The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 481-482

Chapter 481-482: Temperature; A Place of Extreme Yin

481: Temperature

Caesar’s brows were furrowed when he looked back at the ladies. His reply held no emotion. “Understood, I will be there in a moment.”

Wow! So cold, thought Ai Lin as she stood behind Feng Wu.

“Master Caesar. . . ” The two women wanted to say more but stopped when they saw the impatient look in Caesar’s eyes. They shut up and moved away angrily, secretly holding a grudge against Zi Cheng and Feng Wu.

Caesar and the others didn’t stay long after the two women left. They only talked for a bit before returning to their rest area.

A while later, another party entered the mansion. In the lead was a chubby businessman dressed in expensive clothes but with no weapon in hand. Two people, a veiled and cloaked man and a woman, were behind him. Despite being wrapped from head to toe, a certain charm emanated from their bodies.

“Boss Hart!” Ming Xi never expected to see the businessman again. They had met on the trip from Sanye island to the Bilou islands. Ming Xi and his team had sailed on Hart’s ship. He still remembered the man who liked to take people on board.

“Ah! If it isn’t Ming Xi and Feng Wu!” Boss Hart took a step back as though surprised before stepping forward again with a grin. “I didn’t expect us to meet again so soon,” laughed Hart good-naturedly.

“Boss Hart is also interested in exotic treasures?” Hart appeared to be an ordinary businessman with ordinary strength so it was strange to Ming Xi that Hart would be in the desert wasteland.

“I was around when I heard rumors about of a strange treasure materializing soon, so of course I brought people in to see it. I’m a businessman. A treasure materializing is an opportunity for you strong people and a business opportunity for a businessman like me. Once I heard about it, of course I had to try to see it. . . ”

Ming Xi nodded. Feng Wu looked at Boss Hart without any feelings of comradery. They had not relation to each other except for a shared ship ride and the experience on Death island.

They had been preoccupied with staying alive on Death island, so at the time there had been no time to form bonds.

It wasn’t odd for Feng Wu to view Hart as a stranger.

Hart took his group to a corner, and after tidying the space up, settled down to rest.

There were no newcomers after that.

Silence settled in the hall, while outside, the rain continued to fall as lightning and thunder flashed and rumbled in the sky.

The rain kept getting worse with no end in sight. They would not be able to leave for a while. The people inside sat and stared at the rain as they mulled over their own concerns.

It was now pitch black with rain even though it had been bright and sunny just moments ago. The surrounding air even felt denser.

“It’s so cold!” Ai Lin couldn’t help but mutter. She took a cloak out from her space ring and quickly wrapped the fabric around her body. She let out a sigh of relief but was shocked to see her breath fog up. How was this possible?!

It was dark really fast too! But upon consideration, Ai Lin realized it was probably because the things in the mansion were making their move.

When she first read the novel, there wasn’t much information about the how’s of things. She only remembered people went missing in the mansion and that the heroine and her male lead found a way to escape. Then when they turned to look back at the building, they saw it was actually full of people!

The scene had been written so badly!

The author never explained how the mansion was formed, or explained how the heroine killed everything and destroyed the spirits. The author only said the heroine escaped and that was it.

The heroine’s skills weren’t any use inside the mansion because she couldn’t see the spirits. If she hadn’t used her system store and exchanged points for an escape item, it would not have been possible for her to leave alive. It was obvious how terribly dangerous the mansion was.

In the end, nearly everyone who entered died. The mortality rate was so high that less than half the people in Zi Cheng’s group managed to survive. Ai Lin knew she was no heroine, so she needed to stick close to Zi Cheng if she wanted even a glimmer of a chance to stay alive.

The weather turned cold abnormally that it made everyone uneasy. It was only ten minutes ago that they entered the mansion and here they were already bundled up in thick winter clothes to stay warm. Even with all the layers they were wearing, the chill still seeped through.

The cold continued even to the point a thin layer of frost covered the furniture.

“Yaoyue, have you discovered anything about this place?” Huozhuo couldn’t help but ask. As a fire magician, he was unafraid of the cold, but even he was disturbed by the severe, sudden drop in temperature.

Yaoyue shook her head. “The rain outside is abnormal. I feel a suffocating amount of vicious qi outside.” josei

Yaoyue’s face was not good. She never expected her first important mission from school would be something far beyond her abilities. Their current situation was incredibly dangerous. There was a powerful player involved with the rain, and who ever it was, was not someone she could handle.

She was a rare genius amongst necromancers, but that didn’t mean she could deal with every ghost. There were powerful ghost entities that, she didn’t know how long they had existed for, but their souls were incredibly powerful and probably on par with living humans.

Yaoyue suspected they were about to encounter an entity they wouldn’t be able to deal with. As a traditionally educated necromancer, she understood how dangerous their situation was.

She couldn’t see any ghosts despite the heavy yin all around. The ambiguous situation left her uneasy.

“Rain? Is that why the temperature dropped so much?” Tang was confused.

“Yes, does the recent drop have anything to do with the rain?” Geente pulled his collar up as the cold dug deeper into his bones.

“It may be because of the rain, or it may be something else.” Yaoyue wasn’t sure.

To this Mogefei did not look good. He was the captain and needed to ensure everyone’s safety on the team. The rain was getting heavier and the temperature was getting lower, and together the situation was making him entirely too nervous.

482: A Place of Extreme Yin

He wasn’t the only one who felt uneasy, everyone else there felt the same way too. Zo didn’t know much about the situation other than that Zi Cheng would get the Heart of Wood in the desert. He wanted to ask Ai Lin if she knew anything, if she could clarify the situation, but the timing wasn’t right.

The temperature continued to drop and some people even had fine bits of icicles in their hair. They would have frozen to death if it weren’t for their magic and martial qi.

“Wow! This place is so cold! Baby’s going to freeze to death!” Baby Rui’s wings nearly froze when he flew out from Feng Wu’s space ring. He hurried into Feng Wu’s arms and complained.

“Xiao Wu, I was only asleep for a while, why did you come to this place? There’s so much vicious qi in the rain outside, and there’s so much yin inside there’re even icicles! This place has an extremely high amount of yin! Where is this place? How many people died for this place to be so ominous?!”

Baby Rui shook his head as he looked around then he quickly ducked farther into Feng Wu’s arms so that only his head was left exposed.

“Baby! You woke up!” Ai Lin was happy. She knew this little guy was the rui beast. She knew just how much the rui beast had helped Zi Cheng in the original storyline. He was arguable one of Zi Cheng’s most vital cheat items.

But now the little guy was following Feng Wu. He was cocky and immature; however, his new personality should not have affected his wisdom and knowledge.

In the original story, the rui beast wasn’t supposed to appear until much later as he wouldn’t hatch yet. Though the two ruis should have been the same beast, this one was somehow different.

The one Zi Cheng hatched was simple-minded and had an indescribable attachment to her. This guy on the other hand was anything but simple. On the contrary, he was like a cocky middle schooler that thought all mortals needed to bow down and praise him, that all mortals were foolish and dumb.

He was so overbearing it made you itch to give him a good beating. Such a cocky child!

Ai Lin didn’t know the original rui beast had not wanted to form a contract with Zi Cheng, that Zi Cheng had forcefully obliterated its original consciousness and formed a new consciousness with an item from the system store. That rui didn’t a personality as because it had no spirit.

The new consciousness spawned by the system was naturally attached to the owner of the system, who was of course, Zi Cheng.

This rui beast, the one with Feng Wu, was the original rui beast. Rui beasts were the most intelligent and wise of all beasts, so of course he was very prideful and would never fall prey to human flattery.

“Well this baby just woke up.” Rui Baby rolled his eyes.

“That’s great. Baby, do you know where we are and how we can get out?” As the smartest beast in the world, he should know right? reasoned Ai Lin.

A faint light flashed in Rui Baby’s eyes. This human seemed to know his identity. Who was this human, and how did it know?

Zi Cheng, having missed her chance to get the rui beast, had no clue as to its identity. She glanced at Ai Lin confused that the other girl was asking a beast.

As for Rui Baby himself, he was wondering if there was connection for why three people misplaced in time and space were in the same location. Even Feng Wu, his current host, had time and place anomalies surrounding her body. On top of that, Feng Wu had four other entities inside her. Did the world consciousness not care?

Ai Lin had no idea her secret was nearly revealed.

“This baby doesn’t know.” Rui Baby rolled his eyes and buried his head deep in Feng Wu’s arms.

You don’t know? Like hell you don’t know!

She didn’t know why the rui wouldn’t explain, but she made up her mind to follow Feng Wu and Zi Cheng closely to maximize her chances to stay alive. Feng Wu was the rui beast’s owner, so he would definitely protect her. If she followed them, maybe she’d be able to get out as well.

Mental calculations clacked away in Ai Lin’s mind.

Zi Cheng felt the atmosphere was also bad. She heard what the baby beast said about the extreme yin. Even though she didn’t know what kind of beast he was, she instinctively knew he was a formidable one – and that he belonged to her. She had no idea where the thought came from, but it kept nagging at her. Why did Feng Wu contract with her magical beast?! Why?!

The more she thought about it, the more she felt Feng Wu had stolen something from her. She secretly hated Feng Wu.

Feeling something strange, Feng Wu turned to look in Zi Cheng’s direction, but all she saw was Zi Cheng’s gentle smile. She was suspicious but she turned back around without saying anything.

It made Zi Cheng wonder if Feng Wu had sensed something. She calmed her mind and quieted her heart.

“Baby, can you tell me what this place with extreme yin is?” Ming Xi pressed his finger on Rui Baby’s small head.

“Since you asked sincerely, this baby will be compassionate and tell you...”

What?! Seriously! Ai Lin groaned mentally.

“Lands of extreme yin are divided into congenital and acquired. Congenital yin in nature is extremely hard to find. When inauspicious qi converges in places with congenital yin, the place becomes an extremely beneficial place for spiritual cultivation. It takes years and years of saturation to create however.

These kinds of places will attract similar yin, and in this case, it would be more malevolent yin types. These kinds of yin are extremely aggressive and will attack. Once humans enter a land of such extreme yin... that’s it for them.

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