The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 533, 534

Chapter 533, 534

533: Wait for Me

That night, Ming Xi was horrified and worried when Feng Wu told him about her day. He told her to wait for him before promptly turning off his communication crystal.

Feng Wu well asleep happy thinking about Ming Xi coming to her. She didn’t feel like she was being watched by a death god at all.

The night passed slowly and neither the Feng family nor the two Qui family members dared sleep.

The most powerful members of the Qui family were in seclusion, and wouldn’t come out unless an event jeopardized the very foundation of the Qui family. This thing with Shui was unlikely to move them. The best thing they could do was stay with the Feng family. At least here there was Mr. Feng and Old Master Feng, who were both powerful sword masters. Between the two of them, any danger that appeared would be dealt with.

The Feng family didn’t care at all what the Qui members were thinking. They just made it be known that they were not responsible should anything happen to Shui while on their estate.

Madam Qui was displeased at the gesture. She had originally planned on finding her husband and demanding explanations if something happened to Shui, but unexpectedly the Feng family preemptively countered. Since it was for her daughter, she had to swallow and take it. josei

Another person who couldn’t sleep was Ming Xi. He didn’t waste any time. After ending his call with Feng Wu, he immediately found his parents and informed them he was leaving and would return to the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom as soon as possible.

“Where could you possible want to go?! Your hand is still grievously injured. It’s going to take a few more months to heal completely!” The Moon empress thought her son was still angry with her. Her heart was both bitter and anxious with worry for her son’s physical health.

“Your mother is right. Your health is not optimal yet. If there is something important you need done, have someone else do it for you.” The Moon emperor also disagreed with Ming Xi’s decision to leave. Ming Xi’s arm was still injured from the last time he went out. It took a lot of priests and magicians to save it. After such a relapse, his son still dared go out again?

“Father Emperor, Mother Empress, there is something vitally important I must do. Time is of the essence and I can not spend any of it explaining. This son will explain when he returns.”

Amidst the yelling from the empress and emperor, Tian Ya activated the teleportation array and set it to the ancient eastern countries.

The emperor and empress couldn’t stop him and could only stare as Ming Xi disappeared. Afterwards, the emperor asked someone to investigate where Ming Xi went. The guards guarding the array were finally able to ascertain it was to the ancient eastern countries. As to what Ming Xi went to do, that, they couldn’t figure out.

Feng Wu was playing with Little Bun in her room and was completely ignorant of what happened outside. Rui Baby had been staying with Little Bun in the room all day. The two cute creatures, one big and one small, had a great time playing.

Rui Baby’s entire body felt terrible once he learned how Feng Wu fell into someone’s malicious machinations. The nerve! To target his master!

Rui Baby immediately used his natural ability to calculate the future. He was only relieved once he saw there were no surprises in store for Feng Wu.

There was the death god, but as a god of the underworld, it rarely came to the living world. It was still a god though and its powers were undeniable, even with just an essence in the mortal realm. Aside from the heads of Star Marshall hall and Xingguang Holy academy, who else could resist it?

Maybe one of the four great emperors could as well. Though the emperors weren’t gods in the truest sense of the word, they did carry the bloodline from the god prince, which was more noble than most other gods. If the four great emperors undertook the task, it wasn’t impossible to accomplish.

However, whether it was the four great emperors, leader of Star Marshall hall or principal of Xingguang Holy academy, none of them were people just anyone could invite.

If Ming Xi wasn’t injured, Rui Baby would have been inclined to have Ming Xi come over and try. But even then, Ming Xi had not officially inherited the title of emperor yet, so his abilities couldn’t compare with the other emperors.

Who else could help other than these people? Rui Baby rubbed his chin and thought and thought until he saw Little Bun rubbing his eyes on the bed. Aha! Rui Baby’s eyes lit up.

Wasn’t a good candidate right here in this room?! Who could be stronger than this little guy? Little Bun was still young and only at a millionth of his strength in his heyday, but he was definitely capable of dealing with the god of death.

Rui Baby flew over to Little Bun with a wily smile and began a whispered conversation. The two chatted for quite a while and with a serious face, Little Bun finally nodded his head. What kind of agreement did these cuties reach?

Feng Wu wasn’t aware what the two were doing at all. She was sitting by the window and looking outside as she waited for Ming Xi’s arrival.

Ming Xi was quick but it still took him two hours to reach Feng Wu’s house. It was the middle of the night and all the servants were asleep and the doors locked. Ming Xi didn’t want to disturb them so he decided to sneak in.

He had no idea special defensive arrays were active all around the estate because of the god of death. Even though the formation arrays would not be able to stop the god of death, it still gave people peace of mind. The moment Ming Xi entered, the arrays activated.

In just a few seconds, two powerful auras locked onto Ming Xi and one attack successively followed another.

Ming Xi knew that among the people who came, two were Old Master Feng and Master Feng, the two strongest people of Feng house!

Why did they move in so fast?!

Ming Xi was taken by surprise but managed to dodge all their attacks.

Tian Ya rushed over to protect Ming Xi’s back. He didn’t want Ming Xi to make any moves that would further aggravate his hand.

“Old Master Feng, Master Feng. I am sorry to disturb your rest so late at night.” Ming Xi had Tian Ya retreat.

He knew who they were, but they had not recognized him. If they had, they would never have attacked.

Ming Xi’s guess was right. The two gentlemen had not recognized Ming Xi. Never in their wildest dreams could they have ever imagined the future emperor of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom would sneak onto their estate instead of going through the main entrance. . . 

534: Thunder and Lightning

“Prince Ming Xi!” Under the faint moonlight, Grandfather Feng and Father Feng finally recognized Ming Xi.

Wasn’t this person Prince Ming Xi? The same person he’d met last time? The two Feng men were astonished but they weren’t ordinary people so they quickly adjusted their attitudes and bowed respectfully to Ming Xi.

“We did not know Your Royal Highness was coming. Our Feng family has failed to welcome you properly.”

“It was I who arrived unannounced. Feng house is not remiss.” Ming Xi said.

Ming Xi was hesitant to explain his purpose for visiting even though the two Feng men were clearly curious.

Tian Ya stood quietly to the side pretending to be a part of the wall. As long the Feng household weren’t endangering Ming Xi, what they talked about was none of his business.

As the men were talking in the back, a mysterious figure appeared in Feng Wu’s room. It was a shadow, a rough outline, wearing a cloak that covered its entire frame and was carrying a scythe as tall as a person. No one noticed it at all.

When it looked up, all you could see was black mist. There wasn’t even a person.

Needless to say, the shadow was the divine essence of the god of death. It wasn’t there to kill Feng Wu but to kill Shui.

Shui had moved from her room and run to Feng Wu’s room earlier when she heard the noise outside. She didn’t say anything and refused to go outside. Feng Wu ignored her and kept playing with Little Bun on the bed.

The god of death loomed in the room only for a short time before disappearing as if it had never been there at all.

Shortly after its departure, the skies turned dark and filled with clouds. Rain came pounding down accompanied by lightning and thunder.

Shui’s face turned pale from fright because she remembered the story she told in the cave. The protagonist died from a lightning strike! This thing had to be the god of death here to take her away!

“It’s here! Death is here to take me away! I don’t want to die! Save me! Save me, Feng Wu! Big brother, where are you?!”

Shui was frightened beyond belief. She leapt onto Feng Wu’s bend, yanked the quilt over her head and hid inside as she cried.

Shui had always been an arrogant girl and never one for tears, but right now she was too distraught. Everything scared her and thinking about how everyone else had died scared her even more.

She thought about the harm Ning Bi had wrought and how she had sold her childhood friends out for a man.

Feng Wu had been Shui’s most hated person and number one on her blacklist, but now with what Ning Bi had done, her ranking list completely changed. Ning Bi shoved Feng Wu out and shot straight to the number one spot.

Shui was an extreme person. Those she loved, she wanted to live, those she hated she wanted to die. This kind of black and white meant that when she hated someone, there was no going back. And right now, she hated Ning Bi to death.

Earlier, back on the mountain, she had her doubts about Ning Bi’s role in the deaths. The entire thing was a puzzle and she couldn’t believe Ning Bi would do such a thing, however, the various investigations since then showed it was irrefutably Ning Bi. Ning Bi had sold her friends out without hesitation..

Someone had seen Ning Bi on Qui mountain hanging around inside the cave for a long time two days before they took their trip up. Ning Bi was spotted in the cemetery around the same time her fiancé’s body went missing. His family searched and searched but failed to find his body. The matter caused a lot trouble for the area.

Shui couldn’t make excuses for her friend once she added everything together. It proved Ning Bi premediated the whole thing, and knowing this, Shui couldn’t tamp down the hatred that rose in her heart. She had been sincere with Ning Bi and had treated her as a cherished friend. The amount she loved Ning Bi before flipped and became hate.

Shui hid in the corner, crying, and cursing her former friend for entrapping her like this.

Feng Wu hugged Little Bun and scooted to the other side of the bed. She stared at Shui curiously wondering why Shui was so agitated.

It kept raining and the lightning didn’t seem to want to stop any time soon. The sky lit up like the middle of the day.

It was a very interesting scene. The bolts of lightning were all concentrated over the Feng estate. Such a phenomenon attracted a lot attention and many people wondered what the Feng people were doing to draw so many lightning bolts. Could they have acquired some kind of treasure?

Whatever it was couldn’t be ordinary.

While onlookers were curious and making guesses about what was going on, those inside the Feng estate were busy facing a big threat.

Grandfather Feng and Father Feng rushed to Feng Wu’s courtyard when the rain suddenly began. Neither bothered to say anything to Ming Xi when they rushed off. Neither cared whether Ming Xi followed them or not; Feng Wu’s safety was the most important thing right then.

Ming Xi, fearing the worst raced after them. Madam Lan and Bai also rushed to Feng Wu’s courtyard. Once they passed through Feng Wu’s courtyard and entered Feng Wu’s room, they were relieved to find Shui huddled under a quilt on Feng Wu’s bed. Both knew the story Shui told in the cave, so the lightning bolts were no doubt aimed at her.

She should be able to avoid the lightning as long as she stayed inside.

Escaping the power of the god of death wasn’t so simple however. Shui lost control of her body and suddenly tried to run out of the room. Madam Qui and Bai weren’t going to let her go, obviously. They immediately moved to intercept, but for whatever strange reason, Shui suddenly possessed supernatural strength. She shoved her brother and her mother aside with a push.

Uncaring of their own injuries, Madam Qui and Bai chased after her as she rushed to the yard.

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