The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 459-460

Chapter 459-460: I’d Suffer If I Formed an Alliance with You; Ai Lin in the Challenge

459: I’d Suffer If I Formed an Alliance with You

Her conviction was the only thing keeping her up. Though it propelled her forward, her pursuers were closing in and the distance between them shortened and shortened to the point she could hear the sounds of their heavy breathing behind her. They were only a few steps away. She was expecting them to close in on her any moment, but she didn’t want to be eliminated!

Just when her desperation reached a peak, a girl riding an alpaca come into view.

Her eyes lit up like she was drowning and someone had thrown a life jacket to her.

“Help! Help! Save me!” She screamed desperately, hoping to grab the person’s attention and be saved.

Even if the stranger couldn’t save her, it would be helpful if it meant her pursuers would be stalled for a few steps. They could all see the stranger had warm clothes, food on her body, and a mount under her. Everything the stranger had, must be more valuable than anything she had on her. Since a more lucrative target appeared, maybe the three villains will switch targets and give her a chance to escape.

Feng Wu turned to look when she heard the screams, but she quickly turned back around after a glance and continued on her way.

Before she started the challenge, Jier had told her it was an individual competition where the scores were based on personal results, so she should not pay attention to anyone she wasn’t familiar with. And even if she did meet an acquaintance, she shouldn’t think about helping them, because everyone was an opponent in the arena. And she should not help opponents.

Feng Wu had always been an obedient girl.

The girl is an opponent so I won’t help her, Feng Wu thought. She nodded her head and decisively made her decision to ignore the other party.

What?! That girl pretended not to hear! She was so furious! But maybe there was still hope, since the ones chasing her had seen the new arrival as well, thought the girl.

“Hey, look! Isn’t that the girl who got away from us this morning?!” The guy with the bow exclaimed when he saw Feng Wu. His eyes lit up and he looked like an eagle just spotting its prey.

“It’s that girl that ran away last time! It’s definitely her!” The woman glared fiercely at Feng Wu with eyes filled with resentment.

They were angry with Feng Wu for giving them their first taste of failure. They had had to wander around the area for three hours before finally finding their way back on the correct course. Feng Wu, the person who made them suffer, was of course the person they hated the most.

With Feng Wu in the picture, the three of them lost interest in the other girl.

The girl’s mouth dropped when she realized they weren’t chasing her anymore. She had really just escaped disaster! She immediately fled in the opposite direction. It didn’t matter if she had the strength or not, she had to run as fast as she could. Luckily, her pursuers were already solely focused on Feng Wu and were completely ignoring her.

It wasn’t like she was a Madonna. If she was, she would never have considered using Feng Wu as bait for an escape. After running a sufficient distance, she glanced back with a pitying look in Feng Wu’s direction. Then she left without another backward glance.

“You little trickster! Stop right now!” The woman yelled at Feng Wu’s back.

“Don’t even think of escaping again!”

“Don’t think you can escape! Last time we were careless so you got away!”

All three yelled at Feng Wu.

Feng Wu, sitting atop her alpaca, turned around to see three people running toward her. After staring for three seconds, she came to the conclusion she didn’t know them. She signaled the alpaca and together they jogged through the now.

The four-legged alpaca ran light and fast, barely leaving an indentation at all.

Before the robbers could reach Feng Wu, the alpaca had already whisked her far away. They stood in the snow empty-handed again.

“She got away again!” They shook their heads in anger and regret.

They looked back, trying to find the other girl they were chasing. Since they couldn’t get the main course, might as well try to get the appetizer. Unfortunately, they had completely lost sight of her as well.

They stood in the snow cold and annoyed. The day was a disaster with three failures in a row!

Feng Wu, having left in her usual oblivious style, had no idea what was happening behind her. She rode Flower happily toward the finish line.

After another half an hour, Feng Wu ran into two other girls who were in the class next to her. She couldn’t remember their names but she did remember seeing them when the classes combined for practicals.

Their eyes lit up when they saw Feng Wu, but lit up even more when they saw the beast she was riding.

“Xiao Wu, I didn’t expect to see you here. It must be fate that we met. Why don’t we form an alliance to work together?” They stared at Feng Wu enthusiastically. . .  it would be so good to ride on an alpaca!

“No.” Feng Wu shook her head and refused without giving them any face.

“What?! Are you looking down on us?!” They stared at Feng Wu angrily. It looked like they were offended. josei

“You’re too weak. It won’t do me any good to form an alliance with you.” Feng Wu said seriously as she looked down on them from her alpaca.

Feng Wu wasn’t stupid. Both Jier and her master had told her that if she needed to find someone to form an alliance, then she should find someone as strong or stronger than her. Forming an alliance with people weaker than her wouldn’t do her any good.

Feng Wu was an obedient girl so of course she followed their advice.

The two girls were so angry they nearly saw red. They knew they weren’t as strong as Feng Wu, but it wasn’t like anyone in the challenge could use magic or qi. Everyone had to fight using their physical strength and stamina. With that in mind, it was possible they were stronger than Feng Wu in the arena.

Honestly, if it weren’t for her being top ten in their grade, they wouldn’t have cared at all for someone with such a bad reputation.

Because of everything that happened last year, a lot of people at school had a poor impression of Feng Wu. She had been the center of so many rumors. Even if the school clarified the issue with her baby, there was still the matter of her public proposal to Ming Xi, and the stories of her bullying other students.

It was no secret that Jasmine’s nudity ordeal in the girl’s dorm was related to Feng Wu, so many of the girls had a bad impression of Feng Wu.

Certainly, there were people who didn’t believe Jasmine’s story about the whole affair, but those people were in the minority. Of those that did believe, few actually had a bona fide hatred for Feng Wu. Most just had a bad impression of her. They were too busy with their own lives to bother with other people’s trivial affairs that didn’t involve them directly.

The two girls couldn’t accept the fact that they weren’t performing well in the Sword division. They had always been treated as unique, young geniuses in their families, but the academy was a different world and it was full of geniuses. So it didn’t matter if they didn’t accept their ranking.

Though most people were either envious or jealous of those in the top ten, none of the top ten were connected to any bad rumors except for Feng Wu. Her reputation was a huge flaw in their eyes.

460: Ai Lin in the Challenge

Anyone dissatisfied with the tenth position holder could issue a challenge. There were plenty who had challenged Feng Wu, but they all failed, and she remained unseated.

If it weren’t for her abysmal grades, some people thought, based on her strength, she would have ranked in the top three of their class. Other people disagreed with the assessment. The two girls in front of her now were of the latter group.

“What do you mean? Apparently good intentions aren’t rewarded. If it weren’t for the fact that we pitied you, we wouldn’t have gone to the effort of inviting such an antisocial person like you!”

With a completely straight face Feng Wu said, “Oh, I don’t need your pity. You’re too weak so you should pity yourself first.”

Damn it! Don’t cut people down so fiercely!

How can you be so strong? No matter how strong you think you are, you only just moved into your second year. There are five other grades above you. The strong people in those grades are gathered here as well you know! You’re just a top ten in the second-years! The girls complained furiously in their minds.

They wanted to say something, but Feng Wu didn’t give them a chance. She was already riding off on her alpaca.

“She just left!” One of the girls was so shocked she nearly fell on her butt.

Sister Alpaca was much more familiar with the terrain than Feng Wu. She took Feng Wu all the way up to the mountain. They would be able to leave the region as soon as they crossed over.

The tree branches on the snow-capped mountain were laden with snow and there wasn’t a single bit of green in sight.

After rushing for an entire day, Feng Wu found a spot to start a fire and settle down for the night.

It was the end of the second day. The map the school gave covered a huge area.

After contestants passed through the snow-capped mountains, they would have to travel through a desert, then grassland, before finally reaching the final destination in a volcanic region.

Feng Wu was troubled about what to do with the fish she had in storage. Jier had specifically told her she wasn’t allowed to cook for herself.

He was afraid she would poison herself and be ejected from the challenge. It would certainly be a strange story, one remembered and used as a cautionary tale to all the students that would come after.

Feng Wu didn’t know about Jier’s thinking. She only knew what was promised had to be kept. Master had said it was part of being a decent human being.

But what was she supposed to do with all her fish? She went to sleep without coming up with a solution. The matter with the fish was still on her mind as she rode Flower up the mountain the next day.

Shortly after lunch, more treasure chests dropped from the sky. Of course this immediately caught the attention of all the powerhouses who were already on the mountain.

Feng Wu got a chest with ten water bags filled with purified spiritual water. It was the most common, ordinary type, but drinking it would alleviate physical weariness and restore stamina. She carefully collected and stored them away but didn’t find any more chests after that.

A couple of screams rent through the air. Apparently, someone found a zombie chest. Who knew if the person fell to the zombie or not.

Ai Lin killed her zombies without even blinking an eye. She walked alone; there was no need to team up with people who would just hold her back. She was intent on going on the special mission.

She was top five in her class, but if she had wanted to, she could have definitely tried for first place. It was only because she didn’t want to attract the heroine’s attention too early that she laid low.

The heroine was in the top three because of Jier. He was a complete surprise and so powerful, he forced the heroine into the second position.

Seeing Zi Cheng miss first place made Ai Lin so happy. She knew Zi Cheng wasn’t the kind of person who tolerated being subservient well. Zi Cheng could bend and stretch to fit the situation, but ultimately, she disliked being pressed down by anyone.

In the original story, Jier didn’t participate in the rankings. Ai Lin didn’t know what made him try for it this time, but she was delighted to see Zi Cheng deflated.

So far Ai Lin had opened five chests, four of which were quite useful, while the last one was the zombie one.

She cursed Longzi’s bad taste. She was now more certain than ever he was another transmigrator, who before transmigrating, had read a lot of fiction. Just look at what he made. Wasn’t this exactly like a virtual world in a holographic online game? There were even zombies!

Fortunately thousands of years had passed since he was in the current world. If he was here now, she was afraid things would get too lively. There was already two female transmigrators and a reborn man. How was a cannon fodder girl like her supposed to survive if a guy like Longzi was added to the mix?

Ai Lin moved ahead after taking care of the zombies. She’d only taken a few steps when she saw someone riding a ___. Was she seeing right? Was that the legendary divine beast ___?

She was so startled! Damn it! Seriously what badass managed to do that? Was it from a chest? If it was, then that was some serious luck. Ai Lin was in awe.

She thought she was lucky, having opened five chests in three days. With the exception of the last one, all her chests had been filled with necessities: food, shelter, clothing, shoes, and weapons. She never expected someone to get a legendary divine beast from a chest.

Was it that someone managed to steal the heroine’s halo and open a chest that belonged Zi Cheng? Haha! How absolutely fantastic!

Ai Lin didn’t know who the rider was, but she knew it wasn’t Zi Cheng! She had been focused on the beast___ before, but now that they were closer, Ai Lin was able to get a better look at the rider.

The person was actually someone she knew! It was Feng Wu, the girl who was close to Jier.

Ai Lin knew Jier was one of the four divine seal holders so she had tried to get close to him, but he was just too hard to approach. She heard Zi Cheng had also tried with similarly poor results.

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