The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Night Time Massacre

The day was destined to be bad.

Indeed later that evening screams filled the night as the entire village lit up in flames. Desperate cries for help could be heard despite the chaotic din. Even Feng Wu, who usually slept like a dead log, was roused from her slumber. Little Bun likewise was also awake and expressing his displeasure with loud wails and an extremely uncute and distorted face.

Feng Wu grabbed a few articles of clothing and dressed as fast as she could before heading outside. She peeked over the wall surrounding the house. The view was shockingly red, with blood and flames all around. She could see that the villagers were no match for the attackers attacking the village, despite this the men still tried their best to defend their homes.

These were clearly bad people using kung fu to commit evil deeds! Feng Wu was very quick in classifying them based on her master’s teachings.

Her master said that those who practiced the sword had to do their best to fight evil if they encountered it, however, he also said it was important to take into account one’s own ability. If the disparity in strength was too great, then it was better to not risk it.

Feng Wu quickly took inventory of her body and realized her cultivation level was pathetically low. Previously her focus had been on healing her damaged meridians during childbirth. As a result it was only in the last few days that she started practicing martial arts and rebuilding her internal force. Considering the difference in strength between her and them… she would definitely lose. This realization depressed her, but she decided to obey Master’s edicts, which could be boiled down to two points: if you can’t beat them then hide, and if you can’t hide then run. In short, value your life!

Feng Wu ran back into the house to get packing. Looking around she decided to just sweep everything into her storage ring. You never know when something will come in handy! She pulled Little Bun up into the sling behind her back and was about to leave when her front door was kicked open with a loud bang.

“Oh, just my luck! To think I’d find such a hot babe slumming in the countryside. Definitely top quality goods here!” From the strong stench of blood rolling off his body it was obvious he had a lot of death on his hands.

“Hey little beauty, my name is Hei Si. Why not come with me? As long as you serve me well I promise not to hurt you.” He would sell her once he got tired of her. He was drooling just thinking about it and in his heart he was already calculating just how much she would bring in.

Feng Wu had the distinct feeling she was a fish on a chopping board. She couldn’t run if she didn’t try. Wasn’t her life and death in her own hands? It seemed like he didn’t notice Little Bun behind her, so that was a plus.

Although Feng Wu didn’t completely understand what he said, she did know that his eyes were annoying. “No. I don’t like you.” She especially didn’t like the way he was staring at her. He was definitely a bad person, the kind Master had warned her about. Her master had told her that if a person like him tried to touch her she should just kill him and run away. Master would definitely cover for her!

Hei Si wondered if there something wrong with the girl's head. Shouldn’t she be screaming, or begging for mercy? You know, the usual rigamarole. Why so calm? And then to randomly say out loud that she didn't like him. Whatever! Just sell her for the money then! “Come on, little missy it’s time to go. I don’t have all day here.” With that said he reached over to grab her.

The moment he stepped forward, she stepped back and pulled out a small sword from her ring. Immediately after she thrust forward with several quick slashes. The sword was incredibly sharp and light, making it very easy to handle. Feng Wu had found the sword a few days after giving birth and had instantly taken a liking to it. The sword originally belonged in the Feng house, but she snuck it out with her when she left.

Although it was not a sword made for killing, it nonetheless cut very smoothly.

Hei Si was able to dodge the first fatal blow because of his combat experience, but he was not so fortunate with the second slash, which whipped directly at his neck leaving behind a large gash. He knew in his line of work that death lurked around ever corner, however, he never expected to be knocked out by a skinny little girl like her. Regardless what he thought, death was death and he breathed his last moments later.

Feng Wu jumped up and immediately closed the door, blocked it off and exited the house through the back. She slowly and stealthily made her way to the outskirts of the village. Once there she was forced to stop. Several bandits were loitering around the perimeter.

She could take down one or two, maybe even five or six, but a dozen? Not likely. She opted to change course and backtracked.

Her destination was an abandoned house nearby. The villagers were afraid to use it because rumor had it the place was haunted by the previous owners. The children were told to stay away from the house and not play near it. Even beggars didn’t venture over.

If she couldn’t run, then she needed to hide. Those were Master‘s instructions. What better place to hide then a place no one wanted to go to?

“Kill, kill them all! Leave none alive!

“No please! I beg you!” josei

“Please let my child go!”

Although Feng Wu clearly heard the woman’s cries over the sounds of looting and violence, she chose not to interfere. Master was very clear. If you don’t have a chance of winning, then don’t butt in. She knew her own strength so she tuned out the cries and continued sneakily forward to her destination.

Sure enough she couldn’t see a single person once she reached the yard of the abandoned house. She quickly found an empty well near the house that was suitable for hiding in. It looked dry and dark so it was the perfect camouflage in the inky night. After making up her mind she quickly jumped in.

Once inside, Feng Wu was amazed to find another person sharing the well with her. Although she couldn’t see much in the dark, she could tell the other person was a small boy. As for his appearance, she really couldn’t tell.

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