The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 401, 402

Chapter 401, 402

401: You Have a Hole in Your Brain

“That’s right! We barely have anything left to eat! If we don’t find food soon, we’re going to starve!”

A group of seven or so people had formed a temporary team to search for the ancient city after being transported into the desert together.

Between the low rations and constant moving, the group looked quite haggard.

“Stop talking! There’s a group of people over there. Let’s go ask if they have any food. If they do, let’s buy some from them. That should help with our emergency.” Someone in the group became excited upon noticing people in the distance.

“Stop joking! Buy food?! In this desert? You think there’d be someone foolish enough to sell us food they’d need themselves. I think it’ll be better if we just take it from them. The seven of us are all masters. Their party has a bunch of women with low strength. It should be easy for us to grab something.” The guy sneered, speaking his thoughts out loud.

The other guys in the group thought about it. The odds of someone willing to sell them anything was low, might as well just take what they could instead of wasting time talking about buying.

And so the group of seven big men plotted how to go about it. Who would have thought what they wanted to steal wasn’t some rare artifact or amazing equipment, but ordinary everyday food?

Ming Xi and the others were unaware they were turning into big fat sheep in the eyes of some. Whether it was Zi Cheng of Feng Wu, both were used to carry lots of food on them, so although they had not found any clues about the city, no one in their group were worried about going hungry.

Zi Cheng was in the food business, so it was no surprise. Feng Wu was a glutton and used to being fed; in regards to food stores, she was even more flush than Zi Cheng.

The group of people who weren’t worried about food finally came upon the group of people who were starving.

“Stop! Hand over your food!” A big man with a sword nearly half the size of an adult person appeared near Ming Xi. He stood majestically, until a gust of wind blew by and lifted his long hair up to reveal a haggard face full of stubble.

“Yeah! Hand all your food over to us!”

“Hand everything over! Or else we’ll kill all of you!”

One by one, seven men in nontraditional clothes lined up in front of Ming’s Xi’s group. They appeared with various weapons in hand, some carried swords, some carried whips, while others wielded magic wands. They were an unwashed group with oily hair and sour bodies. Their stomachs were empty and growling. Really, they looked a mess.

Ming Xi and company: . . . 

Were these guys joking? Who were they trying to rob looking as emaciated and hungry as they were?

Although Ailuna sympathized with them, she never thought about giving them her food. They were in a desert. Without food, she would starve, and she did not want to starve.

Many of the others had the same thoughts. There were so many in the group, and yet no one spoke up; no one was willing to help a bunch of funny looking strangers. josei

“One hundred gold for a bag of food, two hundred gold for a bag of water, if you are interested in trading.”

Feng Wu hadn’t felt any killing intent from the funny-looking guys, so she decided she would sell to them if they wanted to buy. Of course she was charging a hundred times more than outside.

“Buy, buy, buy! We have money, we’re wealthy!” The seven goofballs were so excited they tossed their weapons down. They only had a packet of food left per person. Two more days and they would have starved to death!

Feng Wu, the girl who was willing to sell food was like a goddess to them. Although this goddess charged a lot, they were willing to pay. They had originally planned on stealing food in order to survive, but they weren’t actually going to kill anyone.

They never expected to be so lucky. They hadn’t even begun their robbery proper and these well-meaning people were already offering to sell them food. There were many good people in the world. Their faith was restored.

They were afraid Feng Wu would change her mind, so they hurriedly took out their money to trade for the food.

Feng Wu had a lot of food and water, after all her biggest hobby was collecting food.

“No! I don’t agree with you selling food to them! The food is for our team. If you sell them, what about the rest of us?!” Mayleen glared at Feng Wu. The accusation in her eyes seemed to say Feng Wu was doing something incredibly wrong.

The seven hungry men glared at Mayleen. Where did this annoying woman come from? Don’t you know tigers will teach you a lesson if you snatch food from their mouths?

“This is mine.” Feng Wu looked back at Mayleen seriously. She refused to say her things were now communal team property.

“You are a member of the team! The things in your possession belong to the team! You have no right to sell them!”

Feng Wu blinked at the strange theory.

Ailuna and the others behind Mayleen felt really uncomfortable. They didn’t agree with Feng Wu selling her food, but they certainly didn’t have the audacity to mouth off with such a bizarre theory.

Feng Wu stared seriously at Mayleen for a while before solemnly declaring, “There’s a hole in your head.”

“Pfft!” The others couldn’t contain their laughter, especially the seven hungry men who had been interrupted by Mayleen and nearly had their food taken away. They had a lot of resentment toward her.

“Ahahaha. . .  this is the first time I’ve ever heard such a bizarre theory.”

402: Direction

“I just realized a team is supposed to share all their belongings’ with each other.”

“Why doesn’t she take her man out and share him?”

“With her virtues and that face, what kind of man could she possibly have?”

“Yeah, ugly people are strange.”

“Haha! Sure enough there is a hole in her brain!”

The seven guys laughed freely and didn’t care to give Mayleen any face. Everyone else were more considerate and tried not to laugh out loud. “

You. . . ” Mayleen glared at the seven guys with resentment clear on her face. She really wanted to just rush over and kill all of them. If she weren’t so sensible, she would have.

“What about us, woman with a hole in the brain?”

“That’s right. There are holes in your brain. Hahaha!” That girl really did have pits for brains.

“Feng Wu, Mayleen shouldn’t stop you from making transactions with other people, but she is saying it for the good of the group. Without food, we’ll all starve. Before selling your food, think about what’s good for the group. Think about it!”

Though Ailuna’s voice was gentle and even held a pleading tone, what Feng Wu heard was that she was on Mayleen’s side.

Feng Wu blinked her eyes, aggrieved. “These are my things. Why should I consider any of you? We’re not friends.” Feng Wu didn’t think about offending anyone; she only spoke the truth, but then she remembered Ming Xi was there, so she amended her statement. “Senior Ming Xi is a good friend.”

She looked at him flatteringly, as though afraid he would be offended.

But Ming Xi was in a good mood; he kneaded her head to signal he wasn’t mad at her.

At this, Feng Wu’s mood improved greatly as she breathed a sigh of relief. Ming Xi was the only person in the group she cared about. All the others were just strangers. Oh yes, Zi Cheng and Yifu weren’t strangers – they were classmates, but that was not much different from being strangers.

Though her words weren’t pretty to hear, they were the truth. They’d all met by chance and were in no way good friends. Everyone knew this, but Feng Wu was the only one who would say it out loud.

Ailuna was speechless and she didn’t dare say anything more about the food. She dragged Mayleen, who was about to have an apoplexy, away to be back of the group.

Zi Cheng wanted to speak up for Ailuna and earn some bonus points, but she was afraid of the nonsense that would spout out of Feng Wu’s mouth if the girl got angry. Things could turn bad if that happened.

It was one of those rare moments she remained silent. She even stopped Yifu from butting in.

The seven unusual guys were ecstatic after their successful food trade. They were practically hugging Feng Wu’s thigh and calling her a goddess.

Ailuna and her group were unhappy about it, but they kept quiet so as not be to attacked by Feng Wu’s impolite, blunt mouth.

The seven guys were a lot more confident after getting food and water. They volunteered to join with Feng Wu and be a part of her group.

And thus did Feng Wu’s entourage grow.

It was good that the team overall grew, but they were still lost as to where the ancient city was located.

“Baby, what should we do? We can’t find it.” A dispirited Feng Wu asked Rui Baby.

It was too sunny during the day and too cold at night, so Feng Wu, who had grown up on Yuehua mountain, was feeling uncomfortable.

“Don’t worry; I’ll see it soon enough.” Rui Baby was also anxious. He didn’t want to die in a place like this either. It was so hot. He was worried about getting roasted as he slept in Feng Wu’s hair.

Rui Baby wanted to find the city’s location so he tried hard to foresee the future. After some effort, he finally saw a few images: sandstorm, quicksand, whirlpool, anunderground city filled with bones. . . 

After seeing the fragmented images in his mind, Rui Baby understood why no one had found the city.

The whole place had submerged into the yellow sands over ten thousand years ago. You couldn’t dig a random pit and hope to find it, unless of course, you were really lucky.

Good thing Feng Wu and the others were all lucky people.

“Don’t worry, we’ll find it soon.” Rui Baby spoke with certainty.

“OK.” Feng Wu was happy.

Right then the king’s ghost spoke out, “Wait!”

“What’s wrong?” Feng Wu turned back to look at him.

“I sense the Czar. He’s nearby.” The kings, every one of them, had the ability to sense one another. It wasn’t their souls that they sensed, but rather each other’s qi. It was the type of qi only kings who surpassed all others in their time had – supreme ruler qi.

“Where?” Feng Wu asked. Rui Baby was amazing, so accurate! They did immediately find it.

Rui Baby was confused. No this had nothing to do with him.

The king pointed in a direction, but it was not the direction they were walking.

Feng Wu believed the king and immediately walked over and tugged at Ming Xi’s clothes.

“This is the wrong way. We should go this way,” said Feng Wu as she pointed out the direction.

“That way?” Ming Xi was surprised. It was the first time Feng Wu gave any input about which way to go. She had never participated in the group discussions before. Had she found something?

Of course Ming Xi would believe Feng Wu. To him, she was a ball of miracles.

“Yes.” Feng Wu nodded.

“Let’s go that way.” Ming Xi thought about it for two seconds before announcing the direction change to the group.

“Wait, Senior Ming Xi, why are you listening to her? This wasn’t what we discussed yesterday.” Yifu was uncomfortable with the idea of going along with Feng Wu. It was the entrance exam all over again. Back then, everyone had ignored her advice and instead had listened to Feng Wu. She did not want the same thing to happen again.

“Yes, why should we listen to her?” Mayleen pointed at Feng Wu rudely.

“Those who object can continue on in the original direction.” Ming Xi replied indifferently. The girls’ criticism didn’t matter to him.

Mayleen and Yifu looked at each, neither daring to say anything more. They didn’t like Feng Wu, but they never considered leaving Ming Xi.

Caesar and the others didn’t have an opinion on the matter. They’d been searching for ten days without success so maybe changing directions would be good.

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