The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 351, 352, 353, 354

Chapter 351, 352, 353, 354

347: Affinity Increasing Pill

Over two thirds of the lots had been auctioned off so only a few items were left. Those familiar with auctions knew the best items were saved for last. The really rich and powerful hadn’t made a move yet.

Items auctioned early on looked good but weren’t great and only appealed to the middle-tiered families and adventurers. Bigger families had no interest in these minor things.

At this point an affinity increasing potion for magic was brought on stage.

A person’s ability to train directly correlated to their elemental affinity. The higher a person’s affinity for an element, the easier and faster they could absorb the element and thus get stronger.

The opposite was true as well. Those with lower affinity would progress slowly so days of practice for someone with low affinity equated to hours of practice for someone with higher affinity.

Obviously, a drug capable of increasing affinity would gather tremendous interest. Only powerful families with resources could get their hands on any.

The potions at auction could increase elemental affinity by as much as two levels, however those geniuses already at ninety or above would not be able to benefit from it. That’s because potions could not increase a person’s level beyond ninety. Those at seventy would benefit the most from the increase in elemental affinity.

Geniuses reached ninety points.

So, don’t scoff at it just because it’s only two levels. This potion was better than many others that appeared before.

The announcement from LeXue had an effect on both floor attendees and VIP box guests. Their eyes lit up with enthusiasm.

“Wow! Two levels of affinity?! That’s not bad!”

“Which master was so powerful to refine such a heaven-defying potion?”

“A pill like that would raise my level up like mad!”

“My son is saved! He’ll be able to enter Xingguang Holy Academy if he takes that potion!”

“I have to buy that potion!”

“Ms. LeXue! What are you waiting for?! Hurry up and announce the reserve price!”

“Yes! Announce it please!”

LeXue remained smiling professionally on stage, utterly unaffected by the raucous crowd.

“Affinity increasing potion, reserve price set at one hundred thousand gold, with increases set at ten thousand gold minimum. The auction starts now.”

People started bidding as soon as she finished announcing.

“One hundred thousand right here!”

“You chumps who are raising it by increments can get lost. I’m bidding one hundred fifty thousand!”

“Please. Only one fifty? I bid two hundred!”

“Three hundred!”

“Three hundred fifty!”

“Five hundred thousand gold!”

The bids went up crazily, but no one in the box Seats joined in. The families in the box Seats were biding their time.

The scene made Ai Lin smile. It wasn’t the first time she sold her potions to the public, but it was the first time she sold such a high-valued one.

The affinity increasing potion was a recipe she had found in the ancient magician’s tomb It was originally supposed to go to Zi Cheng, but Ai Lin had gotten to it first. The book it was in had many other ancient recipes as well.

Unfortunately, many of the ingredients that used to grow abundantly in ancient times no longer existed in the modern era, so the recipes were of limited use. Zi Cheng had sold the recipe book to the system for a bunch of points.

The book had many interesting recipes for potions with strange and surprising effects. Zi Cheng had an accelerated dimensional space so she was able to grow plenty of herbs to try out the different recipes. She didn’t have to worry about inventory at all.

With so much raw materials to use for practice, she eventually was able to craft the affinity increasing potion.

It was a powerful potion that could only be taken once, so effects couldn’t be stacked. She had crafted over a dozen bottles of the potion while practicing. Unfortunately, the potion had no effect on her, so she sold them for a profit.

“One million!” came a voice from the box Seats. The bidder set of a chain of other box bidders.

“One million two hundred thousand!”

Those on the ground level immediately stopped bidding once the box Seat attendees began bidding. None of them dared mess with any of the powerful families. Besides, they were just small to medium sized families. Some of them were ordinary adventurers. They didn’t have the kind of money or power to compete with the bigger families in the VIP boxes.

“Wow! One million! Ai Lin, that’s fantastic!” Eliza looked at Ai Lin with stars in her eyes. Her new friend was really amazing!

Ai Lin smiled but she didn’t say anything. The bidding between the VIP boxes was fierce, with increments going up by tens of millions each time.

“The affinity increasing potion sounds awesome. Too bad it’s too expensive for me.” Margaret said wistfully.

Most of the guys were sword users. Even Ming Xi, who was a dual magician martial arts user, had such powerful blood that he didn’t need to use a potion to increase his affinity. Jier was the heir to Summer, so his natural affinity to fire was filled to the brim. This kind of potion was worthless to him.

The only magician left was Margaret. Though they didn’t know what her affinity level was, it wasn’t possible for her to be more than eighty. Therefore she was the only one in their group who could actually use the potion.

She was unwilling to ask the group for help even though it meant missing out on the potion.

They were just a temporary team. She and her brother had tagged along with the group, and though they had become friends, it wasn’t the kind of friendship that allowed one to ask for millions in gold.

Ming Xi and the others were fine with that. He would have helped her if she asked, but he was pleased she didn’t. It showed she wasn’t the kind of person to take advantage of her friends.

Superficial friendships never lasted long. Who knew how long their friendship now would last?

Feng Wu kept a hold of the egg as everyone else paid attention to the stage.

348: Baby Rui Beast

She was very curious about it as it was the first time a stone talked to her. She needed to study it.

“Stop tapping me! Let me sleep woman! Don't think you can do whatever you want with me. I’m not some random beast!”

The sweet voice sounded in Feng Wu’s ears. It was most definitely talking to her. Her eyes shone brightly as she tried to connect with the stone in the same way she would connect with the trees and flowers.

“Who are you?”

The little guy moved his ears in disbelief when the sound of her puzzled voice reached him. This human could hear him!

“You - you can hear me talking?” He was shocked. His big shining eyes stared out in disbelief.

“You can hear me!” Feng Wu was excited. “Are you a rock? How are you able to talk?”

When the little guy inside the egg heard this, he nearly exploded. “You’re blind! You’re a stone! Your whole family are stones! I'm a rui beast. How dare you say I’m a stone!”

“Rui beast? You’re a legendary ancient rui beast?!” Feng Wu continued to transmit her voice to the stone. She had read about them in the books from the library.

The books said ancient rui beasts were the darlings of heaven and earth. They didn’t have any offensive skills, but they had long life spans and amazing support abilities, which could be categorized into three types: time, improvement, and resurrection.

Then there were those who were born all-knowing. It didn’t matter if it was the ancient past or the present, these kinds of ruis knew everything. This of course included all those god-level books on magic and swordsmanship, books on medicine and everything else that existed. If it happened, then the rui knew it. It was basically a living encyclopedia of world knowledge.

There were also those ruis that could predict the future. If it wanted to, it could look at all the different paths in time.

In short, ruis had many amazing abilities, but they were all supporting ones. Humans who coveted their abilities rushed into the spirit realm and captured many ruis.

The beasts in the spirit realm weren’t particularly united, but they were in agreement on one thing. Any human who wanted to fight ruis were the enemies of all beasts.

Humans who tried to capture ruis were few and far in between. Most people were sane and weren’t like that. Only a small number of extremists would rely on the power of ruis to get them to the top.

Humans weren’t the only ones interested in the ruis though. Others interested in them included the Blood clan from the Asura race, people from the demon race, and various other small and large races.

It was a divine beast with no combat abilities, but because of its wisdom and extraordinary support abilities, it was a highly praised and sought after beast.

The fact that all the other beasts loved and took such great care of ruis left all the other races in awe.

Normally it was strength that garnered respect. So why did the other beasts so willingly protect the weak ruis? This matter ranked among the top ten mysteries of the world.

There was a rumor that ruis had something to do with the birth of beasts, so that was why beasts were so protective of them. But when it came down to it, no one really knew. The truth had never been recorded in any book.

Despite being protected by all the beasts in the world, ruis were hunted to near extinction. Most refused to submit to their captures when caught. The remaining rui beasts went into hiding over the years. They had hidden so deep, no one had found them. That was why Feng Wu was so surprised.

“Ancient? What year is this?” The little guy’s brain had been whirring away from the moment he opened his eyes.

The beast looked dazed after Feng Wu told him the time. It had only been a bit since he had returned to his original state. How did so many millennia pass in such a short period of time?

“It’s over! It’s been so many thousands of years? I don’t know if Xiao Momo is still waiting for me. And my adorable Feifei and Lili. You must not marry another! Oh! Wait for me my dears!” The little rui was very sad when he thought about his cute little plums.

There were few rui beasts left in the world, so mating was a constant issue. Unlike other beasts, they could not interbreed. Possession of such unique abilities meant they could only breed within their species. The restriction was pressed on them by the world consciousness in order to limit other races from inheriting their abilities.

Think of the chaos that would envelop the world, if through their interbreeding, they created offspring with powerful offensive capabilities. How could the world consciousness allow such a thing to happen?

“Why did you turn into a stone?” Feng Wu asked as she touched the stone, which now resembled a white eggshell to her.

“I’m not a rock; I just returned to my nascent state.” A sense of powerlessness came over the baby rui when he thought about it. “I was tricked by a hateful demon. The abominable guy tried to capture and enchant me with magic orbs so he could use me for own schemes. But his thinking was way too much. I’m amazing. Did he really think it would be so easy to catch me?

I retreated to my nascent stage to escape his dark trickery. In this state, behind this molded shape, nothing can hurt me.” The baby rui was quick to boast about his layered gem like shell.

“Then can you come out now?”

The baby rui became frustrated upon hearing the question. “I can't! That mean guy hurt me with his magic orbs. I have to wait for the demonic residual energy to dissipate first.

349: The Last Auction Item

As for when it will dissipate, I don’t know. It’ll take time, but I’m a rui beast; I have lots of time.”

“Remove the demonic miasma? That’s easy.”

“Easy? Do you think this is some generic demonic miasma? This is the demonic energy from the king of the demon realm! It can’t be removed that easily!” The baby rui rolled his eyes. Humans, so ignorant!

“The one who hurt you was the king of the demon realm?”

“Yes, but I think those guys in the demon realm call him the Demon Ancestor these days. He was one sinister and cunning guy. Super annoying!” The baby rui rolled his eyes again.

Demon Ancestor! This was a name Feng Wu had heard of.

“Wait, I’ll help you get rid of the miasma.” Feng Wu liked the cute little guy, so she thought about helping him escape by having Xiao Chun purify the miasma.

Little baby rui’s tone was hopeless when he spoke. “I just said you can’t. This is the power from the previous demon king. How can an ordinary human purify it?”

Feng Wu’s face was serious. “Let me try. I can do it.”

“Well whatever, do whatever you want, but can you keep my existence a secret? There are a lot of bad jerks out there. And they all want to catch me and use me. It’ll be troublesome if they find out about me.”

Feng Wu thought about it, then nodded her head. “I won’t tell anyone.”

Thus one human and one beast came to an agreement. They continued talking telepathically, completely oblivious that the auction was nearing its end.

The affinity increasing potion from Ai Lin finally sold at eight and half million gold to Zo. Zo held the potion bottle in his hand. His face was full of expectation and puzzlement, expectation because of the obvious effect, and puzzlement because the potion didn’t exist in the original timeline.

Well it didn’t matter what the change variable was, the item would be good for him.

It wasn’t that Zo had zero talent. He did have talent for attack water magic; it was just that his ability was so weak, it was barely discernible. His affinity for water elemental was a measly thirty points, far too low!

The bare minimum to be a magician was fifty points.

With the bottle, he would be able to reach that and become a magician. It was fortunate he had enough money, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to snake the potion from under all those other families in their VIP boxes.

Zi Cheng had seen the potion, but she wasn't interested since it had no effect on her. She could get the same kind of potion easily anytime she wanted by exchanging points in her system store. So unlike Jasmine and Yifu, she did not participate in the bidding. Jasmine and Yifu didn’t get far; they didn't have the resources to fight against the other bigger families.

Zi Cheng was willing to offer financial assistance, but when Zo joined in on the bidding, Caesar stopped the girls from bidding. He understood why his brother would be interested in the potion.

Although the girls weren’t happy about it, they didn’t dare argue against him. He was the eldest of a highly influential family. They couldn’t afford to not give him face.

Zi Cheng was more than happy to accede to his request. She even helped talk Yifu and Jasmine into agreeing.

Caesar was impressed by her righteousness, and this, of course, immediately earned her three favorability points with him.

Caesar had been worried things wouldn’t go well for Zo. He wasn’t sure if Zo had enough money on him. He decided to buy the potion for his brother should his brother have to drop out of the bidding form lack of funds. Then he’d just give the potion to Zo later.

His concern wasn’t needed though as Zo was able to buy the potion himself.

“This is the last item in the auction -- the Sea emperor’s key!” announced a visibly excited LeXue. A beautiful jade box holding the key appeared on stage. It overflowed with golden light, looking as gorgeous and mysterious as its name implied. The audience turned to it with halted breath.

“I believe all of you are aware of the tomb that appeared not too far Bilou. The Sea emperor’s bones are buried in this tomb. There are countless treasures inside. My father thought of opening the tomb, but unfortunately he needed two more keys.

A total of three keys are required to open the tomb. Without all three, the tomb will not open. This auction is for one of the keys required.”

This was what most of the VIPs in the box seats came for. They wanted the key so they could get more advantages when the tomb opened.

Had it not been for the key, Zo would never have been able to get the potion. The VIPs had to save money for it you see. josei

“Sea god’s key, the reserve price is one million gold at increments of no less than ten thousand gold. The auction starts now!”

“One point one million gold!”

“One point five million!”

“Five million!” One of the VIP boxes cut to the chase and immediately raised the price.

The minor players immediately pulled out. They didn’t have money to compete. If even by some crazy chance they did get it, there was a very high chance they would be killed for it. So why buy it just so someone else could take it?

Only a foolish person would fight for the key in front of all these big shots. Even if it was a key to the Sea god’s tomb, it wasn’t as precious as their own lives.

Someone even more ruthless shouted out, “Ten million!”

“Thirteen million!

“Fifteen million!”

“Twenty million!”

“Thirty million!”

“Fifty million!”

Zo knew his brother would get the key, so he didn’t intervene.

“That key is exactly like the key we got from Death island.” Jier noted.

Ink shrugged indifferently. “They’re all the emperor’s key; of course they’re all the same.”

350: The End of the Auction

The price quickly rose to one hundred million.

The tomb of the Sea emperor, an innate god, was something everyone wanted access to. It would be full of treasures, the most precious one being his godhead. With it, you could become a god with the powers of the Sea emperor himself.

There was no shortage of water magicians in the maritime world who would want to get their hands on it. The opportunity to become a god, even if it was dangerous, of course there would be magicians willing to risk the danger.

Those with the key would definitely have an advantage inside the tomb. Legend had it that the three keys were in fact weapons that had been transformed. So those who possessed the key not only got to go in first but also got to hold onto a powerful weapon.

Ming Xi and his group had first-hand experience with the Sea emperor’s key and its power. Had they not found out the truth about the island, they would never have made it out alive.

The other two keys were worth the price if they had similar abilities.

“Two hundred million!” Caesar increased the price dramatically. The Blackstrom family wasn’t going to give up the key to anyone else.

Caesar had come to the island for the Sea emperor’s tomb. The three keys were treasures his family wanted to get as well. Legend had it that, combining all three keys would create an artifact – the Sea emperor’s scepter.

Any family that possessed an artifact could reach impossible heights. They may not be able to surpass the four leading empires, but they would certainly become one of the major powers in the top families.

The Blackstrom family ranked 7th among the top ten big families only because they didn’t have an artifact to back up their power base.

If they got one of the three keys now, it wasn’t impossible to get the other two keys with a bit of effort. Caesar wasn’t too worried about the three keys.

The last time the three keys were in the same location was during the great war between gods and demons when the Sea emperor was still alive.

Two of the three had been found at times in different places in the world, but the third remained elusive and had never been seen.

That was what worried Caesar. But then again, even if the third key never appeared, the other two keys were still sacred rare items.

No one could have imagined the third key would be in an ordinary mortal fishing village. If it hadn’t been for Yanaimo having heard about it accidentally and the maliciousness of her heart, the third key would have remained unknown. How long would it have stayed in that fishing village?

“Five hundred million!” The bid increased by many more millions.

Many families from the VIP section had been bidding one by one, only boxes ZERO and one remained out of the fray. It was anyone’s guess whether the two boxes were truly uninterested in the keys, or if they intended to buy it out from the winner later.

A handsome middled-aged man was sipping tea with a smile on his face as he watched the fierce bidding outside. Beside him was a beautiful woman who had the same physique as LeXue. The woman however had a coquettish demeanor and confidence in her movement.

“Father, why aren’t you taking the key? We’ll have two keys in our possession if you do. Once we get the third one, we’ll be able to complete the artifact.” LeFie was disappointed.

“Fei-er, do you remember what father said to you siblings, how there are some things you can do, and some things you can not?” LeWuji, the lord of the big island of Biluo said.

Biluo was composed of twelve islands of various sizes. LeWuji was in charge of the biggest island, while the remaining eleven were allocated to the other eleven lords.

The twelve of them had a strong friendship and were like brothers. In fact, they had been in the same mercenary group where they had made a name for themselves.

How could they have laid the foundation for Bilou island together without that bond?

“Does Father mean to say, taking the Sea emperor’s key isn’t something we should do? But why?” LeFei blinked her eyes, unclear about her father’s reason.

“I don’t know how many other big powerful families are vying for the key. Our lives can’t be guaranteed so there’s no room for us to intervene.”

Theirs was a world where the strong were respected. If you wanted to live a long life, you needed to know what you could do and what you could not do.

Without that sense of measure, it would be easy to die.

“It is that serious?” LeFei never doubted her father. They didn’t have people coming to the island to make trouble because he was a smart man and had run the island wisely over the years. The idea for the key itself was her father’s.

Everyone agreed LeWuji was a talented man.

“The the Sea emperor’s key that’s in our hands now...” LeFei was a little worried. She hadn’t thought about it before. She stopped coveting the key immediately once she saw what kind of trouble it could bring to her and her family.

LeWuji shook his head. “Do not worry. For now, no one will attack the island.”

LeWuji already had a plan, so he wasn’t worried about anyone attacking them for the key they held. No one knew about the private conversation between father and daughter.

Under LeXue’s guidance, the key reached one billion gold. At this point, the increases stopped being so dramatic and slowed to one million increments. Eventually the key was sold for a remarkable 1.57 billion gold.

This was about the range for most better sacred artifacts. The previous record holder had sold for 1.1 billion. This one surpassed that at the very high price of around 1.5 billion. It was hundreds of millions more than an ordinary sacred artifact.

But the key was different as it wasn’t just a sacred artifact. It was an integral piece of the Sea emperor’s scepter and would be instrumental for unlocking his tomb. This was why Caesar was there and willing to pay such a high price for it.

The auction for the key was the finale, so once it was over, everyone began filing out.

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