The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 487-488

Chapter 487-488: Finding Nothing; A Daring Shani

487: Finding Nothing

Zi Cheng didn’t show any dissatisfaction on her face even though she was unhappy. She looked innocently at Caesar without saying anything, not even a request to punish Shani.

Caesar breathed sigh of relief once he saw she was fine, but he was very unhappy with Shani.

“Shani, what were you doing?!” Caesar looked at Shani unhappily with dissatisfaction clear in his eyes.

Shani’s expression changed. The person she wanted to hit was Feng Wu; she had no reason to be hostile towards Zi Cheng, who was obviously favored by Caesar!

“Master Caesar! It wasn’t my fault! She went and touched my things so casually! I wanted to teach her a lesson. How could I know this girl was so cunning? That’s why I ended up hurting Miss Zi Cheng.”

“Huh? What is yours? Speak up so everyone can here. I didn’t know this old, abandoned mansion was your private property. You’ve got some guts. Why don’t you just say your elders lived here? And all the things in the castle are yours? That everything here belonged to you in a previous life, that you just forgot to bring them with you to your grave? No one here would be able to argue with you then.” Ai Lin said angrily.

“What. . .  what do you mean. . . ” Shani stammered. She blushed angrily as she cursed Ai Lin’s ancestors down to the eight generation.

Ai Lin stared back ferociously, completely unafraid. “What do I mean? I saw everything with my own eyes, bright as day. You were trying to turn black to white.”

“How could I change black for white? This was her fault! How could Miss Zi Cheng have been hit if Feng Wu hadn’t dodged?” The more Shani thought about it, the more she felt like the wronged party.

Caesar had a bad expression as he looked at the two people arguing in front of him. He secretly regretted bringing Shani out with him. If he’d known she would cause so much trouble, he wouldn’t have agreed to bring her along. Unfortunately it was too late for regrets.

“Enough, both of you are wrong. Apologize to Zi Cheng.” Caesar glanced at Shani then at Feng Wu.

The people in Feng Wu’s team had a subtle change in expression as soon as Caesar said those words. Feng Wu was not part of Caesar’s team. What qualifications did he have to make her apologize? Besides, anyone with eyes could see Shani was the one who hit Zi Cheng. It wasn’t Feng Wu’s fault. Even if he wanted to punish the culprit, it would not be Feng Wu.

Caesar also realized his error the moment the words slipped from his mouth. He could order Shani to apologize, but Feng Wu was not under his authority, so he had no say over her.

Unfortunately some things couldn’t be taken back once spoken.

“Did I do something wrong.” Feng Wu blinked her eyes and thought back to what had happened – no, she hadn’t done anything wrong.

How strange. Why was this person trying to make her apologize to Zi Cheng?

“Who told you to dodge just now? You involved Zi Cheng, so it’s your fault! You have to apologize!”

“Why can’t I dodge?” Doubts filled Feng Wu’s eyes.

“It’s because you dodged that Zi Cheng got hit, obviously!” Shani yelled out confidently.

“It was you who hit her. It wasn’t my fault. You are so strange.” Feng Wu replied, her face serious. She walked back to Ming Xi with the doll in her hand, ignoring the other people.

Feng Wu didn’t understand Shani’s weird brain and she didn’t intend to try.

“I did nothing wrong.” Feng Wu said seriously as she looked at Ming Xi once she reached his side.

“You are correct. You didn’t do anything wrong. You don’t need to apologize to people you have nothing to do with.” Ming Xi, touched Feng Wu’s head lightly. He was unaware how gentle and soft his eyes were.

Feng Wu’s lips curved in a slight smile and her black jeweled eyes held a hint of satisfaction.

After getting Ming Xi’s confirmation, Feng Wu began to inspect the doll carefully in her hand. No one noticed the doubt that flashed in her eyes.

Shani had originally wanted to rush over and make trouble for Feng Wu, but unfortunately for her, Caesar had no intentions on getting further involved in the drama and possibly making trouble for Zi Cheng with her teammates. It was for her sake that he decided not to force an apology from Feng Wu.

“Be done with it already! We’re here for business, not to watch you settle your personal grudges! Nothing in this mansion is to be moved; put the dolls back.” Yaoyue said with a bad face.

“That’s right. You women are just trouble. We’re here to find the spirit. And we haven’t even done that,” someone else muttered.

Zi Cheng blushed under the gaze of dissatisfaction from those around her. She apologized in embarrassment to Shani before returning to her team.

“Even in the current situation you still have the mind to invite criticism and attract boys?” Yaoyue turned her head away from Zi Cheng and ignored her after that.

Feng Wu didn’t notice the noise around her as she was busy focusing all her energy on the doll in her hand.

The doll gave her a dangerous feeling and gave off an aura she didn’t like, as if it was rotted from the inside.

“That doll is no good. You’d better put it back.” Rui Baby whispered in Feng Wu’s ear as he sat perched on her shoulder with his feet dangling slightly.

“What’s wrong?” Feng Wu turned to look at the baby.

“That thing is dirty and stinky. This baby does not like it.”

“I don’t like it either; it smells bad.” Feng Wu put the doll back in its original location.

“Let’s go and look somewhere else.” Yaoyue found nothing suspicious after checking the room so she had everyone leave to look elsewhere.

They searched the entire mansion, but found nothing that harbored the evil spirit. Disappointed and tired from spending so much time and energy searching the room, everyone returned to the first-floor lobby to rest. Each team arranged for someone to keep guard while everyone else slept.

When Shani saw that everyone was resting, she took out a rare, antique doll. It was a valuable piece and she wanted to keep it. Yaoyue said the room was to be left undisturbed, but Shani didn’t think just the one doll would be a problem.

Besides Yaoyue looked incompetent. If she had any skills at all, wouldn’t she have already caught the evil spirit?

488: A Daring Shani

Shani examined the skin. It felt so much like real skin, she couldn’t put it down.

“Shani, you’re too daring. We were told not to remove anything from upstairs, but you still dared bring this doll down?” A guy who was on friendly terms with Shani was surprised when he saw the doll in Shani’s hand.

“Aye! What’s there to be afraid of?! Didn’t the girl say there weren’t any problems with the doll? Even if I move it, nothing will come of it. It’ll be fine.” Shani waved her hand dismissively.

“You’re not afraid Master Caesar will find out? He said we weren’t allowed to touch anything upstairs.”

“I’m not afraid. Master Caesar isn’t going to get angry over a doll. Even if he does, I’ll just apologize appropriately.” Shani was willing to risk being scolded by Caesar for the rare doll.

“All right. Do whatever you want to do but don’t ask me to intercede when Master Caesar punishes you.” He reminded her, but she didn’t care, so he wasn’t going to go on about it.

“I know, I know. Go and guard over there and don’t bother me.” Shani waved her hand impatiently to shoo him away.

He sighed then walked away. They had spoken in whispers so one else noticed their conversation.

Ai Lin had seen Shani take the doll, but she didn’t say anything. It wasn’t her business and she wasn’t going to meddle.

She didn’t remember any mention of the dolls in the original story so she assumed they weren’t a problem. She had given them a cursory glance and that was it. Ai Lin used her rest time to desperately recall what she could of the book. Zi Cheng managed to escape because she purchased a talisman capable of breaking through the boundary created by the excessive yin.

The rain had created a boundary before they had even realized it, so unless they had something that could break the boundary, they were stuck.

Ai Lin remembered the price was something ridiculous. Zi Cheng had waited on buying it because of its prohibitive cost. It took her so much effort to gather the points she had; if it hadn’t been absolutely necessary, she would never have nearly depleted her bank on it. It was why she had delayed for so long.

It seemed the only way to escape was to rely on Zi Cheng’s talisman.

Ai Lin sighed. Why couldn’t her cheat be a system? Instead, all she had was a living space cheat, which, other than for growing herbs, wasn’t useful for anything. Compared to Zi Cheng’s system cheat, it was a really unfair gap!

But then again Zi Cheng was the heroine and the heroine was the world consciousness’s darling, so it was only normal for her to have such a powerful cheat.

Ai Lin tossed and turned in a bad mood. What should she do now that she needed to pee?

“Feng Wu, Feng Wu, wake up!”

Feng Wu, who had fallen asleep, heard someone calling her name. She opened her eyes to find Ai Lin smiling at her.

“Do you want to go to the bathroom?” Ai Lin asked expectantly as she tugged on Feng Wu’s sleeve.

Feng Wu blinked. She didn’t need to go right then, but she could use the bathroom. Thinking of this, she nodded.

Great! Ai Lin was happy to not have to go to the bathroom alone. Don’t you know, in all the ghost stories, the bathroom is the most likely place for bad things to happen?

“I’ll go too.” Yaoyue spoke out in the dark. Turned out she wasn’t asleep either.

“Everyone, let’s all go together.” Zi Cheng poked her head out from her heavy fur coat and opened her eyes. She was a light sleeper and the sound of conversation had awoken her.

Ai Lin had planned on going with Feng Wu but somehow became a group of four instead. josei

The girls walked to the back of the mansion. There was bathroom on each floor and the one on the first floor was in the back next to a utility closet.

They hadn’t discovered anything amiss when they searched the rooms earlier. All that searching gave them a good familiarity of the mansion’s layout. There were several rooms on each floor and they knew exactly where the bathroom was on each. They were walking down the hall when they were stopped.

Shani hadn’t wanted to stop them, but there were only a few of them left. She needed to go use the bathroom but she was reluctant to go by herself.

Feng Wu saw Shani as a stranger so she didn’t have any particular feelings about her and didn’t care if Shani came along.

Zi Cheng always tried to project an image of gentle consideration and kindness so how could she say no?

Ai Lin rolled her eyes. Why did the girl offend so many people in the first place?

Yaoyue glanced impatiently at Shani but didn’t say anything.

Since no one had an opinion, Shani followed behind the group without making any trouble.

“You brought a doll out?” Yaoyue hadn’t been paying close attention to Shani earlier so she didn’t see the doll until she turned around.

Wasn’t that a doll from upstairs, the dolls she said weren’t to be disturbed?! She told them the dolls weren’t to be touched! This Shani didn’t listen to her and actually dared take one!

Yaoyue was in a bad mood to begin with and now she was even more unhappy. She clearly said no one was allowed to take anything from the rooms, but Shani was standing with the doll in her arms in front of her.

“I like this doll very much. Didn’t you say there was nothing wrong with them? Why can’t I take it?” Shani felt she was in the right. Leaving such a precious doll to collect dust was a crime. She could sell it and give it to a new owner.

“Now that you’ve already done it, I’m not going to say anything. But moving things around rashly like that, just be careful you don’t cause trouble.” Yaoyue was too lazy to bother. As a necromancer, she knew better most there were certain things that shouldn’t be moved casually – at least not without mortal danger to the person doing it.

It depended on luck. If Shani was lucky, she would be fine, but if Shani was unlucky, well that was hard to say.

Anyway Yaoyue did her part by reminding Shani, so she couldn’t be blamed for anything that happened after.

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