The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 567-568

Chapter 567-568: Five Out of Ten Live; Four Out of Five Live

567: Five Out of Ten Live

Zo wanted to use the opportunity to create issues for Zi Cheng and possibly force her to stay in Blue Moon forever, however, Ai Lin vetoed the idea.

Zi Cheng was the heroine and was blessed by the world’s consciousness. It was possible to make her suffer and lose opportunities here and there, but doing something like killing her was off limits. If Ai Lin dared, she would be punished and the world’s consciousness may even obliterate her.

Without Ai Lin’s cooperation, there was nothing Zo could do but scrap the plan.

He was really worried about Ai Lin being in Blue Moon. There was only the two of them fighting against Zi Cheng. If something happened to Ai Lin, Zo would be left to fight alone.

Yifu was suspicious about Zi Cheng’s disappearance. The school said Zi Cheng had left on a secret mission and would not be back for a while. Zi Cheng never mentioned a secret mission even though they had a date to go shopping the next day, and Zi Cheng wasn’t the kind of person to disappear without saying anything.

Yifu suspected the teachers were lying, but she had no proof. Even though she was unhappy, she couldn’t fight them by herself. There was nothing she could do other than stew in her own anxiety.

Feng Wu and the other girls couldn’t know how worried everyone in the outside world was for them.

At that moment, Feng Wu was using Xiao Chun to slit a girl’s throat.

Feng Wu felt deep malice and strong killing intent earlier, so she knew the person truly wanted to kill her. The thought of showing mercy never crossed her mind. Her master said kindness to the enemy was cruelty to oneself, and that letting an enemy go would only come back to bite you.

Those who failed once would learn from their experience, so letting them learn how to make your life more difficult was foolish. It was better to directly kill them from the beginning.

Feng Wu was an obedient child; she always listened to her master. Like the last time when Yifu tried to kill her, if Ming Xi and the others hadn’t stopped her, she would never have let Yifu live.

But this time in the forest, there was no one to stop her, so Feng Wu easily killed the girl intent on killing her.

The moment she finished, she was transported back to the room from earlier. Head Steward Mo Yan was smiling at her and the other three girls standing nearby.

Another girl materialized after Feng Wu. She was not as calm and was clearly rattled. Her fight must have been fierce because her hands and clothes were covered in blood. She burst into tears when she realized she was no longer in the forest.

She didn’t forget where she was and stopped crying after a few hiccups. This was not the time or place.

“Ladies, you are doing very well. Today’s test is over. A maid will take you to your rooms to rest.” Mo Yan nodded in satisfaction.

The girls breathed a sigh of relief upon learning they would not have to fight any more for the night. Ai Lin and Zi Cheng were both strong fighters but that didn’t mean they wanted to fight for no reason. The girls were just innocents who wanted to survive.

If they could live well, why would they think about killing and suffering?

Rows of maids dressed in white appeared to take the girls to their respective rooms. On the way, they passed by many maids working in the hall. Their eyes and faces were devoid of all expression.

They were like corpses whose intent was only work.

The sight of the doll-like lifeless girls was horrifying and inexplicable to the four girls. Feng Wu wasn’t bothered.

Why were there so many maids suddenly? There weren’t any when they were dining earlier.

Feng Wu: “...” They were always there; you just couldn’t see them.

Feng Wu laid down on the bed in her room. The bed was big and the room beautiful but was cold and unwelcoming.

No matter how big her courage was, Feng Wu knew better than to fall asleep in such a place. She sat up cross legged on the bed to practice her qi.

The laws in this world allowed energy to exist in two forms: one was magic and the other was martial qi. The internal force she cultivated from her original world had been transformed into this world’s martial qi long ago.

After circulating the qi in her body for a bit, her fatigue disappeared. Her mood improved but her stomach grumbled so she took out some food from her space ring and proceeded to stuff her mouth.

Feng Wu looked at the blue wedding dress she was wearing. It was gorgeous, though difficult to move in. She wanted to change but found it impossible to pull the dress off. She frowned and gave up.

Ai Lin had also been practicing qi for a while. After her body recovered, she began to think about her next move. There would be another test tomorrow and another person would die.

Thereafter, one more person would die each day until only one girl remained. After thinking about the plot, Ai Lin thought she knew what the task for tomorrow would be.

If everything in the woods was an appetizer, then everything tomorrow would be the main course.

Tomorrow the five of them would drop to four. She had enough information to survive. Zi Cheng would also be fine. Feng Wu had an unusual sword, so she should also be fine. Thinking about it like that, the one likely to die would be one of the other remaining two girls.

While Ai Lin was thinking about who would die, Zi Cheng was communicating with her system. Her system had evolved and developed and could communicate more.

568: Four Out of Five Left

After talking to the system, Zi Cheng concluded they were in an unknown side world owned by the Duke of Blue Moon. The only way to leave was to redeem a preposterous number of points for an item.

Zi Cheng was relieved to know there was a way out even if it was grossly expensive. She was determined to leave. She didn’t want to stay in the morbid castle and be the duke’s wife.

The other two girls were too terrified to sleep. They tried meditating but couldn’t calm down. Their minds were a mess and their chests felt heavy.

Early next morning, the Blue Moon castle maids appeared and invited them to the front hall for breakfast.

The girls walked over wearing their rumpled wedding dress.

The dining table was already filled with delicious and rare food that filled the room with a wonderfully, delightful and appetizing aroma.

Head Steward Mo Yan quietly waited at the side, watching them finish their breakfast.

Breakfast was a tasteless affair for everyone but Feng Wu. The other girls were preoccupied and couldn’t taste the food at all.

After the meal, Mo Yan led them out of the castle and into the Blue forest. Today’s task was for one of the four to die. They would not be teleported out until the task was complete. They were, however, not allowed to kill each other.

After Mo Yan explained the rules, he disappeared and a barrier materialized around the forest, locking them inside.

Strange blue monsters appeared stealthily. The monsters in the forest were unique to the Blue Moon realm. They were powerful, bloodthirsty monsters with thick hide and sharp teeth.

“No... don’t come here...” cried out a girl. She had red eyes and was holding a staff.

“What kind of monsters are those?” Another girl was so frightened that her hands and feet turned cold and her heart beat wildly. The monsters looked too powerful for them to deal with.

Ai Lin took out her staff and prepared for battle. Something flashed in Zi Cheng’s eyes and her lips pursed slightly.

Feng Wu held Xiao Chun in hand with her normal expressionless face. Xiao Chun was puzzled. What were these monsters? Why did they feel so strange?

They didn’t look like creatures from the human world, demon world, ascended god realm, or the underworld.

It was impossible for Xiao Chun to know they were creatures created by the duke. They were non-sentient monsters designed to kill and were completely subservient to their master, the Duke of Blue Moon.

The duke didn’t have to order them to attack, their killing instincts caused them to surround the girls intruding in the forest immediately.


Thunderous roars burst through the forest. The girls raised their weapons to defend the oncoming onslaught.

The alien monsters were so ferocious that within a short period of time someone was injured. The sweet scent of blood made them even crazier.

Relying on her good position and extraordinary swordsmanship, Feng Wu moved among the monsters without being injured.

Ai Lin struggled with the strange beasts, but her life wasn’t in danger. This was because of all the good things she had, such as the inheritance from the god tomb, all the things she managed to snatch away from Zi Cheng, and all the secret knowledge she had from having read the novel. These were all trump cards she used to stay safe.

As for Zi Cheng, she was the heroine of the original novel so her luck was naturally good and nothing bad happened to her.

The only people in a truly precarious position were the other two girls. They were bloodstained and getting weak from blood loss. They did not look good.

Just then, probably because she thought the girls were too relaxed, one of the endangered girls rushed toward Feng Wu, Ai Lin and Zi Cheng. Being next to them had to be safer!

The other girl saw this and did the same.

Feng Wu frowned and moved away. After being plotted against so many times, she was on guard and finally understood the meaning behind her master’s teachings.

Ai Lin backed away slightly but Zi Cheng stayed in place, intentionally remaining in the same spot fighting the monsters.

Zi Cheng knew she couldn’t save both of them, nor did she intend to. She wasn’t actually a Mother Theresa; she was just pretending to be good to get favorability points. There was no reason for her to go to the effort of moving – it was impossible for the girls to plot against her.

The two injured girls hid beside Zi Cheng and stayed safe under her protection. They breathed a lot easier.

One of the girls had cold killing intent and determination in her eyes as she faced the monsters.

Five people entered and only four would leave. She had to be one of the survivors.

The other girl obviously had the same idea. Both of them set their sights on Zi Cheng at the same time. Zi Cheng was powerful and carried a lot of high-level scrolls and potions. She would be a formidable competitor in the future.

Instead of attacking the person with the same strength, it was better to join forces and kill the stronger person to increase their own odds of survival. josei

The two injured girls communicated with their eyes. They attacked with powerful magic at the same time intending to kill Zi Cheng.

Ai Lin was amazed as she watched to two cannon fodder girls attempt to kill Zi Cheng.

They were so going to die.

And indeed attacking Zi Cheng was the same thing as committing suicide. Zi Cheng wasn’t someone who would die that easily. Such a dangerous situation where living and dying was perilous, how could she leave her back unprotected?

The moment the girls made their move, the magic wand in Zi Cheng’s hand condensed powerful magic and struck them both. It was a high-level fire elemental attack.

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