The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 419-420

Chapter 419-420: A Nouveau Riche Sea God; Human Nature

419: A Nouveau Riche Sea God

Feng Wu looked up but didn’t expect to see Zo, who she had been separated from for quite a long time. Feng Wu was about to say something when she saw Margaret and her brother waving from a distance.

They looked in good spirits and were just hanging around. It didn’t look like they had suffered any hardships while climbing the tomb.

Ming Xi also came over. Feng Wu and Ming Xi had been separated after teleporting out of the Kingdom of Sand and hadn’t met up again in any of the later teleportations.

Finally seeing Ming Xi made Feng Wu smile. Her eyes lit up and she waved at him.

As for Zi Cheng and Ai Lin, they were both fine. The original heroine and her partner in the story had natural gold finger advantages. Though their journey had been thrilling, neither of them suffered injuries.

Eliza was also lucky. She ended up with people she knew every time she teleported, either to Caesar, Ai Lin or her own attendants.

She only ran into Zo and his butler once. There were so many imperial tombs inside the sea god’s tomb, it was natural they wouldn’t meet often.

In contrast, Zi Cheng and Caesar had the blessings of the fates and ended up in the same imperial tomb three out of five times.

Yifu and Jasmine were both lucky to survive. There were strong men in all the imperial tombs they fell into. The strong guys always rushed off ahead so the two girls managed to keep relatively safe by keeping to the back. When the tomb was solved, they would jump along with everyone else into the teleportation.

Thousands of people had poured into the tombs together, but in the end, there were only two or three hundred who made it to the final level.

So man people made it through because Feng Wu cleared away so much of the negative qi in the sea god’s tomb, otherwise only the ones who were very powerful or who had gold fingers would have made it.

It was a huge island and an equally huge palace. The blue crystals of the palace exuded a holy light and were dazzling in the sunlight.

People looked at the blue crystal palace with greedy eyes, impatient to rush in and get the treasures inside.

While thinking this, some people did rush in. Wasn’t the whole reason for enduring all the hardship they had endured recently just so they could get to this point? Now the treasure was right there. If they didn’t rush in, they’d lose out!

The inside of the palace was sumptuously decorated. A man, twice the size of an ordinary person, sat on a huge crystal throne in the center. His rugged face exuded strength and might, so much so, that despite knowing he wasn’t alive, those looking at him wanted to bow and kneel down in subservience.

He was like an aloof god and they didn’t have the qualifications to even look directly him.

His identity needed no guessing. He was clearly the sea god!

The sea god, the owner of the tomb, ordinary mortals couldn’t look directly at his face. They barely glanced at him before quickly looking away. Just that small glance gave them the illusion their innards would explode.

Feng Wu and the others were careful to avert their gaze and not look directly at him.

He wore a crown of gold filled with precious stones on his head and magic items on his body like they were accessories. His neck was loaded with more than a dozen necklaces while his wrists were weighted with bracelets, probably more than a dozen there too! His clothes were made of some unknown material that was probably impossible for the human world to get and were decorated with buttons and brooches all over. He had multiple belts. And sashes. If it weren’t for the inconvenience of having things hang from his feet, he probably would have hung some there too! The group was convinced he would have accessorized from head to foot.

Was he really the sea god? They needed reevaluate this. It had to be a joke, a trick created by the sea god. There was no way the real sea god would be so nouveau riche tacky.

No one dared believe the sea god was really a guy who would hang ornaments on himself like he was a Christmas tree after he died.

No, no, no. They were not going to be deceived. This guy was a trick for sure!

This was what most of them believed.

A few people, who were more discerning, recognized the things hanging from his body weren’t ordinary magic items. The lowest were holy legendary items while the highest were quasi-heavenly class items.

It was inconceivable. Who would have thought these extremely rare legendary and heavenly items had been squirreled away by the sea god and treated as mere accessories?

LeWuji had fire in his eyes as he looked at the items on the sea god’s body. He would try to grab as many pieces as he could.

As people were hesitating, the sea god opened his eyes. They were blue like the sea.

It was frightening and every one took a huge leap back.

Though his eyes were open, there was no life in them. He turned his attention to Ming Xi, LeWuji, and Caesar.

Their hearts quickened. Being singled out and stared at by a god, it was like the grim reaper was after them.

While they were in shock, keys flew out from them, one from each person.

The three keys radiated golden light as they flew to the sea god. They stopped in front of him and a blue gem flew out from his body. Then in full view of everyone, the gem and the keys fused together and a scepter gradually emerged.

The scepter was golden with gold vines threaded all around the outside and a huge sapphire embedded inside.

The item’s pressure pressed down on everyone once it was fully formed.

The sea god’s quasi-heavenly scepter. . . 

It should have been a heavenly class item, but it was severely damaged in the war and was now only a quasi-heavenly item. Repairing it to a fully-fledged heavenly item again was possible, but it would be very slow.

Though quasi-heavenly items weren’t as precious as true heavenly items, they were still incredibly rare and were sought after by those on the continent. Only a few heavyweights even owned quasi-heavenly items.

They treated their quasi-heavenly items like family treasures, normally stored away in a secure location and only taken out to be used in a catastrophe. It was more like a family symbol that most children in the family never got a chance to see in person.

420: Human Nature

Everyone was incredibly excited because a quasi-heavenly item just appeared in front of them.

Feng Wu remained by Ming Xi’s side; she had no interest in the sea god’s array of accessories and didn’t care about any heavenly or quasi-heavenly items. She had no interest in fighting for things that she didn’t need. She had Xiao Chun, so all these other weapons were useless to her.

No one shared her opinion though.

Most of the people present were just waiting to strip the items away from the sea god.

By the end of it, he might not even have pants left. josei

“A bunch of idiots.” Rui Baby suddenly spoke out from Feng Wu’s hair.

Puzzled, Feng Wu reached up to touch his eggshell.

“That sea god jerk is notorious for being stingy. He’s not going to give his things away. Just wait and see. The ones who rob him are going to suffer soon.” There was a bit of gloat in Rui Baby’s voice.

The sea god was notoriously bad. If he had been a good or kind god, he wouldn’t have used human tombs to guard his own. So anyone thinking the sea god was generous was making a big mistake.

Feng Wu and Rui Baby were talking telepathically so no one heard their conversation.

Feng Wu knew how smart Rui Baby was, so she always listened to him. He hadn’t been wrong about a single thing since they entered the sea god’s tomb.

Feng Wu grabbed Ming Xi’s hand tightly and refused to let it go.

Ming Xi thought she was afraid so he lightly patted her on the head to comfort her.

Zo, the only other person uninterested in the sea god’s accessories, came for one thing and one thing only: the heart of water. He had to get it and keep out it Zi Cheng’s hands.

Zi Cheng’s former friends had told him where it was, so he planned on using the opportunity when everyone was distracted and fighting for the treasure to run and get the heart of water.

The heart of water was in a special place, outside the main hall, in a lotus pond.

Originally, Zi Cheng had fallen into the pond upon entering the tomb. She was waving her arms around when her hand touched something soft, round and ice-cold. She knew it was the legendary heart of water the moment she picked it up.

Had it not been absorbing the weak divinity occasionally emitted in the sea god’s tomb as it grew, the heart would have taken much, much longer to fully form, and it would not have had spiritual intelligence.

The heart of water Zi Cheng picked up initially was intelligent, but it did not possess self-awareness.

Zo didn’t know why Zi Cheng didn’t fall into the pond this time, but he wasn’t going to miss his opportunity. He had to take advantage of the chaos and get the heart of water. Just as he made up his mind, several people gave in to their temptations.

They lunged forward and stretched out their hands to reach for the treasures on the sea god’s body. When they did this, blue lights flew out from the sea god and they were knocked back like something had hit them hard.

Even though this sea god had been dead for thousands of years, stealing his things would not be easy.



Those knocked back yelled and cursed out in pain. The blow brought them back to their senses and they remembered the body in front of them wasn’t just some corpse, but a divine body.

Even if the body’s consciousness was gone, it was still a divine and they couldn’t afford to act recklessly.

They were so focused on the sea god and his attack that they didn’t notice a figure disappear from the hall.

Fortunately, the sea god did not make a follow up move. He remained seated on his throne with the scepter in his hand. His eyes closed and he looked like he had fallen asleep.

After the earlier results, people were more leery of a second attempt.

Ming Xi knew the current calm would be short lived. They weren’t going to be able to resist the temptation of the treasures in front of them, so it was only a matter of time before someone rushed to try again.

Sure enough, someone rushed out five minutes later. Others followed closely. The second wave of people was even bigger than the first wave, but this time they were better prepared. They used various means to protect themselves.

Blue light flashed again, but this time the number of people it rebuffed was small. Most kept their momentum and successfully snatched items from the sea god’s body.

“Whoa! Holy item!” shouted one man.

“Teleportation magic?! Why didn’t I snatch a more valuable item!” complained someone unhappily.

“I didn’t even get anything!” The one who got nothing were even more unhappy.

The success roused everyone’s enthusiasm. One by one, they rushed forward like they would die if they didn’t try. Every person there wanted to grab something. Even the most common legendary item was still legendary!

They were going crazy grabbing things from him.

Ming Xi didn’t join in on the craze. He was royalty and had seen more treasures than he could count, so he had no interest in competing with everyone for the treasures here. Instead he took Feng Wu to a corner and stayed out of the way.

Both Ai Lin and Zi Cheng were in the wave of people running forward. Many tried snatching an item, but few succeeded. Most were knocked out before even reaching the sea god, while those who did manage to grab anything immediately became targets.

The hall was quickly stained red and the air filled with the heavy sent of iron as people attacked one another.

Human greed was on magnificent display as people zealously killed each other. The sea god didn’t have to lift a hand.

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