The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 341-342

Chapter 341-342: Reborn Back into the Past; The World a Hundred Years in the Future

341: Reborn Back into the Past

The male lead was so enthralled with Zi Cheng, he would have given up the world for her.

Eliza’s original role in the story was minor. She was portrayed as a fool in love who willingly suffered any kind of humiliation for her man. Her mother couldn’t bear to see her baby be humiliated, so she sent a master to assassinate Zi Cheng. It didn’t work out though. The master only served to increase Zi Cheng’s experience.

Ultimately, the male lead’s family clashed against the Water Cloud country. It was a horrendously costly feud for both sides. Despite this neither the male lead nor Zi Cheng suffered at all.

The development later on in the story was just too godly to even bother mentioning.

What Ai Lin had to focus on was getting the egg away from Zi Cheng. Zi Cheng had purchased the egg for a song because it hadn’t been sold despite being offered so many time already.

“Hey, Ai Lin! What are you thinking?” Eliza pouted cutely at her new friend’s dazed expression.

Ai Lin quickly replied after snapping out of it. “I still have a lot of gold, but if I’m short, I’ll be sure to find you.”

Eliza nodded with satisfaction. “That’s good. If you don’t have enough, be sure to tell me OK?”

Ai Lin sighed in her heart. This little princess was so simple and kind, not to mention absolutely adorable. How was the male lead led astray by the likes of Zi Cheng?

The male lead was completely smitten from the first moment the two met. Zi Cheng had effortlessly led him by the nose. She was either completely intoxicating or he was just too easy.

A thin man sat inside another box. From all perspectives, he was an ordinary looking guy, not particularly handsome, but not particularly ugly either. He looked clean cut, fresh and young. But his clear, pure eyes made him special. The look gave him a laid-back persona that would have slain many men.

“Master, have some fruit.” A plump, cute maid reached over to feed her young master fruit from her hand.

He blocked the fruit before it reached his mouth. With a gentle smile he said, “Plum, eat it by yourself.”

“Yes, Young Master.” The little maid named Plum wasn’t shy about it. She promptly popped it into her mouth and ate it with relish.

This made the butler’s mouth twitch. The young master was too generous. “Young Master, it will be a while until the item you are waiting for comes up for auction. Did you want to look at anything else until then?”

Young Master Zo was a direct descendent of the Blackstrom family and he had a secret. josei

Reborn into the past just a few months ago, he had retained all the memories of the future he came from.

Caesar, his older brother, was the pride and joy of the family. He was a handsome and talented youth who was promising enough to reach the god realm. To top it off, he was engaged to Eliza, someone Zo had secretly loved. It was like his brother was born with a golden halo above his head.

On the other hand, Zo was born with a weak constitution so he couldn’t cultivate, however he was graced with self-awareness. Both his father and brother protected him as best they could, so no one dared slight him.

He wasn’t a hothead either. As long as his family and the girl he loved were happy, then he was happy.

What he never expected was that his brother would personally kill Eliza.

Caesar claimed Eliza had sent someone to try to assassinate his beloved Zi Cheng. But it was impossible to believe. Eliza was a kind and innocent girl. Even if Caesar didn’t love her, she would never think of killing her rival.

Zo was heartbroken over Eliza’s death.

His family and the Cloud Water nation became mortal enemies after that. Both sides suffered tremendous losses after fighting for half a year. His beloved brother even abandoned the family for a woman.

His family tried to bring Caesar back home to account for his actions, but instead of returning, he killed all the uncles and brothers sent after him. He killed so many relatives, all just to protect his beloved Zi Cheng.

Zo had wanted to go and find his brother, to bring him back, to ask why. But all he could do was stand and watch as his family fell apart.

Caesar and Zi Cheng were later idolized as saviors. Their popularity went off the charts.

Someone in the family had wanted to bring Caesar back, to lead the family to glory, but his father disagreed. Zo remembered what his father had said at the time. He had said anyone who was willing to do anything for a woman wasn’t fit to lead the family. A son like that, no matter who great he became later in life, would never be welcomed back into the family.

Zo knew how heartbroken his father must have been. Caesar had always been the family’s pride and joy, but he had done so many terrible things for a woman. Betraying the family, murdering Eliza – his actions were unforgiveable.

Then later his brother and that woman ascended to the god realm.

Not more than thirty years after their ascension, things began to go wrong. The magic particles in the atmosphere became unstable and couldn’t be absorbed. Forcefully absorbing any caused people to explode and die.

But if this was a catastrophe, then what happened next was hell.

Water resources dried up and caused all the plants to wither and the land to shrivel and turn into deserts. Living conditions for both animals and humans became unbearable.

A hundred years later, energy from the five elements faded from the world entirely.

Soon dimensional cracks in space began to appear, limiting where people could live. People became more restricted as more and more cracks appeared. Though the temple and the four empires could protect the people, they couldn’t change the actual living environment.

It was only after much investigation that they discovered the heart of the five elements on the continent were missing. Without the hearts, the elemental magic couldn’t form and remain stable. The world would lose its balance and turn into a wasteland.

The cracks were a symptom of the missing elemental hearts. Without the hearts, the world was cut off from the elements and the law that governed the world fragmented and became incomplete. The world’s destruction would be inevitable from there on out.

342: The World a Hundred Years in the Future

Where did the heart of the elements go? Who took them?

The question was finally answered by a woman who knew Zi Cheng before the latter ascended. This woman was actually a good person before meeting Zi Cheng, however she quickly changed after their meeting. She gave Zi Cheng access to her family compound and allowed Zi Cheng to kill her family, who she thought were bullies.

Everyone thought she and Zi Cheng had to be on exceptionally good terms, so there was great deal of shock and surprise when this woman stepped forward and accused Zi Cheng.

The woman in question was a holy sage named Nellie. Zo remembered he had been standing beside his father when Nellie talked about it. Her voice had been filled with hatred.

“I don’t know what was going on, but from the day I met her, the desire to stay by her side intensified day after day. I just had this urge to be friends with her. I couldn’t recognize who I was anymore. I couldn’t argue against her. I felt like I was doing an unforgiveable thing whenever I tried.

She was the only person in my world. She was my god, my savior. . .  she was everything to me. No one else was important. If it was for her, I would have done anything. I didn’t even feel a shred of sadness when she killed my father and my relatives. Instead, what I felt was an overwhelming sense of awe and gratitude that she was willing to do all this. . .  for me!

It was terrible! What had I become?! It wasn’t me! I loved my family! I loved them! How could I have betrayed them and stole the family sacred treasures for a friend? Then to team up with that outsider and kill them all, the family I loved so much?!”

Nellie’s sobs were so heartbreaking that the four empires each had their respective physicians check her for any traces of manipulation. Though they couldn’t find anything, it was clear from Nellie’s reaction that she had been controlled and had somehow become Zi Cheng’s puppet.

Nellie’s experience wasn’t unique. The men who were hypnotized by her also came back to their senses. It felt like they were remembering a dream when they recalled their fanatical obsession with Zi Cheng, of how happy they were for her when she ascended.

They wanted to die when they thought about all the brain dead-things they did for her.

Everyone agreed Zi Cheng had the ability to make people like her. The more they liked her, the more devoted and fanatical they became. She controlled them like a puppeteer, forcing their obedience in all things. If it weren’t for the chaos from the world collapsing, it was doubtful anyone would have discovered Zi Cheng’s ability. Those under her manipulation would never have regained their senses.

The truth came rushing out as people began talking. It was Zi Cheng who took all the elemental hearts! It was Zi Cheng who was destroying the world!

In an instant, the goddess praised by millions became vilified. All the statues and books idolizing her were destroyed by angry mobs.

Fortunately the kings who were masters of heaven, earth, sun and moon used all their powers to activate heaven’s secret treasure, the wheel of time.

The divine tool could only be activated by a descendant of the gods, however the process required using all their life energy.

Because the magic of five elementals couldn’t be replenished, the more powerful a soul was, the lower the success rate would be. Whoever they sent had to be an ordinary person if they wanted the best odds.

Even if there was a chance his soul could be completely destroyed, Zo took the initiative to volunteer to go back to the past and try to change the course of history.

Going back in time through the time tunnel would be dangerous. The force inside could tear a soul apart.

Zo lived as an ordinary person, under the protection of his father and family for his entire life. They had even used a precious treasure to prolong his lifespan. Now it was his turn to protect them.

His relationship with Caesar was good before Zi Cheng became involved. Both factors together meant he was the most suitable person to attempt the journey.

Before he returned to the past, his father had told him to protect the family by killing Caesar if Caesar was still intoxicated by Zi Cheng.

Zo memorized the locations of all the hearts, which Zi Cheng had gained from her former friends and suitors. Because there were no more magical elements in the world, the four celestial seal holders used their blood to activate the wheel of time. The four kings perished, but Zo was successfully sent back.

Zo’s body was destroyed in the crossing so he thought he had failed to live up to everyone’s expectations. But when he opened his eyes, he found he had returned to the time line, one month before the sea emperor’s tomb would be opened. It wasn’t too late. . .  He could still bear humanity’s weight on his shoulders.

Zi Cheng didn’t know the number of enemies against her had increased. First there was Ai Lin, who was constantly watching her and trying to steal things from her. Now another person from a future was also after her. How would she feel if she knew?

The novel Ai Lin read only stated that Zi Cheng became a god. There was nothing about what came after, so Ai Lin didn’t know the survival of the world was tied to the five hearts.

New hearts could form, but they only did so if the old ones were destroyed. Zi Cheng took the hearts when she ascended, so they weren’t destroyed. As long as the old hearts existed somewhere, new ones wouldn’t form, and the world’s law would remain fragmented.

So Zi Cheng’s actions doomed all of them. Ai Lin didn’t know this, but she was inadvertently helping to prevent the world's destruction by stealing Zi Cheng’s advantages.

Where was Zi Cheng currently? Why she was at the auction with Caesar.

She went to find her original team after escaping from the demon commander She was normally successful, so of course she found them. Not only that, they had already finished the mission by the time she did. Even better still, no one blamed her for being absent since it wasn't her fault the got swept away from them by the waves that day.

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