The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 521, 522

Chapter 521, 522

521: Feng TianXing Dies

Ming Xi and Tian Ya were also in a fierce battle. Ming Xi’s ability to fight was hampered by his still injured hand. Though Tian Ya was a rare sword genius not seen in centuries, because of his age, there was still a lot of room for him to improve.

They had been able to keep up with the blood prince when they first started, but as they continued to trade blows, the two boys began to lose ground.

“Jier, go help.” Feng Wu pulled at Jier’s hand.

“But what about you guys?” Jier was worried Yanran would pull a dirty trick.

“Don’t worry, I’m here.” Feng Wu sought to reassure him.

“OK, Uncle Feng, the rest of you, be careful.” Jier leapt into battle with Ming Xi and Tian Ya after giving his warning.

Jier had removed his divine seal prior to entering enemy territory because he had been worried removing it while inside would alert the Blood clan, so he entered the battle now armed with Blue Flame. Ming Xi and Tian Ya immediately felt less pressure once Jier joined in with the Summer seal, which was effective against the Blood clan.

Though Nicolas was besieged by three geniuses and wasn’t on the offensive as much as before, he was still holding his own against them; indeed, he was worthy of his title as one of the three princes.

The battle would no doubt be a protracted one.

Meanwhile on the other side, the battle between TianJiao and TianXing looked horrible; both women had injuries all over their bodies, but TianXing was in worse condition. She was a terrifying sight as she stood there bathed in blood.

Both were fighting relentlessly with their lives on the line and neither had any intentions on stopping until one of them was dead.

Fenghang and Juntian could only watch from the sides.

“His Highness should be fine. He should be fine.” Juntian anxiously muttered to himself.

“The Holy Envoy for Summer is here, so there shouldn’t be anything to worry about. Summer’s power can restrain evil things, so Jier’s Red Lotus fire should have strong incineration and purification powers. There shouldn’t be anything to worry about.”

Tianhang really was an experienced fighter; he could read the situation with just one glance.

“If only we could regain our strength, we wouldn’t have to stand here like waste and do nothing.” Juntian mumbled.

Recovering strength? Feng Wu tilted her head. She communicated with Pure Flame and after a while Pure Flame finally came up with a way to lend its power.

Tianhang and Juntian were surprised when Feng Wu grabbed their hands all of a sudden. Initially, they were afraid something was wrong with her, but gradually they felt their energy returning. Their powers came back and their bodies returned to normal. Father and son were shocked to say the least.

The Blood clan’s medicine being ineffective against Feng Wu could have been explained away by saying her physique was different, but how could it explain her ability to resolve it in other people?

Though intrigued, they weren’t going to spend time mulling over it. With their strengths fully restored, they rushed forward to help TianJiao and Ming Xi. josei

When TianJiao saw Juntian coming to help her with TianXing, she shouted she didn’t need help. She had to kill TianXing with her own two hands. What could Juntian do with such a fierce statement? He ran over and went to help with the fight against the blood prince instead.

Even if Nicolas was very strong, it was hard for him to fight all five of them at once. The injuries on his body began to multiply and his originally exquisite black attire was punctured with holes. Blood dripped from his lips.

Some of his higher powers were blocked because of his proximity to Ming Xi’s divine blood and Jier’s divine Summer seal. He couldn’t release his more powerful moves so he had to endure it.

TianJiao managed to finish her fight with TianXing first by stabbing her sister through the heart with her long sword.

TianXing looked at the sword hilt sticking out of her chest in pain. She didn’t even have time to say any final words before succumbing to her injury.

“Mom!” Yanran staggered over in horror and managed to throw herself over her dead mother. There was no life left in TianXing’s body so even if Yanran wanted to, there was no way she could heal her mother.

Nicolas roared out in pain when he realized his lover was dead.

“Father! They killed mother!” Yanran cried while hugging her mother’s body tight.

Aubre put his arms around her shoulders and silently tried to comfort her.

“Dare to kill my lover! I will kill you all!” Nicolas roared as he unleased a forbidden technique. He wanted to kill all of them to avenge his lover.

His blood shown so brightly that the aura projected above his body and extended all the way to the sky and tore apart Ming Xi’s barrier.

It would have been impossible for Ming Xi’s barrier to lock the castle down indefinitely. As time went by, it would have loss power and weakened, so it was inevitable Nicolas would be able to break it if he was ruthless with his strength.

With the barrier broken, the blood all around could feel the anger from their prince radiating from the castle. What happened to make His Highness so angry? It was unforgiveable that someone could have gone to the castle and offended their prince.

Long howling sounds rang across Blood Moon forest. The blood people who heard the sound immediately ran to the castle.

Ming Xi and the others, their expressions changed instantly. They knew the blood people would be rushing inside the castle soon.

“Run.” Ming Xi yelled softly as he backed away from the battle.

It wasn’t the time to fight. With so many of the enemy rushing over, they needed to leave as fast possible. If they didn’t get out now, it would be too late later.

Tianhang and Juntian withdrew. As they did so one reached for TianXing and the other reached for Feng Wu. But Ming Xi reached her first and grabbed her securely.

They rushed to the exit.

“Running away?!” Nicolas gave a shout and jumped up to go after them.

With hordes of blood people gathered outside and Nicolas chasing after them from behind, it was becoming impossible to escape. Jier used Red Lotus to burn a path for them. The others followed closely behind.

Tianhang supported TianJiao as he followed behind.

“Put me down. You won’t be able to escape if you take me with you.”

Having finally fulfilled her lifelong wish to kill the scourge that was her sister, TianJiao had no regrets and didn’t mind dying. It had been worth it. She could give her mother a proper account now that she had finally done what her mother begged her to do.

“What stupidity are you spouting. You are a daughter of Feng house. As the head of house and your brother, how the hell am I supposed to leave you behind?!” Tianhang refused to listen to TianXing and kept moving forward with her under his arm.

“I have too many wounds. I used a potion earlier and the bleeding stopped, but the stench of blood is thick on my skin and clothes. It will attract the blood to you, so put me down.”

“No, I already lost one younger sister; I’m not going to lose another. So stop thinking about it and just try to keep up.”

Tianhang was ashamed to face his sister now that he knew the truth. He and their father had not trusted TianJiao and she had had to fulfill their mother’s dying wish alone. On top of that, he and his father had taken steps to secretly suppress her whenever she went out to find TianXing.

Even if they had a second chance to do it all over again, the truth was, they would probably still think she was lying. The fact that a mother would want to kill her own daughter was simply too unbelievable.

If they had trusted TianJiao a little more, if they had been stricter with TianXing, perhaps not killing her but keeping her home, would their fates have changed?

No one had the answers and Tianhang could only look at his sister in shame and regret.

He was unwilling to leave TianJiao behind, but that left him with a big problem. The blood on her body was like a beacon attracting their enemies to attack them. Fortunately, the Red Lotus in Jier’s hand was powerful enough to kill the Blood clan members who caught up to them.

The sight had a sobering effect on the ones chasing the group. None of them wanted to die a horrible, fiery death so they were leery of approaching recklessly.

Nicolas, after finally catching up, swooped down from the sky and looked at the humans in front of him with hatred in his eyes. Even though TianXing was human, he had truly loved her.

“None of you will leave alive today. Stay and become my daughter’s food!”

Without the barrier’s restriction, Nicolas was free to release his full powers.

Ming Xi and the others were caught in a bitter battle. Now they had to deal with Nicolas on top the the blood people already chasing after them. It was chaos.

Feng Wu pulled Xiao Chun from her dantian. It was the first time she had pulled him out since he had gone into seclusion to level up. Once he awoke, he would be more powerful than ever, but right now he was still asleep so his spirit was not in the blade and the sword wasn’t that strong. But even though the current sword body couldn’t kill the blood people, it could push them back.

With Xiao Chun in the picture, it was less stressful for everyone else. The two divine weapons, Feng Wu’s sword and Jier’s staff, were incredibly powerful and managed to inflict a lot of damage on their enemies.

Nicolas was not as affected by the weapons and was harder to handle. Although he was pushed back a little, because of his speed, which was his greatest advantage, Ming Xi and the others couldn’t do much damage to him.

522: Finally Escaping

Nicolas was powerful and incredibly fast. He managed to injure Tianhang, TianJiao, and Juntian. Feng Wu, because of Xiao Chun’s protection, only suffered minor injuries.

No one noticed Rui Baby had returned to Feng Wu’s hair and was now expelling words very quickly like he was chanting a mantra. Once he finished the last line, the group disappeared right in front of all the blood clan people. The little guy had activated a teleportation scroll prepared by Ming Xi and the others. Once activated, everyone that was marked for it instantly teleported to the designated position.

The scroll took a long time to activate, but they didn’t have time to get a better one so they made do with it.

It had taken Rui Baby some time to mark everyone in the group; then it took him another 15 minutes to recite the spell to activate the scroll. It only worked because he was so small and no one noticed him doing it. Who else could have used this time-consuming and tedious teleportation scroll which had no advantage other than long-distance group teleportation?

If someone was actually in a bind and tried to activate it, they would have been screwed.

Nicolas roared at their disappearance but it was no use. It didn’t matter how many people he sent to search for them; no one could find the group.

In the human camp, not far from the forest, a group of people were helping Ming Xi’s group into the house that used to house the forest patrol. Those injured would be treated and those not in need of medical attention were brought in and debriefed.

Everyone was in an uproar when the revelation about TianXing colluding with the Blood clan came out. It was too incredible that a dignified daughter of Feng house would become a spy.

She had a high background already; what else did she want?!

Rumors went around later that Yanran was her daughter and a product of the union between her and a blood prince. The school erupted with news of a human giving birth to a blood descendent!

On top of that, the child was from a noble family! It was a huge disgrace!

Even though, TianJiao had acted as a daughter of Feng house and killed TianXing, it couldn’t really erase the disgrace that fell on the family name. Rumors quickly spread amongst the major houses about how the daughters of Feng house were no longer marriageable.

Only those in high ranking positions knew about TianXing’s plan to have Yanran drink the entire Feng family bloodline; the rumors circulating in the general population were not as detailed.

Xi and many of those who genuinely cared about Feng Wu went to see her once they learned she was back. They left feeling relieved after seeing that she was OK.

Feng Wu went to find Ming Xi after resting for a day. She knew his hand was injured again, and this time it was worse than before. Because he came to save her, it would take several months to heal properly.

Her eyes were red as she hugged his injured hand.

Ming Xi patted her head and tried to reassure her. “Don’t cry. It’ll be fine. The injury is worse but it will heal in time.”

“I don’t cry. I never cry,” said a serious Feng Wu as she looked at him. Though her eyes were brimming with tears, they did not overflow and spill out. She looked like a little rabbit being bullied.

“Yes, you are right. I was wrong. Xiao Wu never cries.” Ming Xi continued to pat her head gently.

She snuggled into his arms and the two of them sat comfortably quiet together like that for a while.

“We will launch a final counterattack against the Blood clan in two days. When we do, we will trap all of them in Blood Moon forest and seal them away again. After the seal is closed, I will return to the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom and heal. My recovery time will be longer.

Take care of yourself while I’m not around. Don't go into dangerous places. And if someone bullies you, don’t just take it. I will protect you. No matter the person's identity, I will protect you.”

“Stay in touch like before.” Feng Wu said.

Feng Wu had heard her father talking about it before, so she wasn’t surprised. She was just sad and reluctant she wouldn’t see Ming Xi for a while.

“Yes, the same as before. We can even talk everyday if you want.” He placed a soft kiss on her head.

It was like a breeze flowing through her that made her tingle all over.

Ming Xi backed away but was surprised to find Feng Wu had already moved her mouth up to find his.

Feng Wu had never kissed anyone before; she had only ever seen others do it. Someone told her it was a common thing for lovers to do. Though she didn’t understand why you had to eat each other’s mouths to be lovers, since she and Ming Xi were lovers now, she and Ming Xi should definitely eat each other’s mouths. Oh no, Jier said it wasn’t called eating – it was called kissing.

Ming Xi held her tighter, and with a smile in his eyes, he moved his lips away from her.

“Hey, now, this is not kissing.”

“How then?” Did she need to bite more? Feng Wu looked stupidly at Ming Xi.

“Follow my lead,” Ming Xi whispered, then proceeded to take the lead. His was a gentle kiss, like caring for something precious.

A numbness spread from Feng Wu’s mouth, through her body and straight into her heart.

The two of them hugged and kissed for ten minutes. It took a while for Ming Xi to let Feng Wu go.

“You can’t let others do this kind of thing to you in the future; do you understand?” Ming Xi was worried about someone taking advantage of his naïve girlfriend.

“Jier told me only people who want to kiss should kiss. We are lovers, so I will only let Ming Xi kiss me.” Feng Wu looked at Ming Xi and enunciated each word seriously.

“OK, and I will only kiss Xiao Wu. I will never kiss another woman again.” Ming Xi also made a promise.

Couples getting along with each other always feel that time passes too quickly.

Of course two days passed quickly for Feng Wu and Ming Xi. The vice principal led a successful counterattack and the enchantment was restored after the blood clan was sealed away.

The catastrophe was successfully averted.

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