The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 505, 506

Chapter 505, 506

505: Days Without Ming Xi

It didn’t matter whether or not she liked it; she had already come to accept it. Ming Xi sacrificed himself to save everyone, while Zi Cheng used a boundary breaking talisman to get everyone out. It would have been unreasonable to continue to trouble Zi Cheng.

The team made their way slowly across the desert, and with Yaoyue no longer looking for trouble with the girls, they actually looked like a cohesive team.

While they were making their way around the desert, Feng Wu heeded Ai Lin’s words and had already left town.

To return to school, Feng Wu needed a teleportation array that went to Zhongyang where Xinguang Holy Academy was located. She found a mount and rushed to the nearest city with an array easily. It took her ten days, but she returned without issue.

She and the Heart of Wood had gotten to know each other and became friends in that time. It was only natural she didn’t want the vice principal to hurt her new friend. Feng Wu confirmed with him several times that he would not hurt the Heart of Wood before she willingly relinquished it to him. Had he intended to harm it, she would have refused to give it to him.

Before taking the Heart of Wood, the vice principal returned a much rounder faced Little Bun to Feng Wu.

“So fat.” Feng Wu commented upon seeing that even his limbs were also chunkier.

“Wah!” Little Bun wailed at the comment. He was not fat OK?! Momma was bad!

Feng Wu brought her face to his and coaxed him. “Don’t cry, don’t cry,” she said.

Little Bun ignored her and cried his heart out.

Feng Wu expressionlessly handed Little Bun to Little White then walked back to the dorm by herself.

Little Bun became even more aggrieved when he saw his mommy walking away. His cries became so shrill they nearly brought the roof down. Jier, unable to take it anymore, picked up Little Bun and hugged him, coaxing him to quiet.

Mogefei and the rest of the team made it back to school three days after Feng Wu got back.

Zi Cheng gave up on the Heart of Wood because she knew it had already been turned in, but the feeling that something was wrong had been niggling at her ever since she lost the Heart of Water. She could feel deep in her gut the Heart of Water belonged to her, so how did it end up being in Zo’s possession?

The Heart of Wood was supposed to be hers too, but it ended up flying to Feng Wu and ultimately ended up in the hands of the school. Zi Cheng could not figure out what the problem was.

Tian Ya only attended Xingguang Holy academy in order to protect Ming Xi, so with Ming Xi returning home, there was no reason for Tian Ya to return to school. It wasn’t like anyone could stop him from leaving, but just because no one stopped him, it didn’t mean he wouldn’t suffer repercussions.

The school gave him a suitable demerit so other students wouldn’t follow his lead.

For Feng Wu, her days at school passed by calmly and was filled with general student activities. The only difference was now she couldn’t see Ming Xi because he had gone home.

She contacted him every two days through the communication crystal. Though he looked normal, his hand was still encased in bandages.

The school gave everyone in the group rewards for successfully completing the mission. They were also given lots of points that could be traded in for useful magic items.

The points were useless to Feng Wu though, so she hadn’t done anything with them other than storing them away for later use.

The storyline continued to progress as another three more months passed by in the blink of an eye.

Though Zi Cheng lost both the Heart of Water and Heart of Wood she had managed to get the inheritance from the two ancient magicians in the god tomb as well as gain an increase in reputation.

Ai Lin still dogged Zi Cheng and sabotaged Zi Cheng from time to time. There was nothing for it. Once she learned Zi Cheng would destroy the world, Ai Lin couldn’t keep her distance and mind her own business. She was afraid Zi Cheng would destroy the world before ascending and becoming a god.

Just because Ai Lin couldn’t be a heroine didn’t mean she wanted to be cannon fodder! In order not to progress her cannon fodder role, she had been diligent about sabotaging Zi Cheng. She knew though, that the more she did, the more obvious it would become, and the more likely Zi Cheng would notice.

In reality, it was too late. Zi Cheng was aware of Ai Lin’s antics and had been trying to find trouble for Ai Lin. It was to the point they clashed whenever they met – outside of school, in school, in the virtual world – it was obvious how incompatible they were.

Zi Cheng made it clear she did not get along with Ai Lin. As a result, Ai Lin got a lot of trouble from those who were brainwashed by Zi Cheng’s system.

But Ai Lin wasn’t without allies. Zi Cheng’s charm from the system was too powerful at times, and this caused many girls to lose their men to her.

It was a seesaw. The two sides fought, both winning and losing many times.

This had nothing to do with the well-behaved Feng Wu who continued to talk to Ming Xi every couple of days. By this point, it had become a part of her routine.

Every now and then, Jasmine would try to make trouble for her as well. And that was also a part of her routine.

Ai Lin and many people at school came to look favorably on Feng Wu. She was a girl who was willing to live and die with her beloved. She stayed with Ming Xi in a time of crisis and allowed other people to live. Truly admirable!

Quite a few of the boys were jealous of Ming Xi. How come they couldn’t meet a girl who loved them that much? The world was too unfair!

The girls’ opinions were also changed. Regardless what her moral standing was, whether or not she had a baby, none of them could deny FEng Wu's dedication to Ming Xi.

It was incredibly touching to hear she was willing to accompany her beloved in such dangerous circumstances. Even Ann was moved. However, it wasn’t enough to make her quit pursuing Ming Xi. Instead she approached Feng Wu and declared they would have a fair fight.

Feng Wu only blinked her eyes and it wasn’t clear if she understood or not.

Yanran hadn’t been idle either. She became famous because of her connection to Milty and Oleen’s deaths. She made headlines again after stealing another girl’s fiancé. Did she just really enjoy stealing other people’s fiancés?

506: The Blood Clan’s Invasion

Yanran went to visit Feng Wu several times, but Feng Wu was never receptive so she didn’t visit as often anymore.

Originally Feng Wu had no interest in Yanran gossip, but Annika and Xi loved talking about other people’s business.

“I’ve seen him before. He’s a good-looking guy and he’s ranked third in the fourth years. How did such an excellent male specimen fall for Yanran?” Xi shoved a cookie into her mouth and chewed on it as she thought about the situation. The more she thought about it, the more bewildering it became. josei

“I wonder the same thing. What’s good about her other than her face? These guys who like her are all blind!” Annika exclaimed. She was a single girl without any suitors, so seeing a terrible woman like Yanran attract so many guys was incomprehensible to her. She definitely did not like Yanran.

Feng Wu sat to the side as she held Little Bun. She was happy to snack on cookies and crackers, stuffing one in her mouth, then another in Little Bun’s. Swallow and repeat.

“The guy’s name is Aubrey. He’s pretty well known amongst the fourth years; I think he’s amongst the most popular in the top ten in his grade. He’s good looking and a top student with dual proficiency in air and fire elemental magic.

Only thing is he comes from an ordinary background but the girl he’s engaged to is a noble girl. I heard she’s been in love with him since forever. Somehow or other, she forced her family to get a marriage contract with him. Who would have expected that after all this, she would still get dumped.”

Xi sighed. It wasn’t worth it. That noble girl, the guy never even showed interest in marrying. Why’d she go so far to get him? Wasn’t this just looking for abuse?!

“That’s how the engagement came to be?! Aiya, even though it was wrong of Aubrey to fall for Yanran, the fiancée isn’t blameless either. Who told her to lower herself to such a disadvantageous position? Rushing off to have her family propose a marriage contract. For someone from nobility, that’s really embarrassing. Where is here dignity as a noble?” Annika couldn’t understand what went on in the girl’s head. How could she give up her noble dignity for a man?

Soon enough nighttime fell and it was time for Feng Wu to have her routine chat with Ming Xi. She sat on the balcony with the breeze blowing around her as she watched the scene from Ming Xi’s end.

“Annika said the girl doesn’t deserve sympathy, that she didn’t have the dignity of nobles. . . ” Feng Wu shared everything she heard honestly.

Black lines formed on Ming Xi’s face as he listened to Feng Wu. Would Annika cry if she knew Feng Wu was repeating nearly verbatim their conversation?

Feng Wu thought about it and couldn’t think of anything she hadn’t already recounted, so she said, “That was everything that happened in the past two days.”

A small, involuntary twitched appeared on a corner of Ming Xi’s mouth. He still remembered the first time Feng Wu contacted him. She had silently stared blankly at him for several minutes.

In an effort to alleviate the silence, he had asked her to tell him all the interesting things that happened in school. The unexpected result was her repeating nearly word for word what her classmates talked about.

Gradually, he got used to Feng Wu’s way of retelling it to him.

Her serious expression and the straight forward way she delivered her news was very cute.

“Xiao Wu. . . ” Ming Xi looked at the picture of Feng Wu fallen asleep while reclined in her chair on the balcony. Even though it was summer, the nights were still too chilly to sleep out on the balcony. Ming Xi was worried so he called out to her a few more times. It was no use though, so he ended up just letting her sleep. He spent all night watching over her through their communication crystal.

The past few months saw the situation on the continent deteriorate. The Blood clan were appearing everywhere, even in daylight. They wrapped themselves in a special cloak that protected them from the sun so they were able to walk around freely even in daylight hours.

It was so bad normal people were afraid to wear cloaks, lest they be mistaken for a Blood clan member and get arrested.

There was another emergency with the barrier at Blood Moon forest. A large number of Blood clan people escaped and were wreaking havoc in the human world because an unknown entity had broken the barrier.

The Ancient Moon Kingdom was sending people to reinforce the barrier, while Xingguang Holy academy was sending students to fight the Blood clan. Many sixth and seventh year students were sent, including Feng Yanran. Her mother FengTianxing, who had been involved with defending the barrier prior to teaching at the school, also went with her.

The second to fifth years were free to sign up and help as well. It was a rare opportunity; as long as they participated in battle, they would get points and if they performed exceptionally well, they could even be admitted to Star Marshall hall.

Ordinary people had to rely on their abilities and work hard to slowly build a reputation on the battlefield. With a reputation, they could get fame and money.

The Blood Moon forest event was an opportunity for everyone. There would be danger, but great opportunities often came with great danger. If they took advantage of it and played it the right way, they could conceivable make it big and get into Star Marshall hall all in one go.

A lot of people were interested in signing up. From the second years to the fifth years, at least half the student body signed up.

There were several reasons the other half decided not to go. Some didn’t have enough confidence in their abilities to stay safe. Others felt their family background was strong enough that they didn’t have to fight for merit so desperately. And of course there were those who just had no interest in joining.

Feng Wu was part of the group of people to sign up to fight. The only reason she joined was because in one of their conversations, she had found out that Ming Xi was going to Blood Moon forest to strengthen the barrier.

Even though Ming Xi's hand was more than halfway healed and he would return to school soon, Feng Wu wanted to see him even sooner. She took the initiative to sign up because she really missed him. She would never have bothered with the event otherwise.

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