside and wouldn’t open the door for anyone. He stepped outside for food, but that was it. He was completely isolated.

Another night arrived. This one was accompanied with windy seas, dark clouds, and rolling waves. A storm was coming.

That night, a shadowy figure entered a room and looked at the person in bed. The intruder held a knife and was about to stab the slumbering person but an unexpected figure appeared.

It was Jier!

Jier blocked the knife and the two began to fight. His hand-to-hand combat skills were good, despite being a fire magician.

The intruder was losing ground but he was clever. He tried to escape through the window once he saw he couldn’t win. But unfortunately for him, Ming Xi arrived and blocked his escape exit. His odds of winning were even worse now.

Soon enough he lay sprawled on the ground in defeat.

“Let’s see who you are!” Jier sliced away the mask covering the intruder’s face.

It was Chamai! Chamai was the murderer?! How shocking.

Chamai was such a big Yanaimo admirer. Who would have guessed such a garrulous person was the murderer?

Outside, the wind continued to rage as thunder boomed across the sky. Chamai was calm though.

“Why did you kill all those people?” Ming Xi asked.

“They deserved to die.” Chamai’s expression was different; gone was his usual cheerful smile. He looked at Jier and Ming Xi coldly.

“That’s not why you killed them. Tell me the real reason.” Jier, now a maid, demanded an answer.

“Humph!” snorted Chamai. He was on the ground, but he still managed to turn his head away from them.

“You’re still fronting!” Jier kicked Chamai a few times in the stomach. This guy had killed so many people, kicking him was nowhere near enough, but no matter how much Jier abused him, Chamai refused to answer. He refused to explain his motive.

They found the murderer but the mysterious person hadn’t reappeared. This meant they hadn’t completed their mission. So it looked like they wouldn’t get anywhere until they unearthed the truth.

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