The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 583, 584, 585, 586

Chapter 583, 584, 585, 586

583: Everyone’s Reactions

“Kidnapped?! Someone has the courage to kidnap Feng Ye? Their courage is commendable!” The assistant principal couldn’t help feeling some admiration for the fools.

Theresa felt a headache coming on. Xiao Ye was missing! It was no time to admire people! The assistant principal, who usually loved Xiao Ye the most, still had the heart to praise the villains!

“Assistant Principal, now that Xiao Ye is gone, what should we do? Think of a way please! What if something happens to Xiao Ye?!” Theresa couldn’t help yelling out in frustration.

She would never have had the guts to yell at him under normal circumstances, but right now Xiao Ye was missing, and the assistant principal was behaving unreliably. She couldn’t bear it.

Unexpectedly, the assistant principal waved his hand. “Don’t worry, that kid will be fine. You go back to your dorm and wait for news. The kid will come back soon enough.” The assistant principal spoke confidently.

This was the elf king. He would remain alive and well even if everyone on the continent suffered an accident. The elf king perished after saving the world so the world’s consciousness would definitely be partial to the reborn king and keep him safe.

Theresa was kicked out of the vice principal’s office, but she couldn’t be as laisse faire about it as the vice principal; after all Little Bun went missing on her watch. Have her sit and wait for news? Absolutely not! She had to find Little Bun!

Determined, Theresa returned to the seventh-year section and gathered several classmates to search for Little Bun together. All of them had been Little Bun’s babysitter at one time or another.

Because of Theresa’s movement, most of the school knew about Little Bun’s disappearance by midday, including Jier, Ink, Elena and the others. Little Bun’s disappearance was a huge deal.

Elena tried to get a hold of Ming Xi, but had no luck contacting him.

Jier and Ink knew Ming Xi had gone to rescue Feng Wu from the Duke of Blue Moon and was currently recuperating in the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom with Feng Wu. The two had to have suffered a lot. It wasn’t a good time to make them worry.

Considering all this, Jier and Ink decided not to contact Feng Wu about the problem. Instead they organized fellow classmates, who were willing to help, to go and search for Little Bun.

Within half a day, most of the students in school were devoted to finding Little Bun.

Those students who had no connection to Little Bun stopped paying attention to the story after expressing a few words of obligatory concern, while those who hated Feng Wu gloated upon hearing the news.

Yifu was obviously amongst the latter. Who knew how many boys were turned off by her behavior? Even if they didn’t say it, they preferred kind and cute girls over cruel and vicious ones. It was fine if Yifu didn’t care about Little Bun’s disappearance, but to gloat about it was too much. To not tolerate a child and to show such a vicious mind, Yifu was too ugly and her undisguised feelings were off putting.

She didn’t know, because of her undisguised feelings, many students chose to keep their distance from her. She didn’t notice their reactions to her because she was so overjoyed about Little Bun’s disappearance.

As for Jasmine, though she wished unhappiness upon Feng Wu, she wasn’t so perverted she would wish misfortune upon a child. Little Bun stayed in their dorm for nearly two years and she had watched him grow from being a baby that barely crawled to a little toddler that ran on nearly limitless energy.

Jasmine never showed Little Bun physical affection and often called him a bastard, but she didn’t actually hate the little guy.

Other than a pervert, who could truly hate such a beautiful and cute child?

“I heard Xiao Ye is missing. What should we do? Xiao Wu isn’t here. If Xiao Wu doesn’t see Xiao Ye when she comes back, she’ll be so sad!” Annika was worried.

Everyone in the dorm had watched Little Bun grow up, and when Feng Wu was busy, Annika provided a lot of free babysitting.

Xi slapped the table and stood up, announcing solemnly, “We can’t just sit and watch. Let’s all go out tomorrow morning and help find Xiao Ye together.”

Annika immediately nodded in agreement. It was so late already. Even if they went out, they wouldn’t be able to search very well. Waiting until tomorrow was best.

“How are you going to find him?” Jasmine asked calmly after taking a sip of freshly squeezed juice.

“It doesn’t matter; even if we have to turn the city upside down, we will definitely find Xiao Ye.” Xi said firmly.”

“Yes.” Annika nodded in agreement again.

“You’re looking so aimlessly, how long is it going to take you to find him?” Jasmine frowned.

“How we find him has nothing to do with you, so you can stop gloating.” Xi was displeased.

“I’m not gloating!” Jasmine pointed at herself, her eyes wide in shock.

“Aren’t you? Who doesn’t know you can’t wait for something bad to happen to Xiao Wu? Now that Xiao Wu will be sad because of Xiao Ye’s disappearance, I’m sure you’re just dying of happiness.” Xi rolled her eyes at Jasmine as if to say, “Hello, I can see right through you.”

“Believe it or not, although I hate Feng Wu, I don’t hate the little toddler. If you want to find Xiao Ye, you must not work so aimlessly. Going blindly will only waste time and energy. Why don’t you go to the place where he was last seen and see if anyone saw anything? You’ll find better clues with a target in mind, is all I’m saying.” Jasmine walked upstairs to her room with her juice after speaking her piece.

After Jasmine left, Xi turned to Annika and asked, “Is she really so kind?”

Annika smiled, “Jasmine isn’t as bad as you think she is. Even if what she says aren’t nice, she has no ill intentions toward Xiao Ye.”

“Who knows what she’s planning.” Xi wasn’t convinced. She didn’t think Jasmine would suddenly be so helpful.

“Well, whether Jasmine really wants to help or not, what she said does make sense. Instead of looking around blindly, it’ll be better if we look for witnesses.”

“That’s the best thing to do. If she is sincere, then she isn’t as bad as I thought.” Xi said reluctantly.

584: The Secret Plan Is. . . 

Jasmine wasn’t the only one who thought that way. Many smart people also organized groups to find witnesses for the attack and subsequent kidnapping.

A pity, despite the countless people they asked, no one had any clues. Finally someone found a beggar who saw something. The beggar said he saw someone attacking the old lady, and the person was wearing a white cloak. The face was obscured, but from the figure, it was probably a woman.

Knowing only the gender didn’t help much.

Now what was Little Bun doing while everyone was out searching for him?

In a certain room in a certain house in Zhongyang, a beautiful woman with a creepy smile was holding Xiao Ye in her arms.

“This disgusting child is Feng Wu’s bastard child. Now that we have him, shouldn’t we proceed to the next step?” Hua Jin looked at Little Bun with disdain.

“What’s the hurry? Are you afraid we can’t catch Feng Wu even with this little guy in our hands?” The woman’s smile seemed to have a hidden meaning.

“Mei Luo, don’t forget what you promised me.” Hua Jin frowned in worry.

A few days ago, Mei Luo had approached her to discuss ways to deal with Feng Wu together. She had proposed many ideas.

As the saying went: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Hua Jin didn’t understand why Mei Luo hated Feng Wu so much, but she didn’t care. All that mattered to her was if Mei Luo could help her or not.

They reached a cooperative relationship easily and settled on kidnapping Feng Wu’s child. Once they got him, Feng Wu wouldn’t be able to do anything for fear of harming her child, after which, dealing with her would be as simple as uttering a single word.

They thought it would be easy to kidnap the child, but they never expected the child to catch the vice principal’s favor, or for the vice principal to love and protect him so much.

This made it impossible to stage an abduction on school grounds. Just as they thought they wouldn’t be able to do it, Theresa took the kid out of the academy and a once in a century wave formed at the same time. Everything lined up perfectly and they were successful in kidnapping Feng Wu’s child.

It was Hua Jin’s maid who abducted the child. Because school regulations forbade students from having personal servants on campus, Hua Jin had arranged for the maid to stay at her two-story bungalow.

The bungalow was beautiful and in an excellent location near the temple. It was where Hua Jin often spent her free time.

Feng Wu’s child had been kept in the bungalow since his abduction. It wasn’t an ideal solution. Remaining in Zhongyang, sooner or later, people would track him down. It was imperative they moved him to a different location.

Hua Jin had invited Mei Luo and the perverted guy she made a deal with over to her bungalow to help her with the move.

“Don’t worry, I won’t forget. I heard that Prince Ming Xi likes Feng Wu very much. He even chased her all the way to Blue Moon castle. Even after we get rid of Feng Wu, are you sure Prince Ming Xi will have you in his heart?” Mei Luo pursed her lips into a smile as she put Little Bun into the crib.

“What do you know?! That woman is a vixen. Brother Ming Xi and I grew up together. If it weren’t for her, there would be no reason for him to not choose me.” Hua Jin said with a grim expression.

She gritted her teeth as she thought of Feng Wu. Her wish, ever since she was little, had been to be the next queen, to stand in a high place like her aunt and be worshipped by all the women in the world.

But Feng Wu’s appearance ruined everything – her dreams, her hopes. She refused to let a dishonorable woman like Feng Wu destroy her hopes. She would destroy Feng Wu first.

“Really?” Mei Luo wasn’t really convinced.

After returning to the Adventurer’s guild, Mei Luo explained to her grandfather how she managed to escape Blue Moon castle, but she concealed her new demonic human nature. Instead, she talked about how Ming Xi entered the realm to rescue Feng Wu and that she was able to escape because the duke lost interest in her and had tossed her out after Feng Wu left.

There was nothing wrong with her explanation. It was a bit strange the Duke of Blue Moon would let her go so easily, but since his granddaughter returned, he wasn’t going to investigate too thoroughly.

Mei Luo rested at home for a few days before heading out to Zhongyang under the pretext that it would be a relaxing trip. She then used some of her grandfather’s influence to investigate Feng Wu’s history.

What Mei Luo learned made her even more disdainful of Feng Wu. The future emperor of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom risked his life and went to Blue Moon to save this kind of a girl? One who had a baby out of wedlock Mei Luo really hated Feng Wu.

She was better than Feng Wu a thousand times over. Why did no one come and save her?!

And that Prince Ming Xi, he could have saved her with just one word, but he didn’t. Instead he let her stay in Blue Moon and die. That man was not a good person.

If it weren’t for the two of them, she would never have become a demonized human. Now she wasn’t a human being anymore. Now she was an extremely rare demonized human.

The power of a demonized human wasn’t that powerful amongst the different types of demons. But she had an ability other demons didn’t have – she could change her aura freely, so unless she was willing to reveal her demon nature, no one would know she wasn’t fully human.

“Don’t talk so much you two. What we should do now is to get this little thing out of the city as soon as possible. Having him stay in the city is too dangerous,” said the man.

A trace of impatience flashed in his eyes. He had no interest in how the two women felt. His only interest was in getting his that item he wanted as soon as possible.

“Feng Yi, do you have a good way?” Hua Jin took a deep breath, suppressing her other thoughts. The important thing now was getting the kid out.

“I’ll make arrangements later tonight.” The brown-haired man said calmly.

“I will wait for your news then.”

Hua Jin smiled in satisfaction. If Feng Yi said there was a way, then there was a way. Based on her understanding of him, there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do to get what he wanted. It was why he rarely failed.

585: Where is Little Bun?

Feng Yi, the third prince of the kingdom of Wind, was the strongest and the most perverted of the seven princes in the kingdom. His parents were the current emperor and empress.

The empress had two sons with the emperor, the eldest prince and the third prince. The other five princes were born from the emperor’s other four wives.

The eldest prince and Prince Feng Yi were the two most likely candidates to be the next emperor. Hua Jin knew Feng Yi didn’t want his elder brother to ascend to the throne. He would never accept losing just because of their birth order, which was why he hastily developed his own underground influence and even made the deal he did with her.

The three kidnappers left separately after they finished discussing how to transfer the little guy.

Locked in a room by himself, Little Bun sat on a small bed not crying or making a fuss. When a maid came in to feed him, he opened his mouth and obediently.

After everyone left, Little Bun tapped his chin like a little adult thinking deeply.

“Are these bad guys trying to use me to lure mom out? They really are big villains, to even dare kidnap me. How to teach them a lesson. . . ”

Little Bun thought hard but couldn’t come up with a satisfactory way.

“Little White.” Xiao Ye called Little White’s name in a low voice and a white creature appeared in the empty room.

Who was this guy if not Little White.

Speaking of yesterday’s situation, when Hua Jin’s maid tried to abduct Little Bun, Little White had immediately wanted to stop it. Although Little White’s combat abilities were low, its defensive barrier was top notch and few could break through it.

As long as Little Bun and Little White were together, it would be fair to say they would never be kidnapped.

But Little Bun was curious about what the person wanted so he told Little White not to do anything. The abduction went so smoothly because Little Bun was actively cooperating. Who would have thought a little guy under two would even have such ideas.

They kidnappers thought it was due to their good fortune, but it wasn’t the case at all.

“Little master, do you now when you want to return yet?” Little White sent the sound transmission to Little Bun with an expectant expression.

“No, I want to stay here and see what they want to do.” Little Bun shook his head seriously. He spoke in a soft, childlike voice. These bad guys wanted to do bad things to his mother. As a righteous baby, he had to protect his mother and get rid of the bad guys.

“But Little Master, Master will be worried if you don’t go back.” Little White knew Little Bun’s favorite person was Feng Wu. In order to keep its mischievous little master from dying, it would have to get Feng Wu.

“Don’t worry. Don’t worry. When I catch the bad guys, Mother will praise me.” Little Bun said childishly.

Little White: Master, come back quickly. Little White can’t stop the little master from courting disaster. Little White can’t understand the little master’s thoughts. . . 

“Little White, don’t you think the villain Mei Luo is a bit strange? She smells rotten. So bad. She stinks!” Little Bun frowned as he talked about Mei Luo.

Mei Luo gave Little Bun a bad feeling. Obviously, all three were bad people, so why did he especially dislike the one named Mei Luo. Little Bun couldn’t figure it out.

He didn’t know it was because it was one of his talents as an elf. All elves were pure and kind-hearted. As the king of elves, Little Bun not only saw the good and evil in people’s hearts, he could also see the hidden devil energy as well.

If the assistant principal was there, he would have understood what was going on. Unfortunately, even though Little Bun’s instincts had awakened, the memories from his previous life had not, so there were many things he didn’t understand.

The current Little Bun was still too small and his physical strength couldn’t bear too much power. His powers would unseal slowly in the future.

Little White didn’t understand Little Bun’s ability. It already took all its concentration just to hide from the kidnappers so it hadn’t noticed anything amiss.

Little White shook its head honestly.

“You didn’t smell it? How is that possible? It was so stinky.” Little Bun couldn’t believe it.

Little White shook its head again. It wasn’t lying. It really hadn’t smelled anything.

After Little White’s confirmation, Little Bun finally believed it and dropped the matter.

“Little Master, there are a lot of people looking for you outside. I saw Jier and Ink passing by on the street several times already.” Little White said impatiently.

If it hadn’t been for the little master telling it to stop, it would have already rushed out to tell Jier.

“It’s OK. I’ll write a letter. You help me give it to Uncle Jier and the others. That way they’ll stop looking for me. I’m sure I’ll be fine.” Little Bun was confident.

That night, after Jier returned to the dorm, he found a note in his room.

The contents, written in crooked script, were as follows:

“Uncle Jier, you don’t have to look for me. I will return after defeating the bad guys.”

It took Jier a long time to decipher the crooked handwriting.

Little Bun was a very smart child and had already recognized a lot of words at a young age. But whether he could write them legibly was another matter all together.

With such small hands, just being able to hold a pen was already remarkable. Expecting him to have good penmanship, well that was just too much.

“Xiao Ye! When you come back I will definitely spank your little bottom!” Jier was so angry that the crumpled the piece of paper and threw it to the ground.

Then thinking about it, he immediately bent over and picked it up. He took the note and stormed off to the assistant principal.

The principal had been absent for a while and general school affairs were decided by the assistant principal. For example, Little Bun’s disappearance, they news was reported to the assistant principal.

The assistant principal, who had just finished dinner, was about to go back to his study and chew on melon seeds while reading. He didn’t even get a chance to pull out his book when a knock sounded on his door.

586: To Guess Correctly

The vice principal went to open the door, but not before scratching his beard irritably twice. Outside, Jier stood standing with a bad look on his face. This of course confused the vice principal.

“School is already out for the day; even a vice principal needs rest. Student Jier, I must point out to you, your lack of consideration for others is unacceptable behavior,” said the vice principal as he huffed his beard out twice.

Jier angrily handed the note over.

The vice principal glared at Jier but didn’t say a word until after he read it.

“You came to me in such a huff over this?” The assistant principal looked at Jier speechlessly, but unfortunately his white beard made it hard to see his expression clearly.

“I finally got a clue that might be useful. Assistant Principal, isn’t your reaction a little too subdued?” Jier said unhappily. He glared accusingly and a bit suspiciously at the assistant principal.

He had already discovered the assistant principal wasn’t in a hurry to find Little Bun, which was really at odds with how much the assistant principal favored Little Bun.

The assistant principal’s abnormal attitude puzzled Jier. It felt like the assistant principal was hiding something very important from all the students.

“I told you that Xiao Ye is safe but all of you still had to go out and search with so much fanfare. This is just asking for extra work.” The old man had already tried to tell the students, but not only did they not listen, but they even looked at him like he was cruel and merciless.

This group of students didn’t understand how to respect for their old and wise elders. They were surely going to be unlucky.

“Isn’t it because you’ve been unclear? Now we don’t even know where Xiao Ye is, whether his life is in danger or not, and we don’t know what the kidnapper intends to do.

You tell us not to worry and to not go searching for Xiao Ye, but how is that even possible?!

If you want us to be at ease, then you should at least tell us why you are so sure Xiao Ye is fine!”

Jier had wanted to ask for a long time now why the assistant principal was so sure Xiao Ye was fine. How did he know Xiao Ye would come back on his own after he was done playing outside? What a joke! Him, come back by himself?!

“Okay, okay, Student Jier, you just do what Xiao Ye said in the letter. It is getting late and I don’t want to keep you, so you go on back to bed early now you hear? That’s all. Goodnight and goodbye!” The assistant principal didn’t wait for Jier to respond before shoving him out the door and closing it firmly behind him.

Jier scowled at the stinky old man and reluctantly returned to his dorm.

“What happened? What did the assistant principal say?” Jier’s roommates immediately surrounded him and asked before he could even step all the way through the door.

“He says that as long as we do as Xiao Ye says in the letter, everything should be fine. There’s no need to be worried.” Jier snorted.

“How can that be? Xiao Ye tells us not to look for him and we should really do that? He’s barely two for goodness sake!”

“And who knows if the note was really from Xiao Ye? Maybe someone left it to deliberately fool us!”

“Yes! Very possible!”

“Okay! That’s enough.” Jier raised his hand up and made a stop gesture, then he said, “I am at least 90% certain this note is from Xiao Ye.” Besides Xiao Ye, no one could have written such ugly words. It was more accurate to say the words were undecipherable scribbles than words.

Jier didn’t think it was possible for anyone else to imitate Xiao Ye’s handwriting.

“Haven’t you guys wondered? Xiao Ye is just a baby, how did he put the note in Jier’s room?” Ink, who had been standing behind the others spoke out suddenly.

He raised an important point that couldn’t be ignored.

Yes, how did Xiao Ye, who was a baby, manage to not only write the note but to deliver it by himself?! josei

Don’t kid around. This wasn’t something a baby could do. If he could, then he had to be a god baby or something.

“You’re right! It’s impossible for Xiao Ye to run back to school and leave the note in Jier’s room.”

“It’s true. How old is Xiao Ye? How could he deliver the note and leave school without disturbing anyone? He’s such a small child. No way he could have done it!”

Jier’s roommates discussed it for a long time but no one could come up with a reliable and believable answer.

“I know!” Ink shouted.

His sudden outburst startled everyone, especially Jier, who had been wondering if he had overlooked something. Ink’s shout scattered away the idea that was just forming in his head.

“What did you think of?” Everyone looked to Ink.

Ink immediately said, “You guys forgot about Little White. With Little White around, it would be strange for Xiao Ye to be kidnapped. Xiao Ye followed the kidnappers on purpose. He must have sent Little White with the message.”

Ink’s face was full of pride once he finished his conjecture. Upon turning around to look at everyone, he found they were staring at him wide-eyed.

“What?” Ink took two steps back. Their eyes were strange and a little scary.

“It’s nothing. It’s just we suddenly discovered you’re smart.” It wasn’t until Ink mentioned it that they thought of the problem none of them saw.

Xiao Ye had the shengmu, with this kind of guardian to protect him, it was unreasonable for him to disappear without a trace. Something was fishy.

“The shengmu's probably not by Xiao Ye’s side. It is very elusive, much like Xiao Wu’s contracted spirit, Litty. No one knows where to find them unless they want to be found.”

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