The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 559-560

Chapter 559-560: You're Penmanship is Not Good; Was This Mad People Disease?

559: You’re Penmanship is Not Good

Zi Cheng even dabbled in jewelry design. She was in fact wealthier than most of the minor nobles at school; it was just that only a few of Zi Cheng’s confidants knew she owned so many businesses. One of the clothing stores she opened in the capital was called Value Clothing Rack, a well-appointed and tastefully decorated shop with uniformed assistants who smiled pleasantly as they helped customers shop. It was a welcoming and bustling atmosphere and there were many customers browsing inside. This was where Feng Wu and the girls were shopping.

As soon as Annika entered, she ran to the clothing section. Xi, though she didn’t care about clothes, was still worried about her skin, so she made a beeline for the skin care section.. Then she went next door to get some sunscreen items as well. Sword masters practiced in the outdoors every day, so their skin tended to be a healthier wheat color. Few female sword masters had truly fair skin.

Feng Wu’s lily-white skin was a rarity in the Sword division at school. She couldn’t tan no matter how much sun exposure she got.

If you were the type who didn’t want to get dark, then skin maintenance that included sunscreen was vital. The sunscreen products in Zi Cheng’s store were smash success the moment they went on the shelves because they were so good at protecting skin from sun damage.

Don’t think the sunscreen products she sold were similar to the sunscreen found on earth. These were an advanced formula Zi Cheng purchased from the system with her favorability points. The sunscreen products were amazing and extremely popular.

There was no market for expensive skin care products that didn’t have immediate effects. It was a world of magic after all. People wouldn’t bother buying an item that didn’t provide instant gratification.

In short, because of her cheat system, Zi Cheng got along like a fish in water and was making lots of money on the continent.

Feng Wu, suddenly left alone, stood stock still for a minute before she decisively turned around and went straight for the stall selling stinky tofu.

Stinky tofu was another item introduced by Zi Cheng. It sold very well so the lines were always long. Feng Wu waited for twenty minutes before she was able to buy an order of stinky tofu. She sat opposite Value Rack and ate her stinky tofu with relish.

Feng Wu was thinking about whether or not to buy a big meat bun as she ate the last piece. Before she could make up her mind, someone interrupted her.

The one that interrupted her wasn’t a bully or a handsome guy trying to strike up a conversation, but a pipsqueak who was only as tall as her thigh.

“Sister, there’s a brother who asked me to send this to you.” The little guy spoke in a childish lilt as he pulled out an envelope.

He turned around and trotted away ffter Feng Wu took it.

Feng Wu opened the envelope suspiciously. Inside was a letter written on plain paper, signed by Ink saying he wanted to meet her outside the city. There was something important he wanted to tell her.

Feng Wu. . .  decisively pulled out her communication crystal and called up Ink.

Ink had just finished his daily training and was returning to his dorm to shower and eat when he received Feng Wu’s call.

“Xiao Wu, what’s the matter?” Ink asked weakly. He was so tired he could barely lift his legs to climb the stairs.

He was doing extra training every day to improve his strength. The training regiment he did today was one his teacher prepared for him.

Ink wondered if his teacher was deliberately messing with him, but he had no evidence.

“You’re looking for me?” Feng Wu asked.

“No.” Why would he want to find her? Didn’t they just see each other in morning class? Ink blinked in bewilderment, wondering why she asked such a weird question.

“You wrote this?” With a blank expression on her face, Feng Wu held up the folded letter so Ink could see it.

“What? What is that? Open it up and let me take a closer look!” Ink’s expression changed as he realized something was wrong. Was someone trying to use his name to trick Feng Wu?!

Feng Wu opened the letter obediently so he could see the writing inside.

After reading the letter, Ink suddenly had a bad taste in his mouth. Some asshole really was trying to use his name to lie to Feng Wu!

“That was not written by me. Xiao Wu, in the future, if there is a letter from me asking to see you in private, don’t believe it willy nilly. Contact me directly through the communication crystal. How can I write a letter like that? The penmanship is so ugly. It’s not my writing.” This was unforgiveable. Whoever it was that was using his name, if he ever discovered their identity, he was going to beat them to a pulp! Ink was so angry!

No matter how bloody the thoughts in his heart were, he was quick to advise Feng Wu, afraid she would ignorantly be deceived by those unknown vicious liars.

“I know you didn’t write it,” said Feng Wu.

“What?! How?!” Did Feng Wu get smarter without him knowing? She could even tell when a letter was written by him or not? Incredible.

“You’re handwriting isn’t as good.” Feng Wu spoke seriously and nodded her head.

Ink instantly received 10,000 points of damage. Was his writing that bad? In Feng Wu’s mind, his words were no better than a fraudster with vicious intentions?

“Since you already know, then why did you contact me?” Ink asked helplessly as he swallowed a mouthful of bitterness.

“I wanted to make sure.”

Ink: . . . 

Half and hour later, Annika and Xi finally finished shopping and came out of the building with their purchases stored away in their space rings. Feng Wu wasn’t interested and didn’t ask them to take their things out to show.

After meeting up, the girls went to a restaurant to eat. They requested a private booth and ordered a table full of food. The service was fast and the food came out shortly after they placed their order.

Annika only took a few bites before her head spun. There was something wrong with the food! Annika wanted to open her mouth and warn the other girls, but Xi’s head had already dropped onto the table. Annika followed immediately after.

560: Was This Mad People Disease?

Movement sounded from outside the door and two tall men walked in.

“Why is she still awake?!” Uttered one of the men who was shocked to see Feng Wu still conscious. Not only that, but she was eating and drinking very naturally like nothing was wrong.

Since you’re unaffected, why didn’t you run away? Go and ask for help? Instead, you’re sitting there and eating like everything is normal.

The men were flabbergasted.

Feng Wu swallowed a mouthful of food calmly. She didn’t display any kind of reaction at the two men who just entered the private booth. She only looked at them after she was done with her bite.

“This booth is occupied.” Feng Wu said seriously.

Girl, your reaction is all wrong! Ah bah humbug! What they thinking? They weren’t there to chat. They were there to do bad things.

“Boss, what should we do now?” One guy turned around to look at the other, apparently the one in charge.

“Idiot, do I have to teach you this? Just knock her out and kidnap her!” The one called the boss said bitterly, hating his subordinate for not living up to expectations.

The other man responded by nodding and taking out a big knife. He stepped forward to make his move.

“Put it away. You’ll have to pay compensation if you break anything in here. Do you have money to pay?” The boss said angrily.

The knife guy put his knife away with a smirk. Of course he couldn’t pay. The furniture was too expensive; besides, it wasn’t like he had money to lose. He would use his giant fists then.

The little girl was cute, but he was being paid to mess her up and he couldn’t afford to have pity. He was just about to punch Feng Wu and take her away when his boss grabbed his arm and signaled him to stop for a minute.

The fist guy obediently and stood aside. He looked at Feng Wu up and down but didn’t say anything.

Feng Wu: What were they here for?

Annika and Xi’s habit of falling asleep while eating was curious. . . 

“Little girl, follow us and we won’t make things difficult for your friends. If you refuse, don’t blame us for taking all three of you together.” The boss sneered, trying to persuade Feng Wu to take the initiative and leave with them peacefully.

The two men were members of a ten-man mercenary group that specialized in stealing and cheating. It was a small group but each member was strong and each person had a dirty background. The two men, who had been brothers since they were kids living in the city, were never shy about committing crimes.

Their mission was to kidnap Feng Wu. Abducting a little girl, it wasn’t a difficult task so they were the only two to take the job.

Originally, when they learned about the girl’s circle of friends from the client, they had wanted to lure her out of the city by pretending to be one of her friends, and then ambush her at the right moment.

But the girl fouled their plans by not following the script. Instead of following the letter, she directly contacted her friend and exposed their deception.

They had to find another way. Out of desperation, they bribed a waiter in the restaurant and put a special drug in the dishes the girls ordered. The plan was to wait for the drug to take effect then enter and abduct the target out of the city. No one would be the wiser.

Their client didn’t say they wanted the target dead; they only wanted to compromise her and damage her reputation. josei

The two men had never done this before, but it wasn’t difficult: abduct, rape, attract attention. Done. It was a simple task worth 500 gold.

And they didn’t even have to set any fires or kill anyone. Instead, they got to have fun with a girl in an open and honest manner according to their profession. It couldn’t have been a more perfect mission. If it weren’t for their talent and skill, how could they have scooped such a cushy mission?

The plan was good and the two girls had passed out, but the intended target was fine.

What the hell was going on? When they came in, the girl was definitely eating, so how could she still be conscious?!

The men didn’t understand. The boss felt there was something strange with the girl; it was better to be careful and avoid force. Instead they would try to outsmart her.

“Why would I want to go with you?” These guys were so strange. They said some nonsensical things after walking in on people eating. Was this the Mad People disease Ai Lin talked about?! Feng Wu’s eyes sparkled.

Mad People disease was a word Feng Wu learned from Ai Lin. Ai Lin quarreled with Yifu every day. She said Yifu had Mad People disease.

People with Mad People disease had problems with their brains and it was impossible to reason with them. The best thing to do was to ignore them or suppress them with force.

The two guys in the room must have problems with their brains, therefore, they had to have Mad People disease!

The two men: ". . . " Why do I feel something is wrong?

“Why? Well if you don’t want anything to happen to your two classmates here, you’ll come with us.” The boss shook off the apprehension in his heart and threatened Feng Wu with a gloomy face.

Why did this little girl give him such a weird feeling?! The intel clearly said she was a normal, ordinary little girl!

Illusion, it had to be an illusion!

“What will happen to them?” Feng Wu tilted her head as she became more and more puzzled. Sure enough, Ai Lin was right. You couldn’t communicate with people who had Mad People disease.

“M, this girl is just trying to stall for time. Let’s just knock her out and take her away.” The boss felt the girl’s question was stupid. She was messing with them and trying to buy time for rescue to arrive. How could he, a professional villain, let her scheme succeed?

“. . . ” So just punch her like he wanted to earlier? So much nonsense and they still went back to his punching people in the end. He rushed forward with his fist raised again and aimed for the back of Feng Wu’s head.

He didn’t want to kill her, just knock her out with a concussion.

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