The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 411-412

Chapter 411-412: Where is the Czar?; Blood Sacrifice Technique

411: Where is the Czar?

So why was she asking them to kill the czar? No matter how you looked at it, it was strange.

“His Royal Highness has been alive living in the city.” Small Jade’s face was pale as she spoke.

“You say! The czar is still alive?! That’s simply impossible.” Caesar shook his head.

“Yeah, everyone knows the czar is dead. It’s impossible for him to live over ten thousand years and not become a god.” Even Zi Cheng, the transmigrating heroine, knew this.

Small Jade bit her lip, but because her face was neither male nor female, the gesture was a little scary. “His Royal Highness has been alive and living in the moon.”

The moon. Was it. . . ? Ming Xi came to a startling realization.

“The moon you’re talking about is it. . . ?” Yifu wanted her to clarify but Small Jade’s face suddenly changed.

“It’s too late! I have to leave! They’ll find out if I stay any longer!” Small Jade quickly disappeared in a puff of smoke.

She wouldn’t reappear no matter how much they called for her. She really was gone.

“What should we do?” Mayleen asked.

“We’ve been here for a long time now. Will our appearances really change like Small Jade’s?” Ailuna touched her pale face. She was a popular beauty amongst the boys and the thought of losing her beauty terrified her. She would rather die than live as a man.

“It must be true. Look behind you and you’ll understand.” Zi Cheng pointed outside the main hall.

Ailuna silently turned her head to look. What she saw outside was a large group of identical spirits watching her and the others.

Ailuna and Mayleen screamed so loud they nearly took down the roof. Yifu was so frightened that her body trembled as she hid behind Zi Cheng. It was just too creepy of a sight.

“They must be the kingdom’s people!” Zi Cheng swallowed. It was the first time she had seen so many people who looked exactly the same. It was an unnerving sight because it wasn’t just their appearances that were the same.

They were all in sync with the same movements, the same breathing, the same expressions. It wouldn’t have been scary if it was just one person, but a large group. . .  it was definitely scary!

“I think so too. Those poor souls. They were tortured by the czar just because they didn’t save him when he was little. It’s just too cruel. You know, compared to the czar, I don’t think I’m not that bad a person.” One of the seven strange guys clicked his tongue in amazement at the realization.

“Say what?” Fang Li gave him a blank look.

“We’ll have to go to the moon to see.” Ming Xi said suddenly.

“Moon? Do you mean the red moon outside?” Zi Cheng asked.

Ming Xi nodded but didn’t say anything.

Zi Cheng knew there was no way she could get Ming Xi to like her, not after what happened on Demon Wind island. It was a pity she would lose out on favorability points with him and his people, but she couldn’t see a way to salvage her image with him.

Well whatever, as long as he was willing to talk to her, she would take it one step at a time. Who knows? She may find an opportunity to establish a new friendship with Ming Xi’s group.

“I guess it has to be there. Other than the moon, where else is there?” Xier’s expression was solemn as he looked out of the palace main hall.

Caesar clenched the staff in his hand and spoke clearly. “Let’s go meet the czar on the moon then.”

Everyone agreed to go to the moon to find the czar. They had failed to find a way out, so it was probable the exit was where he was. Killing him could make it appear.

The moon only appeared outside above the pile of bones, so to get to it, they would have to leave the city.

They walked across the silent streets again, but this time they could see it wasn’t empty. Identical faces stared at them coldly and without emotion while some kind of hidden meaning flickered in their eyes.

The identical spirits didn’t pounce or didn’t stop the adventurers from leaving, so what were they after?

No one could answer the question.

Those who expected a tough fight were relieved. They were outnumbered and the only one with any abilities regarding the dead was Feng Wu, and she wasn’t even a serious necromancer.

The odds of them getting any of the dead spirits to communicate with them was low. According to Small Jade, once the transformation was complete, it wasn’t just the appearance that changed, but the personality as well. Who knew what a group of distorted group like that would do?

After thinking it through from all angles, the group decided to keep walking. They made it out of the city and into the desert. Outside were just a pile of white bones; it was hard to believe the red light would bring them to life as skeletons.

The adventurers walked over the hill made of bones intending to enter the moon. But upon cresting the hill they couldn’t find the moon at all.

“How can this be?! How is the moon gone?!” This was the most scared Mayleen had ever been in her life. Her courage had almost entirely fled her. The moon’s disappearance just made it worse.

“Where’s the moon?! Where did it go? What to do? What to do?” Ailuna was talking to herself absentmindedly. For her, the scariest thing was to go back and wait, to slowly turn into the monsters in the city.

“Don’t panic. I don’t think the moon is gone. It just appears at certain times. Don’t worry.” Zi Cheng’s soft voice helped soothe the girls’ agitation.

“All we can do right now is wait for the red light to appear again. That is likely the time we can enter the moon.” Ming Xi’s words also helped the girls feel better.

412: Blood Sacrifice Technique

They were fine with waiting as long as they could enter the moon. What mattered was going in and killing the czar so the curse could be lifted. None of them wanted to turn into a man or a monster of neither genders.

They returned to the city gate to wait for the red light to appear.

Feng Wu yawned as she leaned on Ming Xi’s shoulder. Her eyes became a little moist from the yawn and she had to blink the tears away. Afterwards she pulled out a chicken leg and happily gnawed at it. For her, eating was more important.

The king’s spirit attendants talked nonstop as they investigated the bones. Sometimes they would circle around Feng Wu before making a circuit back around the bones again. The adventurers weren’t able to see them before, but now that they could, the spirits were becoming a pain in the behind.

“Wait, be careful. There might be a trap for us in the moon.” Rui Baby flew over and whispered in Feng Wu’s ear.

“What do you mean?” asked a confused Feng Wu.

“You fool! You didn’t think to wonder that Small Jade’s appearance was too obvious? She keeps saying how the czar harmed all of them, but have you heard her curse him even once? Instead she keeps addressing him respectfully as her king.”

Feng Wu was simple, but she wasn’t stupid; it was just that she didn’t often use her brain. Now that she was thinking about what the baby said, she easily connected the dots. She nodded in agreement as she stared at Rui Baby in admiration.

Rui Baby was amazing. Why didn’t she think of it?

Rui Baby enjoyed the star struck look on Feng Wu so he decided to share some more of his discoveries with her.

“Another thing. Didn’t you think it was strange how apart from Small Jade none of the other spirits talked? All they did was surround us.

When we entered the palace, Small Jade appeared, but all the other spirits lingered outside. And it wasn’t that they didn’t want to go inside, it was because there was a protective barrier keeping them out.

So the question is, why can Small Jade and the king enter but the other spirits can’t? If the enchantment blocked the cursed, then Small Jade should have also been blocked from entering.

The curse is still there, even if her change was only partially completed. It’s reasonable to assume she shouldn’t have been able to enter, and yet, she not only entered, but was able to talk to us for a reasonable amount of time.

Another point, if Small Jade can pass through the barrier, then the other spirits shouldn’t be able to bully her. After all spirits don’t need to eat, so if she wanted to, she could have just stayed inside the palace. None of them would have been able to bully her then.

The strangest thing of all was how what she said didn’t match what was written in the diary. Several people entered the city after her, so their changes should have been even more incomplete if they started at all. She says she was stuck midway after death because she died before completing the transformation.

If things are really as she says, then the transformation should have stopped, but she never mentioned the others who came to the city after she did, the people who should have presumably not been changed. josei

There are so many suspicious points and you guys didn’t even notice. Just. . .  I’m just too amazing.” Rui Baby felt his IQ was just too dang overpowering.

Point after point, Rui Baby showed how Small Jade was suspicious. He didn’t if know the smarter people of the group, like Ming Xi, Caesar, Ze Ye, LeChen and Zi Cheng had noticed it as well or not, but he did know for certain the foolish Feng Wu would not have.

“These bones are the result of sorcery. You don’t need to investigate anymore.” The king saw Ming Xi inspecting a bone intently in his hand, so he stepped forward to explain.

“Sorcery? Do you know how they died?” Ming Xi turned to look at the king.

The king saw Ming Xi’s respect for him, so he was inclined to help. He was in a good mood and so didn’t mind sharing more information.

The adventurers were very interested so they perked their ears to listen. On the other hand, while Feng Wu was looking at the king, she was also biting into her chicken leg with relish.

The others looked at her enthusiastically eating her chicken, then they turned to look at the pile of bones, then back to her. How was she able to eat without feeling sick?

They felt sick just watching her eat. Now wasn’t the time to wonder about Feng Wu though. Those who had been looking at Feng Wu turned their attention to the king and what he had to say.

“They died as a result of the Art of Reincarnation Through Blood Sacrifice.”

“Art if Reincarnation Through Blood Sacrifice? What is that?”

The group looked at each other. It was the first any of them had heard of such an art. Based on the name, they had a suspicion what it was, but they weren’t completely certain.

The king didn’t bother leaving them in suspense and instead told it to them simply. “In our era, it was an expressly forbidden spell that gave the spellcaster a chance to be born again. It worked by absorbing the blood and essence of those sacrificed, and forcing their souls to dissipate. It was a most cruel and evil technique because it destroyed all chances for the souls to reincarnate.

The spellcaster then has the opportunity to take over the victim’s body. He can do it if he successfully overwhelms and overpowers the victim’s spiritual sea.

You should be extra careful upon entering the moon. That man sealed himself inside and has been waiting thousands of years, waiting for that one specific person that fits his criteria to come along. If he succeeds in overwhelming you, I don’t think I have to tell you what will happen.”

“So, then, the czar isn’t really dead?” LeChen asked confused.

“In a sense you can say he is dead, and in another sense, you can say he is alive.”

“What does that mean?” LeChen was not any clearer.

“Once this type of heaven-defying spell is cast, the spellcaster can forcefully remain in the world as a walking corpse, a person without a pulse or heartbeat, even after death. He must remain in the red moon. Leaving the seal of the red moon would cause his body and spirit to suffer a serious decline. When that happens, you won’t have to exert any effort to kill him, he’ll likely die on his own.”

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