The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 453-454

Chapter 453-454: Love Quandrangle!; Scumbag

453: Love Quandrangle!

Those passing by who heard Feng Wu’s words all turned to look at Ming Xi and Feng Wu with an ambiguous eye. Feng Wu wasn’t bothered; she wasn’t the type to notice these things. On the other hand, Ming Xi was much more affected.

He wasn’t bothered by people staring at him or at being the center of attention; he had been accustomed to these things since he was little, but being teased by so many people at the same time was different. This was the first time he was being forced to show affection. It was very new and he was overwhelmed.

“Have some.” Feng Wu encouraged as she looked at him seriously.

The crowd watched on with expectant smiles. They had seen plenty of young couples, but it was rare to see such a good looking one, especially the boy; he was really good looking! They could say for certain they had never seen a more beautiful boy in their lives.

Ming Xi ducked his head down in embarrassment, then took a really small bite from the ice cream being offered from Feng Wu’s hand.

It was milky and sweet but he hurriedly swallowed it without the chance to savor the flavor.

Feng Wu pulled the ice cream back and took a big bite where Ming Xi had bitten. Her delicate brows wrinkled slightly. “It didn’t get tastier!” The taste wasn’t any different. Why did those two people eat it so happily before? She was so confused.

Ming Xi grabbed Feng Wu’s hand, took a few large steps and managed to leave the street they were on. He didn’t think he could return to that particular street for a while. He breathed a sigh of relief once he was clear, but it was short lived. Having left the street, he ran into the two people he was trying to avoid earlier.

“Senior Ming Xi!” Yifu and Ann looked at Ming Xi in surprise.

Ming Xi sighed. He was having really bad luck today.

Yifu glared at Ann angrily. She didn’t know what the girl wanted, but she had been following her like a shadow all day.

Ann blinked with hurt showing in her eyes. She was usually a ditz, but she could recognize when someone was showing malice toward her. She knew Yifu didn’t like being followed, but she couldn’t change how she was. If she didn’t follow Yifu out, she would get completely lost! She’d had a horrible sense of direction since she was little.

“Senior Ming Xi, where have you been? I was looking for you for such a long time.” Ann sniffed. Her eyes were red and she wanted to rush into Ming Xi’s arms.

Ann had been a little princess in her family since she was born. When had she ever been scorned by someone? But she was just scorned by Yifu just now. If she hadn’t been bent on finding Ming Xi, she would have gone crying back home to find her sister already.

Damn bitch! Yifu was not going to let Ann monopolize Ming Xi. She wasn’t going to get left behind so she rushed up too.

The corner of Ming Xi’s mouth twitched. He and Ann had grown up together because she was a daughter of one of the nobles in the ancient Silver Moon kingdom. He had no romantic feelings for her and had only thought of her as a younger sister, but Ann didn’t seem to understand.

Yifu was a junior fellow student who he had gone through a few shared experiences with. He didn’t have a good impression of her at all, but he was used to being polite, so he couldn’t be rude and directly say he wasn’t interested. All he could do was strongly hint.

A pity she didn’t seem to understand. She hadn’t picked up on any of his hints, obvious as they were. It was annoying how every day she tried to get involved with him.

This was the first time he’d met such a persistently brazen girl. As he looked at the two of them running toward him, he wondered if he should just grab Feng Wu and run away.

Before Ming Xi could think of a path, two figures, one white and one red, flew out with a scream. They fell to the ground 16 feet away (3meters). josei

Ming Xi:. . . 

Feng Wu pulled her leg back from having just kicked both girls. “Senior Ming Xi,” she pointed to Ming Xi then to herself before finishing her sentence, “is mine.” Her meaning was obvious.

The audience was dazed at the intense public display, especially the men.

They were thinking how they could compete with a guy that was even prettier than most girls. I mean really, this guy had three girls chasing after him. What was the point of a loser single dog like them even existing?!

Ming Xi silently closed his mouth and wiped at the sweat that didn’t exist on his brow. Great. He was certain the entire school would know about their love quadrangle before tomorrow’s end.

Don’t think he missed those two gossipy sisters in the crowd. Their excited faces left him feeling helpless. If they weren’t afraid to be spotted, they would have probably screamed already at the juicy show.

The scream from the Yifu and Ann were hard to bear; you could feel the pain just from the sound. The men wondered why the beauties were fighting over the guy. He looked so pretty; he was surely a sissy! It was better if the girls picked one of them instead! They would surely never stray and give the girls rivals!

A few big, beefy men thought sourly in their hearts.

“Feng Wu! You dare lay your hands on us?!” Yifu shouted angrily the moment she got up off the ground.

Ann stood up looking aggrieved. She turned to Ming Xi, her eyes nearly overflowing with tears.

Ming Xi calmly looked away without saying anything.

“Brother Ming Xi~,” Ann was so hurt she slipped and called Ming Xi informally. She had always addressed him as brother for as long as she could remember, but since entering Xingguang Holy academy, because of school regulations, she took to addressing him with the senior title. She was still unused to it.

But now she was wronged, and in her current state, she really didn’t are about proper etiquette.

“I didn’t use my hands, I used my feet.” Yifu couldn’t tell the difference between hands and feet. She was so dumb, thought Feng Wu.

Yifu nearly had an apoplexy when she heard this. Little did she know, Feng Wu had labeled her an idiot. But even if she did, she wouldn’t have been able to fight Feng Wu.

This woman! This woman! She was doing it on purpose?! thought Yifu. “Why did you kick us?!” She wisely changed the topic.

“Are you Feng Wu?” Ann was slow on the uptake, but she finally reacted. So, this was her rival in love. Ann was extremely threatened. Her sister had said Ming Xi treated Feng Wu differently. Though she didn’t know what the difference was, Ann believed her sister unconditionally. Feng Wu was her most serious rival!

“You wanted to hug Senior Ming Xi.” Feng Wu replied automatically.

Ming Xi was going to be Xiao Ye’s father, so Feng Wu was not going to let anyone hug him.

454: Scumbag!

“You. . .  Senior Ming Xi, look at Feng Wu!” Yifu was so angry that she stomped her feet and shouted out in anger as she complained to Ming Xi.

“Cough, cough.” Ming Xi uncomfortably faked a cough as he turned his head away pretending to be blind and deaf. He couldn’t take sides and fight with the girls. He was a guy!

Feng Wu turned to Ming Xi and grabbed his face between her hands, forcing him to look at her. “She said to look at me.”

OK, now what? What are you trying to do with what you’re trying to say with that serious face of yours? Ming Xi wondered in his head.

“Do you see me?” Feng Wu asked.

“Yes!” Ming Xi replied promptly.

“OK, he’s done it.” Feng Wu turned to Yifu and reported. As soon as she said it, the crowd of movie watchers coughed a storm.

This girl. . .  was she being intentional? Her face was so serious, she had to be serious, otherwise that was some great acting!

“You. . . you. . . ” Yifu was shaking with anger. Anyone who didn’t know better would have thought she’d gone crazy.

“Are you making me mad on purpose?! You’re a vicious woman! Senior Ming Xi, don’t be deceived by her!” Yifu couldn’t best Feng Wu so she turned to Ming Xi.

“She’s a good person.” Ming Xi imitated Feng Wu and kept his face serious.

Yifu was so shocked at his words that she ran away crying.

Feng Wu looked at Ming Xi with bright eyes. Senior Ming Xi had praised her! So happy~!

Ann stared blankly at Ming Xi as though he was a heartless scoundrel. “Brother Ming Xi, you’ve changed. Don’t you like me anymore?” Ann asked sadly.

“I’ve always thought of you as a sister. I thought you knew.” Ming Xi secretly wiped away a cold sweat. He had no romantic affections for Ann and he wished the audience would stop looking at him like he was the worse scumbag in the world.

To make such a beautiful girl cry: you’re a scumbag!

Sure enough good-looking men are scumbags!

Scumbag! You should let that sister go. I’ll swap places!

The single dogs watching were super jealous as they mentally talked smack about Ming Xi.

Ming Xi: I don’t know anything.

“What? You clearly said you would marry me once I grew up!” Ann was so distraught that she burst into tears.

“When did I say such a thing?!” Ming Xi couldn’t recall having dug such a pit for himself.

“You did; when I was three you visited me and we played house.” Ann said with conviction.

Three?! Ming Xi did remember playing house with her, but it was only because her sister, Grace, hadn’t been there and the other children didn’t want to play with her because she cried too much. Ming Xi was older, so it was normal for him to look out for the younger ones the other kids didn’t like. He never expected the Ann to remember their game.

“It was just a game.” Ming Xi was afraid Ann wouldn’t understand so he made his face as serious as possible.

“Wa! Brother Ming Xi is heartless and disloyal!” Ann ran away crying.




How could you treat a girl who’s had a crush on you since she was three so heartlessly? Why are no girls like that with me?!

Truly casting pearls before swine.

The barrage of insults grew in the audience’s mind.

The corner of Ming Xi’s mouth twitched. He took Feng Wu’s side and moved away from the crowd. He was not going to go shopping for a while.

Feng Wu: The ice cream melted. . . 

“Hello everyone, your beautiful senior sister here. Today is the day you’ve all been waiting for: the individual segment of the extreme survival challenge! But before we start the competition, I would like to introduce today’s guest commentator. The person next to me is non other than our very own vice principal! A hand of applause for the vice principal everyone!”

Applause came from all over. Some, afraid they weren’t clapping hard enough, clapped extra hard.

Don’t you know these guys were the ones who were talking about the vice principal before? Another reckoning was possible if the old man thought they were clapping too slow. They were still suffering from the last bout.

The vice principal was suitably pleased with the warm welcome. He really was the most respected person in the entire school, well just below the principal anyway. Yes, very appropriate.

“Will the vice principal reveal some of the competition’s details to us? The competition has been under such tight wraps no one’s been able to get any hints. None of us even know what form the individual challenge will take. Can you tell us the inside story?” Tamansha turned her head and asked the vice principal.

“Of course. . . not. If I say it now, it won’t be a surprise.” The vice principal was clear.

Sighs of disappointment came from below. And here they thought they would get the scoop at last.

Feng Wu and a few others were waiting in the preparation room, so they weren’t aware what was going on in the outside world. It was a big room, large enough to accommodate many people. The battle in the individual challenge would be brutal.

The requirements for the individual challenge were different from those of the team challenge. Everyone was given a chance to participate in the individual challenge despite most people doing poorly in the team segment.

In the team segment, the lord of the virtual world monitored their progress and gave each person a personal score based on their performance. Anyone who scored 60 or higher had their score recorded as a part of their overall ranking and was as also given the opportunity to participate in the individual challenge.

It was good news for everyone. Feng Wu scored 85, which was relatively high. Those who dragged their team down were given accordingly lower scores. This was very satisfying for those watching the challenge on screen.

Feng Wu didn’t know the contestants were being observed and scored in the team challenge. She had thought she would participate as long as she signed up. It was only after she returned that she found out it wasn’t the case.

“Hello contestants, I will now explain the rules. In the individual challenge, you will not be given any additional supplies. The only things you can bring in with you are those items you had from the team portion of the challenge.

Everyone will receive a map once the challenge starts. It is the same map for everyone. Whoever gets the item at the end of the map first will be the winner of the individual challenge.

And as usual, the lord of the virtual world will give out scores based on performance. I hope you all perform well and strive for good results.”

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