The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 527, 528

Chapter 527, 528

527: The Serial Molester

Hua Jin sobbed and sobbed as she told the Moon empress what she heard about Ming Xi in the hopes that the empress would act on her behalf.

“Auntie, you must help me. I’ve liked Ming Xi since I was little. I can’t live without him! Please Auntie, I beg you, help me!” Hua Jin cried so brokenheartedly that it even distressed the empress a little.

“Hua Jin, it’s not that Auntie doesn’t want to help you, but this matter of emotions is not something that can be forced. You’re not in Ming Xi’s heart; what can Auntie do?”

The empress sighed deeply as she wiped the tears from Hua Jin’s cheeks.

“But Auntie is Ming Xi’s mother, can’t you force an engagement?” Hua Jin had never asked the empress to force an engagement on Ming Xi before, but she was running out of time. If she waited any longer, any glimmer of hope would disappear.

“This. . .  Hua Jin, Auntie can not interfere.” The empress said reluctantly.

“Why?! Auntie, don’t you love me? Why would you not help me?” Hua Jin cried out in despair.

“It’s not that Auntie doesn’t love you, it’s just that regarding this matter, Auntie really can not interfere. The crown princes of kingdom have always had the freedom to choose who they wish to marry. I can not force an arranged marriage on Ming Xi if he does not wish to recognize it.”

“How can this be? How can this be?” Hua Jin cried wretchedly.

The empress tried to comfort her but she doubted her efforts had much effect on the poor girl.

Feng Wu had no idea about what was going on in the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom. She was playing with Little Bun in her room while Madam Lan took the little flower and put it on display in the garden in the front yard.

Guests arrived not long after. Madam Qui and her two daughters, RuoBing and RuoShui visited and after them were several ladies with their children. All came to see the Flower King.

In years past, the Flower King would have been sold at an outrageously high price, and some big family would always shell out the money to get it, but this year the Flower King belonged to the Feng family, who obviously didn’t need the money, so talk of selling it never even surfaced.

But even if no one could buy this year’s Flower King, people could still come by and enjoy it. More and more young ladies and young masters visited. They were all there to see the Flower King, a few were even curious about Feng house’s young miss.

Feng Wu came out and showed her face, but she didn’t like these kinds of occasions so she returned to her room after a brief appearance.

The Flower King was placed in the best position in the front yard in the center of hundreds of flowers in full bloom. A small defensive array was set up around it to protect it from accidents.

The yard filled with people admiring the Flower King. Feng Wu wasn’t interested so she followed her brother to watch the trial of the villain from the festival with her brother.

It was the first time Feng Wu had ever seen the molester; her eyes widened in surprise.

She knew him! But what an odd way to reunite.

“Xiao Wu! Little Sister Xiao Wu, please help me! I’ve been wrongly accused! Unjustly!” Noel cried in excitement at the sight of someone he knew.

“Are you the molester?” Feng Wu understood the meaning of the word from Juntian. Molesters were villains who were obsessed with getting female attention despite being unattractive to the female population. They often did unwanted things to pester women.

Ming Xi didn’t know how Juntian explained it to her, but he was glad she had understood.

“Of course not!” Noel shook his head frantically.

“Little Sister Xiao Wu, listen to me, I’m really not the molester. I heard about the Flower festival a few days ago, that there would be lots of beauties, so I came to see. When I got here, I found a place to stay. I don’t know what happened, but I’m pretty sure I was drugged. I fell asleep and woke up in bed with some woman.

The woman was taking off her clothes while kissing me. I tried to push her off but it didn’t work. So I was going to fight her, but that’s when this buddy over here came in an arrested me, claiming I was the molester they were looking for.”

Noel told Feng Wu all about his plight. His eyes were full of accusation as he glared to Juntian.

Goosebumps rose up all over Juntian’s body. Gross, how could anyone look at someone like that?

“This is my brother.” Feng Wu explained.

“Your brother!” Noel was shocked.

What sort of coincidence was this? The guy who arrested him was Feng Wu’s brother!

“Do you speak the truth?” Juntian asked.

Noel nodded wildly. His words were truer than truth.

“I will help you investigate this matter. You will remain here in the mean time. If you truly have nothing to do with the molester, then I will have you released.”

Juntian was willing to investigate since Feng Wu knew the person.

Juntian began asking Feng Wu about Noel as soon as they left the holding area. The most important thing being how the two knew each other.

Of course Feng Wu told the truth. Juntian’s expression became unhappier and unhappier the more he heard.

He had promised he would find out the truth so he would sincerely try his best. After seven days of thorough investigation, he finally had enough evidence to show it wasn’t connected to Noel.

Three days after that, who knows what method Juntian used, but the matter of the true culprit was finally resolved. Noel was not the molester, but was the person the molester hated the most!

Noel didn’t recognize the molester at all. He had no clue why the guy hated him so much or why the molester would go to such an extent just to frame him.

“I say buddy, who are you?! What kind of grudge do you have against me that you hate me so much?” Noel really couldn’t identify the guy. He was pretty sure they were strangers.

“Noel, still pretending to not know me? I’m Xiao A’s ex-boyfriend. She broke up with me after meeting you. She said she and I didn’t have anything in common.

So I bought her magic potions, but she said she didn’t care for them. So then I bought her jewelry, but she said she didn’t care for them. She said we had nothing in common and didn’t share deep feelings!”

“You’re Xiao A’s ex?! If you wanted revenge, why didn’t you go after her? I didn’t know she had a boyfriend. How am I in the wrong in all this?!”

528: A Carefree Feng Wu is a Headache for Ming Xi

“You damn bastard! You stole my girlfriend. I hope you die squealing! I hope the rest of your life is shit and you never get it up again!” The guy cursed Noel so much.

“You ran off and committed a bunch of crimes just because he stole your girlfriend?” Juntian couldn’t wrap his head around it.

“Hmph!” the guy snorted.

“You ruined so many girls in my country just to get back at him? You’re really sick. Just wait for your sentence.” Juntian left with Feng Wu after speaking.

Noel kicked the guy before turning around and chasing after Feng Wu and her brother.

Since Noel was Feng Wu’s senior, Juntian arranged a room for Noel at their house.

Noel settled in smoothly. He flirted with girls so much it was only natural he’d be good with handling the opposite gender. Who knows how he did it, but he and Madam Lan became bosom buddies despite the difference in their age. They watched plays and discussed romance stories together, dissecting the paragraphs line by line.

If it weren’t for the age thing, you’d think they were dating.

Father Feng had some opinions this and he tried to drive Noel away several times but never succeeded. In the end, even though he was angry, he had no choice but to stand aside and let them do what they liked to do.

Eventually though, Noel’s presence in the house ended being good for Father Feng. He and Madam Lan ended having a second love time spring.

The evening Feng Wu returned home, she told Ming Xi all about Noel. Ming Xi remembered Noel was an infamous playboy at school. Ming Xi wondered about the Flower King, of all the flirts to attract, it attracted such a rotten one.

He couldn’t do anything but smile wryly. It wasn’t like he was going to stop Feng Wu from talking to Noel. Even if Ming Xi didn’t want to admit it, Noel was a good person despite his flirtatious attitude with the ladies.

“Xiao Meng, I adore you. Your face is as charming and delicate as a flower; your eyes shine like the morning stars; your skin is flawless as jade. Your beauty takes my breath away. Every time I see you, I’m afraid; it’s like I hear fireworks sounding in my ears. You’re so intoxicating!”

Noel was holding a girl’s hand as he affectionately sweet talked her.

The girl lowered her head shyly. She was blushing so hard it looked like her whole face was about to smoke.

“Xiao Meng, come here! Who is that faker next to you?! Why are you together like that?” A big, beefy man with a group of equally sturdy brothers headed over to the pair.

Noel and his latest conquest were quickly encircled.

“Shunshun, please let me go. We don’t have a relationship anymore. I love brother Noel now!” The girl glared at the man before shyly speaking those words.

“And this is. . . ?” Just his luck. Noel found a girl who was already spoken for. His luck this year was so bad.

He was still psychologically scarred from last time with Xiao A’s ex and did not dare hook up with women casually. He’d observed this girl for several days and made sure she wasn’t romantically involved with another person before approaching her. He never expected the alluring boat he found was already tethered to a moor.

“Brother Noel, please don’t misunderstand. I’ve already broken up with him. I’m not in a relationship with him anymore!” Fearing Noel would misunderstand, the girl rushed to explain.

“What do you mean, we’re not in a relationship? Why didn’t you say that when I was buying you all that jewelry, and medicine and clothes, huh?! You cheap slut! You tell me this as soon as I come back from a mission, that you have no feelings for me anymore?!”

Why did those words sound so familiar? Noel felt like he was having a flashback.

“Shunshun, when I say I don’t have any feelings for you, I mean I don’t have any feelings for you. There’s nothing more to say!” Xiao Meng shouted out; her face completely cold.

Couples on dates nearby were watching the drama with interest.

Juntian, who had brought Feng Wu to the beach to see crabs, happened to see what was going on as well. He had no intentions on interfering and intended to only watch the fun from the side with his dear sister.

Noel had made a lot of trouble at home so it would be good if someone could teach him a lesson.

“Brother, what did that kid do? Why are so many people surrounding him?” A passerby asked the guy next to him.

“I heard the kid stole some guy’s girlfriend. That’s the ex there that showed up.”

“Wow, that kid is something else. How many times does this make this?”

“What do you mean? Does that kid get approached by a lot of exes?”

“I saw him a lot on the beach and each time it was with a different girl. He’d go in for kisses straight on the mouth. Just last week I saw him on dates with five different women! That girl there is the fifth one.”

Wow! Hot news indeed.

“Fuck! That kid has a girl for so many days out of the week? Can he handle that many girls at once?”

“Haha, well at least he gives it a rest two days out of the week right?”

“I reckon he must take all kinds of supplements to replenish his body on his days off; otherwise how could his body bear it?”

“True, that make sense. My family sells all kinds of aphrodisiac medicines. I should try and approach him. Maybe I’ll get a regular customer!” josei

“Your house sells aphrodisiac medicine? Tell me what kind you have. If you have any good ones, I’ll buy some from you.”

“Sure! Tell me what kind you’re looking for.”

The conversation between the two guys spiraled into something else entirely.

Juntian took Feng Wu’s hand and passed them by. Let that beast be beaten to a pulp. He was not going to stop it.

Feng Wu and Juntian happily caught crabs then grilled them to eat while poor Noel was beaten black and blue. Even his own mother would have had a hard time recognizing him.

After catching and eating crabs all afternoon, Feng Wu went home with her brother happy.

While Feng Wu was having a good time, Ming Xi was having a horrible time. In fact, he was enduring some trouble.

Two days ago, remnants of the Blood clan still in the human world had attacked the Moon empress in an assassination attempt. It failed because Hua Jin took the hit meant for the empress and as a result suffered serious injuries.

The Moon emperor asked her what she wanted as a reward for saving the empress’s life.

Unexpectedly, Hua Jin came straight out and said she wanted to marry Ming Xi. It was impossible though because Ming Xi flatly refused, firmly stating it was impossible for him to marry her.

Hua Jin’s family were dissatisfied with his answer because they felt it was an opportunity for them to advance. They came every few days and helped Hua Jin harass Ming Xi. They refused to stop unless Ming Xi accepted Hua Jin.

Well basically it was chaos in the Ancient Silver Moon palace.

“Ming Xi!” The empress called out to her son.

“Mother Empress.” Ming Xi greeted her respectfully and politely.

“Ming Xi, can’t you try to accept Hua Jin? She’s a good girl; the two of you will be happy together.” The empress tried to convince her son.

Ming Xi flatly said, “My marriage is not a tool for repaying gratitude.”

“Don’t you like Hua Jin at all? That child grew up along side you. You really won’t give her a chance?!”

The gentle smile on Ming Xi’s face disappeared as he replied with four words, “I don’t like her.”

“OK, you don’t like her, but she saved Mother Empress. Why can’t you accept her for Mother Empress’s sake?” A pleading tone entered her voice. She knew how much Hua Jin loved Ming Xi and the child got such a serious injury protecting her. She would try her best to fulfill the wish.

“No Mother Empress, I have already said, my marriage is not to be used to repay gratitude.” He turned and left, not caring what she said.

Ming Xi was called to his father’s study sometime after that.

“Father, if you called to persuade me to take Hua Jin as my wife, then you don’t need to say anything more.” Ming Xi preemptively cut off the conversation.

“You dislike Hua Jin that much?” The Moon emperor smiled gently.

Ming Xi silently looked down at the floor.

“Forget it. When has Father Emperor ever forced you to do something you didn’t want to do? This matter of marriage has always been decided by each Moon emperor himself. Didn’t Father Emperor choose Mother Empress ourselves?”

No matter who you choose to be the Moon empress, as long as it is someone you like, Father Emperor will always support you.” The Moon emperor said lovingly.

“Many thanks to Father Emperor for your grace.”

“The four great emperors bear the heavy responsibility of protecting the human world. We have no freedom as long as we sit on our throne. Marriage is the only chance any of us gets to choose freely. We can’t avoid our responsibility to the world, but we can choose the empress of our liking. If that freedom is lost, then what is the point of sitting in such a position?

Don’t blame your mother. It is just that your mother’s family has certain ideas. If your mother comes to persuade you to marry Hua Jin, just pretend you do not hear. The other issues, Father Emperor will resolve for you,” said the Moon emperor.

Ming Xi was moved by his father’s words. A warmth flowed between them. “Father Emperor. . . ”

Hua Jin’s family came to make trouble several times but were severely punished by the good-natured Moon emperor. They didn’t dare provoke farther so they had to let Hua Jin’s mother, the Moon empress’s sister, pester the Moon empress.”

The Moon empress was bothered every day to the point her life was miserable.

She wanted to talk to her son, but her son kept ignoring her. She wanted to talk to her husband about the marriage offer, but her husband pretended not to hear. What had she done wrong?! Why were both father and son ignoring her?!

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